Set up thread for runekyndig

Nov 26, 2020 2:40 pm
We'll discuss possible ways I could bring you in here. Because I'll mention stuff that may be a bit of spoilers, I'll do it like this in just in case. However, I ain't going to lock up this thread from peering eyes.
There are a couple of ways we could fit your character into the narrative:
1) You are a descendent of the ancient colonial families that left the world your forefathers came from inorder to explore, settle and trade with the new frontier that was Recursion Travel.
2) You were a mercenary guard of the guild of Slime Farmers, which is an old industry that brought forth great prosperity and eventual decadence to the world mentioned.
3) You came from another Recursion as part of a crew so as to establish relations with infamous Recursion nicknamed as The Dark City.
4) You were a leader of whatever organisation that was created by the elites of The Dark City. It so happens that you found it to be too corrupted and sinister to your liking, and so you abandoned your position and changed your identity.

Some of these can be altered or mixed and matched. The main idea is to somehow make your character cross paths with the party in good time.
Nov 26, 2020 8:10 pm
3) You came from another Recursion as part of a crew so as to establish relations with infamous Recursion nicknamed as The Dark City.
4) You were a leader of whatever organisation The requisition that was created by the elites of The Dark City. It so happens that you found it to be too corrupted and sinister to your liking, and so you abandoned your position and changed your identity.

The requisition is an organization that gathers and handles Cypers
Nov 27, 2020 8:58 pm
A Stealthy Paradox with a licensed to carry
Part of The requisition. An organization that hunts down specific Cypers
Last edited November 27, 2020 8:59 pm
Nov 28, 2020 5:50 am
Ok, so I'll say that you came from a recursion that possess knowledge of Translating and Cyphers. There are a few questions I have to make your backstory clearer.

1) Is this knowledge widespread where you came from, or kept only for certain important individuals? How was the attitude regarding the discovery that there are other worlds?

2) You are welcomed into the Recursion(after going through thorough checks), but afterwards your team find that establishing a base is not easy, as most of the land space is taken up in the city. Also, the valuable resources that are here are kept hidden and under control by powerful groups. How greedy was your team to look for such treasures of materials and technology? If so, how might they attempt to do so?

3) For The Requistion, is there a public face for it? If so, how do they keep their image of being decent, or inconspicuous? If they are an underground group, what are they known for? Do they actively clash with other organisations, or do they try their best to avoid trouble?
Nov 28, 2020 12:47 pm
1) In my home knowledge about Translating and Cyphers is known, but not something that is available to the public or requires special skills and equipment. Something between skydiving and deep ocean exploration here on earth. We know of it, but few of us have the skills and resources to accurately do it.
I have Skill: knowledge or technical expertise. I think that is knowledge about Translating and Cyphers
2) Sam is a part of a group of specialists that caters to the rich and shameless. This time their client, insisted on being part of the expedition. They went from Requisition to Safari guides. Several members of the team were not happy with that - Sam included. With the client there, urging them on, Sam saw several lines crossed. The greed and violence, killing guards instead of sneaking around them for instance, were too much for Sam.

3) Jacques Qusteau (keeping with the deep diver theme) is their leader and public face. An adventure that mingles with the rich and shameless, and brings Cyphers back to them. There are other groups back home, and perhaps it is the preasure of these groups that have pushed The Requisition over the line(s)
I have made Sam as a tier 1, and I hope that I got it right
Dec 2, 2020 8:12 am
You gain 9xp for answering. 3xp for each question.
Sam looks good, though be sure to make to define the knowledge and expertise. BTW, I think Strange Training more or less covers relevant skills regarding identifying and using the strange and it's items and mechanics. So I'll allow some other skill Sam may have, as a specialist of the Requisition.
Dec 2, 2020 8:42 am
The Requisition have developed a bit of infamy in the Recursion they are targeting. Jacques circumvented the lax red tape regarding the business that they are doing locally, and in turn, they are allowed to freely translate back and forth as long as a little tip is given to the Translating Officers.

This leads to The Requisition having to operate more or less in the fridges of the Dark City, where the police are slow to arrive and the companies have a moderate level of security. The most common targets are the Slime Farms, where the security is more for dealing with monstrous invaders than professional bandits. Having to kill labourers and engineers have made a couple of the Requisition members uncomfortable. The reason for doing so is because it is faster and easier to disable security if they target working personnel first. However, the benefits of acquiring caches of valuable Slime Crystals, energy cells, weapon parts, and even the occasional Cyphers have made the bloodshed felt almost worth it.

In time, news of raidings have made these Farms beef up their security, causing even a simple technician a threat to deal with. However, home base does not accept excuses that operations are growing harder, and in time the costs for raiding is slowly exceeding the profits.

