PF 1e Curse of the Crimson Throne - Players needed

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May 6, 2021 9:37 pm
I've been running Curse of the Crimson Throne, a 1st edition Pathfinder Adventure Path, on this site since late 2018. We've completed the first book and are currently at the start of the second, with characters about to achieve level 5.

Only one player from the starting group is still around playing an elven rogue, the rest having joined slightly later but still having played for most of the campaign. Life events recently forced one of them to bow out, leaving said elven rogue with a Varisian wizard and a half orc paladin of Shoanti origin.

I'm looking for a replacement, maybe 2 if there's a ton of interest. Pace is roughly one post every second or third day at worst unless something comes up, though more often is appreciated (and expected when there's an ongoing combat). We're flexible with rules and technicalities if it keeps the game rolling. You'd be expected to catch up with local lore and events that have transpired upon joining.

Post here if you're interested, ideally with a character concept and brief argument of why you should be the one to join :P
May 6, 2021 9:58 pm
I am your guy!

Human Fighter, 1e is both of our preferred games and I don't seem to be many of them looking for anyone to join.

Also just talked to DarkJedi79 and he would like to join as well as a human ranger
Last edited May 6, 2021 10:04 pm
May 7, 2021 11:07 pm
I'm in, Human Ranger would be fun, pathfinder is one of my favorite tabletops.
Let me know
May 8, 2021 7:16 am
Ohh this is perfect! I would love to join - if you have the space for me. I'm flexible, but to hit the ground running, I would play Brackit Zathrum, Acadamae dropout and gnome extraordinaire, plying my skills across Korvosa as a bard. Better pay than being a student, plus those stuffy bottle-neck wizards were too snooty for my taste.

I'm a long-time Pathfinder 1e player, just returning to PbP from a long hiatus and trying to get back in.

I actually just finished running the first book of Crimson Throne in a live game about a year ago. For transparency, I do know some of the grand overarching stuff that happens in the adventure path from that, but really not any of the details past book 1. The benefits: I know Korvosa quite well, and I will be fully caught up on the book 1 events. I don't metagame, no fun in that, so I have no interest in using what little info I know about the adventure path past book 1 to my benefit. In fact, I think it would be great prep for if/when I continue running book 2 myself, to see what happens from the pc's perspective.

I would play my character as a long-time citizen of Korvosa with ties to the people and places therein, from the dark alleys to the richest houses that would be willing to hire me.

Let me know and I'll throw a sheet together for him :)
Last edited May 8, 2021 9:55 am
May 8, 2021 4:07 pm
Emmeline Dawns is a Gray Maiden Initiate who has Commoner Acceptance and Gray Maiden Endurance. She is trying to make a name for herself as a sword for hire so she can finally be accepted into the Order of the Scarlet Rose.

Still researching Lore about the Gray Maidens, I assume the Queen is dead at the time of the campaign?

Edit: OK did not know that Gray Maidens were a major part of the story as is the queen, having never read anything about the AP still to this point. But looking into Grays have found out at least that much so back to square 1 as a Male fighter.
Last edited May 8, 2021 5:10 pm
May 8, 2021 10:37 pm
What are the build rules, allowed content etc? I wouldn't mind bringing a cleric or maybe a warpriest of a good God against the evil queen.
May 10, 2021 7:46 pm
Hello everyone and thanks for your interest. Been a bit busy and forgot to respond.

The adventure witnesses the rise of Queen Ileosa and the Grey Maidens to power, so you seem to have answered your own question there, Rizzo.

As for build rules, I'm pretty sure we did point buy (been 2,5 years, gotta double check). Anything from the Core rulebooks and the Open SRD website is fair game, stuff beyond that is subject to prior DM approval. There is also region-specific material (items, feats etc) that can be found in the Player's Guide, so make sure you look that up for bonus options and a lot of useful info. Get it at

Characters should be native to Korvosa or at least have spent a fair amount of time there. As a common part of their background to bring the party together, they are all drawn together to seek revenge on Gaedren Lamm, a man whose destructive influence has impacted each of their lives in different ways. Again, the Player's Guide provides several background options and each gives a minor bonus to something, so make sure you look into it. I should point out, this is meant to being the party together at the start of the adventure, but don't overlook it as it still has ramifications past that.
May 10, 2021 8:10 pm
Would you be open to a Kineticist then? It is on the SRD but many GMs in the past have told me no in the past.

I was thinking the tortured background and that he was made to be one of Gaedren Lamm's enforcers, but having a conscience got him bumped off - poorly.
May 10, 2021 9:01 pm
Alright, rollcage, I checked and attributes are indeed Standard Fantasy 15 point-buy.

Jomsviking I can see why they'd shoot a Kineticist down, it can easily mess with the tone if you're basically spamming hadoukens and kamehamehas. As long as you don't go there (and preferably play up the psychic/supernatural aspect) it should be ok.

I'm hoping I can wrap this up within the next couple of days and invite whoever ends up joining.
May 10, 2021 9:59 pm
You said the party is almost level 5. Do you want us to build for 5 or 4?

