Christian tabletop rpg crowdfunding (Support me)!

Jul 7, 2020 8:11 am
Finally, a role playing tabletop rpg game created by a Christian for Christians!

Land of the Christians (LOTC) role-playing game is a storytelling game set in a christian world. The game can take place in any period of history in our world, in any world, if set in fantasy or science fiction world, so long as the character involved is a christian. The character can also be a non christian if the game is set before the new testament period.

This is a game that relies mainly on your imagination to play, although in some cases, the use of a die is needed. It is a game of fighting demons and monsters, converting non-Christians to become Christians, healing an injured team mate in a journey and/or discovering treasure chests. In other words, there is no limit to what the game can be except the limit of your imagination.

Kindly support at the link below!
Jul 7, 2020 9:25 am
This is just wrong on so many levels. It implies that existing games are somehow not suitable enough for Christians? That's rubbish. I've played D&D with a Mormon GM. All he did was say the deities were not gods but very powerful beings, and there was one overgod, and all was well. But this... wow. It gives me flashbacks to the 90's when there was some movement implying that D&D was of the devil. Furthermore, in 2020, it's quite offensive to make a game about converting people you know? Perhaps not from the perspective of your local dominant faith, but there are parts of the world where religious minorities are oppressed and suffer because of such messages. Really. I don't see this as a game that wants to give a safe place for people of one religion to play in. This is bigoted and closed-walled religious indoctrination level stuff.
Jul 7, 2020 9:45 am
I mean, if you look at it without that unique conversion mechanism, what are you left with?
* Your imagination to play
* Use of a die
* Fighting demons and monsters,
* Healing an injured team mate
* A journey and/or discovering treasure chests.

We all know that's D&D, which has you said correctly, is the devil in the shape of a scribbled cardboard 🤣
Jul 7, 2020 10:23 am
Khulod says:
This is just wrong on so many levels. ... This is bigoted and closed-walled religious indoctrination level stuff.
I think that's a little harsh. Neither of us has read her work (and I suspect we never will).

I agree with you and CESN - D&D is already compatible with Christianity. But that doesn't mean that this is a bad idea. This wouldn't be my cup of tea, but if people want to use RPGs to explore ideas that I'm not interested in, then that's cool too. I don't see anything intrinsically wrong about another system that tries to emphasise certain themes. Just as you can play horror games in D&D, but CotC might be better suited to it.

If there are rules for how to take over a school system and dilute science lessons, then yeah, that's not cool. But imma give the benefit of the doubt - it sounds like regular RPG with Jesus sprinkles.

Besides... if they're all stuck at home telling stories about converting people then at least they're not knocking on my door looking to spread the "good news".

I'm slightly more offended by a new member pimping an Indiegogo on their first day of joining. That's a bit icky.
Jul 7, 2020 12:12 pm
Politics, Religion, Fashion, TV programs, Stores, etc...there all trying to convert you, mostly for money, so who really cares if a game caters to one segment of the gaming population? If one even knows a bit of Marketing, you realize that Marketers target select groups for purchases. You cannot market a product to kids, adults and seniors all at the same time. If someone wants to play a Christian only RPG, cool on them. If someone wants to explore Horror ie World of Darkness, cool on them. If someone wants to play a Superhero with Tiny Supers, cool on them. Some people just get offended by the mere mention of religion...
Last edited July 7, 2020 12:13 pm
Jul 7, 2020 1:55 pm
I skimmed the description. What can this game do that other d20 can not?
Is there any special mechanics?

Why back this when there is a fairly well-crafted game (D&D 5e) filling the nice already
Jul 7, 2020 2:30 pm
Okay if you read the description -- like me you would probably see nothing overtly different than any other role playing games except for maybe the title -- it is just a world with a single deity that grants miracles and where magic exists as well (which I assume applies to the fantasy past setting -- aka DnD) -- not sure about the Sci-Fi part as that is not described -- further you use the full gambit of dice d100 down to d4 -- so very much akin to DnD as many other role playing systems do not use the entire gambit
Magic (Miracles and Spells)

Few LOTC adventures occur without the help of magic. Magic are known as miracles when cast by Christians and known as spells when cast by non-Christian characters. Some magic can only be performed by a Christian. Without a priest’s healing miracle, a warrior is likely t succumb to his or her wounds in the game. Without acts of miracles from God that come as a result of the worship of the musician, the threats faced by the characters of LOTCG will be so much greater.

