School Daze

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Jun 4, 2020 4:08 am
Welcome to Claremont Academy, nestled in the hills of Bayview Heights, where it has an unchallenged view of Bayview, Port Regal, and the surrounding areas. The campus is picturesque and said to be a mirror image of the estate of the late 19th Century. Indeed, walking along the manicured lawns and admiring the Victorian-style brownstone buildings, one feels transported back to a different era. The fact is, though, between the various fires that plagued the Heights, the remodeling of the grounds from private estate to private school, and the damage incurred by the Terminus Invasion, little of the original buildings remain. The architecture has been kept authentic, and some of the buildings still have their original brickwork (reused over the years), but the campus is as modern as any 21st-century structure, thanks to the funds poured into the project by Duncan Summers.

Claremont Academy is a prestigious school in Freedom City; a school for very special students. You see, all of the students (and many of the staff) at Claremont Academy have unique abilities. Claremont endeavors to tutor these students in the use of their unique powers, as well as to prepare them for everyday life. In short, it's just like being back in high school, except that your classmates have super-strength, or the ability to fly unaided, or manipulate eldritch energies. Of course, you can generate and control fire, so what's new?

This will be a 3rd edition Mutants & Masterminds campaign set in Freedom City, more expressly, Claremont Academy. Each player will design an original PL8 character to play. Don't worry, we'll skip over the boring stuff like lectures and algebra class. That isn't to say that there won't be any teenaged problems or angst, but the focus will be on becoming full-fledged supers. Interested?
Jun 4, 2020 4:18 am
Count me in.
Jun 4, 2020 4:22 am
That isn't to say that there won't be any teenaged problems or angst, but the focus will be on becoming full-fledged supers.
How much focus will be on each of those, in your expectations?
The game sounds very interesting but I'm usually more interested in the former than the latter, though both sound good
Last edited Jun 4, 2020 4:57 am
Jun 4, 2020 4:53 am
How different is 3rd edition to 2nd. I don't have 3rd.
Jun 4, 2020 7:51 am
I'd like to be part of this :)
Jun 4, 2020 1:11 pm
bowlofspinach says:
That isn't to say that there won't be any teenaged problems or angst, but the focus will be on becoming full-fledged supers.
How much focus will be on each of those, in your expectations?
The game sounds very interesting but I'm usually more interested in the former than the latter, though both sound good
I would say the focus will probably be 40/60, though it could shift if the players want more one way or the other.
Jun 4, 2020 1:17 pm
Sounds good. I'm definitely interested then :)
Jun 4, 2020 1:43 pm
Machiabelly says:
How different is 3rd edition to 2nd. I don't have 3rd.
Oh boy. I guess the biggest differences are that 3E uses eight attributes instead of six (Strength, Stamina, Agility, Dexterity, Fighting, Intellect, Awareness, and Presence) and instead of a number from 3-18+ for stats, it borrows a page from True20 and uses the attribute value (-1, 0, 1, 2, etc.). There are fewer skills (16) that cover broader categories. Instead of drawbacks that grant extra points for character building, you have complications that grant hero points when they come into play. There are other differences, but I think that hits the highlights.

Here is a decent primer, and you might want to look at the Quickstart to get a feel for the game. Between the Hero SRD and knowledge of the existing system, I can nursemaid you through the rest.
Jun 4, 2020 8:30 pm
Very interested! Mark me down, please.
Jun 4, 2020 9:27 pm
I think I will give it a pass. Maybe if/when I pick up 3e.

Enjoy yourselves everyone.
Jun 4, 2020 9:48 pm
Okay, for those who are in, the link is here. I can take up to six players,
Last edited Jun 4, 2020 10:42 pm
Jun 16, 2020 4:03 am
Hey, anyone else want in on this? We could take three more.
Jun 16, 2020 4:20 am
I'd love to give this a try if you'll have me.
Jun 16, 2020 6:00 am
Awesome! C'mon down!!

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