Aug 12, 2021 9:26 am
Reorganized the threats. This is basically 3 games in parallel, so I'll have an OOC threat for you guys to discuss and coordinate
Aug 12, 2021 9:27 am
* So, Remant has used the clubs to lure the elven army against the wolf, right?
* My wolf threat roll failed so the wolf is "dead"
* My elven threat roll succeeded so the elves kicked how mormegil completely out of the wood.
One suggestion for mormegil’s clubs was to rescue Remant’s group, while for diamonds it would be to strike a deal with some human wizards who escaped the elven blockade.
So my last post could dove tail into meeting someone from Mormegil's faction at the Ironfist camp after doing a thing? Would that tie in to his diamond? I figure during his club challenge Ishiyari could side swipe resources needed as a coordinated attack so they can fight and defend for something they don't have anymore
True. What do you think mormegil? Maybe Ishiyari’s group returns home from the forest and spots you retreating from the elven threat? Could work as clubs but also as diamonds if they help you secure the wood 🤔

Note again that such a post can work like a normal game, where you go back and forth with your interactions. Smaller posts but more of them :)
Aug 12, 2021 10:52 am
Out-of-character what is going on here?
CESN sent a note to Remnant,mormegil,Jackwolfking
Aug 12, 2021 4:05 pm
mormegil says:
I'm now confused...who will write about whom first? I think this game isn't for me...I might have to bow out...
Yeah, it got a bit confusing and that's why I tried to re-organize things so we have clear OOC and game threads.
So for this turn you drew 2 cards: 6♣️ and 6♦️. You also failed last roll so there is one NPC threat for me to roll.
Lets ignore Remant's posts and focus on house Erim. You were tasked with securing the supply of resources, particularly wood, but ended up being ambushed by the elves, right?

So, what's next?

My suggestions, based on what is happening in the background were to:
* 6♣️ - You find Ishiyari's messengers being ambushed. based on his posts, it would fit if they were being attacked by the elves they just messed with. The idea (of this scenario) is for the two houses to join forces
* 6♦️ - You can meet a group of wizards who escaped from South Mill. They promise the region's resources if you break the elven blockade on South Mill.
* The new threat: the elves push further and kick you out of the forest for good. Definitely no wood for you (so that wizard's deal looks much more tempting)

Note that these are cues to help you write your story, you can adapt them to fit your style/needs/ideas. I tried 2 cards to see if that would work, but it is clearly overwhelming with all the cross posts (and me being away for almost 2 weeks!)

Why don't we address one post at a time to keep things simple?

Let's focus on your meeting with the wizards (6♦️):
Someone from your house (a new named character maybe), finds a group of wizards running from South Mill.
Tell me more about it
Aug 16, 2021 2:45 pm
mormegil says:
rolled for the challenge is a 3 a success?
Rolled in real life or was it in a different post? I can't find it
mormegil says:
Also, I got new images for Torgen and Einar Hafnir... where would I put them?
Anything house related you can just drop in in the house thread. IF you get lost and cant find something, try the game index. It should point you to all threads easily (I really really hope it does!)
Aug 16, 2021 2:51 pm
CESN says:
mormegil says:
rolled for the challenge is a 3 a success?
Rolled in real life or was it in a different post? I can't find it

I rolled in my previous post...in the game thread.
Aug 16, 2021 3:07 pm
ah right! you edited it! I was expecting a new post and I'm still reviewed the posts before that one. Perfect :D Let me have a look at that then

Got those picture in the right place now. Looking good :D
Aug 17, 2021 10:14 am
mormegil says:
rolled for the challenge is a 3 a success?
Yeah, that's a success. How are you helping the wizards and how does that give access to resources?

I'm thinking you rescue the wizard tower and then move to break the blockade, helping the humans, who in turn are very ok if you just cut down the elven forests (if nothing else, as payback!). How does that sound?

CESN sent a note to Remnant,mormegil
Aug 17, 2021 1:01 pm
I'm okay with whatever.
Sep 14, 2021 12:42 pm
hey guys! just checking you're both still with us as this scenario is a bit behind the others :)
Sep 14, 2021 9:47 pm
I'm under the impression Mor possibly bailed. Since you have another duo to test co-op feel free to write us or at least me out by the end of the month if he doesnt post.
Sep 15, 2021 6:57 am
sounds like a plan ;)

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