Jun 12, 2021 10:25 pm
January, 1925 - Jackson Elias was your friend, the kind of guy who always had time for a a drink and a story, the kind of guy who'd give you his last dollar. The kind of guy couldn't stay away from a mystery, even if it stank of trouble. This time however,it looks like trouble found him.
They tortured him before they murdered him, and he didn't die easy. Then they carved occult symbols into his flesh, hoping to scare off anybody else investigating, to scare others away. It didn't work.
Somebody out there knows why Jackson was killed, and you're going to make them answer for it, even if you have to follow them to the ends of the Earth... and maybe beyond.
Looking for about 4 players who can commit to 1-2 posts a day, and are willing to stick with the game. Familiarity with MotW/PbtA and the Mythos will be helpful, but is not required.
Allowed Playbooks: Crooked, Expert, Flake, Gumshoe, Hex, Initiate, Mundane, Professional, Searcher, Spooky, Wronged
For some playbooks, Use Magic will not be appropriate and the alternate weird moves from the the Tome of Mysteries are encouraged. Also, please note that this game is set in the 1920s, in a world where the supernatural is alien at best and actively hostile at worst. Some elements may need to be changed due to the nature of the game.
Last edited June 12, 2021 10:28 pm