House Kohola'uhane (Snowcrash)

Jul 26, 2021 3:57 pm

House name: House Kohola'uhane
House leader: Wikolia Kohola'uhane
Heraldry: Azure shield with an argent killer whale and a torch
House Motto: "Calm heart, clear mind"
Liege Lord: Lord Gallavant
Resources: 8
♤ Lilinoe 1d4

* Undead rising 1d4

Current location
Jul 26, 2021 4:03 pm
House Background:

One hundred years ago, people living on the small islands extending too far from the outer isles to be of any interest, were simply calling themselves "Children of the sea" (or "Keiki o ke kai" in an ancient native language). They weren't interested in politics or kingdoms rising and falling on the mainland. That was until the raiders came, pirates as cruel as cunning. They enslaved many islands, burned many villages and taken many as slaves.
Then one woman stepped up, her name Lanakila. She united nearby villages and send messengers to the Children still able to fight. Then, she did the one thing no one before her dared - she asked for help from the mainland. Lords presiding over the coast aided her cause and helped drive the brigands out. After the fighting was done, she was decorated with the title "Mother" and given a coat of arms. That's how the House Kohola'uhane ("Spirit of the killer whale") started, the only house from the southern seas recognised by the empire.

When Wikolia took took over as the next Mother, her granddaughter, Lilinoe was almost eight. Although usually behaving like an ordinary, happy little girl, sometimes she would talk to herself or describe weird histories from the past. On the islands, everyone knew what this meant: the girl was Uhana - the one who could talk to the dead. She inherited the gift from her mother and grandmother and now needed to learn it's usage. That's when Wikolia had the strangest idea that sounded almost blasphemous - she sent the girl to be raised as an apprentice to a northern wizard named Mandalis, where she became friends with the fellow apprentice Solmyr. The family, The Children and the islands would certainly need her gifts one day. Maybe that day is near?
Jul 26, 2021 4:06 pm
Members & Retainers
[ +- ] Wikolia Kohola'uhane
[ +- ] Lilinoe Kohola'uhane

[ +- ] Aeron Greyjell
[ +- ] Darko
[ +- ] Solmyr
[ +- ] Mandalis

[ +- ] Kraghmo - the orc shaman
[ +- ] Sogmeath Dobskutt
[ +- ] Orc archer
[ +- ] "Big Brothers

[ +- ] Ghost ship
Sep 1, 2021 10:38 am
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