How might Sam feel about this, and what might he/she do?
Dec 2, 2020 8:01 pm
Sam has argued for moving their hunting grounds away from the Slime Farms and was ignored.
She resents her superior officer more and more for each bloody mission to the point where she actually aimed her weapon at his back. She could not make herself pull the trigger. Instead, she chose to disappear in the firefight.

Some would call her a deserter, she would call it choosing to quit her job at a stressful moment. That her team would have a bloody hard time getting back, was not her problem.
Dec 5, 2020 6:13 am
Sam gets 3xp.
1xp is from base reply, 1xp for effort to argue change, 1xp for almost killing superior, but decide not to.
Indeed, there were possible alternatives to attacking the Slime Farms. However, those alternatives are probably museums and storages of Cyphers, of which are well guarded, and with defensive systems that are rumoured to be powered by Cyphers that creates esoteric traps that are impossible to predict. Such highly valuable objects are both dangerous to keep, and requires great resources to lock up from opportunists. Not to mention the probable 'Re-requisition" teams employed by such organisations to brutally and efficiently hunt down said opportunists.

The others are the lesser criminal organisations, but they are also a pain to deal with, as there will tend to have a small army of well armed henchmen and guards to handle attacks if detected. Ofcourse, there were a few attempts against such sites, but the missions start to shift to the Farms as there are lots of them and not all of them have tight security. Also, the locations of caches of riches is more obvious in the Sliming Facilities then in the densely populated streets of the Dark City.
Jacques Qusteau have also seem to change as each mission passes. At first, he seems like a cocky douchebag that brags about how wealthy they are going to be, but he have grown into a humourless psychopath that is no longer bothered by unneeded deaths, either from his team or from innocent bystanders. Despite that, most of the members are afraid of leaving, because either they have shared his sense of violent desperation, or that they fear any attempts to leave will be met with a bullet to the head for betrayal.

Sam does not wish to remain around to see how much further it worsens. And the middle of the firefight is the best time to sneak off. Whether or not they knew she actually escaped is not known, as they don't seem to be making an attempt to look for her.
What kept Sam from killing him at that moment? Is it her belief that killing him will make her not different from him, or that she is afraid of the consequences that might happen when she kills the leader?

Also, what might she do next? Will she attempt to hide away in the city, keeping herself like some homeless refuge, or perhaps getting a fake identity for herself and find a job? Or would she attempt to find her way into her home Recursion? Or maybe even attempt to plot her revenge against the Requisition Team to bring them to justice.
Dec 6, 2020 6:50 am
He used to be a trusted colleague and superior. One she trusted, but he changed along with JQ (Jacques Qusteau). Even if he changed into some terriable, she could not bring her selv to shoot him. Besides JQ is the source of the coruption, not her team leader. It not right

What to do now? JQ would call her a deserter. She changed her name and did her very best to reinvent her self. Once she gets herself settled, she would bring her grevances directly to JQ, perhaps with a bullet if he can't be resoned with. But untill then she needs to live. Finding a job and a place to stay would be top prioty.
Dec 11, 2020 4:24 am
Ah, thought that JQ is your team leader. That's OK. If there is any detail you feel is better than my own interpretation, you can always chip in.
Dec 11, 2020 8:51 am
3xp rewarded. 1 for base, 1 for aiming to focus on survival first, 1 for adopting a new identity.

I'm thinking to roll to see outcome.
Roll twice, with basis on Intellect, to see the success of finding a decent job and housing. You can use a skill, if its relevant.
Btw, what might the new identity of Sam be?
Dec 12, 2020 8:38 pm
What do you me with "basis on intellect"?

For some reason, she likes the name "Amanda Tapping"

WOW major effect on housing. My guess is that she found a mid-to-high-end place, not a penthouse, but definitely a nice place with good security. Perhaps she got a security job that the apartment was just an extra bonus?
Last edited December 12, 2020 8:41 pm


2 rolls based in intellect - (2d20)

(1620) = 36

Dec 13, 2020 4:20 am
I'll admit i don't follow closely on want the right lingo is. But I meant, just in case if you ever want to focus to add bonus, you may do so spending from Intellect roll. Otherwise, it will be pretty much a normal 1d20 roll, plus any probable trained skill.

2xp for getting a job and place to stay in a unique building.
She was able to find herself with considerable luck. Indeed, the place was rarely open to outsiders, but perhaps management is getting desperate for new security. The place is one of the fancier glass buildings near the centre of town. The nature of it is not very clear, but it have offices and living spaces. Nouen-Penti is the name over the entrance, and judging from the dress of the security guards, this place might have treasures or secrets that the Requisition might have been considered to have as a target, if it weren't for being too close to the central districts.

