Apr 9, 2020 5:27 pm
Hello, I hope everyone is staying healthy! After playing in a game, reading some guides, and pursuing some of the public games, in addition to running in-person games for years, I think I'm ready to run a campaign of my own. And, I won't lie, this lockdown situation has got me itching to run Beyond the Mountains of Madness, which I bought off eBay years ago, but never ran. However, that's a pretty big undertaking for my first GamersPlane game, so I was thinking about first running one of the shorter scenarios from the 7th Edition book Doors to Darkness, which I've also had for a while but never run. Now, while these wouldn't be one-shots in the traditional sense, would anyone be interested in a shorter-than-average, single scenario adventure, probably posting 3-5 times a week?