Clan Ishiyari (Remnant)

Jul 26, 2021 3:46 pm

House name: Clan Ishiyari
House leader: Currently Ichigo Ishiyari [The First Spear]
Heraldry: A red mountain split by five black spears
House Motto: ''The world is my weapon and I shall hewn it''
Liege Lord: Lord Morglin Ironfirst
The crest is a placeholder

Resources: 8
♢ The fifth 1d2
♧ Hakagu 1d4
* The Dark Wolf (Djinn) 0d0

Current location
Jul 26, 2021 3:46 pm
House Background:

A clan based in the mountains that live a quiet warrior's life seeking enlightenment and mastery of the ways of the warrior, a hierarchy based on a meritocracy system between 5 siblings. The main family can shift annually depending on the merits accomplished by the main family and the 4 branches. Disciplined and militaristic when given the opportunity to become a vassal the clan as a whole saw it as an opportunity to use the world and traveling it to hewn their skills and sharpen their spear least it become rusty.
Jul 26, 2021 3:46 pm
Members & Retainers
[ +- ] Uncle Ichigo Ishiyari, the first spear
[ +- ] Uncle/aunt, the second spear
[ +- ] Uncle/aunt, the third spear
[ +- ] Uncle/aunt, the Fourth spear
[ +- ] Uncle/aunt, the sixth spear

[ +- ] Cousin Kazui Ishiyari, the first successor
[ +- ] Cousin Hangaku, the second successor
[ +- ] Cousin Tamahagane, the third successor
[ +- ] Cousin Daughter of the Fourth
[ +- ] Cousin fifth successor
[ +- ] Cousin Wataru, the sixth successor

[ +- ] Mercenaries
Aug 4, 2021 5:49 pm
General cues and questions

Feel free to add more questions, answers and thoughts to use later
[ +- ] List
Aug 27, 2021 10:42 am
I guess we can finish the challenge if you're ready :D
CESN sent a note to Remnant

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