May 11, 2021 7:07 pm
You were just hired by a halflings druids order to do their difficult work dealing with people who are breaking the law the specifics of the mission were to dangerous to relay from a distance meeting them in the Grove they will reveal the nature of your mission, great rewards are promised but will you have what it takes?
Set in the dwarven city of Ignar as their nations leader the Great Cleric has called for a temple to be built in every city. weather you are from the city or from far, far away this mission will pay well
looking for six to eight players.
Another DM is running a game in this world and so when you first enter the game you will not be able to view anything in either game except world details which are separate you can still write a post though just make sure when you do you remind me you can't see the game yet.
Character Creation Guidelines:
Level: 1st
Stats: 4d6 drop lowest for each score, point buy (27 points), or standard array
Races: all in PHB or ask me
Classes: All official materials.
Background: Any background, or Custom, let me know if you choose to make a Custom background and give stats.Starting Equipment:
~ normal starting equipment.
~ 40 Gp.
Please do not apply for this game if you are in another game in the World of Brucear
Set in the dwarven city of Ignar as their nations leader the Great Cleric has called for a temple to be built in every city. weather you are from the city or from far, far away this mission will pay well
looking for six to eight players.
Another DM is running a game in this world and so when you first enter the game you will not be able to view anything in either game except world details which are separate you can still write a post though just make sure when you do you remind me you can't see the game yet.
Character Creation Guidelines:
Level: 1st
Stats: 4d6 drop lowest for each score, point buy (27 points), or standard array
Races: all in PHB or ask me
Classes: All official materials.
Background: Any background, or Custom, let me know if you choose to make a Custom background and give stats.
[ +- ] Custom background
2 skills
2 language/tool proficiencies
1 official background feature
2 language/tool proficiencies
1 official background feature
~ normal starting equipment.
~ 40 Gp.
Please do not apply for this game if you are in another game in the World of Brucear
Last edited May 12, 2021 10:48 am