Campsite in the Strange

Feb 16, 2021 10:12 am
Ash, you continue from here.
The sensation is like electrical numbness. As the whiteness fades, and colours return, you are able to see your new location.

Violet earth and blue and yellow alien foliage grows abundantly around the site where tan coloured tents are set up around an unlit campfire. Beyond this, the sky is of a shimmering magenta colour, with swirling streaks of other shades.

The man you came here with does some stretches before facing you. "Alright, sonny! Do you know where we are? Nah, you probably don't. We are in my little holiday home somewhere right in the Strange! Do get yourself comfortable, because it may not be so for long. Before we proceed, do you have any questions for me?"
Feb 16, 2021 2:44 pm
Ash looks around and stands upright from his crouching stance as soon as he lands. "Details on the assassination target and conditions." he states looking straight at the older man with a deadpan expression on his face.

Ash blinks and looks to the side a black shadow sphere slithers out of his shadow and suspends before expanding and being almost fully transparent.
Upgrading to T4 and taking Warp World: Black Abyss addition
Last edited February 16, 2021 2:55 pm
Feb 18, 2021 2:29 pm
The old man whistles as he watches you gain a new ability. "Flexing your shadowy powers, eh? I doubt that is illusion tech, and since its actual magic, you must have entered The Dark City quite recently. In the Strange, all entities carry over a bubble of reality with them, otherwise they might explode, or worse. And if you can use magic in the City's laws, you probably have about a week before you grow weak. Don't worry, as long as you carry humanity in your heart, I won't consider you as an enemy. Not that you can hurt me in my home...

Eh hum! Anyways, for our hunting prey, it really depends. We are after all going after intelligent creatures, not mindless beasts. But don't worry, if it turns out we are dealing with something too dangerous, or have not seen before, then we will be out in a jiffy. You don't mind battlescars, do you?"
He then enters into a tent, rumaging around his assortment of items. He takes out a leather-bound book and an ornate clay jar, which he tucks into his satchel. He gestures to you to follow him as he flips through his book.

"This time, I feel like kicking the ass of a Chaosphere Hierarch. Particularly one who is part of the Holy Circle of War. Those bloodthirsty bastards can't help but be attracted to this little toy right in here. Hopefully it isn't a squad this time. Let's get further away from Home first, it would be bad if it was wrecked..."

As you clear a couple of vegetation, you realise that this forest is sitting on a floating island. Stretching beyond the ground's edge, clustered chain of scattered islands can be found, like an asteroid belt with the asteroids sliced in half and the flat sides all at facing the same way up. You hoped and leaped across them.
Feb 18, 2021 2:56 pm
"Constant evolution for survival and assassination is needed for my primary job... No your abilities and aptitude measure your limit so you know what's possible. Never heard of a Dark City... I think they injected... well that doesn't matter plus the tech is gone I survived in the end." Ash explains shaking his head before going quiet and just listening.

"Is the target a native to this recursion? Also does he have a weakpoint besides normal vitals. If there is a squad do we understand their structure? Would they move to attack us first or defend the target? What's the contingency to draw them away from the target if possible to continue the assassination before extraction?" Ash inquires in all serious as he follows checking the path as they go incase they get separated.
Feb 21, 2021 3:24 am
"This Recursion? Oh no, this isn't exactly a Recursion, more like lost broken pieces of one that hasn't been consumed by giant Strange creatures. I'm a romantic sort of man, so I appreciate the lost and forgotten ruins of realities, you know.

The Recursion of our target? Well, it had different names, as all things do. I prefer to call it The Heaven of Savage Angels. Is it beautiful? Sure, but the politics and self-serving nature of the locals can drive even me insane. Or perhaps I'm just not a people type. This species of Chaosphere Hierach is an Angel of War. They used to be fully loyal their higher ups, until their God was assassinated in a coup, and the following civil war made everyone to be remorseless backstabbers. If you want to know their weak points and strengths, that is the challenge I'll give to you. Strangers who have involved themselves with the Strange long enough will in turn be evolved by it. It would be nearly impossible to determine what powers they have gotten their hands on. However, common signs like being in groups, or possessing bizarrely altered anatomy are good signs of a troublesome encounter. Unless a professional assassin arrives, I could tell at once if its too much to test you with.