Your position is ofcourse low for a new employee, but after your display over the use of guns, you are entrusted with being armed with what you are used to. You do see what might be energy weapons in the arsenal, but you are not given them. Your patrol area is with the lobby and the lower offices. Your living quarters is fairly generous, or perhaps it is just standard for the security staff. Your bed room is sizeable, connecting to a central lounge for the guards. Housecleaning is done by the janitors. There is a fast running computer, a television and a closet with the same security as the entrance of the room. You don't know how exactly it works, but they unlock when you stand in front of it and have the clear thought to open it.
Dec 13, 2020 9:19 am
In that case, she better get into something more business-like attire
Dec 14, 2020 4:09 pm
Wait a minute... oh!... You must be using something like a character creation for miniatures, right?

Anyways, I have an idea to connect you with the rest of the party, but it may be a slight while before it comes to that event. So I figure why not have a couple of workplace scenarios to flesh out the place.
While on your first month on the job, you notice one of the junior office staff rushing through the ground floor lobby before heading into a lift. The thing that caught your attention is that a slip of paper fell out of the folder in his arms while he was running. It seems that no one saw that, as the current hour have not much people passing through. There are two clerks at the front desk, and one other guard on the other side of the lobby.
Dec 14, 2020 5:08 pm
RoAries says:
[ooc]Wait a minute... oh!... You must be using something like a character creation for miniatures, right?
check out ;)
Dec 14, 2020 5:26 pm
RoAries says:
While on your first month on the job, you notice one of the junior office staff rushing through the ground floor lobby before heading into a lift. The thing that caught your attention is that a slip of paper fell out of the folder in his arms while he was running. It seems that no one saw that, as the current hour have not much people passing through. There are two clerks at the front desk, and one other guard on the other side of the lobby.
Amanda picks up the paper and follows the clerks. She is intended to catch up with him but knows that she has to wait for the elevator. While she wait she reads the paper.
Has the clerk been negligent with informational security? Is the kid in for a stern talking to?
I'm also our firm's Chief Information Security Officer. I have to ensure that we are GDPR compliant ect
Dec 15, 2020 2:20 pm
While she waits for the next lift, she checks the paper. She knows that the business of her company is to provide the service of installing security to client's assets in the form of guards-for-hire, electronic sensors and lock-down measures.

The slip of paper seems to be a receipt in the language of the company's founder.

Nouen-Penti ashkavei rincip.
Abdo jovani nou oudre:
1) Encantano ritua nai Pento: 6'000 Hub Credits
2) Esura nou vita pars: 2'000 Hub Credits
3) Sancrai dou rincipita: 500 Hub Credits

Normally, documents is in the common tongue that you also can understand, so this invoice is odd. Also, you know that the clerk that dropped this is in big trouble if he is found to have carelessly lost it. The full actual consequence, you're not too sure. In time, the lift arrives, and you recall that he went to level 11...
The language is fake, but is inspired by Italian. Want to see if you could decipher it irl?
Dec 15, 2020 4:18 pm
I'm not going to try to decipher it. Not if it is based on the Italian langue. I don't know it at all. Had it been a cipher of a sort, I would perhaps give it a go, as I am stronger in math.
By the way how much is a Hub Credit? Is it 2000 a lot?
Dec 17, 2020 2:04 pm
I'd say 1 Hub Credit would be the equivalent of 10 USD. So 2000 would be like about US$20000.
Btw, what are you going to do next?
Dec 18, 2020 4:36 pm
Being bored at a security desk job, decipher the note is an interesting pastime. She is still following the fellow to the eleventh floor, but perhaps not as urgently as she could have.
Nouen-Penti ashkavei rincip.
Abdo jovani nou oudre:
1) Encantano ritua nai Pento: 6'000 Hub Credits
2) Esura nou vita pars: 2'000 Hub Credits
3) Sancrai dou rincipita: 500 Hub Credits
An order for 3 items, very expensive items...
Dec 24, 2020 8:58 am
Sam takes the lift and arrives at the 11th floor. With a greeting with the guard there, you easily enter into the office of the floor. You know that it is nothing too special, mainly for accounting or telemarketing jobs.
However, you're not too sure where the guy went to, but you know where you may find the office room of the floor manager.
If you want to try your luck, you could roll to translate the order, but it won't be easy.
Dec 25, 2020 4:01 pm
Sam goes to see the floor manager, while she ponders the document
making a skill roll for the first time
She is trained in all interactions involving lies or trickery and special abilities involving illusions or trickery I would argue that decoding a coded message is within that area. Enough to reduce the diff step by 1 or 2

Then she makes an efford before reaching the floor manager, that is 3 INT points for -1 diff step, but she had 1 Edge so the cost is 2 INT points

So the diff is reduced by -2 or -3 at the cost of 2 INT point

Am I right? I'm at the inlaws so I don't have the book at hand, just a cheetsheet from Numenera that I found online
But a 2 will get me nowhere, so I will use an XP to get a reroll. This might be overkill, but this is also me learning the system
Last edited December 25, 2020 4:04 pm


Decoding the order - (1d20)

(2) = 2

1xp = reroll - (1d20)

(20) = 20

Dec 26, 2020 3:38 am
Alright, the cheat sheet is about good enough, I also use it for brief checks. Btw, when you spend the 4xp for character advancement, do give me heads up on what it is in ooc thread.
I am not sure how much is trickery is usable in language/decoding, I'll think it over a bit. But other than that, you are right in the other parts.

