Jul 26, 2021 4:07 pm
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[ +- ] Map legend: HOUSES[/url" rel="nofollow">]IMPERIAL HOUSE
- King Ragnar Ironfirst married to Imperial Princess Ewine (blue)
↳Baron Morglin Ironfirst (cyan)
↳↳[url=https://gamersplane.com/forums/thread/22001/]Clan Ishiyari: Capital town/monastery
↳↳House Erim: Black Woods
- Viscount Kraeger, the commander of northern reaches (green)
↳ House Blackwall: Blackwall (disputed) and Voden
- King Alberon (white)
↳Knight Gallavant and sister wizard Drakonia (grey)
↳↳ House Novaro: Griffon's Peak
↳↳ House Kohola'uhane: Main island and Mandalis' Tower
- King Ragnar Ironfirst married to Imperial Princess Ewine (blue)
↳Baron Morglin Ironfirst (cyan)
↳↳[url=https://gamersplane.com/forums/thread/22001/]Clan Ishiyari: Capital town/monastery
↳↳House Erim: Black Woods
- Viscount Kraeger, the commander of northern reaches (green)
↳ House Blackwall: Blackwall (disputed) and Voden
- King Alberon (white)
↳Knight Gallavant and sister wizard Drakonia (grey)
↳↳ House Novaro: Griffon's Peak
↳↳ House Kohola'uhane: Main island and Mandalis' Tower
[ +- ] Map legend: SCENARIOS
01 Darkscale Valley [IRONSFIST]
02 Anduran's Skerry [KRAEGER]
03 The Shrouded Isles [GALLANT]
04 Border Towns [KRAEGER]
xy: Brigand's Shores
01 Darkscale Valley [IRONSFIST]
02 Anduran's Skerry [KRAEGER]
03 The Shrouded Isles [GALLANT]
04 Border Towns [KRAEGER]
xy: Brigand's Shores