Interest Check: VtM 5e

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Jan 25, 2021 3:32 pm
Hey guys. First things first this is still very much in the works so may take a while, but I am curious if there would be anyone even interested in a Vampire the Masquerade game, or to put it on the backburner for now.

It'll be set in a fictional uk city, and Players will be fledgling vampires trying to slowly carve out their bit of the world. Hopefully somewhat character driven.
Jan 25, 2021 4:51 pm
Would be down, although I have next to no experience with the system
Jan 25, 2021 6:05 pm
I'm interested, I played a pretty long-running game in V5. System-wise I liked the earlier systems more, but story-wise V5 is a very welcome reset and a branch away from the Jyhad storyline that was growing ever more over the top.
Jan 25, 2021 6:16 pm
I'm interested.

I haven't played Vampire proper in... ages and am feeling rather nostalgic anbout it.

I have no experience with V5 beyond skimming through the books once though, but I liked what I saw.
Jan 25, 2021 6:23 pm
LightOfMidnight says:
Hey guys. First things first this is still very much in the works so may take a while, but I am curious if there would be anyone even interested in a Vampire the Masquerade game, or to put it on the backburner for now.

It'll be set in a fictional uk city, and Players will be fledgling vampires trying to slowly carve out their bit of the world. Hopefully somewhat character driven.
Last I tried vampire 5e, it was in a setting I had difficulty relating to. But somewhere in the United Kingdom, there I am much more at home.
Bristol Fangers
Oxford Hemovors
Glasgow bastards

I imagine a girl who has been bullied all through university, but now she has a pedigree and payback in coming...
Jan 25, 2021 8:06 pm
Good to see interest.

Realised I forgot an important note, due to the sort of elements at play, grappling with your humanity, grey grey morality, it is going to have some dark themes, but when I get it up and running I will have a space to discuss what are hard no's. (And despite what some people think of the system it is possible to have morale characters, its not a race to hit 0)

And yeah, it's UK as then I know what I am doing law's and general style etc. As said it is a fictional city, but that will hopefully allow you guys to add your own bits to it.

V5 is definitely a lot easily to learn than v20 (Though from discussions that may have been some house rules from my DM), and while I have some nostalgia for the v20 diversity, it definitely seems a lot tighter and balanced, no one character getting 7 turns before everyone else gets one. (Not that combat is a focal point.)

Edit: Meant to add, one off the underlying conflicts/ tensions in the city, while not completely the Jyhad is traditions and eldest ruling vs change and new blood getting to make choices. Though it is up to the players how much they interact with that.
Last edited Jan 25, 2021 8:08 pm
Jan 25, 2021 8:28 pm
Ran and coordinated the earlier version way back when in a very large game the included all the genres -- played in one the more recent versions as well -- be interested to sink my teeth into this version -- could I play an American turned after recently arriving in the UK?
Jan 25, 2021 8:40 pm
I would be interested but depending on when it actually starts, I might not be able to take it on. I'm generally trying to downsize my game load, not increase it currently 😅
Jan 25, 2021 10:35 pm
Sounds good. I will try and start writing out lore and bits then start up the game. I was looking for 3-4, so I will likely send invites to Sass, Khulod Carabas and Rune first, but if a space opens up DeJoker and Bowl (If free) will be on the list. (And if there turns out to be more interest I can look into a second game further down the line, as long as I don't think they would impede one another by dividing attention. I know there were a few on discord possibly interested. I just didn;t expect this to garner as much attention quickly)
Last edited Jan 25, 2021 11:23 pm
Jan 25, 2021 10:53 pm

We can think a bit about our characters, and why we would form a coterie?

Easy concept to tie into what LoM already pointed at was for a few fledglings to band together to have a little backbone against the machinations of the powerful elders and help one another out now and again. It would mean that our characters can get along on a basic level though. :)
Jan 25, 2021 11:12 pm
So the city, Aylesmouth, was built by a old Ventrue ('noble bloodline') with too much money (as they all have) . It is based on an artificial island, and was marketted as a way to draw people to the UK when eveyrone was following the American dream, marketed as a 'city of the future. On the surface it seems like that, well designed etc, but as there always are, imperfection hide in the parts no-one is meant to see.

On the vampire side it was meant as a haven for old vampires and ventrue to be able to get into the foundations of the new business etc starting up, and provide a place free from the anarchs, and those who are starting to rattle the status quo.

As a way to form a coterie, I had a though that - One way to cement this is while clans were allowed to create new fledglings when granted by the prince, it was done in groups and they were placed in coteries. Supposedly to strengthen one another, but also the coterie were responsible for each other. If one member of a coterie steps out, all are punished. This was meant to make sure they policed themselves, and stopped any stepping out of line.

While that prince is missing, the tradition remains.

Alternatively Kholods suggestion also works, you guys have found over the past year or so working together its easier to navigate the new world you've been thrust into with one another, especilaly when the older vampires see younger ones as disposable, scapegoats and the ones who do all the dirty work. As yeah it starts you all off knowing and getting along to a degree, while the above scenario would likely start with you guys being formed into a coeterie for the first time. So up to you guys really.

If you guys wanna discuss while I get set up, gonna quickly say that for now for story reasons only allowed clans (Kinda like your 'species' are - Gangrel, Brujah, Ventrue, Tremere, Toreodour, Nosferatu, Malkavian, and possibly Banu Haqim. (Assamite)

What I'll try and set up first is things like Clans, and a glossary etc. (Though if you have a copy of rulebook it has a decent one), as World of Darkness loves its fancy words.

I will say don't be put off by not knowing lore etc. New vampires are rarely told more than they need to know, so its perfectly fine to learn in real time alongside your character.
Jan 25, 2021 11:42 pm
I have an interest in playing a Gangrel perhaps. Them being Anarchs nowadays wouldn't be a problem?
Jan 25, 2021 11:58 pm
Nope, there are still some Gangrel and Brujah in the Camarilla, and there are a couple of each in he city. Basically the above list are those that have a possible sire in the city, which is currenttly 98% Camarilla, though that has a possibility of changing, along everything else. The idea is hopefully the coterie has an impact on various plans, machination and help slowly shape the city.

(Also I have a soft spot for Gangrel. That's my own IRL pc right now.. though her allegiance is very up in the air. Even she doesn't know right now except would people please stop dying and stabbing each other in the back.)
Last edited Jan 26, 2021 12:02 am
Jan 26, 2021 12:43 am
Late to the party, I know, but I’d be keen to put my hand up if it’s not too late. Just finished my first game of V5 in meatspace, was a great time.
Jan 26, 2021 2:14 pm
I'll pop you on the list for a possible second game or if slots need filling Lefty :)

I've popped the game up and sent invites if people want to start discussing there, though will still be a while for me to finish all the set up.
Last edited Jan 26, 2021 5:06 pm

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