Y1105: Blackwall (annotated summary)

Aug 13, 2021 11:49 am

raven_179's House Blackwall

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Aug 13, 2021 11:49 am
You have lost Blackwall to a force of nomadic barbarian tribes. Being an unstable region and with the Empire's forces being deployed for more urgent matters you have been left to fend for yourself. That is, until Lord Kraeger, the commander of the Empire's northern reaches reached you, promising you back not only Blackwall, but the entire barbarian lands.

He sent you the court magician Guthbert to aid you. You first task is to travel south and gather support from local lords, guaranteeing that the rear Lord Kraeger's army is protected and well supplied.
Aug 13, 2021 12:01 pm
A small fire burned in the hearth of the (not so) Great Hall at Voden. Baron Baltasar Blackwall tried to get comfortable in the chair as he looked at a painting of the great Chapel of the Marquess in Blackwall. He was almost asleep when there was a knock at the door. The door creaked open to reveal the butler and a pair of men. The first of the strangers handed Baltasar a note. Baltasar scanned the document and quickly jotted down a reply. The man took the note and dashed away. Baltasar turned to the second man and said, Greetings Guthbert, I've sent the courier back with my response. Our shared liege is quite generous. He said that he was sending one of his best men in case I accepted his proposal. So why..."
His question was interrupted by his aunt storming into the hall. Her face, usually kind, was filled with fury. She glanced at the other mage in the room and then looked at her nephew, saying "Your father is rolling in his grave as you sell what's left of our noble heritage. This gambit will be the end of us.
As she left the room, her nephew, consumed by his ambition, started to give orders to move out.
Aug 13, 2021 12:19 pm
You depart with the wizard Guthbert as your advisor, leaving a disgruntled Helena behind to take care of Voden. Guthbert has sent some of his warlocks to prepare the settlement of Black Vein for your arrival. Guthbert and his men will be spending most of their time on the island they call Anduran's Shelly for their magical studies, leaving you to deal with the three lords in the area: a human, a elf and a orc. The elf is openly hostile and will resist you. He is of little consequence in his corner, so your focus is on putting the other towns into the rebels’ hands, by any means necessary…

As you set up camp and prepare for the negotiations, one of the warlocks sneaks past your bodyguards into your tent. You get a eerie feeling around him, realizing these warlocks are far more powerful than they seem. "I have a… let’s call it a suggestion, shall we? We need some, let’s say… resources, you can provide from you mission…" he starts

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Aug 13, 2021 12:20 pm
Baltasar entered the camp's tent, yawning. As he starts to take off his shoes, he notices something is... off. The bed has a box on it. Baltasar approaches the box, and as he does, a man came up from behind Baltasar and whispered in his ear. "The town you are approaching is in desperate need of resources. Help me and I can furnish you with the... necessary equipment. Baltasar turned to see the warlock, and was stunned to see that this warlock seemed to have different interests. He wore a ring on his hand that seemed to perpetually bleed, and carried a staff that was topped with a minotaur's skull. He spoke again, "I am Rannuf Grimwalk and I happen to have a disagreement with the ruling nobility of Black Vein. If you bring me the key to the abandoned crypt outside the town, I can complete my experiments, and my associates will release the town's mines and mills. I await your response at the top of this hill." The necromancer walked out of the tent.

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Question: Did Guthbert know about Rannuf's plan? was it sponsored or a betrayal?
Aug 13, 2021 12:40 pm
Baltasar went to open negotiations with the town's nobility. The negotiations were unproductive, but nobody seemed to notice that the Blackwalls' 'seneschal' was missing along with half the soldiers Baltasar brought. This 'seneschal' actually was named Harold Quickfoot, a rogue who often managed to find himself in trouble, until he barely made it out of the Blackwall Prison.

Harold's men expected a big fight, but the house containing the key in question was filled only with servants.
Baltasar approached the necromancer once the key was in his hand, his conscience greatly bothered by this act. He knew that he was committing a crime against nature helping this vile man, but he handed the key over anyway. Besides the necromancer was backed by a small army of skeletons. Baltasar turned away, not wanting to see what horrors the foul man was to raise. The necromancer said "Don't worry, my friend. My new associates are coming with me across the sea to visit an old friend. You make the offer to chase my army away from the town's supplies and I'll 'flee.' Baltasar gulped and nodded slowly.

