Possible Flow Directions

Apr 18, 2016 12:54 am

So I drew this up as a short map. After my first node write up, I realized the aquisition of items could fuel not only the selections in the race, but also affect the end based on a combination of items gained. If we want to create a recursive element, it would have to have a different build than this, but this diagram would provide 3-4 run throughs worth of material.

Alternatively, the end/beginning itself could be the recursion. It could have the entrance to the race, the entrance to the prize hall (with earned items from the race serving as keys to different treasures) and the exit to the "real world". Perhaps it is a series of pocket dimensions. The Bully Wugs have sponsored the PCs in the race because it has somehow settled into their swamp and won't leave until the correct combination is opened. Bully Wugs are unable to make one of the choices the correct way (because it is based on "Lawfulness" or "Good" and they don't have the ability to choose the "correct" path.) The temporal distortion that has settled on the swamp also causes effects that lead to people believing that the swamp is haunted. The local humans are killing off Bullywugs that they blame for the evil which is why the Bullywugs have hired the adventurers.
Apr 18, 2016 1:56 am

Another Idea of how to arrange the nodes.
Apr 18, 2016 5:34 am
More thoughts: The Alexandrian's Node Based Storytelling Part 2, Part 6, and Part 7.

I know Jesse's read a bunch of stuff from this site already and it has many useful things including the above. There are some alternative story paths presented there. The whole arc is worth reading if you have the chance.
Apr 20, 2016 12:20 am
Ya, just want to praise The Alexandrian's Node-Based-Storytelling sequence of articles! Such amazingly helpful food for thought.

I like that idea of having decisions based on L/C, G/E axes. Did you have anything in mind when you wrote '3rd axis'? (Messy/Tidy, Transcendent/Slummy, Mammal/Amphibian, Objective/Subjective, lols/not-lols... no idea)

Hmmm, according to that map, then 3rd axis could be a resolution based on the combination of LCGE that you picked up from your first two choices?

Just swishing ideas around to see how they feel. Feel free to shoot them down/toss them aside.
Apr 20, 2016 2:47 am
I had figured the same thing about them being resolutions of previous choices. Node D becomes the LG node and F is CE. E is neutral.

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