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Dec 19, 2014 6:14 pm
Hi all:

I found Gamers Plane on Twitter and when I checked out the site, I was immediately intrigued. I've never played by post before, other than a brief wild mage game back in the mid-90s. However, I've gamed since the early 80s, and have been pretty hardcore for the past 20 years. I usually (2/3 of the time) am the gamemaster, but enjoy playing.

I've previously run games using SpaceMaster, OD&D, D&D1e, D&D2e, D&D3e, Pathfinder, Feng Shui, Over the Edge, Star Wars (d20 & Fate versions), Usagi Yojimbo, Supernatural, Vampire: The Masquerade, Mage: The Ascension, Werewolf: The Apocalypse, Kindred of the East, and World of Darkness (mortal hunters). I'm currently running a Victorian Age Vampire and taking my turn(s) round robin DM'ing a D&D3.5 campaign, and am working up to run a Changeling: The Lost game in the new year.

I've played most of the games above, plus a bunch more. I'm looking forward to Feng Shui 2, Dragon Age core, and RoleMaster United all coming out in 2015, and trying out D&D5e with one of my groups.

Look forward to interacting with you lot!
Dec 19, 2014 6:19 pm
Welcome! That is a list of games far larger than I've played or even read, and some I'd not even heard of prior to now! I'm really excited to have another gamer with such a breadth of experience here. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the site and systems we have. I know not strictly on your list, but after some feature work, I'll be adding 13th Age next, which seems up your alley.

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