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Question: Who is this act against nature weighing on Baltazar's conscience?

Baltasar's men returned before the second day of negotiations, and the local lords approached him apprehensively. The lead diplomat began saying "We still cannot surrender our city to your oversight, but we... Baltasar interrupted the local lord, pointing to the sawmill where a specter was lurking with a small horde of skeletons and zombies. He said, "My friend, I'm afraid you haven't the option to resist me. We must fight together to best this shared enemy." Just as the necromancer had planned, the two armies engaged in the 'conflict.' When the dust had cleared, the leadership of the town had been decimated, the undead were in retreat, and Baltasar's men, unaffected by the mock combat, were effectively in control of the town, with the remaining baronets too weak to oppose the Blackwalls.
Miles away, Helena gathered what was left of her nephew's court. She looked at the gathered courtiers and realizing that all present were her supporters, resolved right there to save her house even if it required the house falling even lower. She addressed the crowd, "Friends, you all supported us Blackwalls when we stood at the height of our power. I know that since you are here with us now that you are true servants of the Empire, unlike my fool of a nephew." She grimaced. She was a good person at heart, unused to treachery, but her nephew's treason painted her into a corner. She began telling the crowd of what they must do, once Baltasar got himself killed.
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Finally, looking at the map, it doesn't look like the Blackwalls are even thinking about the elves. They are acquainted with the Erenaeths, Naivara and her consort, Uthemar, are old rivals. Once they add Pinehurst to the rebellion, they will start making plans
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Aug 13, 2021 1:50 pm
The Blackwall army marches, unopposed, through Black Vein. For some, acclaimed heroes who fought off the undead created by the mysterious warlocks and necromancers who have recently settled in Anduran's Skerry. For others, usurpers and opportunists.

Leading his men, Baltasar surveys his new city. The local lords were left powerless to oppose him, giving him a place to start his task. Kraeger needs this region for its strategic value against the Empire and Baltasar would deliver it. A small stepping stone to restore the family’s former glory, maybe even outgrow it!

But not everyone is looking forward to him succeed. Back in Voden, his aunt Helena is already preparing to take over the family when her nephew inevitably pays for his foolishness. The local baronets were forced to accept Blackwall’s rule, a few may still remain loyal to the Empire, others may resent their new liege. To the North, the other Lords have already received news of the events and some, like the elven sorcerers lead by Naivara are preparing to move against these new invaders…
Question: The locals distrust the warlocks that settled in the Shelley. How is Baltasar distancing himself from these men?
Aug 13, 2021 1:54 pm
A council of the Blackwall's rebellious faction meets in Black Vein. The usual loyal guardsmen stand at the entrance to the small manor in Black Vein that has been requisitioned after its previous owner's died in battle along with his retinue. The manor house is just a little bigger than the house of Voden, and Baltasar hasn't smiled wider in years to be closer to the wealth he had in childhood. As Harold entered, now in his usual garb, he noticed two new additions to the guard. Baltasar had added two minotaurs to the retinue. Baltasar opened the door to the sitting room, and grimaced smelling the minotaurs. "Come in old friend." He said to Harold. He closed the doors behind him, and immediately his countenance recovered. "Hopefully soon, we will be back home and the guard won't smell like a barn."
Aug 13, 2021 2:09 pm
The council was about to begin with the various diplomats and mages talking softly, but Harold interrupted them by clearing his throat and pointing at Baltasar. The sitting room fell quiet as Baltasar asked for opinions. Lyonar Brightsilver, the diplomat, immediately suggested "Perhaps we should send an envoy to Woodhaven. Your father was friends with Baron Holceno, and if we send the right person, we might just be able to get the Baron to declare for the rebellion." Baltasar was about to speak when Harold Quickfoot said, "Of course we aren't going to engage with our folk when we can strike right at the heart of our House's dishonor. We are all refugees, and we now have an opportunity to prove that we are made of sterner stuff. We must seize the initiative and strike at the Barbarians in Timberhill. Those orcs will never see us coming. We can build the siege equipment necessary to attack. Just give the order."
The catapults were built and the mages poured an alchemical mixture made of mercury on the stones that were launched at Timberhill's wooden walls. The volatile mixture acted as expected and a trio of holes were opened in the wall. The fire spread to the battlements, and the armies met among the burning wreckage. Baltasar watched from the siege camp, as Harold led the assault. The battle lasted all day, but eventually the human knights rallied to the center hole and charged through a line of goblins on their wargs. With the elite cavalry inside the fortified town, the enemy army started to surrender.