The monsters also depend on magic. A dragon might breathe out fire against the characters while a wizard casts spells to turn giant statues into living monsters. These are just some of the perils that the characters face from the monsters.
So basically it appears that -- Christian = Cleric -- and anything that is not a Cleric -- is a Magic User of some sort


To me magic in DnD has always simply been -- science applied to a world where the dynamics are different than the one we live in -- aka where the science is called magic and it works differently -- can you imagine what a group of barbarians would think if you showed up with a grenade and a AK-47 ... heck the original stories of magic swords came about mainly due to the difference between copper, iron and steel weapons (aka science upgrades)


So I have to concur with the general consensus on this one (thus far) that its basically extremely poor marketing due to the same kind of prejudice we are trying to combat -- and I am actually a Christian (a disciple of Jesus) that reads and understands the Bible not just proclaims they are one. This closed minded prejudice goes to the "you are evil if you play DnD" claim which is still being propagated today but which has always been woeful wrong. Does role-playing have pros and cons, yes ... is it overtly evil, no .... but then again Jesus would not address the players or reach out to them by calling all of them bad names or claiming they are less in anyway -- because there is no Love in that just condemnation. To me this comes from the folks that simply claim to be christians but have not real idea of what it actually means to be a Christian as defined by God
Last edited July 7, 2020 2:31 pm
Jul 7, 2020 2:34 pm
Khulod says:
I'm slightly more offended by a new member pimping an Indiegogo on their first day of joining. That's a bit icky.

"Hey, I've never done anything for your community.

Never ran a game, never even played in a game, but, yet here I am asking you for money!

Please give me money!"


Wouldn't a bot account like this, that just pops on here trying to sell T-shirts or peddling other click-bait or something, get banned?
Last edited July 7, 2020 2:35 pm
Jul 7, 2020 2:43 pm
emsquared says:
Khulod says:
I'm slightly more offended by a new member pimping an Indiegogo on their first day of joining. That's a bit icky.
This has been extensively discussed on discord, the relevant passages of the holy scriptures interpreted and re-interpreted, but we only managed to narrow it down to 3 options:
* Spam
* Fishing
* The devil

There are rumours it could be a person as well, but that is too esoteric to even speak of!
Last edited July 7, 2020 2:44 pm
Jul 7, 2020 2:51 pm
CESN says:
emsquared says:
Khulod says:
I'm slightly more offended by a new member pimping an Indiegogo on their first day of joining. That's a bit icky.
This has been extensively discussed on discord, the relevant passages of the holy scriptures interpreted and re-interpreted, but we only managed to narrow it down to 3 options:
* Spam
* Fishing
* The devil

There are rumours it could be a person as well, but that is too esoteric to even speak of!
Hey, at least this one created an intro post first. That's an argument for a person. Or the devil. Or a devil person. Or a personal devil.
Jun 24, 2021 6:51 pm
Sounds interesting and I would play it. I understand the need for a game that is designed from the ground up to fit into a religious worldview, and what is lost when you don't do this. Few people in the TTRPG world quite appreciate how much is lost when you don't. I have also started conversations in facebook about how much you would have to change about DND to make it fit into a Christian worldview, taken literally, and have also gotten snarky replies. Anyway, good luck and let me know if you need a playtester.
Jun 25, 2021 2:13 pm
Certainly, raising an old thread from the dead falls under the general Biblical condemnation of sorcery?

But in case anyone was worried, this idea of a Christian-themed fantasy world has already been done; it's called Narnia Spiritual Warfare.
Last edited June 25, 2021 2:13 pm
Jun 25, 2021 2:25 pm
OK, but last i checked having more than one RPG on a similar topic was not quite a crime. Pathfinder and DND; Interface Zero and Cyberpunk.
Last edited June 25, 2021 2:26 pm
Jun 25, 2021 3:05 pm
Well I think it's a moot point really given that the campaign the OP linked to is no longer available on Indiegogo and the fact they have been inactive on the site for over 11 months means its doubtful they will respond to you on here.
Jun 25, 2021 4:42 pm
i have noticed a lot of convos moving kind of slow btw; was hoping for more heated discussion
Jun 25, 2021 5:20 pm
This isn't really the kind of place intended for heated discussions. That's not what people are here for.


Jun 26, 2021 5:08 am
"Heated" discussion is in fact discouraged here, manythings. Usually "heated" discussion means discussion that is filled with emotion and controversy. Thoughtful, rational, and respectful discussion is what we are aiming for on these forums.

The original post turned out to be a spam post that appeared on multiple sites. There's not much more to say about it, so I am locking this thread.

Manythings, if you'd like to discuss christian roleplaying games or games that incorporate real religions, please make a new and non-heated thread in Pen and Paper Games forum. Since you're new, you might want to also check out the forum rules.

If you'd like to have a more fast-paced convo, we do have a discord server. Go make yourself an introduction post here and our amazing moderator bowlofspinach will supply you with a link to it.

Thread locked