Members & Retainers[ +- ] Marquess Alaric 'Stormhammer' Blackwall
The military genius who gathered the broken imperial resistance and lead to victory against the rampaging hordes of barbarians, forcing them out of the northern regions into the eastern steeps. The first Marquess of all Black March, Stormhammer took charge of the lands of those families lost in the war and build an intricate group of outposts, walls and fortifications, the Blackwall that was to prevent another such disaster.
[ +- ] Baron Baltasar Vodan
Baltasar Vodan is the current head of House Blackwall
[ +- ] Harold Quickfoot
Harold Quickfoot was a criminal and a con man from Blackwall. When he wasn't setting up a Ponzi Scheme or selling plots of land in Poyais (I know I'm not creative, so I just ripped this scheme from history), he was spending time in the Blackwall Guard's jails. When the city was under assault by the Barbarians who now rule the city, he was there in the jail. As the last two Blackwalls fled the city with their retinue, Baltasar Blackwall took the con man with him, and Harold has been a loyal servant since.
A Rogue travels with Baltasar. When Baltasar is wanting to do two things at once. He often dispatches Harold Quickfoot, who is often disguised as a seneschal of the noble house
Harold now wears a silk robe under his thick leather jacket, constantly guarded by a trio of human swordsmen, and his minotaur guards.
Realized that I need someone to die first. When there is a failure, I will probably kill off Harold
[ +- ] Olaf and Oleg
Harold's minotaur bodyguards. After the death of Olaf, Oleg was arrested by the elves and switched sides when Lyonar freed him.
[ +- ] Helena Blackwall
Helena is a mage and the aunt of Baltasar.
[ +- ] Father Alfred Whitemane
Father Whitemane is a cleric, 78 years old. Born into a minor noble family in the environs of Blackwall, he became a priest and advised the Blackwalls for decades, often being trusted to tutor the more intelligent members of the family. While Baltasar sat in on court proceedings, Alfred taught Helena. Alfred is loyal to the family and to Helena, who he believes should have been selected to succeed Baltasar's father when he died. Now he is one of the louder voices in Helena's loyalty faction calling her to respect the oath she swore and act against her treacherous nephew...
[ +- ] Lyonar Brightsilver
Lyonar Brightsilver is a freeman who enjoys the delicate art of diplomacy and intrigue. Brightsilver is a graying man with a neatly cropped beard. He has spent time with the elves and the dwarves, as well as the orcs and the centaurs. Unlike most of the people in the Blackwall courts, nobody is quite sure who he answers to...
Captured by Baron Holceno!
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[ +- ] Francis the Eagle-eyed
a dark haired man with a long scar from his ear wrapping around the back of his head. He is good with moving money and resources
[ +- ] Wizard Guthbert
A magician from Kraeger's court send to advice Baron Baltasar Vodan
[ +- ] Rannuf Grimwalk
One of Guthbert's wizards, turned necromancer. With the help of Baltasar, he disseminated the warlocks that opposed this choice. He wears a ring on his hand which seems to perpetually bleed, and carries a staff that was topped with a minotaur's skull. Left across the sea
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[ +- ] Collette Firehair
Collette was a bright red haired street urchin in Blackwall. A skilled thief, she looted many a house with a small gang of miscreants. One day, she looted a house of the late Spymaster Anselm Arddric. Collette found a notebook that only those who cry into its pages can read it. Twenty years have passed and she never cries anymore, except on cue to read from her notes. Collette ran a spy ring for one of the great crime families in the capital, but now she's here to find an army to find her own land. Her trusted companion, Marie, the messenger raven
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[ +- ] Oscar or Olivia
Collette's minotaur bodyguards[