Chapter 4: A New Hope

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May 19, 2021 4:29 am
Amazed, and delighted, he is unsure what to make of this, whether the voice in his mind is real or only in his mind, then thinks it could be both. He tries to focus his mind and answer back. Helvetius! Thank you, "...and you were right about the sleep spell and about Hope," he says, inadvertently vocalising the last bit of the 'message' to his old master, like someone waking up from a dream. He ducks underwater and surfaces.

"It was resolved quickly," he replies to Kaa. "For a moment I thought you were done for. You fought well. We'll see what happens tonight but I would like to stick around for a bit. I'd like to learn more spells. There are many things in this place I am curious about. The stone hand for one thing and that tunnel near this very spring. What about you?"
Last edited May 19, 2021 4:30 am
May 20, 2021 9:46 pm
With no immediate reponses, Naeris says 'I dunno. I'm too tired to think about it now.'
May 21, 2021 7:35 pm
I imagine we should investigate the hand/statue. Perhaps there's a way in through the tavern?
May 24, 2021 8:16 am
Euphoria separates from the party and goes to the stable to pick some apples up from the barrel and say hi to Butterscotch.

The tiefling enters the hot springs cave with an armful of apples, a couple of them fall and bounce towards the adventurers taking a rest in the water. Wha?! Thoe ae fee so I ook em,- she replies to the looks, another apple stuck on her canine-like teeth. The apples are rolling around a bit as she puts them onto the floor, but she quickly catches those running away and puts them in a small pile next to her bag. So, anyone want an apple?,- Euphoria asks, ready to throw some.

The pink nuisance then runs straight at the hot spring and takes a dive not even taking her clothes off.
I don't know about you but I'm definitely sticking around for some time, this place's amazing!,- she exclaims, emerging from the salty water. Can't wait for the feast, I'm hungry as seven hells! You think they're ready yet?,- Euphoria asks her question looking at the ceiling, addressing no one in particular.
May 24, 2021 9:25 am
'Nice of them to prepare a feast. I am pretty hungry now you mention it!'

Naeris is a bit unsure about how 'free' the apples were so doesn't ask for one despite her now-obvious hunger.
Last edited May 24, 2021 9:25 am


May 25, 2021 4:28 am
Eventually the time for the feast arrives and the party is called from its activities. Everyone has come from miles around, eager to meet the new heroes of sword and spell.

You are astonished at the amount of food this hard-luck town has managed to drum up on short notice. It looks like they've been waiting for something to celebrate. There are loaves of freshly baked bread and bowls of whipped butter, sugared almonds, honey-mustard eggs, chillded strawberry soup, pottages, several roast turkeys, bacon pot pies seasoned with sage, fried oranges, and cheese. There are also barrels of spiced wine and rum ready to pour.

At the height of the evening, Sheriff Willowmane produces a line of chests that she's brought out of the castle, which contains the Arkasian relics which she promised the party in exchange for their help.

"Brave Naeris, we present to you this verdant cloak that was crafted by your kin. It should help you stay hidden whenever you want to, both from enemies and just when you need a little privacy." She produces a beautiful forest green cloak.
[ +- ] Cloak of Elvenkind
"Mighty Kaa, this carved agate stone is said to grant its bearer incredible luck. May it turn the tides for you in battle, and in soccer matches against our town's children." With laughter from the town, she hands the tiniest stone to the largest of the heroes.
[ +- ] Luckstone
"Spirited Euphoria, should you come under fire, these gloves will allow you to snatch arrows right out of the air. May they keep you safe in dark times." She presents the gloves in a finely crafted wooden box feels as light as paper.
[ +- ] Gloves of Missile Snaring
While you wear this cloak with its hood up, Wisdom (Perception) checks made to see you have disadvantage, and you have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide, as the cloak's color shifts to camouflage you. Pulling the hood up or down requires an action.[/spoiler]

"Gentle Alfrey, your heart is the largest in 10 miles. But your armor is also the noisiest in ten miles! We thought this might help out." She presents a shirt of sparkling mithril splint mail (AC 17)
[ +- ] Mithril Armor
"Wise Hilmar, we hope you know what to do with this strange thing because we haven't the faintest idea! But I suspect someone of your intellect will find uses for it, perhaps beyond even its maker's intentions." She presents Hilmar with a strange iron rod and the townfolk stare curiously at it.
[ +- ] Immovable Rod

With the gifts handed out, there is an enormous applause and the feast truly commences!
Feel free to roleplay out the evening and tie up loose ends. Officially your characters are now level 3, although without much mechanical elements left to do, I'll leave it up to you if you want to bother with updating your sheet!
May 25, 2021 5:59 am
Euphoria's appetite was truly infernal, she made sure to try every single meal at the feast. By the time the gifting ceremony started her very much pink cheeks became even more so pink because of how much wine she has consumed.
She smiles and nods to the Sheriff, takes the box into her hands, and quickly opens it, her grin becoming wider, she definitely likes what she sees!
Fancy!,- the tiefling exclaims, trying the magic artifact on,- Thank you very hic much! Personally you and hic everyone in town for this ama.. hic amazing feast!
She then turns to her companions: Anyone wanna throw something at me? So I could.. hic test it?
May 26, 2021 5:29 am
While not normally one to indulge in food and drink, even Alfrey is unable to resist such a sumptuous spread. He is also happy to entertain the curiosity of fellow revelers regarding his role in the recent adventure. "As a cleric of Bahamut", he tells them, "I bring guidance to my companions — divine wisdom and sometimes divine intervention". He shows off his holy symbol and can't help but feel some pride at their wondering faces. He is about to launch into some of the finer points of draconic theology when Sheriff Willowmane calls for the gathering's attention to commence with the giving of gifts. When she presents Alfrey with the set of Mithril armour, he accepts it graciously. "I have heard of this metal", he reflects, with awe in his voice, "but I never thought I might own it, especially not in such a form as this! Thank you — I hope to prove myself worthy of this gift."

