House Novaro (MagnificentFly)

Jul 26, 2021 3:29 pm

House Name: House Novaro
House Leader: Rodrick Novaro
Heraldry: Black Shield with a White Griffon
House Motto: "Fierce and Dangerous"
Liege Lord: Lord Gallavant
Resources: 9
♤ Gareth 1d4


Current location
Jul 26, 2021 3:29 pm
House Background:
The Novaro house control major port in the outer isles, Griffon's Peak, the central and largest isle in the archipelago. It is mostly known for breeding griffons for the Empire. Novaro family is among the oldest noble houses, while they focus largely on diplomacy, choosing to broker a deal rather than go to an armed conflict, they are not someone to scoff at. Harsh environment and yet-to-be-tamed griffons leave little room for softness and no one was able to take control of their island since they have claimed it. The House would declare itself independent if not for their family ties to House Gallavant.

When Lord Gallavant was sent to the Outer Isles, Rodrick offered his cousin to stay at the Novaro Estate and assigned his second son, Bartholomew, to accommodate Lord Gallavant's needs. Lord Gallavant's presence, however, created a rather tense atmosphere as a lot of the House's arrangements aren't strictly legal, though, greatly beneficial to the region.
Jul 26, 2021 3:30 pm
Members & Retainers
[ +- ] Rodrick Novaro
[ +- ] Bartholomew Novaro
[ +- ] Margaret Novaro
[ +- ] Gareth Novaro
[ +- ] Captain of the Dauntless
Sep 1, 2021 10:38 am
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