You know what, with your reroll of 20, it shall be a complete success anyways!
Your mind worked pretty well and fast. The message of the receipt is revealed to you during your couple minutes of travel:
Unknown-Five undisclosed receipt.
The following main orders:
1) Ritual of Enchanting the Five: 6'000 Hub Credits
2) Insurance to cover death: 2'000 Hub Credits
3) Special process of transaction: 500 Hub Credits

You feel that there may still be contextual meaning still missing that you can't understand, but the words are at least understood. You still are not sure why the company is named "The Unknown Five".

Anyways, with a knock on the glass door, the floor manager welcomes you into his office and asks what are you are here for.
Dec 28, 2020 3:15 pm
Hello sir, one of your young erents dropped this document. As it seems to be encoded, I assume that it is classified by some level, and negligence handling of classified material is a security matter.

Sam takes a more private tone with the manager. Is it normal practice to encode documents or is there something sinister at foot here? Insider trading?

She is going to research "the five" and whatever ritual enchanting they might need.
Is magic a thing in this world?

XP spent:
Extra Effort +1 4xp
Skill: Computer 4xp
Moving Toward Perfection (might) 4xp
Last edited December 28, 2020 3:17 pm
Dec 29, 2020 12:49 pm
There is magic, but it is closely regulated, as magic was not possible when the Recursion was created, but from frequent importation magical powers, the laws of local reality weaken a little to sustain such phenomena. Also, I was originally thinking that Sam/Amanda is a low ranking security staff, and not actually the chief of security. But I'll make a balance for you.
The manager looks at you a little stunned. He takes the document from you and gives it read with a frown. "This is... um. This is concerning. So you are sure that no one else have seen this? That is good. However, this is also not exactly for your eyes either. So I hope you would ignore this little incident. And yes, we do sometimes encode documents for confidential information. What counts as information confidential enough to encode? That would be above your pay. Speaking of pay, here's a little reward for handling this situation. Oh, and such documents don't actually exist, if you know what I mean." He hands you 5 Hub Credits, and waves you away.
Edited the currency in your sheet for you already. Btw, how might Sam do her research? And do a roll for each method.
Dec 29, 2020 1:42 pm
Yes, Sam is not the chief of security, but she would not do her due diligence by not reacting to a possible security tread.
Sam nods to the manager. I see now that the clerk just dropped a page from a draft contract, in the client's native langue. An honest mistake. They say it's good for the body to get up from your desk from time to time. I will return to mine

Sam returns to her desk and starts to think. She starts by reading up on the companies history, who the five is, and what that is all about. Then she does a security audit, setting up a (Linux) server outside the company network, and probe the company's ports. Standard stuff, but she also does a (google) search for magic, the langue, and ritual sights.
The thing is not to have a log of her online search for magic

I saw this youtube and have done just that on my home network. Will do it on my firms company when I get back after the holidays


computer use - (1d20)

(7) = 7

Dec 29, 2020 2:00 pm
Oh, you are an actual professional in this. You may notice that descriptions of the company may be off, as that is both a combination of the weird culture of the Recursion, and my own limited knowledge. Anyways, it might seem a little awkward when I present things, as you know better.
Dec 29, 2020 2:03 pm
don't worry about the tech stuff. Different Recursion, different tech level. I was just being fancy in saying she would google magic, but without leaving an easy to follow trace. She knows there is something hinky with this firm.
Dec 30, 2020 6:28 am
Alright. Do for me 2 more rolls for setting up the server to search the company's records, and for online searching of magic. By the way, by "Company's Ports", do you mean like where it does its businesses?
Sam looks up on the company. It has its own website, detailing in a straight format about its services and other basic info. However, it shows nothing about its history, so she hunts for articles about it. Unfortunately, it is harder than she thought. She does find news of Nouen-Penti being involved in a number of different projects and commending them for their quality and effectiveness. No explicit mentions of magic being involved, other than describing it feeling as such. The oldest she knows that the company have been around for is about 200 years.
Dec 30, 2020 12:47 pm
your router has some ports where it connects to the internet. Some for the internet, some for email, some for a webpage, some for remote desktops ect. Think of them as holes in the wall of your house. Your door has a lock, you can close your window, but if there is a hole(port) that is open, but not used, hackers can gain unhindered asses through that hole, and nobody would know.
ah come one! I'm not impressed with Sams rolls so fare
Last edited December 30, 2020 12:48 pm


search the company's records - (1d20)

(4) = 4

searching of magic - (1d20)

(4) = 4

Jan 2, 2021 7:06 am
Yeah, that looks bad. Do you want to spent a reroll, if you have spare xp, or just accept the consequence/results?