CESN sent a note to CESN
Aug 13, 2021 2:13 pm
In Voden, Helena paced back and forth. She was reading an urgent dispatch that had come in the night. She crumbled the paper and tossed it into the fire. It missed and she scowled in its direction and was about to go pick it up, when Father Alfred Whitemane strode into the hall. "My child, you wound me. I thought I had taught you the value of patience when you were younger." The elderly cleric was dressed in his usual white robes, carried a staff that served as his badge of office as Court Cleric of the noble family. Whitemane was a human of nearly 8 decades. He had taught three generations of Blackwall scions, but he still carried himself with a spirit of joy and youthful mirth. "In all seriousness, you have done well. I am proud of you and I am certain your father would be too. The time for action might have arrived." He passed her a letter and she ripped it open. There was silence in the air as she read the letter. When she finished, she expertly tossed the paper into the fire and said, First he captures Black Vein, and now he sits in Timberhill? You are right, as always. We must act." She sat at the desk and started writing a note
Baltasar Blackwall stood in the training yard of Timberhill watching the orcs spar. He was joined by his seneschal, Harold who now wore a silk robe under his thick leather jacket, a trio of human swordsmen, and his minotaur guards, who he now calls Olaf and Oleg. Lyonar strode up to Baltasar and asked, "My lord, I do believe we have a golden opportunity to bring the Holcenos into the ranks of our most glorious purpose. I've done some research and I've put together a list of diplomatic gestures available to you to maybe convince the good Baron to throw in with Viscount Kraeger." Baltasar took the document from the diplomat. He read the document, nodding as he did so, and then turned to Harold Quickfoot and said, "Watch these... lovely townsmen for the rebellion. We will need these shock troops for when we join the Viscount at the front. I'll take most of the men from Voden and my most loyal guards. Feel free to keep Oleg and Olaf with you though. Hopefully we won't need them."
Aug 13, 2021 2:29 pm
The small army that Baltasar took with him faced almost no trouble as they marched to Pinehurst. He had with him an accomplished diplomat and he was confident that they would soon be victorious. The first sign of something being off came when they passed an abandoned border post. More and more, they saw elves scatter before them. When they got to the gates of Pinehurst, Baltasar's new fears were proven to be correct. The elves had already bolstered the garrison of Pinehurst. The banner of Lady Naivara flew from the ramparts alongside Baron Holceno's. Baltasar gave the order and the bugler played the traditional retreat notes. Elvish cavalry came out of nowhere, harryiing the army with a shower of arrows. Baltasar himself took an arrow to the abdomen. The running skirmish ended at sunset. Baltasar woke to find that the sellswords that accompanied him and Lyonar had all fled in the night. The small party, all but destroyed crossed into friendly territory at noon. The second they crossed, Baltasar felt a stinging pain in his ear. He reached up and found he was bleeding. He traced the arrows path and found that the ranger who had wounded him had left a message: Greetings from House Erenaeth, I am High Ranger Malquis Aloro. You should find that your documents have departed. I must thank you for bringing Sir Brightsilver. I can recognize his handwriting anywhere
Aug 16, 2021 11:08 am
Baron Baltasar "Voden". Heir of the late Alaric 'Stormhammer' Blackwall, a name anyone in the empire would recognize.

The military genius who gathered the broken imperial resistance and lead to victory against the rampaging hordes of barbarians, forcing them out of the northern regions into the eastern steeps. The first Marquess of all Black March, Stormhammer took charge of the lands of those families lost in the war and build an intricate group of outposts, walls and fortifications, the Blackwall that was to prevent another such disaster.

But his plans were to be foiled as Jarkonas rose amongst the barbarian tribes and united them into a single kingdom. Years after Stormhammer’s peaceful death, Blackwall fell and Baltasar’s obsessed with restoring the family’s name consumed him.