But if you still want to know what their structure is, normally a squad would consist of sargeant and two to four foot soldiers. They would also all have wings, and the leader would commonly fly higher than their squad mates. And for the War Angels, they normally have a dedicated spell caster if their squad is large. However, if it comes down to that, I'll zap us away before a word could be uttered by them. Mages are no joke."

By now, he have opened up the jar. Inside, flashing colours projects out in rhythmic fashion, causing sparks to fly out in the shape of spirals. Georgie holds the jar above his head and begin to Chant. "Oh, great hosts of Holy Heavens! I bring to you a gift of Fractalist Transportment! Oh may ye send one messenger to claim it!" He continues to hold it up as he continues along the floating island chain.
Feb 21, 2021 5:13 am
I'll reward 1 xp for discovery of the floating jungle islands. Also, I'll do a sort of GM intervention. It will cost 1 xp to avoid it, but 2xp is rewarded if followed through. The intervention is that I roll a 1d6 to determine encounter. If not, it will be one enemy. What do you say?
RoAries sent a note to RoAries
Feb 22, 2021 1:34 pm
Who's the farthest behind in XP since I don't think every is in T4 like Ash. I'll take the intrusion
"So covert surveillance, assess target's entourage, depending on group size possible threat in the form of a mage. All combatants high mobility. Bisecting a wing from primary target or forcing them to the ground immobile once spotted ensures completion of mission." Ash works out aloud while he follows. "So launching something to tangle or trap the group is a feasible solution I can use then during the chaos to get into their ranks by way of disguise or stay hidden and knock away the target or the mage before attempting assassination either though another large object crushing them or lethal organ targeting." Ash inquires, "Most things are allowable it seems as long as the target is dead and we're not caught, preferably not seen or noticed."
Mar 1, 2021 12:54 pm
Ah yes, its Intrusion, not intervention.
Also, have another 1xp for my delay again.
"That should be about right. Get them down onto our level. It just so happens that I also pack with me a Wrapping Rope. It is not as easy to use compared to a net, but it will do. Here, you can take it. Just toss one end of it at your target like a grappling hook." Georgie hands the snake-looking rope to Ash.
This is not a Cypher, but a mundane yet odd tool. It causes anything that flies to stop and fall, unless it innately defies gravity. It also gives Inability effect to the target. It is, like all things, possible to escape from with effort.
"And yes, your objective is to, at most, assassinate the leader or an individual if there isn't one. Normally, Strangers would flee if their Head is killed, but some don't.


The summoned encounter... - (1d6)

(5) = 5

Mar 1, 2021 1:38 pm
Just then, a wide gash cuts across ahead of both you. A chasm of bright white emerges from the dark cosmic background. And in turn, a total of 4 figures emerge forth from it as well.

"WHO ART THOU THAT DOST THINE BEARETH O YE TREASURE O STRANGE?! I COMETH WITH MINE COMPANY, FOR WE ONLY WILL TAKETH THINE!" The winged figure in elaborate gold and red armour speaks in a booming voice. All the figures are androgynous, and bears golden hair and pink tinted skin. Their eyes are white, except for the leader, who glows red. The leader wields a shield and a sword with glowing runes, with two followers wielding a single sword each and red armour, and the last carrying a rod wearing red robes.

With a dramatic gesture, the sargeant directs one of his swordsmen to descend towards to island ground. The swordsman raises its blade at the clay jar. "SURRENDER!"