I'm thinking of doing a GM intrusion, and rewarding you 2xp if you accept. Refuse is still cost 1xp.
Jan 2, 2021 7:14 am
RoAries sent a note to RoAries
Jan 2, 2021 8:55 am
I'll accept the intrusion
Jan 3, 2021 12:21 pm
Sam looks at her surroundings, and spots that some fellow colleagues are around. One saw that she is looking nervous, and proceeds over to take a look.
Make a roll with stealth or trickery. Result hint: diff lvl 5 to decently pass, with skill it is now diff lvl 4. You gain 2xp.
Jan 3, 2021 2:08 pm
just doing my job and being through. See here, let me show you...
Sam explains why she is using an external server to probe the companies network. Her colleague can see the benefit and adds the procedure to their SOP (Standart Operation Presidure).
well that is how I would see a minor effect could play out
Last edited January 3, 2021 2:12 pm


stealth and trickery - (1d20)

(19) = 19

Jan 4, 2021 10:35 am
The colleague nods her head as she listens to Sam's explanation. She then leaves you alone as you cover your tracks before making your leave.

The next day, Sam looks up on magic and language-related stuff on the local internet's search engine in private mode on her own given computer. It seems that finding anything relevant enough is pretty difficult. So far, she unearthed that practising anything considered as magic is technically forbidden, except for important and regulated purposes. There are news of several crackdowns of illegal magic use, which are mostly by amateurs, though a few professionally performed ones are known. She make note of some of such cases. She also learnt that the language the founders of Nouen-Penti use is called Italnando. The people that uses it, called Italnandians, came from a foreign Recursion country known for its magic and culture tied to matters of the dead and the afterlife, where ghosts are a real phenomena that exist with the living. Searching for the Unknown Five brings up nothing relevant, and Nouen-Penti only brings up the company.

So far, Sam have no luck. But she could try again to hack into the company's system again, if she wish to. But doing so may be riskier. She could also attempt another tangent to investigate, or perhaps leave the matter alone for now.
Jan 4, 2021 1:28 pm
She is a little puzzled about the firm's murky history and casually brings it up during lunch. She has seen several "About Us" pages on other companies' webpages, but they have none. Why is that?

If she can find an Italnando dictionary, she will download it, but otherwise, this is the extent of her investigation for now.
Jan 8, 2021 11:01 am
You get 2 xp for now. 1 for what you learn, and another for ending of this scene.
Sam did find the about page, but it details nothing much other than that it was set up by a group of foreigners that views that security and protection of both physical and informational assets to be its highest priority. There is a list of partners and clients like Abyssal Shipping, Tomb of Tomes, and Jakarai Manufacturing.

Sam speaks with others about the lack information, and they feel that it is normal for information to be fairly vague. Information is both treasure and weapon in The Dark City, and that a company being coy about its nature and accomplishments is expected for a company such as this. Her colleagues advice her not to pursue too much into this, as it would risk her job, and potentially her life. Regarding death threats, no one would want to give suggestions on what such things may be.

As she continues on the days, Sam would notice that people are acting slightly odd around her.
I will continue on this later. Btw, I've decided to reveal that I have an idea of a "suspicion lvl" thing. You are on lvl 2, which comes from the "googling" of magic, and the asking around. To be lvl 10 would make you a highly threatening enemy, but it won't likely have to come to that.

I just want to ask as well, are you okay with me asking for rolls a bit more but may cause things to be a little slower, or would you rather that I make things a little quicker with assuming results of your actions, of which may be avoidable with good rolls?

If it is the first, I'd like you to also roll for persuading colleagues to talk, and for finding and downloading the dictionary.
Jan 8, 2021 12:52 pm
I would say checks that can make a difference in the story, should be rolled. But I wound not mind if you rolled on my behalf on minor things, then I could react if I wanted to reroll or make an extra effort
Last edited January 8, 2021 12:52 pm


persuading colleagues to talk - (1d20)

(10) = 10

finding and downloading the dictionary - (1d20)

(9) = 9

Jan 12, 2021 6:02 am
Sam's colleagues respectfully tells her the things mentioned. Beyond that, it is still noticeable that they don't want to say further.
As for the dictionary, she manage to find one online after sometime, though it appears to cost some cash to download it. If she choose to, it costs 2 Hub Credits.
Jan 12, 2021 6:10 am
I'll decide the next scene in time.
RoAries sent a note to RoAries
Jan 12, 2021 6:20 am
Rolling 1d6 to determine if suspected. 5+ to avoid.
Edit: You avoided gaining suspicion.


