Just out of Curiosity...

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Jan 14, 2022 5:55 am
The only one of the listed modules that I have played (relatively) recently is the Expedition to the Barrier Peaks. When I was a kid I bought a lot of the AD&D modules. I think my parents donated my early RPG collection to a charity yard sale when I moved out after high school, so I haven't laid eyes on any of them in thirty years or more. As we go through them it is possible that I'll remember a bit here and there, but I'm probably just as likely to play through them without recognizing anything but their titles. Using Barrier Peaks as an example, I had read it back in the day but had never played through it until a couple of years ago. There were some minor details that I remembered when I encountered them, but for the most part, it felt like I was seeing everything for the first time.
Jan 14, 2022 6:41 am
I'm newer to that particular era, so I'm very unfamiliar with any of the listed modules
Jan 14, 2022 2:41 pm
Our DM preferred to homebrew so I'm completely unfamiliar with those modules.
Jan 14, 2022 7:57 pm
Smile. All modules are always new to me.

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