Y1105: Uprising [IRONSFIST]

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Aug 11, 2021 3:31 pm
Remnant sent a note to CESN,mormegil,Jackwolfking
Aug 11, 2021 5:21 pm
mormegil sent a note to CESN,Remnant
Aug 11, 2021 5:44 pm
Remnant sent a note to Remnant,mormegil
Aug 11, 2021 6:36 pm
added mormegil to the note

Yes, we can have the confused elven army storming Roc Haven and finding the wolf. You can play around with this as well. Instead of taking over you can have the resources challenges be you having someone else waiting to ambush this elven force and capture some of them? Get the ransom money (diamonds) and defeat an army (clubs) ?
Aug 11, 2021 6:46 pm
Didn't see the one post about the direction on where the story was going from CESN and was a bit confused but now I get it. So my last post could dove tail into meeting someone from Mormegil's faction at the Ironfist camp after doing a thing? Would that tie in to his diamond? I figure during his club challenge Ishiyari could side swipe resources needed as a coordinated attack so they can fight and defend for something they don't have anymore.
Aug 12, 2021 10:54 am
Remnant's fail

The black wolf howls angrily. He moves around the settlement square, dry blood everywhere. He can still smell those impertinent mortals who dared destroy his, yes HIS ruby moon flowers. But they escaped, so he returned to Roc Haven, that irrelevant mining settlement full of stupid, incompetent goblins! He took over it easily, he just had to challenge the weak ogre in charge and the orcs dropped their useless axes in an instant.

Where are those stupid humans? he asks the frightful goblins. They know that one of them is about to be eaten. "They promised me a new body! I am tired of this bloody fur." He stop, his eyes staring at one goblin, who instinctively steps back. The orc guard stands next to the black wolf, tall, strong, armored. Though they should be safe from the wolf's wrath, they too fear it. But it had to be done. The rein of terror ends today.

Before the wolf can make his move, the small goblin grabs his spear. The wolf laughs, howling loudly. "Are you challenging ME?" The djinn jumps, blinded by the thrill of the hunt, one of the few things he enjoys from this body. All the goblins raise their spears to join the little one, forming a deadly wall. The wolf laughs again as he magically bounces back in the air, avoiding the puny trap of desperate goblins... only to ace the orcs' axes! In all his arrogance and power, he did not expect that!
Djinn threat: fail. He lost all resources so the threat disappears.
Aug 12, 2021 3:37 pm
I'm now confused...who will write about whom first? I think this game isn't for me...I might have to bow out...
Last edited August 12, 2021 3:37 pm
Aug 13, 2021 10:52 am
momergil's fail

It was clear to Earl Erim that there was to be no negotiation with the elves. Any human was greeted with arrows every time they approached the woodlands. This region is an important gateway into the eastern lands, where the rebels gather under Kraeger's flag. Control of it has to be taken if Ironfist's campaign is to be properly supplied. Leaving their rear exposed could result in being cut off and surrounded by hostile forces. House Erim would not be the one to let that happen!

It was decided that men would be sent to clear out the wood from elven archers, scout for ambushes and secure the safe movement of supplies for Lord Ironsfist's army. Though the elves were initially pushed back, they did not appreciate it the human intrusion. The skirmishes became more and more frequent until the operation became too costly. It was simply unsustainable secure the woodland routes without knowing where the elves would strike next.

The problem would have to be deal with permanently, one way or another...
Elven threat: success. The elves kick Erim out of the woodlands. They get the resources, so there is now a 1d4 elf on the loose!
Aug 13, 2021 4:36 pm
The surroundings looked familiar to Vali. He was in the Blackwoods again but it was different. it feels different. the forest feels like it's older, wilder, and darker. Suddenly, screams of dying men filled the forest. he turned around and saw dead men attired like the rangers which he commanded. The blood from their corpses soaked the grey earth like a flood from a deluge. He detected a movement in the corner of his eye. it was an elf. with his bow aimed at his head, the elf inched closer from the shadow of trees while talking to him, ''You shouldn't have come here...'' Vali looked up and saw the elf's face for the first time: It was Jonas Kraeger's face.
Vali woke up with a start, almost shouting in alarm after seeing his friend's face again after a long time. It was just a dream A sudden knock from the door jolted him into action reaching for his sword. Then he remembered he was still in Lord Ishiyari's castle in one of the spacious guest rooms. It was a week after the ambush in that ill-fated mission to secure lumber for the forces of Lord Ironfist. He can still feel the pain of losing good men dying senseless deaths even more so than the pain of the arrow biting on his left shoulder. A second knock pushed the grim memory in the back of his head once for all, ''Enter!'' he said half shouting the word.

