Members & Retainers[ +- ] Wikolia Kohola'uhane
Wikolia Kohola'uhane is the current head of House Kohola'uhane
[ +- ] Lilinoe Kohola'uhane
Lilinoe Kohola'uhane is the daughter of Wikolia Kohola'uhane and a Uhana - one who talk to the dead. She was sent to be an apprentice of the wizard Mandalis. Even after all those years spent at master's Mandalis secluded tower complex, she still liked simple joys like fishing or preparing a meal under the star lit skies. The spirits haven't ever left her when she had gone north, as some have warned. If anything, they have gotten even
Maybe that was because Lilinoe wasn't really interested in inheriting any of master's titles
she was pretty good with a spear, with which she danced like an acrobat but that wouldn't help. And she really needed to work on remembering those combat spells that she rarely used.
[ +- ] Aeron Greyjell
He was the ship's captain, most skilled of all the available man around her. Also, the oldest and highest in rank. She knew very well that to him, she was just a brat playing with magic - but, on the other hand, he saw Mandalis make his enemies' skin fall away from their bones. He would be loyal, to the extent, that was certain.
[ +- ] Darko
One of lilinoe's former man she sacrificed to make the blood pact with Kraghmo
[ +- ] Solmyr
coming up to her without any warning. He was like that, always showing up out of nowhere, all serious and wizardish
Yes, he would make a good master one day.
Solmyr, who was taken as an apprentice after one of the battles. All his family slain, Mandalis became the closest he got to the family. He, and Lilinoe, that is, whom he viewed as his sister.Solmyr laughed with his booming laughter that would probably make some people on the battlefield shit their pants:
he communicates with lilinoe as a white seagull through dreams
[ +- ] Mandalis
Mandalis showed her some interesting ways of developing her ability - but he quickly focused on more orthodox ways of taming the magical powers. Mandalis did his best to prevent this friendship - he thought an ideal wizard should be a person that grew out of such petty things as companionship or having friends. When he tried to put some rivalry in their lives, they simply did their best and remained loyal to each other.
[ +- ] Kraghmo - the orc shaman
orc shaman. Kraghmo was a shaman and a leader of this village. A few dozen orcs lived here with some goblins and maybe some other creatures.
[ +- ] Sogmeath Dobskutt
Sogmeath (or Sogo) is the youngest of his twenty-two siblings. His father leads the biggest goblin clan on the island, the Dobskutts. Sogo is a leader of a pack, a hunter, a scout and a go-to interpreter. He has some experience with dealing with people, is rather friendly and very curious about the world outside of the island.
. Some of his body was covered with rags, some with parts of an armor, clearly robbed from someone else. He was smiling all the time with a big, toothy grin and raised his hands when he came closer.He was really a curious one, asking them dozens of questions about other cities, kingdoms, lands, about the food and the animals there[
[ +- ] Orc archer
Broad shoulders, green skin and tusks protruding from his face. A skilled archer and hunter. Though she is a weak woman, he appreciates Lilinoe's courage in facing Kraghmo. "he will be the one take the little girl" one they find out the blood pact was broken!
[ +- ] "Big Brothers
Human eating ogres. The ogres were at least three meters each, maybe three and a half. They shared some blood ties with orcs and other greenskins but were considered a wild card, sometimes not welcome in the community. Their aggressiveness and lust for blood were sometimes hard to control. That was exactly why they had to live outside of the main village - even the orcs wanted some kind of decency in their settlement.