0: Nirion in Takeshi's shop

Mar 26, 2021 8:53 pm

Nirion came to Waterdeep to find answers. He first contacted the magisters and the established arcane experts. They did not really have any good answers. They did however pair him with a green-haired gnome, Ronnie Soak. Ronnie had had the misfortune to sleep in the White Bull courght during a thunderstorm. He doesn't speak much.
I have heard about this odd elf mage, he has a shop in the up Feathers Street in the Sea ward
There is clearly something wrong with the gnome. As he speaks the tone of his voice changes as so does the color of his hair. He removes a leaf from his mouth and gestures to Nirion that they should head towards Takeshi's shop.

The shop is open when the young elf and the green gnome arives.
Mar 26, 2021 10:13 pm
Should I be worried that. ...your hair issue will happen to me as well? Al'lainne Threnn tried to make himself fly and became a barrel. Fell from a cliff and shattered. .. decidedly worse than hair but...
Mar 27, 2021 2:21 am
Takeshi arose from behind his desk before the door swung open. He bowed slightly to the two patrons, scrutinizing their appearances with a brief glance at both. He said politely, "The light of the jade sun warm you. Would you like West Lake Dragon Well or a scroll rebound?"
Mar 27, 2021 11:20 am
Nirion blinks a few times at the greeting. Neither of these things mean anything, but at least this a pleasant distraction from thoughts of bizarre deaths. I am new to the city. I've been told you may have answers
Mar 27, 2021 4:35 pm
Takeshi slightly raised a brow. A glance told him these two had eccentric or foreign (to Waterdeep) aspects. He maintained his polite demeanor and pointed to a moderate study with cushioned divans and chairs. "I do like a good koan, but let’s pair this with some chai."

He mentally instructed an invisible assistant to retrieve the tea platter with its rolls, cups, and kettle. Takeshi then led the duo to the lounge where he settled into a highback with dragons carved into the limbs and markings in a non-Faerunian tongue on its crest. He steepled his fingers while the saucers seemingly sorted themselves among the guests and his own cup arrived. Unlike Waterdeep’s handled glasses, these bore delicate smooth sides with brushed jade scenes of some exotic locale and strange beasts. He asked once everyone had received a steaming cup, "What malady afflicts you both that requires sage attention?"
Last edited March 27, 2021 4:36 pm
Mar 27, 2021 6:36 pm
I under some kind of curse. I speak funny and my hair changes colour.
Again the hair and voice changes as he speaks, and icicles have formed from his ears
Can you fix me?

Takeshi can sense that there is an imbalance in the gnomes mana field. One that the be dispelled if one would focus on rebalancing the energies rather than the normal disruption.


Takeshi: Arcana - (1d20+7)

(17) + 7 = 24

Mar 27, 2021 7:28 pm
The elf sipped his tea while he stroked the flowing white beard contained by a thick golden ring. He trained his almond eyes on the gnome while he undergoes his transformations and testimony. He let the banded beard fall back upon his cobalt-and-gold robes as he replied, "An imbalance of this nature is quite profound. Do you come from a line of elementalists or shamans? Prior to your predicament, did you exhibit any skill with manipulating or harnessing mana?"

"What about you, young elf?" remarked the greybeard to Nirion. "Do you suffer a similar affliction?"
Rune, I doubt it matters with this roll, but Takeshi has racial expertise in Arcana (+10 vs the +7 in the stat block). Gamers Plane doesn't have a good spot to reflect this stat adjustment, so I took the note and included in the trait title under features. I did a similar thing with his augmented passive perception and investigation to make it easier to spot. I apologize for the hassle.

Last edited March 27, 2021 7:29 pm
Mar 27, 2021 9:48 pm
My magic is not always reliable. Things....happen strangely. I've a book on others like me
Mar 28, 2021 12:48 pm
The elf listened with intense focus on the younger. He replied, "I can see why whoever sent you both paired you. The mana that permeates your essences fluctuates in imbalance. May I see this book you bear?"
Mar 28, 2021 3:07 pm
As long as you return it. It belongs to the Scholarium hesitantly passes it over
Mar 29, 2021 10:58 am
Takeshi's eyes narrow at the implication of thievery. "Of course," he replied curtly.

The scholar summoned a spectral hand with one gesture while he drew a quill from thin air. The hand takes the book before darting off to collect a scroll. The tome appears to hover midair while the hand unfurls the empty parchment, enabling Takeshi to observe the book's contents and make notes on the fresh sheet. Despite having no inkwell, the quill produced a lustrous golden ink.
Rolled to see if Takeshi knew who or what the Scholarium was. Up to Rune how much speed reading and transcribing a Scribe can achieve, though I imagine they are swift due to their ability to turn two hours of spell scribing into two minutes.