A Traitor. He would do anything to get what it was rightfully his.

Guided by Kraeger's court magician Guthbert, Baltasar leads his men to Alduran’s Sherry against his aunt's pleas. She felt her brother's legacy slipping away, shadowed the younger boy's ambition. With Father Alfred White Mane, the old court Cleric who taught three generations of Blackwall scions, Helena slowly moves in the Shadows. Meanwhile, Baltasar's campaign goes smoothly. With Guthbert away with his warlocks, he and his scoundrel advisor Harold Quickfoot are free to take Blood Vein and Timberhill. Unstoppable, they turn they eyes to the human lands.

But their luck changes when they march down to Pinehurst, counting on Lyonar Brightsilver's silver tongue to sway Baron Holceno to their side. They arrive too late, for there they find Lady Naivara's flag already flying next to Holceno's. The elven Lady of Pixie had sent High Ranger Malquis Aloro to stop them. And that she did.

Baltasar barely escaped, part of his men captured and, worse of all, the compromising documents now in the hand of the elves... With the human towns out of reach for now, they need a new strategy. The orc lord is licking his wound, hidden in Fenton. Maybe if they could crush him before Naivara makes her move. This way they can encircle their enemies. Or maybe they could instead appeal to the Erenaeths...

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Aug 25, 2021 1:45 pm
Baltasar was defeated at Pinehurst. Lyonar Brightsilver was taken hostage. Baron Holceno allied with Lady Naivara. And now this!

Harold Quickfoot was left behind to manage Timberhill, restore the fortifications and supervise the training of the local population into sizeable shock troops. Once the tribes were re-organized and pressed into service, Harold made his move.

His plan was simply to give the green recruits some "field experience" and scout the area around Fenton. Urghat, the defeated orc lord, is hiding there, licking his wounds. His position is threatened as other tribal leaders surely are flocking to the smell of his blood.
He Olaf to patrol the southern roads. They moved quickly and without any incident. At the crossroads to Fenton, they took a short break near a lake, to eat and drink before continuing. As they moved closer to the waters, the wind stopped and the animals went quiet. Some of the recruits became agitated, but Olaf ignored them. They scouted the area, posted watchman and there was no one else to be seen around. But the reality was more that there was no one around they could see. Suddenly, the weeds grew from the ground, grasping anyone who didn't run in time, pulling them and slowly sinking them into the ground.
He sent Oleg to sneak through the northern forests. Oleg carefully marked their path and took notes of all landmarks. They moved at a slow pace now, but this information would help them cross the woodlands unnoticed, and quickly reach Fenton by surprise. They were following the river which snaked down the mountains to the north, feeding the trees in the area until it turned around Fenton. The stopped to test the currents. Maybe traveling downstream during the night would be faster... A few men were sent to fell a few trees. They would make a small raft to test it.

"What take those idiots much time?". The sun was already low when Oleg decided to leave the riverside and take his men to search those deserters and make an example out of them. It didn't take long to find them in a small clearing, three corpses hanging from trees. Taking his axes out, Oleg ordered the recruits to search for anything moving, but there was nothing there, no sound, no moment. Just something strange about the bodies. There was no rope to hang them. Oleg took a closer look and... their necks got stuck on some branches. "How smart you need to be cut tree!" he laughs staring in confusion to the lifeless body slowly swaying. He couldn't figure how how did that happen. But then, not it wasn't. Was the body closer to him? He looks around, the clearing looked smaller. "What be going here?" Were the trees... moving?
The minotaurs were sent to bring news of the barbarians and the situation at Fenton. Instead, they brought elven arrows and corpses!
Aug 25, 2021 1:48 pm
Rumors persist in time of war. Rumors of lost riches just east of Timberhill caught the attention of Harold Quickfoot. He searched in vain, when the reports came in as disaster struck to the west. He gave up his foolish quest and returned to Timberhill, cursing this recent turn of bad luck. A young woman came up to him and starting talking about an opportunity out west. Harold couldn't remember this young woman. Cateline? No, that can't be right, he thought to himself. He strode into the yurt, where the guys were about to start the card game, when she grabbed his arm. "Let me take the men out just one more time. You have nothing to worry about." Harold nodded at her, mostly so she would leave him alone. He had a card game to win.
He ended up losing the game, and didn't even remember the encounter in the morning
The woman, who was named Collette Firehair, left Timberhill immediately, without even combing her bright red hair. She had slipped those rumors to the foolish seneschal, and the old rogue had been so enchanted by gold that he let her agents deceive him. Now she had a clear path to destiny, and nothing was going to get in her way. At travelled through the night, and shortly after the sunrise, she found the lab. Only the young spymaster knew about the Silverbearded Symposium and their golems. Through a combination of foul deed and honest detective work, she had discovered the lair of these rogue artificers and wizards, and she was going to persuade them to give her their army