I'm thinking about doing a Crusader cleric of Iomedae. Longsword, full plate, heavy shield. A good old-fashioned battle cleric. After 8 levels of cleric, going in to the Holy Vindicator prestige class. Holy Vindicator is one of the few PrC's that isn't a complete train wreck.
May 10, 2021 11:02 pm
Davin Dawns/ Tortured
Human Fighter (5)
Advanced Weapon Training
Advanced Armor Training
Gorum Worshipper / Mercenary
Greatsword / Longbow
Heart of the Fey alternate racial trait
Tortured Campaign Trait
Reckless Social Trait

Have a sheet about 90% done, just need to know starting wealth for level 4 or 5
Last edited May 13, 2021 9:58 pm
May 11, 2021 5:41 am
DarK_RaideR says:
Jomsviking As long as you don't go there (and preferably play up the psychic/supernatural aspect) it should be ok.
I just play them exactly like a warlock, because they are a cloned template of the warlock class. Down to the damage output, spell like abilities, and progression.
May 12, 2021 12:12 am
I have a level 4 Bard rolled up, awaiting final touches if approved for entry. Mostly just need to do equipment, but might make some minor adjustments to spells and such. Here's my synopsis:

Brackit Zathrum, CG Gnome, Bard
Framed - Dropout campaign trait - he came to Korvosa years back to study at the Acadamae, where he flourished. In his spare time, he performed in local establishments to earn some coin. He got into a bit of a gambling debt with some shady people in Eel's End. One thing led to another and he found himself face to face with Gaedren Lamm and his son Rolth, who offered to pay off that debt in exchange for Acadame access.

As things spiraled out of control and 'access' changed to kidnap job, Brackit threatened to go the city guard. This was just enough motivation Gaedren and his goons needed in order for 'kidnap' to change to 'murder' and a surprise witness sealed Brackit's fate. He was lucky, in a sense, that as the case made its way through the Korvosan court system, this spurious eye-witness met his own untimely death after it was found that his testimony was (*gasp*) faked! With a strong alibi for the actual murder, and lacking any real evidence, Brackit was free to walk, but quickly found his reputation would not longer support his continued studies at the Acadamae.

Brackit has since lived a rather comfortable life for himself in Korvosa thse past 20-some years. He's well known in certain quarters of the city, where he plays nightly in different inns and taverns, or receives private commission for events hosted by the noble families of the city. Brackit has long told anyone who asked that those days are behind him, that's he's moved on, that he cares about the Acadamae as much as they care about him. What he doesn't talk about are the nights spent, sleepless, hoping and planning for a way to get back at Lamm's crew for what they did to him. Someday his moment will come, and he hopes, that day is today.


I'm building Brackit as a lore monkey, particularly with focus on Knowledge (local), and social skills. I see him as playing off his connections and knowledge of the city to talk his way into, and out of, things as much as possible. He will focus on being an annoyance to his enemies in combat through manipulation and control magic. Otherwise, he'll probably not do a lot of direct damage but will try to keep that all important Inspire Courage up as much as possible. For stats, I'm looking at :

Str: 9 (11 - 2 racial)
Dex: 14 (14)
Con: 14 (12 + 2 racial)
Int: 12 (12)
Wis: 8 (8)
Cha: 18 (15 + 2 racial + 1 @ LVL 4)

I'm planning on ranged, but I don't have my heart on it right now - I could just as easily swap to a duelist build using fencing grace - this and other minor tweaks I can make depending on the party makeup and what's needed.

Hoping to join - please let me know!
May 13, 2021 3:57 pm
Alright, once again thank you everybody for applying. Invites have been sent via PM to those, well... invited. Sucks to turn people down, but sadly we can't accommodate everybody. Hope to see you around the boards and keep an eye out in case another spot opens up in the future!
Feb 13, 2022 4:38 pm
Bumping this up again, we seem to have lost a player to real life issues and though I'd like to think they'll return, I'm opening up a spot in the game with the potential of having a 5 PC party once/if they return. Characters have just hit level 5.
Feb 13, 2022 5:48 pm
Greetings. I would be interested, i mostly played dnd 3e -3.5e and 5e. I am familiar with the pathfinder setting and rules ( due to mostly Kingmaker and Wrath of the Righteous crpgs) but never played it in pen and paper before.
Feb 14, 2022 5:35 am
I will add that this is a well-paced game with a great group of characters and DarK_RaideR has been a wonderful GM. If you are interested in a Pathfinder game with legs to carry it for a while, this is a good one to join.
Feb 15, 2022 2:10 pm
I'm interested if there is a spot
Feb 15, 2022 2:39 pm
@Baltar and @SurferofSaragar are both prospects, plus I've notified @Jomsviking who expressed interest last time. Intersted to hear from all of you what characters you have in mind and why you should be picked over others (hate to make this sound like a job interview, but there just aren't enough spots to accommodate everyone!)
Feb 15, 2022 11:47 pm
I will read the player's guide and post tomorrow.
Feb 16, 2022 5:50 pm
After reading the old player's guide and the new post ( i think I’m going to play a Chelaxian (ethnicity) LN Lore Shaman (True Silvered Throne), who is a drug addict (Drug Addict Campaign Trait). This guy started using shiver to induce prophetic dreams. After the overdose he is trying to overcome the addiction and decided to go after Gaedren Lamm so he stops flow of poison on Korvosa streets.

I don't know if the heroes have already dealt with Gaedren. If this is the case, then my character will search the group to give his thanks and will probably end up joining then (we can roleplay this).

I'm planning in build this guy arround Healing, Ritual Magic and Skills.

But i'm also open to play anything the party needs.
Last edited February 16, 2022 7:25 pm
Feb 22, 2022 9:55 am
I have examined everyone's application and convened with the rest of the active players. Invites have been sent, sadly I can't accomodate everyone but again, if there's a spot open I'll reactivate this thread. Thank you for your time and interest.

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