Members & Retainers[ +- ] Uncle Ichigo Ishiyari, the first spear
Ichigo Ishiyari is the current head of Clan Ishiyari. A perpetual indifferent frown masks his thoughts
[ +- ] Uncle/aunt, the second spear
Head of the family branch responsible for military endeavors.
[ +- ] Uncle/aunt, the third spear
Head of the family branch responsible for logistics, construction and knowledge. Favors civil engineering of the clan. Capentry, masonary, water works for drinking, bathing, waste.
[ +- ] Uncle/aunt, the Fourth spear
Head of the family branch in charge of intelligence gathering, leader of the Shadows in the Dark. These spies discreetly scout and investigate situations and off reports to plain clothed people living a normal life through the area, the Ishiyari extensive intelligence network.
[ +- ] Uncle/aunt, the sixth spear
Head of the family branch with least responsibilities, morale booster and contrarian of the Spears.
[ +- ] Cousin Kazui Ishiyari, the first successor
Kazui Ishiyari is the son and successor of Ichigo Ishiyari. Not as poised and stoic as his father. He favours the versatility of the traditional Fang Stone Splitter Spear
[ +- ] Cousin Hangaku, the second successor
2nd Spear Young Miss looks like Ju Xiao Wen if she opted to do MMA training. shaven head woman. Interested in tales of battles favors the sword spear. He thought her to be a very intelligent andt deligent he didn't expect her to have a fanatically focused mindset w
[ +- ] Cousin Tamahagane, the third successor
Tamahagane a two years older cousin of Kazui. Like his father he sports a larger frame of size and power, which helps him with his favored dual great war maces. Always brunt and flat, he woudl take most things head on and with honesty and sincerity
[ +- ] Cousin Daughter of the Fourth
It's a woman and she likes the dark blue robes of the Goblin master of Avone
[ +- ] Cousin fifth successor
A curious glass-wearing alchemist. He could not resist investigating the Ruby Moon flowers, testing his theory on their magical properties. Instead of preserving them, he removed the properties of the flowers, enraging the djinn who bite him leaving him catatonic for awhile. As he recovered, he was punished to ‘learn the importance’ of reactions between materials in alchemic processes by an elderly woman who arrived on the back of a donkey, spending his time in lecture, writing reports, and dictating processes by hand with little time to rest or sleep.
[ +- ] Cousin Wataru, the sixth successor
she eats apples. whimsical nature. she likes to negotiate
[ +- ] Mercenaries
Two cloaked individuals who were hired to trick the elves into attacking the djinn