Dec 22, 2020 5:53 pm
Hey all, thinking about starting up a game of Shadowrun, Fifth Edition. Been into Shadowrun (and the cyberpunk genre in general) for years, since the Sega Genesis game back in the day. Never really dug the system too much, though, which is of course a common complaint, until Fourth and Fifth. So timeline wise, about 2079, so for those familiar with the metaplot the worst of CFD is past and NeoNET's gone the way of the dodo.
I'm probably going to set the game in Philadelphia (the East Coast doesn't really get much attention IMO). As to whether it's more or less a one shot or goes beyond the initial adventure into a more long-term game, well, I'd be open either way, I think. We'll see where we stand when we get there.
Anyway, I'll hold off on more specifics until we see how interest goes. I probably would be looking for 5-6 characters.
Let's see what happens.
I'm probably going to set the game in Philadelphia (the East Coast doesn't really get much attention IMO). As to whether it's more or less a one shot or goes beyond the initial adventure into a more long-term game, well, I'd be open either way, I think. We'll see where we stand when we get there.
Anyway, I'll hold off on more specifics until we see how interest goes. I probably would be looking for 5-6 characters.
Let's see what happens.
Last edited Dec 22, 2020 5:54 pm