Jul 20, 2021 12:54 pm
You may have noticed that there have been a couple of games around where the players RP kingdoms instead of characters. This kind of is one of those games :D
My idea is to run a little test using the original Heroes of Might and Magic setting as background, basically so we can ground the game on something.
"On orders from your Emperor, you attempt to claim an ancient artifact of great power.
Unfortunately, an old friend has become a powerful rival, and is attempting to claim the artifact before you.
The fate of the empire balances on who retrieves the artifact first."
I'm looking for 3-4 players to try a basic one-shot (couple of months), running the scenarios of the The Price of Loyalty campaign (from 1997!) It may be a bit rail-roady, but it will give us time to settle into the setting and tweak the rules. Ideally, players would start on opposing sides of the rebellion 😈
This will be an RP heavy game. We will go through the campaign "scenarios". We will pick cards from a deck to randomize the challenges for each scenario and then you will merge resources (dice) to send "heroes" on their "mission" to face those challenges. The focus is on the creative writing, not game mechanics so the game will be mostly describing how each "hero" overcomes the challenge.
1-2 times per week as this type of games usually call for long posts. If players are interested, we can either start to explore the Ironfist story-line (or just go where the game take us)
No need to know anything about the setting. It's basically fantasy... with might and magic... so you probably got the idea :D
Anyone interest and with time to spare? :D
My idea is to run a little test using the original Heroes of Might and Magic setting as background, basically so we can ground the game on something.

Unfortunately, an old friend has become a powerful rival, and is attempting to claim the artifact before you.
The fate of the empire balances on who retrieves the artifact first."
I'm looking for 3-4 players to try a basic one-shot (couple of months), running the scenarios of the The Price of Loyalty campaign (from 1997!) It may be a bit rail-roady, but it will give us time to settle into the setting and tweak the rules. Ideally, players would start on opposing sides of the rebellion 😈
This will be an RP heavy game. We will go through the campaign "scenarios". We will pick cards from a deck to randomize the challenges for each scenario and then you will merge resources (dice) to send "heroes" on their "mission" to face those challenges. The focus is on the creative writing, not game mechanics so the game will be mostly describing how each "hero" overcomes the challenge.
1-2 times per week as this type of games usually call for long posts. If players are interested, we can either start to explore the Ironfist story-line (or just go where the game take us)
No need to know anything about the setting. It's basically fantasy... with might and magic... so you probably got the idea :D
Anyone interest and with time to spare? :D
Last edited July 26, 2021 8:52 am