Rolling - (1d6)

(4) = 4

Jan 25, 2021 11:12 am
message me if I seem to take too long to post. I may forget to do so or something.
Also, you get 2xp as compensation for my delay.
Jan 25, 2021 12:05 pm
No worries :)
But I am glad that I am not forgotten

But now I have 8 XP, so tonight, I look into buying the last 4XP update needed to gain a "level"
Last edited January 25, 2021 12:06 pm
Feb 15, 2021 9:21 am
3xp to you as compensation. Note, whenever a week or more passes, we can count that you fully recover without rolling.
A month passed without much incident, and you’re called by a senior officer to see him down at the indoor shooting range. There, he tells you that he wishes to see how your aim is for himself through a surprise practice. Looking at the target you’re given, this should be a fairly Demanding shot. Meanwhile, the officer leans back with his arms crossed, wearing a stern look.
Feb 15, 2021 9:56 pm
It has been a while since I last used the system, so I'll do the math out loud
Demanding (diff 3)= 9+ on the die

I have no skills to decrease the difficulty, nor any Assets, then Effort it is. I have an Effort lev2, meaning I can use 3+2 stat pool to reduce the diff by 2 steps. That should make it a diff 1 = simple = 3+ roll
Amanda picks up the light pistol. With no time pressure, she can take her time to line up the shot, get her breathing under control, pull the trigger just right. And fires
Use 5 points from the int pool

1: Intrusion. The GM makes a free intrusion (see below) and doesn’t award experience points (XP) for it.
Last edited February 15, 2021 9:59 pm


shoot - (1d20)

(1) = 1

Feb 16, 2021 9:22 am
At first, your shots were able to hit the target, which is the cutout shape of a person. Then, as if out of miraculous stroke of bad luck, your attempt at a head shot have resulted in not only the bullet missing, but it richochets off surface of the walls and redirects into the examining officer's arm! "Aargh! You... Were you trying to kill me?!" He spits as he grasps his bleeding arm.
You gain lvl 3 suspicion.
Feb 16, 2021 12:06 pm
Crap! She quickly secures her weapon and helps with first aid. How the hell could a bullet ricochet in this shooting range?

While she helps bandage the would, she apologizes for the incident
Feb 21, 2021 6:13 am
The officer grunts as you fetch the first aid and wrap the wound in bandages. "Yeah, it sure is odd how that happens. But who knows if you could have preplanned it..."
Do a persuasion roll. To pass: 9

Compensation: you gain 1xp
Feb 21, 2021 9:14 am
Are you kidding me sir?! That is absurd. How would I have planned that you would call me down here, and asked me to shoot. And then I would have to place the target frame just right, so I could shoot it just right, so it would ricochet back at you. Seriously, it would have been far easier to just turn my weapon directly at you, if I had any reason to hurt you.

I am very sorry that you got hurt, but this was an accident!

While tending to his wound Sam picks up on clues and micro-expressions. Anything that can strengthen her case. She can feel her base of a secure job is crumbling and that she soon must move on, perhaps to another recursion.
[ +- ] special ability
With an edge 2 in intellect, this use did not cost anything from my pool right?
I don't know if this interaction counts as trickery. Skill: all interactions involving lies or trickery
Wow, I just keep getting the wild rolls
Last edited February 21, 2021 9:15 am


percuade roll - (1d20)

(20) = 20

Mar 1, 2021 12:39 pm
Here's another week long delay compensation: 1xp for you.

I am thinking when I ask for a roll, I just say what the relevant type of skill might be used. But if you don't have it, then you can suggest a skill, which you have done. Doing so, I'll just try to decide how reasonable the action could be reflavoured with the suggested skill. Reminder again, I'll not look too closely at your sheet, so I'll need you to keep track and let me know if you have an ability that is usable in the situation.

Yes, edge 2 reduce the action cost to 0. However, its an action, and so I'll have you make another roll. I'll help.
The man nods his head, who then begins to blush. "I... ah, well. You see, I am tasked with investigating you. Not that I am paid to do so. But I am told you may be a liability to the company. Sorry if I am not as grateful as I should be for your help. I don't take kindly to potential traitors. But you're right, when you say it like that. It is incredibly unlikely for you to plan your assassination to be as bizarre as this. Perhaps the rumours are false after all."


Premonition action - (1d20)

(19) = 19

Mar 1, 2021 12:48 pm
Sam is able to pick up the details nice and closely. Her brain process putting together some underlying information about her situation. If her suspicion could be rated, it would be Level 3: "Your activities are undesirable". However, as the expression on the senior officer's face softens, she can tell it is reduced back to Level 2: "There is some suspicion."

Her job is not in immediate danger, but she can tell it won't be easy to remain long. Perhaps suggesting a way to prove her loyalty or innocence can she possibly gain a better standing.

