Y1105: Erim (annotated summary)

Aug 16, 2021 11:38 am

@mormegil's House Erim

CESN sent a note to mormegil
Aug 16, 2021 11:38 am

"Viscount Kraeger - a companion of your youth and commander of the empire's northern reaches - has turned against the Emperor in open rebellion. Though he lacks the forces to topple the throne directly, he has embarked on a quest for a legendary artifact that will grant him powers great enough to destroy us all. The Emperor has called upon you to march forth with your armies, destroy the rebel Kraeger, and claim the artifact for the glory of the empire."
Aug 16, 2021 11:53 am
Lord Ironfist summoned you to join his court for an urgent assignment. With him is the Emperor's Archmage, who tells you about Viscount Kraeger's rebellion. The Emperor has tasked Morglin Ironsfist with handling this matter. The first step if to establish a base of operation near the clan Ishiyari's lands.

Due to your proven devotion to the Baron and your scout's well deserved reputation, Lord Ironfist asks you to join him as his advisor. Though Kraeger has been a companion of your youth, Ironfist trusts your loyalty and insight will help avoiding unnecessary bloodshed.
Aug 16, 2021 11:56 am
The wolf padded wearily along the forest floor. It's coarse black fur giving it a natural camouflage amongst the shadow of the oak trees. Its recent kill a few days ago had given him sustenance for a time but now he hungers again. but not for any meat. nothing like the bare nourishment of a rabbit. a deer or an elk will fill one's belly for a long time but their flesh isn't so sweet. Unlike manflesh.

He was banished from the pack a fortnight ago when challenged and lost to the ruling Alpha. wandering for many days in the cold open, the game was scarce and the more favoured hunting grounds teeming with prey were guarded fiercely by his former packmates. the northern plateaus were no better with mountain lions patrolling their surrounding territory. Gaunt and hungry, the lone wolf finally encountered a small human dwelling.

crouching unseen amongst the dead roots of a tree, the hungry beast watched and smelled the familiar and odd scent of humans. there were two of them at that time. He remembered the Alpha telling them that man things are not to be hunted. they provide more trouble than its worth. Their fangs are hard and sharp. their bodies are covered with scales like fish but harder. and they have fire. These two don't have any of those things.

The first one looks like any ordinary human. with the exception of having two mounds on its chest. the other one was smaller, a cub from the looks of it. Man things are dangerous. don't hunt them. but he was so hungry. the cub looks so helpless. just a quick leap and he will feed. The wolf launched from the place of its hiding and leapt onto the man cub. it teared at its neck before it knew what's happened to it. he tasted warm blood and flesh that tasted sweeter than anything he had.

The other human made a noise that sounded like it was distressed. before it could alarm other man things to it he bounded up and leapt at it bowling it over and with a quick snap of his jaws he severed its neck ending the noise that came out of it. He fed well that day. That was two days ago. But now he hungers again. He will find other unguarded dens like that. he will feed again.

Just then the wolf noticed a movement at the corner of its eye. A rabbit? He raised his head and smelled the air. It smelled of wood, of trees, of decaying bogs. but why doesn't it not smell the rabbit? The wolf's fur bristled and he bared his teeth on this strange encounter. if it's a rabbit he can easily snap it in two with his jaws. again to his left the fast movement like wind moving among trees. What is it? Where is it? It didn't have to look far when he heard something fall and stand behind him.

It was man thing. or shaped like a man thing, he couldn't tell with it covered with dark furs. Why didn't he smell it? surprised and angered at being taken unawares, the wolf growled more fiercely hairs standing on end. the man thing was standing motionless, almost relaxed like a tall oak. But it was alone. he has killed man things before. he could do it again. before he can draw it's fangs he needs to act. with one fierce bark, the man eating wolf moved in a blur of fang and claws and raced towards the strange looking man. He can kill it. he is faster. he is stronger. he will feed again.