Georgie gives you a hesitant glance...
Mar 1, 2021 1:54 pm
RoAries sent a note to RoAries
Mar 1, 2021 3:08 pm
"Target one sergeant secondary threat one healer two soldiers as threat." Ash states without blinking, "Shadow Clock"
Activating Rapid Processing on self for 1 minute. Unsure if you want a roll.
Mar 4, 2021 7:53 am
I believe activating it require no roll.
Ash finds himself giving off a hazy dark aura, his form vibrating a little. In his perspective, it looks as if time have slowed, the flapping wings of his threats beating in a leisurely rhythm.

The one infront of you two frowns in confusion. "WHAT ART THOU... DOING?!" It asks, this time pointing the sword at you. Everyone have grown uneasy, and George proceeds to slip his hand into the jar. As he pulls out, the sparkly fractal effect is now wrapped around on his finger as a ring.
I'll let you make the first move.
Mar 4, 2021 12:52 pm
"Let you surrender." Ash states blankly his hands raising as he extends out his powers to strive for his objectives.
Using Warp World with a level of effort on Sergeant and Plasma Arc on Sgt and Robed Priest with effort.


Warp World 5+3-4 - (1d20)

(16) = 16

Plasma Arc Endpoint 1 with Effort 2+3-4 (Sgt) should be one step down if WW hit - (1d20)

(15) = 15

Plasma Arc Endpoint 2 with Effort 2+3-4 (Priest) - (1d20)

(14) = 14

Mar 6, 2021 9:11 am
The Sergeant is hit by the shadowy warping power. Despite its reflex, the shield was not good enough to block out the mind-altering attack. Then, the Plasma Arc successfully strikes both targets.

"GRR... I DECLARE THINE JUDGEMENT... DEATH!" The leader thunders out. It raises its sword, which is now engulfed in white flames. The two Warriors also activate their weapon, with their sword's fire being regular red. The Priest begins to chant fiercely, before pointing his bulky wand at Ash. A blue spinning fractal pattern beam shoots forth, connecting to Lightbane's forehead. (Do an Intellect Defense, success on 15.)
Warrior 1 is immediate distance on foot. Warrior 2, Priest, and Sergeant is Short distance, and flying.
Mar 6, 2021 9:38 am
Georgie points his ring towards the flying soldier, and begins to whisper to the ring. "Please work, please work. Send them away..." And then, that is when a band of fractal light wraps around the target, who flinches in surprise.
Now is your turn.
RoAries sent a note to RoAries


Ally attack - (1d20)

(12) = 12

Mar 8, 2021 12:58 pm
Ash notices the priest doing something and tries to evade. As he scambles away blackened plasma arcs launch at the two again.
Should find out if I have the juice to do this first. I think I passed if it's under a Level 5 Task if not I'll rethink my action which is doubled plasma arc on Sgt/Priest.
Plasma Arc 1 first target Sgt which is a step down for effort spend and another from Warp World
Plasma Arc 1 second target Priest which is a step down for effort
Plasma Arc 2 first target Sgt which is a step down for effort spend and another from Warp World
Plasma Arc 2 second target Priest which is a step down for effort

4 damage again on any hits.
Last edited March 8, 2021 1:04 pm


Int Defense - (1d20)

(17) = 17

Plasma Arc 1 first target Sgt w/Effort on Hit Plus WW - (1d20)

(15) = 15

Plasma Arc 1 second target Priestw/Effort on Hit - (1d20)

(10) = 10

Plasma Arc 2 first target Sgt w/Effort on Hit Plus WW - (1d20)

(12) = 12

Plasma Arc 2 second target Priest w/Effort on Hit - (1d20)

(13) = 13

Mar 10, 2021 7:28 am
Ash mentally resists against the priest's attack, which flickers out. He then produces two quick arcs of burning shadow energies at his targets again. The Sgt, who has his perception distorted, finds he and his assisting spell caster to be struck again. Their armour is scarred, but they seem to still be handling well.
You may not notice, but I'm editing the hp and armour to a more reasonable level. I mean no longer the demi-god invincibility it was, but more like elite warriors.

