Fate Core character sheet error

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Jan 12, 2015 9:08 pm
I was testing out the character sheet for Fate Core, and I don't seem to have any way of setting the High Concept or Trouble aspects.

When viewing the character there are two lines under Aspects called "High Aspect" (should be "High Concept") and "Trouble".

When I choose to edit or create a character I can only add Aspects, when I finish editing the High Concept and Trouble lines are blank.

A few other points
- should be able to increase either Stress track to about 6 if necessary
- it would be nice for fate hacks, if you could remove, add and name stress tracks. In Fate Accelerated for example, there is only one stress track.
Jan 13, 2015 5:05 am
Hey dunderklumpen,

Sorry you're running into that problem! I'll take a look at the issue saving the High Concept and Trouble and get back to you ASAP.

As for the other points; I was originally going to create a different character sheet for Fate Accelerated, as I heard the game is somewhat different. I think I'll start up a thread about Fate games in general to get some idea of how different Fate games are connected to see if I should add more variability to the Fate Core character sheet, or split it up among different systems. Off the bat, I'm leaning to the later, but I may just be setting up more work than is necessary. I appreciate you bringing it up, I'll look at what we have there.
Jan 13, 2015 4:00 pm
I'd say that it would be easier to allow modification of the Fate Core sheet instead of a new "system" for each iteration. They all follow the same format: stunts, skills/approaches/professions, aspects, stress/consequences. The biggest difference is the name of aspects, the types (and lengths) of stress tracks, and the names of the skills/approaches/professions.

For example, Fate Accelerated has six approaches, and one stress track fixed at 3 boxes. Jadepunk has 6 professions, and they have different aspects "titles": portrayal, trouble, background, inciting incident, and belief. Atomic Robo uses skill modes and three of their aspects are based on each mode, and the stress track can go from 2 to 5 (I believe).

I'll keep my eye out for the thread you mentioned, though, and see if I can't add to the conversation there.
Jan 13, 2015 5:04 pm
I understand what you're saying Eldritch, but one of the things I wanted Gamers Plane to have since the beginning is a real feel to each character sheet. We currently have up the Fate Dresden RPG, which is nearly identical to the Fate Core character sheet, but slightly different. But because its different, I don't want to have a generic sheet up that you have to tweak to get right for the game, just like if you had a paper character sheet, the designer shouldn't have you doing the layout.

One thing I'm considering is decoupling the character sheets from the games and letting people submit character sheets of different types to the same game (may be worth it later on), but I feel like I want to give everyone an authentic feel when it comes to the char sheets. Maybe I'm trying too hard?
Jan 13, 2015 5:54 pm
I understand the DFRPG/Fate Core split, because they're different games. DFRPG is a prior edition/iteration of the Fate rules. But I see what you're saying.

Another thing to keep in mind, for Fate anyway, is that all the sheets look pretty much the same with slight changes here and there. But decoupling character sheets from the games and having submissions from the fans would be awesome.
Jan 13, 2015 7:39 pm
Its definitely on the list of things to do... but when I get to it is a different issue.

I'll get to figuring out the current Fate bugs, and I'll put up a thread to figure out the next steps for Fate, which will lead to the next steps for character sheets in general.
Jan 13, 2015 10:28 pm

I didn't mention how much I liked the site so far, kudos to you for what you have done so far.

The High Concept and trouble issues aren't huge breaking issues. Its clear that there's some bug there, but they don't stop the character sheets from being useable.

A pure Fate Core game is a relatively rare beast, Fate Core is designed to be hacked and most games I know are using a published hack (such as Fate Accelerated, or Atomic Robo) or a house rules Hack.

As EldritchFire mentions, the Fate character sheets don't change much between Core hacks, and usually those changes can be dealt with a background/notes section.

If were doing a Fate Accelerated character using the current Fate Core character sheet (and I am), I can do that without any problems. All I have to do is treat approaches as skills, and ignore the Mental Stress track.

A single Fate Character sheet could easily handle almost any hack by doing the following things:

- Allowing 0-3 stress tracks of between 1-6 and not tying Stress by value or to Physique or Will.
- Allowing enough Aspects (all Fate hack I know of have High Concepts and Troubles).
- free choice for the number of skills and what they are called
- free choice for Refresh
- A sizeable section for notes.