The dark-furred man thing nodded his head and three sets of loud sounds resounded from the trees to the wolf's left side: TWANG, THWUP, THWACK! The wolf was thrown suddenly to its side snarling in defiance. Pain.red.hot. It tried to get up to bite the creature that hurt it. but it stumbled again pain blossoming anew on its left leg, its rib and his left shoulder. It couldn't get up. The man thing in front of him finally moved and walked towards him. I will bite its hand off. I will kill it. I will feed again. The man drew his fang which was longer than its puny human arms. it raised it in the air with both man arms holding it. Looking at the fang the wolf likened it to the moon reflected on water. the moon fell, then everything went dark.
Aug 16, 2021 11:56 am
Vali Erim, wiped the wolf's blood from his bastard sword on the hem of his fur cloak. Wearing studded leather armor, woollen breeches, plain leather boots and gloves and with the man's face hidden by a hooded cloak, it's easy to dismiss him as just a normal woodsman. In truth, he is a nobleman having the rank of Earl rendering service under Lord Ironfist and dispensing the duties that the rank entails. He is also Lord Ranger of his and his lord's demesne in the southern forests and he is currently doing one of the duties of that title. Hunting beasts, monsters and beasts turned monsters.

He and three of his other rangers, a quad, were tracking the beast for over three days after a distraught wood cutter living at the edge of the Black Woods pleaded to him one day at his castle. The area where the woodcutter lived was seldom visited by animals docile or predator alike so his rangers and woodsman don't patrol that area as much. listening to the sad tale of the man was enough to put him into action. the woodcutter's family was close to house Erim providing much needed firewood to the house for many generations. [b]''Don't worry Rovann. I will find whatever this beast that did this myself and bring you its head.''[/b] His subjects deserve the security that his house promised. and he had seen to that.

The Lord Ranger sheathed his sword away and whistled a warbling tune from his lips. at the same instant, three men appeared as if from nowhere wearing almost the same attire as Erim. two of them have a longbow out with the third cradling a crossbow in his arm. One of them pulled the top of his hooded cloak. It was man in his middle years with salt and pepper hair cut in a close crop. he has thick eyebrows set in a perpetual frown and tight lip almost hidden in a greying beard. his eyes are blue-grey and with an intense cast to it. All that framed on a face that one might thought would be chiselled on granite.

First Ranger Torgen Hafnir had a sour look again. ''If I might be so bold m'lord but letting you become bait against a rampaging man eating beast is one the most foolish ideas that you have ever come up with!''

''Well it was my idea anyway Torgen. are you saying your lord is foolish? are you saying that I don't plan every move that I take?''

The middle-aged ranger visibly flustered and chafed at his lord's words. ''N-no of course not mlord...I am just worried for your safety that is all...not discounting your skill in ranging or your ability to lead your subjects...''

''I didn't have to worry anyway with one of the greatest marksmen in the house protecting me...I have confidence enough with you and my men and their skills to take down that wolf before it got to my neck.''

''Still my lord one mistake like one of us being a second too late will spell disaster not just for you but for the House as a whole! with you having no wife or any heirs, the house stands in dire straits!''

Vali frowned at the aged Ranger, ''First of all, you are starting to ramble...second, I think your just nagging on me again on why I'm still not getting laid...'' he said while a shadow of a smile crept on his lips.

Despite themselves, the other two rangers chuckled at their lord's comment but Torgen noticed them and shot the two a glare that can melt steel. the two promptly stopped and returned to standing sentinel.

''All I am saying mlord that you shouldn't have put yourself in danger for something trivial like this...you should have just sent a quad or me to deal with this wolf.''

Vali sighed and smiled to himself at the aged man's concern for him. it was endearing if not a little overbearing. ''Torgen, these are my lands. And I have a say on what I do or not do in it. And I say that House Erim takes every thing that affects anything within it seriously. There are no 'trivial' matters when the lives of my subjects are at stake...I would advice you to remember that. and remember your place.'' Erim, didn't want to sound too harsh to the man who raised him and was almost a father to him. But sometimes he really is too overbearing.