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Aug 25, 2021 2:05 pm
High Ranger Malquis Aloro had masterfully expelled the invading scouting parties from Timberhill. Though antagonizing the Blackwalls was something she did enjoy, a lot, her mission was more diplomatic. She was to deliver the captured documents and that human, Lyonar Brightsilver to Fenton and secure the Urghat's pledge to the Lady Naivara. Fenton fell into chaos as the orc's lord position was being challenged after the loss of Timberhill. A display of elven might and proof of the Blackwall's treachery would realign the interests of the tribes with those of Pixie's for sure.

Once the fleet was ready, Lady Naivara herself would sail to cut Black Vein from the warlocks and she would lead the tribes to meet with the knights already riding to set siege to the place. She stared at the wooden wall of the barbarian town, dreaming of the hour she would drag that petty Baltasar Blackwall out of of his little castle, in chains ...
Aug 25, 2021 2:06 pm
Collette stood deep in the woods between Fenton and Timberhill. She checked her map. Somewhere around here must be the entrance to the lab. She thought. Hopefully Oscar or Olivia would find the lab soon. Coming back empty-handed was never an option. Would love to see that flabbergasted look on that idiotic "seneschal" again. I saved his life 4 years ago after he bungled that job, and he doesn't even remember me. He will soon. As Collette finished that thought, Oscar came back. He shrugged and Collette really considered slitting the idiot's throat. She would have too if Olivia hadn't emerged with a human in her hands. Collette smiled at the hostage wizard as she reached for her "supplies."

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After Collette completed her interrogation, she strode confidently into the woods where the wizard had pointed. Olivia came with Collette as well as a dozen swordsmen. Collette entered the cave where the lab was located and ,before the wizards could cast a spell or the artificers could release the golems, she had the swordsmen restrain their hands and gag them. Collette walked past her prisoners and headed down the stairs to the Guiding Creator's Office. He was reading a book when Collette and Olivia burst in. He immediately put his hands up as the spymaster walked toward him menacingly. Olivia stood guard at the door as Collette started to talk, "Hello Monsieur Silverbeard, is it? I'm afraid your 13 associates are now my prisoners. Either I walk out with you as my prisoner or I will kill all of you. Do we have a deal? Harvey Silverbeard nodded and was about to speak when Collette continued. "Now, the only thing left to negotiate is how many of them keep their fingers before you give me half your army. If you do that quickly, I might even consider not telling anybody where you are. Would be a shame if your Silverbearded Symposium doesn't persist after your... generous donation, now wouldn't it."
Collette joined Oscar with her men and ordered Oscar to release the wizard. Oscar growled, " But I wanted his..." Collette interrupted him with a glance. Collette sneered at him as she said, "Only I will have fun here. You work for me, and you will either enjoy it or we'll have... a problem. Am I understood?" The minotaur bowed his head and released the man. Collette gave the order for her small army, now tripled in size with their construct reinforcements to march toward Fenton.

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Aloro's Hunt-banner hung outside the walls of the Orc lord's city. The Urghat's men stood at the top of the battlements watching what was quickly becoming a battleground. Elves were setting snares and digging trenches. Aloro walked up to Urghat Braak and smirked at him. He looked at her and said, "Don't be too confident, Elf lady. Those Vodans have no honor. They are much more like us Orcs then their 'noble' Blackwall fathers. I hope you are successful. I've seen your snares myself. Any humanoid caught in them lives only long enough to realize they are not soldiers but your prey. Good luck. You'll have my answer tomorrow when you hopefully crush those scoundrels."