For now, the Officer tells you that you can take a break from shooting practice as he goes off to take a smoke.
Mar 1, 2021 1:56 pm
Thank you for the clarification. I was wondering why some of the abilities was marked with Action
I'm sorry to hear that some see me as a liability to the company. I hope I can show that those fears are unfounded. I have no idea of what or who could have painted me with a traitor's brush. That is a taint I will work hard to get off. Where would you suggest that I start?
After giving it some more thought she adds
Is it possible that I am being used to draw attention away from someone else? Have someone set me up, to work their nefarious plans in peace, while the company goes on the wrong trail?
And then we have her in her element Skill: all interactions involving lies or trickery :D
Mar 4, 2021 7:12 am
The officer think on this. Before he could reply, his mobile phone rings. "Hold on a minute... Yes? Um, what? Why? She... I think she can be trusted. Right now?"

After a couple of more words exchanged, he ends the call. "Looks like bad luck have struck. There is an emergency happening in one of our client's location. Normally, our field agents and technical specialists would be called over, but the site is near this shooting range, and requires response ASAP. The higher ups are going to ignore their distrust of you in order for you to help in this. It is hard to explain, but we should know what to do when we get there. You know how there are countless worlds out there? Some creatures in them like to break into ours, and so we shall respond with firearms until the trouble ends..." He says as he flicks away his cigarette and moves out with his handgun on his uninjured arm.
Mar 4, 2021 11:40 am
Sam starts to reload the magazine. When that is done she takes the rest of the ammo box and empties it into a zipped pocket.
Lets go
Mar 6, 2021 8:37 am
The two of you make haste out of the quiet shooting range. The complex leads out into a winding road that has a view of the sea towards the West. As you jog down the streets lined with shacks and lamp lights, you are approaching a bend besides a downhill row of trees.

"We will take this short cut. It should be a couple more minutes before we see the place. Besides, it's best that we don't leave traces of our movements. Since you will be accompanying me, I should let you know what we will be facing. Our client manages Warehouse Complex 3B, which is known for the storing and moving of items regarded as Off-Recursion antiques. Other than the risk of theft, our client might have to handle items that are more dangerous than they were told. That's where we come in to... remove any supernatural elements that would pose a safety hazard. We are not technically licensed to operate with magic, so this is a secret company service that we provide. If word leaks that we do this, all of us are in trouble." He gives Sam a stern winch.
"Anyways, accidents happen, and something like a bomb went off. Our men there are all dead, and the place is locked down. Strange creatures are seen by the surviving staff. It doesn't sound pretty, and we are told to eliminate the invading hostiles and control the situation before other groups may complicate our business."

As you break out of the trees, you see the sea again, with the fenced-up compound of several warehouse buildings facing the main shipping docks.
Mar 7, 2021 10:02 am
So we are on the lookout for non-human creatures? Sam readies her pistol, and sneaks over to a wall to get the lay of the land.
How do you want to play this? This is your mission, right?
Mar 8, 2021 6:04 am
The Security Personel Managing Officer, whose name is displayed as Sgt. Leitnoff on his name tag, answers. "It is our mission. I haven't had gotten into a real gun fight for a long time, other than earlier this year when I came as reinforcement to defend against a small skirmish. If you know a better way to approach this, then I'm willing to listen, despite my senior rank. And yes, our problem is likely not human, but we can't fully rule that out."

The nearest compound is 3A, as Sgt. Leitnoff tells you. 3B is attached to the South of it. A number of people can be seen standing around confused as siren beeps and red flashes tells everyone that something dangerous is happening. There is a road that connects to the entrance gates to each of the compounds. You could attempt the entrance, which is quicker, but you will be seen by everyone. Or you could try to sneak in via the gated sides, which could be difficult, but can potentially avoid running into staff.
Mar 8, 2021 12:36 pm
If we are going to solve this quickly, I think we should try to sneak into the gated side. We don't have time to stop and answer questions. If we do, I assume that you will handle it, as I move forward.
Sounds good?

If there is no objections, that is the plan
Mar 9, 2021 12:35 pm
He agrees, and you two move down towards the stretch of road splitting the compounds. There is some workers at a distance, who find themselves having to pause their work due to the ongoing alarms. Despite this, it still is worth it to avoid detection. Also, you have to figure out how you will pass through the wire fensing. It is about 2 metres tall, and has barbed wire on top.
Roll to stealth by, the Sgt. will follow your lead(difficulty tier 2) . And if you succeed, roll to do your method of getting through.
Mar 9, 2021 12:57 pm
Sam has her head down and moves forward.
As she reaches the fence, she takes out her leatherman
Sam is stilled in "all stealth tasks" lowering diff to tier 1

I took "hunting knife" as gear as it was a weapon in the list. But given her stealthiness, I find it more fitting for it to be the largest leatherman multitool you can get
[ +- ] image
Last edited March 9, 2021 1:03 pm


Stealth - (1d20)

(7) = 7

lockpicking / byparse fence - (1d20)