Before the older man can reply however, a noise jerked them all into action. Vali and Torgen had both drawn their blades and the other two rangers had their bow and crossbow at the ready. It sounded like riders but in this part of the woods? The group tensed for a few moments only lowering their guards when they saw what came through the treeline. It was four riders with one of them carrying a banner with the heraldry of House Erim. They were leading four extra horses with them as well.

The Earl quickly recognized the leading rider as the seneschal of his castle who promptly jumped from his horse, ran toward Vali then made a stiff bow. ''I appreciate the extra help Eric but as you can see we've already taken care of the beast'', Vali said while gesturing towards the now cooling body of the man-eating wolf. ''I'm afraid I came here to bring dire news than any rampaging beast m'lord...this came from Ironfist Keep.''

The seneschal produced a scroll of parchment sealed with Morglin Ironfist's personal crest:

Only on grave and important matters is that crest used and to see it in this scroll means the news is of grave import. Breaking the seal carefully, Vali read the contents of the message from his liege lord:

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Lord Morglin Ironfist's Message
To Earl Vali of House Erim of the Blackwoods,

For many decades, your house have served my own with distinguished loyalty and steadfastness that would be the envy of any lords throughout the realm. You can say that the fates of our two families are intimately intertwined and inseparable ever since the day your great-great-grandfather saved my progenitor all those years ago. The realm is also ever thankful for the vigilance of your Rangers and the ever watchful eyes of your scouts and are also comforted in the knowledge that we are safe from any evil that may arise in and around the dark forests of Blackwood. Also, I could not ask for a more loyal and steadfast man like you Vali.

Safe in that knowledge, I extend to you an invitation to meet me after a fortnight in the demesne of your fellowman Lord Ishiyari. I will be going there to establish a base of operations in accordance to the mission given to me by the Emperor himself. Before I can entrust to you the details of the mission I would advice it wise to exercise a modicum of prudence and secrecy on your part and for the few chosen men you might trust. With that out of the way here are the specifics.

Two weeks ago the Emperor sent to me a message of great import about a rising threat burgeoning from the south. A foul army of evil men, and monsters have formed a rebellious army poised to march on the capital city and put it to the torch. What is even more surprising than anyone foolish enough to challenge the throne is for the one who leads it: Viscount Kraeger - a companion of your youth and commander of the empire's northern reaches. he has turned against the Emperor in open rebellion.

Though he lacks the forces to topple the throne directly, he has embarked on a quest for a legendary artifact that will grant him powers great enough to destroy us all. The Emperor has called upon me and you in extension to march forth with my armies, destroy the rebel Kraeger, and claim the artifact for the glory of the empire.

I know it is hard for you to hear of this. I know Viscount Kraeger had been very close to you and your family. but I fear that he is set on his dark course and no amount of persuasion or entreaty can get to him anymore. I have lost the lives of two good messengers already in trying to get him to see reason and the Emperor had lost more in the same effort. I do not wish to inflict to you this hard duty but I can trust no one else.

Like I mentioned, I want you to go to Lord Ihiyari's lands and meet our combined forces there with as many or as few men as you can spare. I want you by my side as my advisor in the dark days to come. I know that even though you were close with the Viscount, I am confident that you will set aside any feelings you may have for him and let duty instead temper your resolve. I know I can count of on your loyalty. Maybe with you by my side, we can convince him to turn aside from his path however slim of a chance it may be. That and also keeping the realms safe by recovering that dangerous artifact.

Your liege and your friend,

Morglin Ironfist

P.S. If my news are correct (and they always are) it seems you haven't found a woman to wed yet. As your lord it is my duty to also look after the welfare of my subjects. That includes insuring that the lines of my most loyal and valued subjects continue. I know someone who can remedy that little problem and I would like to introduce you to her once you arrive here.