From what I see of the Fate character sheet as it stands now, it has about 90% of what it needs to support almost any Fate variant/hack, so its definitely worth considering using it as a generic Fate system character sheet.

Edit: after some thought, I added some extra stuff on how to make the Fate Core CS a generic Fate CS
Last edited January 13, 2015 10:38 pm
Jan 13, 2015 10:50 pm
After re-reading the thread, I think my above post about what it would take to make the Fate CS more generic is probably flogging a dead horse, so apologies if it seems like I was rehashing the argument above.

I think its probably worth bearing in mind that there are lots of Fate games which are essentially hacks of Fate Core. You probably don't want to support the specific of each game considering the minor variations of each.
Last edited January 13, 2015 10:50 pm
Jan 14, 2015 5:47 pm
No horse flogging here! I definitely appreciate your thoughts dunderklumpen; I just need to consider how to best apply them! So it seems pretty clear from Fate, that decoupling games from character sheets is an important step for the future of this site. Its also clear its not a super urgent one.

I'm still gonna throw up the thread to discuss this further, and I hope you'll C/P the stuff you wrote here onto there. Right now, I'm leaning to making the Fate character sheet more fluid, until I decouple the char sheet/games.
Feb 24, 2015 4:12 pm
Hi, I'm trying to use the Fate character sheet, and I keep running into a problem. When I add 3 stunts to a character sheet and save, it always deletes a stunt so that only 2 remain.

In addition, I try and put down the 6 Approaches in the skills section, but it always deletes it down to 5 and then rearranges in a seemingly random order.

EDIT: Just did some experimentation. To put in 3 stunts, I have to put in 6 stunts, and make the first 3 nonsense, because it deletes the top three stunts, leaving only the bottom 3.
Last edited February 24, 2015 4:17 pm
Feb 24, 2015 4:22 pm
Whoa, that's weird as heck! I'll work on that bug!
Feb 25, 2015 12:32 am
Im seeing the same thing as CB.

Also, this is probably unrelated to the Fate Core sheet, but its this sheet I'm finding it on.

I've picked an Avatar for my character and I want to change it. When I click on Change Avatar, the "Choose Image" button briefly flashes and immediately changes to the old image.

As a result, I can't change the Avatar for my character.

Edit: I moved the avatar bug to its own thread as it definitely seems to be a bug across different character sheets.
Last edited February 25, 2015 12:41 am
Feb 25, 2015 12:45 am
Looking at both as we speak.
Feb 25, 2015 12:54 am
I conitnue stand in awe of your pro-active awesomeness Keleth.
Feb 25, 2015 3:31 pm
I've updated the Fate Core character sheet, so that either means its great or broken :p
Feb 26, 2015 4:54 am
I'm hoping for great!
Feb 26, 2015 10:58 am
Some still existing errors with the Fate Core sheet

- Trouble can be entered and saved, but if character is re-edited, Trouble is empty.
- Adding a forth aspect, then re-editing, often it is empty (like Trouble)
- Occasional crashes saving aspects, but I can't reproduce effectively
- (style, subjective) Not enough room for aspects. Need about 12 or so more characters before wrapping
- (v. minor) "High Aspect" should be renamed "High Concept"
Feb 26, 2015 3:41 pm
I can't really replicate the missing aspects thing, so I adjusted the way aspects get added, hopefully fixing the issue. I also can't replicate the crash, so I have nothing to go on there; I'll review my entire character saving codebase.

As for styling, I'd also like it to not wrap, but with the original design I came up with, moving stuff will be hard. Hopefully with the redesign, I can avoid that.

I've changed High Aspect to High Concept. Ironically, I had the field called highAspect, but I think Dresden was on my mind, and I labeled it High Aspect.
Feb 28, 2015 7:38 am
Its called High Concept in Dresden Files as well.
Feb 28, 2015 8:36 am
Ah, yah, I misread the Dresden char sheet... it says High Concept Aspect, I dropped the mid word. Will fix.

Are you still getting the lack of proper saving issue? I couldn't replicate, so I had to do my best to correct.

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