[CLOSED] Terror Of The Graeul

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Jun 9, 2020 4:17 am
In the lands of Bastet, on the continent of Arastathiel, something lurks beneath the earth, attacking settlements and towns. Reports of those who survived the attacks said that the creatures that burst up at the center of the village were insectoid in nature, and that the swarm of them only seemed to be interested in capturing prey.
It started off slow but then began to grow more apparent that the incursions weren't likely to stop anytime soon.

As the attackers, now referred to as the Graeul, grew bolder and in greater numbers, more places were hit, destroyed, and left plenty of refugees with scars and nightmares. The five city states of Bastet began to communicate to try and get word on any tactics, but none have yet arisen. In the meantime, their gates are open to those affected, worried, or to those whom wish to assist. Plenty of refugees that retained their facilities sought to join up as volunteer guards.

You, the players, are among the masses, either as an adventurer for hire, grief-stricken refugee, or concerned individual. The tension is rising, for it is only a matter of time before the city they are in is targeted for another attack...
So, if that description of the game has piqued your interest, then I invite you to apply! The process is simple. In a PM, I'd like to see:
1) What type of player you are
2) What type of character you wish to play
3) Any experience you have
4) Anything else you wish to dhare

The reason I'm not asking for characters straight up is because I want to know a bit more about the players I'll be playing with, rather than their characters.

Additionally as a heads-up, this adventure will be pretty combat heavy, but will have spaces available for roleplay and exploration. Battles will be large, and the battles shall likely be fairly difficult.
Last edited June 15, 2020 11:34 pm
Jun 9, 2020 10:01 pm
This sounds like my type of game but it depends on what level you're planning to run. If the creatures are what I think they may be, first level characters would never survive. I'll send more in a PM
Jun 10, 2020 5:11 am
I'm potentially interested. Is this your homebrew setting? I'm a fan of those.

To answer your questions in order
1. I like to be silly when I game.
2. a hunter comes to mind. maybe a barbarian or a fighter.
3. I'm still learning 5e, but i'm in a couple pbp (some of which have been going on for a over a year) and i'm in a RL game as well.
4. I have an ongoing desire to be in a dinosaur riding campaign. I recognize that this is not that campaign.
Jun 12, 2020 7:28 am
This sounds great!

1) I am a player who loves playing the bombastic hero, likely with one liners.
2) This sounds perfect for a goblin evocation wizard. Somebody who loves explosions. Haha.
3) I’ve been playing 5e in person for over two years in the same campaign. Relatively new to this site but I’m a fast learner. :)
4) I love character driven role play. I have a tendency to get into my character’s head, as I’m a psychologist IRL.
Jun 13, 2020 4:46 am
First up, I wanna let you all know that I'm enjoying the applicatios being put forwards, and I'll be accepting them up until Sunday, so get them in today!

Second, there was a small misconception as to how the game will be played. Someone thought that the game would not be a linear adventure, but it very much is. The idea is to try and have one actually come to a conclusion, so the less excess there is, the better. That said, it's not going to totally be about combat, but don't expect a lot of freeform exploration either.
Jun 14, 2020 7:31 pm
To add to my last post then, I’m all about following the story too. I’m just interested in exploring how the events of the story impact the character. How friendships form in the party. That sort of thing.
Jun 15, 2020 12:30 pm
1) I play support most of the time, blue ranger kinda thing
2) Rogue or Druid or Druid Rogue
3) I'm new in this site but I've been playing DnD 5e for 3 years with some friends online.
4) I usually play gnome. I'm into making things or making others do things and I sometimes over extend gathering information.
Jun 15, 2020 9:09 pm
Applications will be reviewed shortly. As a reminder, anything submitted on or after Sunday, June 14th, will not be accepted, nor will anything not submitted via pm. As a part of the process, those instructions in of themselves are fairly essential to keeping things organized and eligible.

Applicants will be invited once the rest of the required info for the game has been posted into the forum.

Thank you again to all who applied/expressed interest.
Jun 15, 2020 10:17 pm
LegionChimera7 says:
Applications will be reviewed shortly. As a reminder, anything submitted on or after Sunday, June 14th, will not be accepted, nor will anything not submitted via pm. As a part of the process, those instructions in of themselves are fairly essential to keeping things organized and eligible.

Applicants will be invited once the rest of the required info for the game has been posted into the forum.

Thank you again to all who applied/expressed interest.

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