CESN sent a note to CESN

A myriad of emotions swept through the 25-five year old Earl's face after reading the message from his liege lord. Pride and happiness in reading about his lord's fondness for him and his house. Troubled after learning that someone has rebelled against the Emperor. Dismayed after learning that the rebellion was led by no other than his childhood friend Viscount Kraegar. And finally mild amusement and annoyance in learning that his lord is also trying to play matchmaker to him as well. As if Torgen isn't enough already.

Taking a few calming breaths, Vali commanded one of his men to cut off the wolf's head and put it in a bag. He passed the letter to his First Ranger who read it silently and by himself. with that done, he commanded him to burn the letter afterwards. Then all eight of them then climbed atop each horse then rode full speed back towards the Erim castle with the exception of two riders with orders to deliver the bag with the wolf's head and a pouch full of gold to the poor wood cutter at the edge of the forest.

The time for tracking and hiding in shadows is over it seems he thought to himself. now's the time for fell deeds and dark days.

The leader of house Erim set his face into a look of steely determination. his duties are never over. now that he has done his duty to his people, it's time to do his duty to his lord. I just hope it doesn't involve in too much bloodshed.
Aug 16, 2021 12:01 pm
It seems that Viscount Kraeger, the imperial commander of the northern reaches and a close friend from your youth, is gathering an army of evil men and monsters to march on the capital city and put it to the torch. Fortunately, he lacks the forces to topple the throne directly and so he is looking to assemble a legendary artifact that will grant him powers great enough to bring his rebellion to fruition. This will give you time to act before the Empire is irreversibly embroiled in war.

Lord Ironfirst has asked for you support in avoiding a major conflict and invited you to join his forces in the demesne of your fellowman Lord Ishiyari, where you will establish a base of operations. The Darkscale Valley is barren, every tree being invaluable for the local tribes. The first stage of the preparation will be to establish a secure supply line for regular delivery of wood from the Empire.
Aug 16, 2021 12:03 pm
Kraeger Flashback and Mission Briefing

Vali, his First Ranger Torgen, and three hundred of his best rangers and scouts rode towards Clan Ishiyari's castle at full speed. spurred by the disturbing news from Lord Ironfist's letter, he wasted no time to reach his liege to answer the summons and learn more about this strange turn of events. He did not find it easy to believe the contents of that letter. Kraeger was loyal to the Empire. He was commander of the armies to the north. Someone must be framing him out of spite or jealousy or-- did he really change after all those years?

Friend. Companion. Brother.
Viscount Kraeger came into house Erim as a boy of ten summers past. After his parents were killed, Vali's father stood as an adoptive parent for the new lad following a disastrous campaign to pacify a confederation of monster tribes far to the north. The Emperor's forces soon defeated the horde but they were too late to save the lord and lady Kraeger. Only found on the ashes of their castle were a few survivors: a few servants and the boy.

Vali's father was among those who came by the side of the emperor to liberate the Kraeger lands and looking at the poor orphaned child, he took pity on him and took the lad to be raised along with his thin sickly son Vali. The first few months were hard for Jonas Kraeger. Still reeling from the loss of his parents, the boy was distant and prone to bouts of crying and lashing out to anyone who approached him. until a thin feeble strip of a child named came inside his room.

Vali was never a healthy child. he was prone to bouts of coughing and wheezing due to his low constitution. Jonas Kraeger noticed that first when he entered. The door to his room opened a crack and a thin zombie with sunken eyes were standing in front of him. The Kraeger child screamed and wailed at the top of his lungs. House Erim is overrun by zombies! The walking corpse then spoke in a tone that was too small that it sounds too absurd coming from a reanimated cadaver: ''I am not a Zombie! I am Vali!''

The body belonging to the voice walked forward into the light its features now made apparently. It was not a zombie. It was just a thin boy with sullen eyes and who has his hands on his thin waist trying to look angry at being called a corpse walker. Despite his previous scare, Jonas Kraeger smiled. then he laughed. after two months of moping, the orphaned boy was laughing again. The two boys become fast friends after that and were almost inseparable from each other. Together they grew, trained in arms, chased skirts, and become men together. At the age of sixteen Jonas Kraeger finally reached the age where he can rule his own domain which was now restored.