BTW, does your revisions deal damage that ignore armour, or are they still reduced by armour?
The Sgt thrusts his glowing sword at Ash, and it shoots out a stream of its energies. (Speed def). Warrior 1 also attacks Ash with fiery slashes(speed def). Warrior 2 descends onto the island, his focus on Georgie. The Priest changes target to Georgie and does the same attack.
Mar 10, 2021 7:30 am
RoAries sent a note to RoAries
Georgie tried to avoid the attack, but he was too focused on using his cypher artifact. He gave a yell as his head smokes and starts bleeding from the nose. As he clutches his head, he turns to Ash. "Argh! This isn't a favourable fight! Unless you''re still confident, I could send us to somewhere else to recover!"

With that, he grips his spear in both hands before stabbing at a winged soldier. The target brings up his sword, parrying the spear.
Your turn!
[ +- ] Homebrew?


Georgie def roll - (1d20)

(5) = 5

Concentration roll - (1d20)

(8) = 8

Georgie attack roll - (1d20)

(13) = 13

Mar 10, 2021 12:05 pm
I'm always of the impression armor counts unless an item or ability says armor doesn't apply.
"Do I still pass if we escape?" Ash asks bluntly.
So Sgt's attack would be down 3 levels 1 from WW and 2 from Effort on the roll... I'm really trying to have him miss since he''ll hit a subordinate if he does due to WW. Xd

I don't usually post scene theme song but for this moment... This is how I feel.
Last edited March 10, 2021 12:06 pm


Speed Def for Sgt is a step down from WW using 2 Levels of effort also - (1d20)

(19) = 19

Speed Def for Warror - (1d20)

(20) = 20

Mar 15, 2021 3:43 pm
Sorry for leaving you again for a few days. Btw, I am not too sure if or how def rolls benefit from nat rolls of 19 or 20, but I'll figure it out.
Ash dodges the stream of white fire rather well. In fact, he feels fairly confident he could do that again.
I'll say the minor effect is that your next dodge from the same attack will get -1 step to diff. Oh, my bad.

Attack instead flies upon the warrior facing Georgie, who yells in surprised pain.

The flaming slash is also avoided successfully, to the point that the Warrior, despite its years of experience, finds itself tripping over prone.
Attacking it melee gets reduce diff of 2 steps.
Georgie answers. "If we escape, then the test is put on hold. However, I could try to find a new test soon. So, I'll leave it to also be your call!"
Mar 15, 2021 4:01 pm
No worries.
I need to split the Priests concentration. Ash thinks to himself his long dagger and free hand picking separate targets his body still moving after weaving through attacks.
Must be running out of steam.
Last edited March 15, 2021 4:02 pm


Downed Warrior w/Light Weapon so down 3 steps Dmg 2 - (1d20)

(6) = 6

Plasma Arc w/Effort Sgt with WW 1st Target Dmg 4 - (1d20)

(5) = 5

Plasma Arc w/Effort Sgt 2nd Priest Dmg 4 - (1d20)

(9) = 9

Mar 16, 2021 6:52 am
The Warrior is stabbed, but despite the hit, it seems that its golden armour stopped the blade from penetrating through. The Sgt and Priest manages to dodge away from the Plasma Arc, despite the effort to aim at them.

As the Sgt is about to fire again, the Warrior that it attacked seems to turn around and glare at the Sgt, which in turn gave Georgie an opportunity to stab it in the back with his spear. Apparently, the wing knocked the blow aside just in the right angle to cause it to miss.

"MY HOLY ARMAMENT STRUCK THOU?! NONSENSE! MY WRATH WAS UPON THE DEFIANT MORTALS!" The Sgt and his subordinate continues to bicker.

