House Erim (mormegil)

Jul 26, 2021 3:37 pm

House name: House Erim
House leader: Earl Vali Erim
Heraldry: Plumetty cendree and sable; a lion cadent azure armed brunatre.
House Motto: ''Beware the forests''
Liege Lord: Lord Morglin Ironfirst
Resources: 8
♢ Vali Erim 1d2
♢ Einar Hafnir 1d4
* Elven Scouts 1d4

Current location
Jul 26, 2021 3:40 pm
House Background:

A relatively new minor house descended from a long line of hunters and farmers, House Erim was granted it's peerage when Vali's great-great-grandfather saved the then ruling Lord Ironfoot from an erstwhile mountain lion during one of his hunting trips. The lord's party was ambushed by the lion who leapt at lord Ironfoot who was about to get mauled if not for hunter Erim's quick thinking. Interposing himself between his liege lord and the animal, the hunter killed the lion but not before taking fatal wounds himself. Thankful and distraught at seeing a loyal subject die because of his carelessness Lord Ironfoot quickly went to the side of the dying huntsman. The last words of the brave man was, ''Beware the forests, my lord...the beasts are roaming this time of year...''.

The hunter was buried with honours in the lord's own family crypt citing, ''Any person showing great acts of loyalty to me and my kin is my family as well'' The hunter's surviving family was given noble peerage and to any descendants thereafter while also having the deep forested lands in the south east as their demesne. Today house Erim is in charge of Lord Ironfoot's hunting grounds, and protecting the southern areas from poachers, criminals and monsters. The current head of the house, Earl Vali is fiercely devoted to the current leader of Ironfoot lord Morglin and has reaffirmed his loyalty by sending his best scouts, Rangers and knowledge of the woods and trails in ready supply. Tread carefully when you step inside the deep woods. sometimes errant beasts and monster claws are the least of your worries. for underneath the shadows of the trees, sharp blades and readied bows are waiting to drive home the message clear and true: ''Beware the forests...''
Jul 26, 2021 3:42 pm
Members & Retainers
[ +- ] Earl Vali Erim
[ +- ] First Ranger Torgen Hafnir
[ +- ] Einar Hafnir
[ +- ] Eric

[ +- ] Rovann
Aug 10, 2021 2:41 pm
General cues and questions

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Aug 25, 2021 12:58 pm
CESN sent a note to mormegil

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