He left House Erim to lead his own house and other than his father's funeral, Vali never saw Jonas Kraeger or Viscount Kraeger as he is known now ever again.
Every month though they exchanged letters. He was elated to hear from one of his correspondences that he was granted the command of the Emperor's legions to the north after just two of years of reclaiming his demesne. Then the letters become more sparse: first, a few letters after a couple of months, then one letter after a year then. Then almost nothing for a long time. His last letter to him was over five years ago when Viscount Kraeger stated: There's something nagging at my mind. like a gnawing, chewing sensation in my brain I can't put a finger to. Maybe this is just pressure from my duties...I think I am going to take a short rest as you mentioned...

That was five years ago. Then the letter from Lord Ironfist.
Traitor. Rebel. Murderer.

Earl Vali Erim was jolted from his reveries with those words echoing in the pavilion and in his head. Lord Ironfist's men together with the host Lord Ishiyari and his retainers were gathered in the spacious meeting hall to plan the next course of action. The first order of business for him is to secure lumber for the possible construction of siege machines and other weapons. If news of Lord Kraeger securing a well-defended position was accurate, they will need all the firepower they could get. So it has come to this then he thought to himself. They're not trying to save him from whatever madness has overcome him anymore.

He shook off any more thoughts from his mind. he knew it wouldn't help anyone if he was distracted with the task at hand. right now he needs to obey his lord's orders who are in extension the Emperor's orders. Whatever questions he would have to ask Kraeger will have to wait. He will ask them when he meets him. Eventually. ''M'lord I and a handful of my men will ride to the forest where the elves are. We know how to speak their language and trust me in saying this, but we will have more success in convincing them to cede a portion of the forests to our use without an army at our backs.''

'' I find intimidation to be a more effective tactic to show those treehuggers that we mean business...but fine...I trust you in this Vali but one sign of trouble and I'll be unleashing hell on them. we can't be delayed for long!'', Lord Krager said.

'' That won't be necessary m'lord...now if you will excuse me I have wood to chop and deliver.'' Vali smiled as he bowed and turned to leave with six of his rangers. Small steps first. then the lunge.

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Vali, Torgen, and two others were riding fast and hard out of the Elven forests. It seemed like all he was doing was riding fast. but now it was because of urgent need. he and his men must survive. Eight of them arrived at the edge of the woods to meet and try to talk to the elves that inhabit that area and secure a deal to harvest lumber for the Lord Ironfist's needs. What met them was an ambush. four of his men dropped on the ground with arrows sticking on their bodies before he could utter any words. As rangers of his home in the Blackwoods, they have remarkable woodcraft enough to detect the numerous elves hiding in the trees. What they never detected was the hostility until it was too late.

He had time to utter in their language '' Don't shoot! we come in peace!'' before an arrow pierced his left shoulder. Torgen covered him with his own body to shield him from the rain of arrows. They weaved, ran, stumbled then finally mounted their horses with the elves in hot pursuit. He overheard one of them shout in their language '' There can be no peace for Kraeger or his minions!'' He was too shocked by the pain in his shoulder to register the name of his erstwhile friend. Kraeger. Here. How?

More questions flooded his mind and more worries reared as they fled the place. But one thing is certain: there will be no lumber for Lord Ironfist's armies.

CESN sent a note to CESN
Aug 16, 2021 12:04 pm
House Erim's forces met with Lord's Ironfist close to the mountains where Clan Ishiyari rules. Earl Vali Erim spends the travel thinking back to his early years, his and his adopted brother, Viscount Kraeger. How could such a loyal man betray the Empire like this? What was bothering him? Could Vali have done more to help his friend? It didn't matter now. All that matters was that he is that he finds his friend, before it is too late. Maybe they can sort this misunderstanding. Jonas may still be troubled, but he was a good man.