When Euphoria asks for help testing her new gloves, Alfrey quickly butts in before anyone has a chance to throw anything genuinely dangerous at her. "Certainly! Let's see here..." He looks around for the least threatening object he can find before grabbing an orange from the table and lobbing it towards her. "Catch this!"
Last edited May 26, 2021 5:32 am


Ranged Orange attack - I guess? XD - (1d20+0)

(12) = 12

May 26, 2021 5:34 am
Len, I think the spoiler tags in your post are a little messed up :)
May 26, 2021 6:22 am
Piece of cake,- Euphoria says, the orange in her hand,- the gloves are really comfortable though! hic Thank you again, Ruth!,-she smiles at the Sheriff after giving a thumbs up to Alfrey.
To know if Euphoria succeed I need to know the attack damage, so I'm gonna roll it for you :D
So it's typically 1d4 for smaller thrown objects, but since it isn't really a weapon might make it 1d3 + your strength proficiency? Kinda like this
Last edited May 26, 2021 6:29 am


Catching the orange - (1d10+2)

(8) + 2 = 10

Orange damage - (1d3+1)

(1) + 1 = 2

May 26, 2021 6:56 am
Naeris enjoys the feast, with so many foods she hadn't eaten before. The turkey isn't as gamey as she's used to but the novelty of everything makes up for it and oranges are strange and wonderful.

When given the cloak, she is very taken with the gift. It's such a thoughtful gift - how do they already know her that well? She's a little embarrassed but also very pleased to be given such a beautiful garment.
'Thank you, Ruth' she says, 'What a lovely cloak. It should be very useful.'
She marvels too at what is given to her companions.

Perhaps I can get used to living in this town, she thinks. It still seems like too many people but now she wonders about what is ahead. Feeling overwhelmed and tired, she doesn't contribute much to the conversation but mostly observes what's going on at the feast.
Last edited May 26, 2021 9:39 pm
May 26, 2021 12:28 pm
Kaa enjoyed the bath time with the others, and did take an apple. When they are called for the feast he jumps out and barely remember to put some clothing on. He drools heavily at the sight of all the food the village folk prepared, and he will also make sure to try everything twice. Even more so with the spiced wine and rum, he is a big man with big appetite. And although he is very much energized and fidgety, his eating habit is the same casual snail paced as usual. He will be loud, rough, and laughing and playing around a lot.

He is also pleasantly inebriated by the time they are receiving the gifts. He is mumbling that he wants a cloak too as he sees Naeris receive hers, but then its his turn next, and he turns completely starry eyed at his new stone. He lifts it up high and marvels in it.
"Hahaha, truly the bestest gift! I will never part with it! And those kids won't stand a chance anymore!"

After Euphoria's catch he also offers to throw something, and his hand is reaching for a chair with a way too wide grin on his face.
His stamina will last a long while, and he will make sure that he can do a silly antic with everyone: like making funny impersonations with Euphoria, or coming up with not-so-wise uses with Hilmar for his new item, tickling Alfrey's ear with a grass then pretending it wasn't him, or trying to sneak up on Naeris and spook her. He is worse than a fully energized four year old.
May 26, 2021 11:22 pm
Hilmar ponders over what foods to try out first. Unable to make a decision he tries small portions of a selection of the delicacies on offer. He is impressed by the different gifts bestowed on his friends. When it comes to his turn, he is somewhat phased as to how he could use this item, feeling less foolish when Ruth says they cannot think of a use for it either. He studies it after being told about the buttons and the fact that it can defy gravity and hold up to 8,000 pounds in weight.
"Thank you Ruth and good people of Hope, for this delicious feast and this interesting gift," he says sitting, then he raises the immovable rod to head height, activates the button and grips it to rise to his feet. "I can already think of some engineering applications for it," he says grinning, "I shall treasure it always."
Returning to his chair where he left his food, at hearing Kaa's facetious uses for the rod, Hilmar uses it to scratch his back.


May 28, 2021 5:27 am
callan says:
Len, I think the spoiler tags in your post are a little messed up :)
Whoops! I've fixed it now. Looks like Pitrio managed to figure things out anyway! Also, I've added the text that explains the text for Astroloma's magic item, the Cloak of Elvenkind.


May 28, 2021 6:00 am
The crowd cheers as Euphoria catches Alfrey's orange out of the air with ease! Kaa's antics garner hearty laughs from people who've been starved of joy for some time. A small group of kids have gathered around Hilmar and are taking turns swinging from the immovable rod as it hangs in mid air. Naeris is visited by the black cat from their farmhouse, who eagerly hops in her lap and starts purring. And Alfrey is visited by Ralavaz, who is eager to discuss plans for the future of the town temple and the teachings of Bahamut in general.

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