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Collette walked around the woods and finally saw the walls of Fenton rise up in the distance. She quickly looked over the battlefield as she considered the formations. Realizing that something might be in store, she arranged her swordsmen in the middle with the golems on the flanks. Behind them stood the archers in between two groups of human cavalry. The army advanced. The golems swung around breaking every trap, clearing the way for the cavalry to swing around them. The trees deeper in the woods got up and marched toward the flanks. The cavalry rushed forwards as the golems engaged the ambushing Dendroids. Braak came out of the Urghat residence and realized that Aloro had vanished. He smirked and said "Good riddance. I didn't like her. Hopefully, I can get something out these human scum." Urghat Braak gave the order for the Hunt-Banner to be toppled. Realizing that the human-army backed with their golems were winning and the Urghat had finally gave his answer, the rangers melted into the woods. Most of the blade-dancers followed. The battle was won and Collette gave the order for her colors and the colors of her liege to be raised. Braak stopped smiling as he saw her Banner: a black foot next to a fire. He had seen the foot, although he couldn't remember where...

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Back at Vodan, Helena walked out of the dining room, as she laughed at a joke her wise teacher, Father Alfred Whitemane, had told. A courier ran up to the pair and immediately Helena's face darkened. No news is good news and a courier is always bad news. She thought. The courier handed her the note, bowed, and ran off. Helena read the note and then turned to her teacher. "Father, Lyonar has written. He's safe but the elves have apprehended him. He's working with them to aid our cause. He's worried about this Collette. Do you remember her?" The old man's face went as white as his hair, as he began to speak. "Come on, my young liege-lady. We have work to do."

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Aug 25, 2021 2:57 pm
Hours later, the loyalists met in a formal war council. Helena sat at the head of the seat. She struggled to look comfortable, knowing this was her nephew's chair, and she was now actively discussing how to depose him. Father Alfred Whitemane sat next to her, often stopping to offer some wise words from ancient scholars or holy texts. Helena looked at the man sitting beside the teacher: a dark haired man with a long scar from his ear wrapping around the back of his head. As one of the minor baronets across the table was mentioning his diplomatic accomplishments with the elves of Pixie that would come in handy (Nobody cared, he wasn't coming, and with Lyonar in place, he was unnecessary), Helena nudged her teacher, asking "Who is the gentleman next to you? I haven't seen him in Vodan before." The teacher just rubbed his fingers together in the universal sign of money.

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As the meeting broke up, Father Alfred Whitemane said, "Hold for a moment, my lady." The rest of the party quickly exited the room as Alfred got up to the wall. He knocked on the wall, until he found a spot that sounded hollow. He grabbed the sconce above the area, and revealed behind the wall ,was a secret armory. He handed Helena the armor's breastplate. "I know that you prefer to stay home, and that you are risking your life coming out on campaign, but please take at least this piece of armor. Do this for your dynasty and maybe a little bit for me. I'm too old to find a new noble house that will be as good as the Blackwalls have been to me." Helena laughed at the joke. Whitemane continued, "I prefer you wear the whole thing, but you were saying something about armor making it difficult for you to throw fireballs or something. One last thing. Allow me to be the first to do you the honor of addressing you as the new Baroness of Vodan." Helena got up and hugged the old man, who was her oldest friend and confidant. "Fine, I'll wear the damn armor. Now get out of here and let me get changed."

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The loyalists gathered outside the keep. Helena inspected what was left of the Blackwall's army here in Vodan. A mere 100 swordsmen and crossbowmen with 16 cavalrymen. As they marched off, Helena pulled her teacher aside again. "Father, who is this Collette that you are so worried about? I don't remember anybody by that name. The Priest grimaced at the sound of the name. He responded, "It's not just her I'm worried about but her entire evil family. She uses her adoptive name of Firehair, but that is not the name of her birth. They aren't common in these lands, but they have plans within plans and enough flexibility to adapt to every circumstance. If she's infiltrated your nephew's retinue, she must have a scheme to get him back to Blackwall and then overthrow him and rule herself. If not her, then one of her relatives."