But soon Vali learned that things are not as they seem. Leading a few scouts to secure the supply of wood for the large force from the elven lords of Chandler, all they found was an ambush. It would seem that the elves have turned their back on the Empire. It looks like Kraeger's influence is already extending to this region, far from the north marches has been here his homeland. But something is not right...
Aug 16, 2021 12:06 pm
It was clear to Earl Erim that there was to be no negotiation with the elves. Any human was greeted with arrows every time they approached the woodlands. This region is an important gateway into the eastern lands, where the rebels gather under Kraeger's flag. Control of it has to be taken if Ironfist's campaign is to be properly supplied. Leaving their rear exposed could result in being cut off and surrounded by hostile forces. House Erim would not be the one to let that happen!

It was decided that men would be sent to clear out the wood from elven archers, scout for ambushes and secure the safe movement of supplies for Lord Ironsfist's army. Though the elves were initially pushed back, they did not appreciate it the human intrusion. The skirmishes became more and more frequent until the operation became too costly. It was simply unsustainable secure the woodland routes without knowing where the elves would strike next.

The problem would have to be deal with permanently, one way or another...
Aug 16, 2021 12:06 pm
The surroundings looked familiar to Vali. He was in the Blackwoods again but it was different. it feels different. the forest feels like it's older, wilder, and darker. Suddenly, screams of dying men filled the forest. he turned around and saw dead men attired like the rangers which he commanded. The blood from their corpses soaked the grey earth like a flood from a deluge. He detected a movement in the corner of his eye. it was an elf. with his bow aimed at his head, the elf inched closer from the shadow of trees while talking to him, ''You shouldn't have come here...'' Vali looked up and saw the elf's face for the first time: It was Jonas Kraeger's face.
Vali woke up with a start, almost shouting in alarm after seeing his friend's face again after a long time. It was just a dream A sudden knock from the door jolted him into action reaching for his sword. Then he remembered he was still in Lord Ishiyari's castle in one of the spacious guest rooms. It was a week after the ambush in that ill-fated mission to secure lumber for the forces of Lord Ironfist. He can still feel the pain of losing good men dying senseless deaths even more so than the pain of the arrow biting on his left shoulder. A second knock pushed the grim memory in the back of his head once for all, ''Enter!'' he said half shouting the word.

A man in ranger's clothes opened the door and entered. it was Torgen. or it would be if he was not stuck in the infirmary from his injuries and looked 20 years younger. Then, the realization hit Vali as the man walked forward and came into view from the light from the nearby window.

Einar! at first, I thought your father is already up! knowing him, I think the healers are having a hard time keeping him on his bed. How is Torgen doing?

The young man who looked like Torgen so much smiled an easy friendly gesture more in contrast to his father's rare taciturn smirks. Einar Hafnir is second in command of the rangers and almost at the age of Vali and even if their station is different, they had come to regard each other like brothers than just brothers in arms.

You know my father well enough my lord. As you say, he is ill at ease lying around abed. but I've made sure that the healers are there to restrain him and told him that these are your orders.

The younger man's smile faded after a while taking in a more serious look and tone, Well, the reason I knocked my lord is to bring some important news to you. Our scouts have picked up a group of people along the outskirts of the forests where you were ambushed a week ago. These people look to be mages with their attire and all but they won't be forthcoming to any information until they talk to ''someone with authority''. I could hold them in the dungeon if you wo--

Vali raised his hand and interrupted Einar. He had heard enough. he had enough of lying in bed as well and he would welcome any chance of a respite from all those strange dreams. That won't be necessary my friend. I'll go down and talk to these mages and see what they want. maybe they could give us some advantage over these lands. Where did they say they come from?

