Your character sheet.

Oct 18, 2020 3:42 pm
Okay, so I think now we can establish that your [Tr]ouble is: I have trouble telling fantasy and reality apart.
Oct 18, 2020 7:08 pm
Got it, will edit Squat's character sheet (don't think the others can see it)
Oct 22, 2020 11:25 am
it's starting to come back... you have vague memories of the toys you used to build yourself as a kid... the man who took you under his wing and taught you new tricks, new ways to give new life to old used-out and worn-out equipment...

What was his name?

What planet was that?
Squat remembers his home planet, Niven's World, with its 3.2g gravity and perennial storms. And he remembers 'Chief' Kobayashi, the head mechanic of the colony taking a shine to him, impressed by the promising ingenuity of his early trinkets. He was the first to get him into a workshop, with access to proper tools and techniques, and functioned as a much needed father figure to Squat.
Oct 27, 2020 2:59 pm
You are an [Ex]pert genius at jury-rigging and tinkering.
Oct 27, 2020 8:17 pm
Ok thanks I'll update the sheet
Feb 26, 2021 8:13 pm
You are [Jo]urneyman at drone/bot controls.

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