Setting Deets

Feb 26, 2021 3:30 am
* King Markos gathers his forces, for war brews in the west with a bitter foe. Perhaps this is a good time to vacate, avoiding conscription and the like...

* The Church is corrupt and divided. In the old country, the druids, witches, and woodweirds plot against the big-hatted bishops in their fancy robes.

* Young Marchioness Aedra Vollander has reclaimed her ancestral seat in the ruined province of Ophirae. Rumor has it coin is plentiful for those who will help her clear her lands, and that there are treasures aplenty in those old, dark ruins.

* You and your friends have journeyed far and hard from the last settlement that can rightly call itself civilized, leaving behind your old life and your troubles. A quiet village lies ahead, a final place to rest your heads before you venture into the dark woods that ring Ophirae like a wall...

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