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Aug 27, 2021 4:29 pm
Baltasar stands in his new manor house. His progress slowed down after those bloody elves interfered. He had to retreat and rest to heal from that damn arrow, leaving his men without a proper leader. He smiles as he reads the news from Fenton. One of the punks Harold Quickfoot brought with him, managed to take the town right from under that arrogant Malquis Aloro. Good, with his body healed, he is now ready to make his final move against the human knights lead by Baron Holceno.

But his plans would have to wait, for Guthbert has finally returned from his mysterious quest on that irrelevant island to the south. He had no idea what he was up to, but it's not like he cared much about wizardry stuck... unlike his aunt Helena. Guthbert brought with him a letter from Lord Kraeger himself, congratulating him for a successful mission and requesting his return. It is time to reclaim his lands from the barbarians who plague the eastern borders of the Empire. He couldn't understand why he would be pulled out so close to his victory, but the thought of Blackwall under the rule of its rightful owner...
She could not tell what tricks the Blackwalls played to turn that treacherous Urghat Braak against her. She managed to escape with most of her men alive. But there was still hope as the might fleet from Lady Naivara would sail to victory as the Baron Holceno marched north to free the barbarian town.

But all her hopes crumbled days later as she watched the fleet cross the horizon and suddenly bursting into flames and sinking! And the Erenaeths lost no time. War had came to Pixie, but from within! The last thing she could do now was to free that man.

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As Helena prepares to march a messenger arrives. It is Lyonar Brightsilver himself! He brings news of Guthbert's doings: he is looking for the pieces of a powerful artifact and he has used Baltasar to find the first piece. And her nephew is preparing to march east again...
Aug 30, 2021 8:51 am
A wagon slowly glided to a stop outside the manor. As Helena fidgeted in her new armor, she noticed a silver banner hanging from the wagon with a single black feather emblazoned on it. Always ostentatious and sometimes a little late, but never misses the true action. He's a clever snake, but one useful to the house, she thought. A pair of men got out leading a limping minotaur. He looked incredibly beat up. He was now missing a horn and there was an ugly scar running from his shoulder to his wrist. Finally, the prim and proper diplomat stepped out of the wagon, dusting off his silk cloak. Lyonar Brightsilver strutted up to Helena, who was now draped in the regalia of the head of house of the Blackwalls. "Salutations L... Baroness. I'm afraid we do have to make a slight change to our itinerary. He handed her the scroll. As she read the document, he continued. "Our Elven allies are sadly not in the same state they were in last time you heard from me. I managed to rescue this poor lad from the Elven prisons before they were destroyed. I believe your nephew called him Oleg. His brother Olaf and he swore an oath to the Blackwall family, but since your nephew got his twin brother killed, Oleg decided on a lateral move.
Aug 30, 2021 9:58 am
Y1236: Many years in the future, Errol Harcourt sat in his tower, writing his family's story. Over a century has passed since his great great grandfather came to power, as the Holceno line died out and the Harcourts became the Barons of Pinehurst. Harcourt checked his notes about Chapter Three. Harcourt read about the Vodenese army carrying the grand banners of the Blackwall who launched an invasion of Anduran's Skerry. With the help of the fiendish necromancer Rannuf Grimwalk, the invading army conquered the warlock camp of Black Vein. What happened once the invading army departed is unclear. The villain, Rannuf, return to see much more evil upon the people of Anduran's Skerry. His story is also not always clear from history. Harcourt also noticed that his notes didn't show what happened after the invading army's plans were seized at Pinehurst.How did the remaining nobles of Black Vein react?

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Harcourt opened his eyes. He must have fallen asleep again. He took a sip of his herbal tea, and turned the page to his notes for chapter 4. He read about the violent fall of Timberhill, and then the failed assault of Pinehurst. He read about the unfortunate treatment of Lyonar Brightsilver, who betrayed the evil marauding invaders, but was still captured by the Holcenos and their Elvish allies. He wondered why allies can sometimes be cruel to their double agents. He laughed at the irony of the minotaur scouts dying to trees.
Harcourt then came upon Chapter 5. Harcourt read about the rumored treasures and the golem-crafters. He scoffed at the myths. History had never shown that anything had ever come from those legends. He did however wonder how the villainess Collette had succeeded in a wild griffon chase
Harcourt looked at his chapter 6 notes. He read of the Urghat Braak. His connections to the villainess Collette are still unknown, as did what happened after the battle outside of Fenton.

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