(8) = 8

Mar 11, 2021 5:58 am
Moving through the quiet path is easy, the low light and the backs of buildings is not an attractive place to look at. At the wire fense, Sam/Amanda takes out her large tool and begin using the cutters on the wire. Fortunately, electricity doesn't run through it, though her knowledge in lock picking doesn't lend itself well in creating a hole to pass through. However, with her ability to visualise the best lines to cut to produce an opening, she worked efficiently enough. By the time Sgt Leitnoff taps your shoulder to whisper to you that someone is approaching, you rip out the mesh before you two quickly crouch through.
I'll say instead of Lock picking, you use your special ability of illusion and trickery.
You are now next to the back of the bathroom shack. The lighting here is Dim Light. The direction of the warehouse is towards the centre of the compound. A worker is strolling his way from within the neighbouring compound towards the area where the opening is, which the cutout is lying next to. What might your move be?
Mar 11, 2021 7:45 pm
The hard part is over. They are inside. Now they just have to move in a brisk determined way. They are by all rights with the security of this company.
You there! Sam walks purposely towards the worker, making sure that her id card is dangling enough for him to see that she has it. Security, have you seen anyone on the premises?
Before he really has a chance to answer, she continues. We have discovered a breach in the fence She points to her collage Sgt. Leitnoff. Could you fetch some plywood to close the gab, while she checks the area? Thank you!
She then calls to Sgt. Leitnoff and head off towards the central building.
I was wondering how I could use the illusion in illusion and trickery, but is really a good example of a modern illusion


Fasttalking-I-belong-here - (1d20)

(8) = 8

Mar 12, 2021 8:12 am
The worker was surprised when Sam called him, but upon seeing the card and her explanation, he nods in understanding. As Sam leaves, she hears the Sgt continues talking with the worker. It sounds like the man is asking about the situation, and Leitnoff is assuring that things are under control.

As Sam moves across to the target warehouse, she can see to her left, the entrance gate is crowded with uniformed workers and armed security chatting loudly with each other as the complex is blocked off. Sam will have to cross the open space, where she may be seen by the distant crowd.

Also, from her position, she could see the entrance into the warehouse is glowing green. Also, there are 2 monsters patrolling outside. They look like naked leathery humanoids, except that they have massive club like arms. Their faces are blank, and don't seem to notice Sam. What might she do?
Mar 12, 2021 8:20 am
RoAries sent a note to RoAries
Mar 12, 2021 6:30 pm
I'm I understanding it right, that there are 2 monsters and a calm crowd?
Mar 16, 2021 8:01 am
Yes, the two monsters appeared calm. But the crowd looks anxious, but not causing a ruckus as the guards are carrying guns. The guards are not wearing the company uniforms, and are busy trying to both keep an eye on the compound, and dealing with the confused workers outside. Also, a number of burnt and crushed bodies can be seen smeared around the area.

BTW, I shall count that an hour has passed for the case of any armour penalty.
Mar 16, 2021 9:34 pm
The monsters are an oddity, but not her main concern. Sam looks up, so find another way in, perhaps via roofs or gangways. She doesn't want to waste time with the crowd and monsters as they seem to have each other's attention.
She will take a sneaky approach, get into the warehouse without the monster or crowd being any wise.
Inability: You’re sneaky but not fast. The difficulty of all movement-related tasks is one step higher for you.
Last edited March 16, 2021 9:35 pm


Taking the sneaky way in - (1d20)

(10) = 10

Mar 20, 2021 6:27 am
The layout is not that easy to traverse, but Sam manages to find a way. She keeps her profile low, evading the notice of the people outside. She then climbs up the side scaffolding to get up into the second level of the outside catwalk. As she approaches the door to get in, she hears an inhuman moaning coming from the other side. What would she do?
Mar 20, 2021 11:38 am
She sticks to the plan of entering the door. She now just has her gun ready. She carefully opens the door, ready for anything (hopefully)
Mar 22, 2021 8:05 am
Sam opens the door... To be met face to face with a naked crouched creature. It has the body of a malnourished woman, but her face is a hairless glowing hole. As the creature moans louder, the light in the massive hole grows brighter. There is some shouting from within the warehouse, but Sam's senses is now focused on the thing infront of her...
I'll allow one more action before something happens...
Mar 22, 2021 9:17 pm
Sam tries to read the creature, its body langue, its stance, its imprint on this reality. What are you? Why are you here?
Her pistol is trained just below the creature, ready to quickly raise and fire, should it become hostile.
[ +- ] Premonition


What it the creature and what does it want? - (1d20)

(10) = 10

Mar 29, 2021 1:32 pm
Looking into the creature, Sam draws out the immediate thought process of it. "Kill the intruder. Kill it with my agony and hatred made manifest."

Sam then realises that the face-hole of the creature is its weapon.
make a speed defense roll. And you can make your action again.

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