D&D 5e --- Warriors, come out to play-ay

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Apr 2, 2021 9:54 pm

You look around at your companions and see something in their eyes that you’ve never seen before... fear.

A few hours ago the Warriors, along with representatives from every major criminal outfit in New Amsterdam, made their way to southern Manahatta for a meeting called for by Cyrus the Younger.

Cyrus, the Warlord of the legendary Gramercy Riffs, managed to convince everyone to leave their home turf without weapons or armor. He didn’t want any bad blood leading to trouble. This was too important. Cyrus was the only one capable of making everyone put aside their differences to unite against the oppressive rule of the Kingdom of Nassau.

The humans invaded from across the sea over two centuries ago. They quickly conquered the scattered and divided native tribes of orcs, goblins, gnolls, and other races that they considered "savage monsters." We have been reduced to living in slums and fighting over scraps to survive. Cyrus was going to put an end to the rule of the humans.

As he told us, it all came down to simple math.. There are only 20,000 of their City Watch, and over 60,000 of us. Somehow the silver tongue of Cyrus was making sworn enemies look at one another as brothers and sisters in arms. He would lead us to finally retake the city. Retake our home. At least that was the plan...

Cyrus is dead and we’ve been blamed. We all saw the real assassin. Luther; the cowardly sociopathic leader of the Rogues. The City Watch stormed the meeting shortly after Cyrus was struck down. In the chaos, Luther was able to convince the Riffs that it was the Warriors who killed Cyrus.

Our Warlord, Cleon, was captured. Maybe killed. Word is spreading fast that the Warriors are responsible for murdering Cyrus and ending any hopes of an organized rebellion.

You are leaderless, unarmed, and miles deep inside unfamiliar enemy territory. You’ve got one night to beat, bite, and bop your way back home.

Can you dig it? Can you dig it! CAAAANNNN YOU DIG IT?
This will be a 5e D&D one-shot inspired by the movie "The Warriors" which was based on the novel "The Warriors" which was based on the Ancient Greek book "Anabasis" which was based on actual historical events.

Post rate: 3 times a week should be good. Ideally, I plan to update every 2 or 3 days unless the PCs are engaged in ongoing planning/talking with each other.

Your characters are all members of a goblinoid street gang called the Warriors. The setting is a medieval fantasy version of New York City. Everyone in the city is hunting you. Your goal is to make it back across the river, through the streets of Breukelen (aka Brooklyn) and all the way back to the safety of your home turf on Coney Eiland.

You will be playing a level 3 bugbear, goblin, or hobgoblin. In accordance with the premise of playing oppressed street gang members, the available classes will be limited to the following:


Other classes (or subclasses outside the PHB) can be suggested and will be approved on a case by case basis. If you suggest a class that doesn’t clearly fit the premise, you will have to explain how your character could obtain their abilities.

Casters should keep in mind that this entire one-shot is supposed to take place over one night. Manage your spell slots well or you might not live to see the light of day.

We will be playing with some additional combat options inspired by a great OSR game called ‘Fantastic Heroes and Witchery’. Everyone will select an unarmed fighting style (boxing, martial arts, or wrestling). This will aid your character until you manage to get your hands on some weapons and will help to emulate the fisticuffs seen in The Warriors movie.

Couple of things to keep in mind.

1)The possibility that your character will die is high. I won’t make it impossible for everyone to make it to Coney Eiland alive, but I also won’t be pulling any punches. It is possible there will be a TPK before you even manage to get into Breukelen. If you are not ok with the possibility that your character could die at any moment, this is not the game for you.

2)This game is inspired by a 70’s exploitation action film. I will selectively throw out the rules or use custom dice rolling scenarios as needed to recreate the same tone of the movie. This will be a combat heavy game, but I don’t want it to be all dice rolling. If you guys come up with a good plan to do something cool, I will look at your skill bonuses and decide whether or not you could reasonably pull it off. If the answer is yes, then we won’t roll dice and I’ll simply ask you to describe it happening. I don’t want to get bogged down with a ton of contested rolls to determine whether or not the group moves through an alleyway unseen. Story and "rule of cool" will take precedence over following the rules to the letter. If you are a rules lawyer, this is not the game for you.

Link to full list of House Rules.

3)This will be my first time DMing 5e. The last time I DMed D&D at all was way back in the 3e days. Between then and now, I have GMed Wushu, Feng Shui, and custom d6 built games. I am not new to GMing, but there will be some D&D rust to shake off.

If you are interested, please post here with your character name, race, class, and a one sentence concept. Once we land on who is playing, we’ll work together in the game forums to weave backstories together so it feels like the characters have known each other for years. With that in mind, it is probably a good idea to hold off on getting too attached to a detailed background, as you may need to adjust it in order to fit in with the group.
Apr 2, 2021 10:36 pm
Love that movie. This sounds like fun!

How about a goblin Artificer (Alchemist)? Originally attending the prestigious Saracuse University on a scholarship under an affirmative goblinoid action policy, they were kicked out due to a combination of institutional racism and stealing glassware and reagents from the alchemy department. Now back in the old neighbourhood, they work for the Warriors making and dealing narcotics.