Arcana on the Scholarium - (1d20+10)

(11) + 10 = 21

Mar 29, 2021 2:47 pm
the book is all me and my background/story I get a book from the school I was cloistered in.
It is about the handful of other "Wild Mages" on the isolated island where his group of elves lived. All of them met less than pleasant ends
Mar 30, 2021 6:03 am
The book reads as a extreamly complex scintific journal. But Takashi can grasp a story about magical bloodlines, how the power conduits of bloodline peaks and troughs like a wave, through the generations. If two such bloodlines mingle and produce offspring at just the right time, the two peaks make a positive interference that results in an extra-strong power conduit.
All in all the book contains many interesting ideas about WHY wild mages happen, but nothing about how to deal with them.

In the meanwhile the gnome is slowly turning blue
Mar 30, 2021 10:12 am
Nirion nervously edges away from the gnome.
Mar 30, 2021 11:40 am
The scholar sent the book back through the air, though he maintained the scroll with his notes. He glanced at the gnome who sat in bluing silence, then remarked to Nirion. "Your elven community has intriguing deductions about how you came to your condition--conclusions I am not sure match your situation, gentle gnome."

He took up his tea, sipped, and then added at length, "Your spirits have infused more mana than you can channel. This overflow may very well destroy you and everything immediately around you. Yet, principles for harnessing the elemental essences exist, which may mitigate the need to eliminate potential threats to the arcane balance. The path forward will require much of your mind, for the edge of the blade rests on a core of soft iron."
Mar 30, 2021 6:39 pm
Rimefrost is forming on the gnome
Mar 30, 2021 7:30 pm
Takeshi swiftly mentally commanded his unseen servant to kindle a brazier. He said crisply to the gnome, "Gentle gnome, please stand next to the fire. You're condensing on my chair."

Despite the courtesy, the scholar spoke with obvious irritation and concern that the gnome might demonstrate the ill effects of imbalanced arcana.
Oh boy.
Mar 30, 2021 8:01 pm
As the elves conversed and studied the tome, the random magic that affected the gnome had run its causes. Cold air is falling from the gnome in a light mist. His current body temperature is -25 degrees Celsius (-13 degrees Fahrenheit if you need it in imperial)
[ +- ] think in these lines
To clarify: He is dead
Mar 30, 2021 8:36 pm
"As I said, young Nirion, your mana may be lethal," concluded the elf. He removed an ornate, thickly wrapped scroll from the case on his side. After a moment of reciting, the gnome lifted from the chair. He mentally instructed his servant to collect a broom to relocate the corpse toward an empty table. As a rattan broom hovered to prod the frozen gnome, a gray-haired cat flitted in on feathery wings to bat at the icicled corpse. Takeshi frowned at the creature who dutifully ignored the shop owner's disgust.


"Fortunately, you brought along an prime example of what could happen. It is for us to ensure you do not join him in the crypts--if you still wish to pursue re-centering your arcana."

Despite the detached manner in which he addressed the events unfolding, Takeshi watches both the corpse and Nirion warily. Further, the spectral hand that retrieved a rag scrubs with intense vigor that belies its master's stress.
Cast Levitate on the corpse. Unseen servant pushes/prods the corpse along to a table. Mage hand scrubs the mess. Disney's Fantasia plays in the background.
Last edited March 30, 2021 8:45 pm
Mar 30, 2021 9:22 pm
Nirion nods. It is why I've left. Why I came to Waterdeep. Seeking scholars who might know more of my condition so I...don't become an icicle...or a broken barrel
Last edited March 30, 2021 9:22 pm
Mar 31, 2021 5:23 pm
"You have come to the right shop," replied Takeshi somberly. "I will conduct some inspections of the gnome and derive some elixirs to begin your regimen. I recommend we begin in the morning after I've had time to prepare."

With that, the scholar set aside his tea, arose, and moved to a table where he collected several scrolls and objects. These he moved to rest on a lectern near the sturdy table where the deceased gnome chilled. He shooed the tressym away with his arcane hand as he looked over the body and made preliminary notes on his scroll.
Mar 31, 2021 7:50 pm
Two other customers come into the shop. A woman and a tall guy in a deep hooded robe. Nirion feels his mussels lock up, as he was hit with a Hold Person spell, and she sees the woman throw a powder at Takeshi. Nirion can sense the tall guy behind him, and feels something long, flexible, and thin touch his neck.
This one too Jeanna
Okey, but stand back
She turns to Nirion and he too gets a face full of powder.

End of prolog. Start the first chapter

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