The Priest looks at its leader, aware of the clumsy attack. It begins to chant, focused on the Sgt. "MY SUPERIOR, THINE SENSES HAVE BEEN ALTERED BY THE QUICKENED MORTAL! CEASE THE FOOLISH ADMONISHMENTS!"

The Warrior on the ground simply picks itself up. Ignoring the infighting, it continues to strike at Ash. (A speed def roll.)

Georgie was grinning through bloody teeth as he watch the angellic soldiers argue amongst themselves. "Hah! Why don't you hypocrites fly back to your home to argue further!" He attacks his Distracted target with the spear. Unfortunately, the Warrior sidesteps it, giving Georgie a harder scowl.
Your turn!


Georgie attack roll - (1d20)

(11) = 11

Georgie attack roll - (1d20)

(6) = 6

Mar 16, 2021 11:52 am
"It's nice to know even other world bosses bring their underlings to remote places to dispose of them on missions via accidents." Ash jeers before taking a moment and refocusing on the priest and leader.

I need to finish this quickly or extract from this attempt Ash thinks trying to figure if his companion will die in this assassination attempt and would that mean he fails the test.


Speed Roll - (1d20)

(3) = 3

Recovery - (1d6+4)

(5) + 4 = 9

Plasma Arc w/effort & WW to Sgt - (1d20)

(9) = 9

Plasma Arc w/effort to Priest - (1d20)

(8) = 8

Mar 20, 2021 6:42 am
The sword of the undistracted soldier finds itself searing Ash. (It deals 5 damage) From the pain, he takes a sharp breath to resteady himself.

As for the Plasma arc, it unfortunately fails to hit the Sgt and the Priest.
I have decided that, with your Taunt, it could actually cause more interesting things to happen. Roll to see if you actually persuade the Warrior of your statement.
Hint: With 6, it's a small advantage. With 12, it's a good advantage.
Mar 20, 2021 10:50 am


Career advice attack. - (1d20)

(2) = 2

Mar 22, 2021 7:57 am
It's a good thing it's not a 1 atleast, otherwise something worse may happen.
The Back-blasted Warrior looked to be hesitant for a moment, but then he glares at Ash as he realises that it is more likely that he is being made a fool. In anger, he moves from Georgie to assault Ash instead(speed def).

The Sgt also attempts to blast at Ash again(speed def), and the Priest, instead of doing the same attack, he begins to perform a circling gesture, which causes light to be pulled into the sceptre(this is a special ritual ability, no def roll yet.)
The remaining Warrior also attacks Ash again(speed def).

Georgie stopped his cockiness as the situation grew dire. He plucks another white pearl from his belt into his clutched fist as he trusts his spear at the injured Warrior. Which happens to miss...
Your turn.


Georgie attack roll - (1d20)

(5) = 5

Mar 22, 2021 1:39 pm
Ash moves to diminish the carnage of the onslaught on him attempting to focus more on the Sergeant. In the chaos of the beatdown that pummels Ash he manages to get in 2 attacks.
I'm realizing Ash is kinda scrappy oh the 20 and 19 on Sgt can I get that in raw damage please. Normal plasma hits do 4. FYI Effort was to hit btw if it wasn't clear.
Last edited March 22, 2021 1:43 pm


Back Blasted Warrior Speed Def - (1d20)

(10) = 10

Sgt down one from WW and using 1 Effort Speed Def 2down - (1d20)

(9) = 9

2nd Warrior Speed Def - (1d20)

(5) = 5

1st Plasma Arc W/ Effort on Priest - (1d20)

(11) = 11

1st Plasma Arc W/ Effort + WW on Sgt - (1d20)

(20) = 20

2nd Plasma Arc W/ Effort on Priest - (1d20)

(6) = 6

2nd Plasma Arc W/ Effort + WW on Sgt - (1d20)