A man in ranger's clothes opened the door and entered. it was Torgen. or it would be if he was not stuck in the infirmary from his injuries and looked 20 years younger. Then, the realization hit Vali as the man walked forward and came into view from the light from the nearby window.

Einar! at first, I thought your father is already up! knowing him, I think the healers are having a hard time keeping him on his bed. How is Torgen doing?

The young man who looked like Torgen so much smiled an easy friendly gesture more in contrast to his father's rare taciturn smirks. Einar Hafnir is second in command of the rangers and almost at the age of Vali and even if their station is different, they had come to regard each other like brothers than just brothers in arms.

You know my father well enough my lord. As you say, he is ill at ease lying around abed. but I've made sure that the healers are there to restrain him and told him that these are your orders.

The younger man's smile faded after a while taking in a more serious look and tone, Well, the reason I knocked my lord is to bring some important news to you. Our scouts have picked up a group of people along the outskirts of the forests where you were ambushed a week ago. These people look to be mages with their attire and all but they won't be forthcoming to any information until they talk to ''someone with authority''. I could hold them in the dungeon if you wo--

Vali raised his hand and interrupted Einar. He had heard enough. he had enough of lying in bed as well and he would welcome any chance of a respite from all those strange dreams. That won't be necessary my friend. I'll go down and talk to these mages and see what they want. maybe they could give us some advantage over these lands. Where did they say they come from?

They say they ran away from South Mill...
Vali, Einar, and a few of his men were gathered in the Ishiyari castle's great hall. Even though lord Ishiyari granted him the use of the place with the spacious conference tables and chairs, The Earl of Blackwood opted to sit in a simple wooden chair while he listened to the dark news that the group of mages delivered. He wouldn't want to take advantage of Ishiyari's hospitality any more than necessary. The mages had a tower near the South Mill area and had taken an oath of neutrality never bothering with the conflicts of neighboring nations until now. They shared neutrality between the elves of the forest until that was broken by an attack by a large war group. They tried to communicate with them but all they had was arrows and spears thrown at them. With their tower beset by mad and angry Elves, a few of their number magicked their way out of their tower to find help while the others stayed behind to defend and hold their abode for as long as they can.

Looking at the bedraggled appearance of the mages, Vali was inclined to believe them. If they could find a way to help these magic users they might prove useful allies against the elves and maybe against the rebel forces of Kraeger in the future. Also, the mages promised them much-needed resources if they can drive away the besiegers. With Torgen still recovering, he had only one other good man to entrust a daring mission to. and that was Einar Hafnir. But he won't go in unprepared. First, he would need to tell this plan to his liege Lord Ironfist and to ask for more men in this endeavor.
Last edited August 16, 2021 2:35 pm


Challenge roll (6 of Diamonds: Help the mages being besieged by elves in the South Mill) - (1d4)

(3) = 3

Aug 13, 2021 5:48 pm
mormegil says:
[To be continued...writer's block]
Ahah no worries. It works like a perfect cliffhanger:)

Remover to roll to know the challenge result. Maybe that will give you some ideas. Or brainstorm something OOC if you want :D
[ +- ] [url=https://gamersplane.com/forums/thread/22004/?p=1029903#p1029903
Aug 16, 2021 2:36 pm
CESN says:
mormegil says:
[To be continued...writer's block]
Ahah no worries. It works like a perfect cliffhanger:)

Remover to roll to know the challenge result. Maybe that will give you some ideas. Or brainstorm something OOC if you want :D
rolled for the challenge is a 3 a success? Also, I got new images for Torgen and Einar Hafnir... where would I put them?
Last edited August 16, 2021 2:37 pm
Aug 23, 2021 3:49 pm
[ +- ] The Battle of South Mill
Last edited August 23, 2021 3:49 pm
Sep 16, 2021 6:51 pm
With the wizards’ tower secured, and the mad elves dead, Vali manages to finally secure the roads for his Lord Ironfist. If they can protect them from the elven threat, they the supply lines for the army are guaranteed.

But that is still a big if…

Morglin Ironfist surveys the area around the tower, accompanied by Vali Erin and Athelstaff, who stepped forward as the likely new archmage after the old one fell to an elven arrow. Athelstan is showing the roads to the east and the valley between the mountains to the north as he explains the current situation. "The elven sorcerers have gone mad a little before the news of your arrival. They started raiding the roads and the mines, attacking any human on sight." he sighs remembering the events "They used to be very loyal… their attack in South Mill is simply inexplicable"
Mormegil the conversation turning to South Mill, the human city assaulted by the elven army. Freeing it can be your remaining challenge: 6♧ Groups + Military. Maybe you find a group of elven scouts/messengers and disrupt Chandlers communication?

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