Failing that, a pyromancer (Red Draconic Sorcerer reskinned as fire elemental rather than dragon-blooded) graffiti artist/arsonist would be fun.
Apr 2, 2021 11:59 pm
I could see an Artificer working. You'd be the Rembrandt of the group. Unfortunately for the people living in this universe, there would not be any hope of a goblin attending a human university. You could have snuck in using disguise self or something similar and were kicked out when this was discovered, though.
Apr 3, 2021 12:03 am
I'm ready to fight my out. Drop me an invite. Kill Kill KIll.
Apr 3, 2021 2:32 am
This premise is dope. I'm feeling a little taxed so I won't be joining, but applaud the plan. It's good.
Apr 3, 2021 6:24 am
Bloke the Male Hobgoblin Fighter would be my choice.
Apr 3, 2021 3:46 pm
Not applying but I'm excited for the group...
I recently played a similar Warriors based scenario, but using Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles as the system, and following the movie setting and plot somewhat. Except we were a gang of mutant weasels (martins, I think), called the Musky Tears.

I watched the movie for the first time later and was shocked at how good it was.

Apr 3, 2021 6:46 pm
I would love to join please, thinking a Bugbear Rouge (Swashbuckler, if allowed?)

Grew up on a sailing boat after being sold as a cub to the Captain but never really adapted to sea-life and so was dumped on the docks of Coney as a teen to which he joined the gang to survive but found a family.
Apr 3, 2021 8:10 pm
GeneCortess says:
Bloke the Male Hobgoblin Fighter would be my choice.
I appreciate the interest, Gene. I'm going to mark you down as an alternate. I would prefer to give newer people a chance to play. I hope you understand. I'll reach out if we end up short.
Mathfuric says:
I would love to join please, thinking a Bugbear Rouge (Swashbuckler, if allowed?)

Grew up on a sailing boat after being sold as a cub to the Captain but never really adapted to sea-life and so was dumped on the docks of Coney as a teen to which he joined the gang to survive but found a family.
Swashbuckler would absolutely work. That idea sounds great.
Last edited April 3, 2021 10:07 pm
Apr 4, 2021 2:41 am
This looks awesome. I love the Warriors, and once owned the soundtrack on an eight track. I am very tempted to play but do not have the time right now. Have a great time.
Apr 4, 2021 2:58 pm
Saw the film years ago and liked it. Your idea sounds even better. *s*

Would be interested in playing a goblin monk (Way of the Shadows) who learned some neat tricks from a guy who fell into a well as a teenager and brought back some issues from that experience. But those days are over and Riob (my characters name) is rollin some time now with the Riffs.

If you are interested in reading some more, please drop me an invite. :)
Apr 4, 2021 4:26 pm
Sounds good. As an FYI, I'll let you know that we currently have a rogue thief and a bugbear monk. I believe the monk is leaning towards of a martial arts focus (way of the open hand, perhaps). So there will be some overlap of abilities with those characters but that is going to happen with the limited class options. We can chat more about it in the game forums or on discord.
Jun 4, 2021 9:02 pm
We are a little over 2 months into the game and have lost some players. The group could use a little extra muscle. I'm looking for 1 or 2 new players, if anyone is interested.

Your characters would most likely not be a member of the Warriors gang. You would instead be an unexpected ally who assists them on their journey home. Because of this, the original character creation limitations are being loosened up a bit.

Race: Narratively speaking, it would be easiest to integrate a Hobgoblin, Lizardfolk, or Svirfneblin (Deep gnome) into the group at this time. But I could probably find a way to work in just about any monstrous race. I would prefer not to add a standard human, elf, halfling, dwarf, etc.

Class: Class/sub-class selection would be largely tied to your character concept and open to discussion. If you choose to play a gang member, you would most likely be limited to the choices detailed in the original post. For a different type of character, I would be open to discussing options outside of what is listed.

Forums are public so feel free to take a look to see if the game is a good fit for you. Anyone interested, please send me a PM and we can discuss character creation.
Jun 5, 2021 12:52 am
Never played a deep Gnome before sounds like a wonderful concept, any world specific Information I should know about them?
Jun 5, 2021 1:15 am
Thinking a Ranger Gloom Stalker With Wrestler Additional combat option.
From: Rustkruis: A fairly quiet neighborhood. Is home to some of the most intact and unaltered architecture dating back before the human occupation of the city.

Backstory: I grew up spending my time alone in Rustkruis hiding from the rest of my family I only survived on the deals made on the Streets and so I will never make a deal with anyone else that I will break, to this day I can't help saving people in danger.
Barley Kind
Very Focused
Somwhat Selfish
Quite Honorable
Usually Cowardly

What would equipment look like for me?
Last edited June 5, 2021 1:21 am
Jun 5, 2021 2:20 am
That looks and sounds very cool. The PCs in the game are not terribly familiar with the deep gnomes so I am going to send you a PM rather than potentially putting spoilers here.
Jun 5, 2021 1:31 pm
do you need more players I was thinking of playing a Lizardfolk
Jun 5, 2021 3:32 pm
Sure. You would bring us back to full strength. I'll send you a PM with some details.
Jun 5, 2021 4:49 pm
I like a character with a bit of BITE to it. If you still have slots a Lizardfolk would be nice to play.
Jun 5, 2021 5:00 pm
Cool. I'll send an invite. Thanks for the interest everyone. The game is back up to full now.

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