(19) = 19

Mar 29, 2021 1:02 pm
The attacks might have been too overwhelming for Ash to face. Even with the effort against the Sgt, the burning wrathful blows come upon him...
5+7+5= 17 might damage. I think your might pool is 0. Then Major/minor effects don't apply. I'll be nice to say that you can choose to retrack the effort on the rolls, unless you are fine with the +1 point per effort level now.
Mar 29, 2021 2:45 pm
I'll go with the rolls. Looks like 4-6-4 then so sap my luck pool of 1 left, 12 from might and carry over to speed pool. Time to bail with the bloodied test proctor XD.
Mar 31, 2021 2:31 am
I'll count as you going through the effort on the attacks.
The first arc misses the priest, but hits the Sgt for 5 damage. The second misses the priest again, and hit the sgt the same amount. While the Sgt is getting hurt, he still is looking pretty fine. Just as they are about to go another round to attack, the test proctor makes his move first of tossing in his pearl. As it grows large, he grabs Ash in hand as they both leap through.

On the other side, Ash finds that they arrive at the outside of the Exterminator headquarters. With a catching of his breath, Georgie says. "Alright, young feller. I see that you got potential, even though we didn't kill any one of them. That is one of the lessons I also want to teach, and that is knowing when the bastard you are fighting is too tough to handle. There is nothing wrong with running away to gain more reinforcements, or gain better equipment when fighting against threats that are literally power-hungry for Strange Cyphers. These Stranger types are one of the hardest classes of enemies we may face. So with that, I'll say you passed the test by slaying a big one." He says with a wink as he steps through into the building.

Minutes after a chat with the lady clerk and some admin work, Ash is handed his license for Assassinating Strangers. The clerk also tells him: "By the way darling, your friends have left. I think they would be going to the warehouses by the docks in the west. Another Leakage just opened up there."

Georgie suggests: "I can lead you there if you want. I know a path that won't make us run across gang territory."
I'll give you 1xp as compensation for the combat encounter. Also, 1xp for exploring the strange, unless I already gave it. 1 hour is counted to be passed for armour penalty.
Mar 31, 2021 2:41 pm
Ash request the lady to put the license in his pouch since he can't move his arms yet he explains. "Give me ten minutes please I didn't know the test was going to be apex predator level targets... I guess we'll need poison of some sort that's effective against their kind and possible a net that burns or traps their wings." He admits his arms doing nothing much besides twitching on nerve impulse it seems as he closes his eyes and tries to gain control of his body.


Give me 10 before we sprint off for the next fight - (1d6+4)

(3) + 4 = 7

Apr 1, 2021 4:08 pm
The clerk chuckles as she shakes her head. "Oh dearie, you took the hardest training we are willing to offer! Thought the pricing is a good hint. While death is a part of life here, we do try to avoid unneeded student casualties. You two definitely look like you had a beating. Do take a break. And if you do want to buy equipment, we may have what you need in our weapons storeroom. Though, not everything."
If I feel is reasonable, the Headquarters can sell you things. There are basic poisons, like toxic chemicals(2 HC), or Scleridkiller(5 HC). As for nets, there is a basic net-throwing gun(80 HC, 1 HC per net), though wing-burning may be too specific.
Apr 1, 2021 4:20 pm
"If there's some time before the next sorte I should probably earn some coin and train to prep for it. Thank you for the options for logistics." Ash states moving his arms again seemingly tremor free looking to the instructor.
Apr 2, 2021 4:25 am
I'm not sure what you mean by sorte, but I'll assume you are meaning you are ready to move on.

The instructor slaps Ash's back once they both felt slightly better before leading the way through the city. An assortment of different styled buildings can be seen. Some are made of stone, while others are metal. Some are badly graffitied, while others are kept clean and well decorated. Soon, the height of buildings decreases the further west is travelled, and sight and smell of the polluted sea can be sensed.

By the time the warehouses are seen, a crowd is found gathered at a gate entrance. Also, Ash spots 2 familiar people, including his "twin".
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