Anime Reboot Accelerated, Looking for Players

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Jan 10, 2015 1:04 am
"We've all watched and fallen in love with many anime in our life times, but some of them don't age well. What if you could reboot your favorite story with (post-)modern conveniences, technologies, and mindsets.

This game aims to allow just that! We'll be voting on our favorite anime and playing through it with all-new characters in the Fate Accelerated game system.

It's going to be a short game, 2 or 3 scenarios. Just enough to get a feel for GamersPlane and FAE.

You wanna play a game?

Last edited January 10, 2015 1:04 am
Jan 10, 2015 6:24 am
What happens if the game takes place in the future for instance however? Like, Cowboy Bebop.

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