GM for Tunnels and Trolls?

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Jul 15, 2020 4:06 pm
I just (re)discovered T&T and was wondering if anyone would want to GM a game, perhaps an oldschool crawl?

Though I confess the solo adventuring, both solos and Dungeon Door is pretty damn awesome!
Jul 15, 2020 5:00 pm
Cut my RPGing teeth on T&T back in 1976. Right after I had bought the original wood grain D&D 1st ed 3 booklets game. Not being a War Gamer, I could not make hide nor hair of the rules. Living out in the country, I could not talk anyone into trying to play a game. So the T&T solitaire scenarios came in very handy. So I would be interested in playing, if a GM could be found.
Jul 15, 2020 8:17 pm
In the 80's I was a D&D heavy and could easily memorize all the daunting tables in AD&D. But then came age (and alcohol) and the older I got the less stats I wanted. T&T is just the right amount a slight crunch- and fun. Love that some battles only last one round. I think people overlooked T&T because of the daunting dice. But now, with apps, that's not a problem at all anymore.

PLUS Eight editions and they are all backwards compatible!
Last edited Jul 15, 2020 8:18 pm

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