They say they ran away from South Mill...
Vali, Einar, and a few of his men were gathered in the Ishiyari castle's great hall. Even though lord Ishiyari granted him the use of the place with the spacious conference tables and chairs, The Earl of Blackwood opted to sit in a simple wooden chair while he listened to the dark news that the group of mages delivered. He wouldn't want to take advantage of Ishiyari's hospitality any more than necessary. The mages had a tower near the South Mill area and had taken an oath of neutrality never bothering with the conflicts of neighboring nations until now. They shared neutrality between the elves of the forest until that was broken by an attack by a large war group. They tried to communicate with them but all they had was arrows and spears thrown at them. With their tower beset by mad and angry Elves, a few of their number magicked their way out of their tower to find help while the others stayed behind to defend and hold their abode for as long as they can.

Looking at the bedraggled appearance of the mages, Vali was inclined to believe them. If they could find a way to help these magic users they might prove useful allies against the elves and maybe against the rebel forces of Kraeger in the future. Also, the mages promised them much-needed resources if they can drive away the besiegers. With Torgen still recovering, he had only one other good man to entrust a daring mission to. and that was Einar Hafnir. But he won't go in unprepared. First, he would need to tell this plan to his liege Lord Ironfist and to ask for more men in this endeavor.

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Aug 27, 2021 10:39 am
The Battle of South Mill

With more troops at his disposal courtesy of his liege Lord Ironfist and also Lord Ishiyari, Vali charged Einar Hafnir to assist the wizards in South Mill in driving off the besieging elves. Lord Ironfist wanted to give more troops, but Vali insisted that a small force no larger than three hundred men was enough for a precision strike. With the knowledge of the surroundings provided by the escaped mages, Einar set off at sundown.

As night approaches the strike force led by Einar arrived at the edge of the forest near the South Mill mage tower. Normally, the elves would hear an approach of an army with their keen senses even if it's a relatively small band like the one in the 2nd Ranger's command. But with the help of the wizard's magics the sound of clattering armor, weapons, and numerous footfalls were silenced. The troops and rangers found it eerie that no sound ever came out with all the movements they were doing. But they welcome every tactical advantage they could get.

As midnight dawns and the moon was it at its highest Einar, a mage named Athelstaff, and four other men moved silently towards the mage tower. With the moon shining bright, however, even silenced footfalls won't be enough to hide their selves from the keen eyes of the elves. That's why Athelstaff was there with them: to cast a mass invisibility spell on them and guide them to the secret passage behind the tower. With any luck, they will reach the conclave of wizards till slinging spells from the tower onto the elves below and coordinate a rallying attack.

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The smell of burned earth burned flesh, and blood hangs heavy around the mage tower with the wind carrying the stench of the dead and dying far across the surrounding forests. The token force that the Earl of Blackwoods dispatched to help the wizards has been successful in their task. Having infiltrated the mage tower with the aid of magic Einar and a few of his men successfully contacted the archmage of South Mill and the few remaining magic users defending the tower. He outlined the plan to attack the besiegers and with the help of a few more powerful friends, they rallied to the front of the gate with summoned minions and a display of powerful magics on this side of the world.

As the 'attack' from the main gate was happening, a ranger atop the highest point of the mage tower lighted an arrow and shot it up into the air to the general direction of the besieging camp. The elves were focused with animalistic intent on trying to kill everyone in the tower, shouting their warcries of ''death to the invaders!'' and rushing head-on to the breach. That was their first and last mistake. With the signal from the tower seen, the rest of Einar's men moved purposely and fast towards the elves. The besiegers never had a chance. Still being silenced by the mage's magics it was too late before the attackers know what was happening. At first, they thought a brawl was happening in their ranks. then as cries of dying elves reached the ears of the men at the front the grim realization set it: the hunters are now the hunted.

The butcher's work was done after many hours but the results are final and grim. The elves with whatever madness took them fought to the last, never hearing the offers of surrender and safe passage that Einar had given to them. His lord Vali pressed upon him the importance of trying to take prisoners and keeping most of them alive so that they can learn more about why the elves in this region were beset with mad hostility and maybe repair any rift between them. Alas, it cannot be as the corpses of the besieging elves now cooling on the ground attest to.

With the liberation of the wizard tower in South Mill completed, the resources of the area as well as the help of the wizards have been secured. With blood and death.

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