Y1105: Ishiyari (annotated summary)

Aug 16, 2021 11:41 am

@Remnant's Clan Ishiyari

CESN sent a note to Remnant
Aug 16, 2021 11:53 am
A messenger from Lord Ironfirst arrived at one of you main Monasteries. He looks in a hurry and claims Lord Ironfist has an urgent matter to discuss with you. There are a number of unruly local lords in the region who need to be subdued.

Ironfist will meet you with reenforcements but he counts on your family's loyalty, discipline and enlightenment to find the most efficient way of solving this problem.
Aug 16, 2021 11:55 am
Word from Ironfist
Ichigo received the message from the courier and scanned through the correspondence. His perpetual indifferent frown masked his current thoughts before he thanked the messenger for the timely message as he looked up and stared at the courier and that he was free to wait for the initial report as a guest here to take back or one will be sent directly to Lord Ironfist. He called for a council of the Spears of Ishiyari leaving the messenger in silence deferred to the servants to manage.

The others come into a motionless Ichigo (?) the first born and current First Spear of the clan along with his family’s young master sitting patiently and motionless his eyes closed in contemplation, others filled in with their own successors to a silent Ichigo who gave no sign of the message, his successor though was not as poised and stoic. He looked to each Spear and successor for the branch families his cousins bowing slightly as they noticed him out of respect. His face told them he knew nothing of the message but considering they were all called it was something big enough to reflect on the entire clan.

"Lord Ironfist has sent word… Local landowners have been blinded by the prosperity and grown dull in their senses of duty and harmony for the area and cause discord seeking to break free from the continuity. This will disrupt the local economy and most importantly endanger the lives of the people these local lords manage as well as those around them." Ichigo paraphrases holding up the missive from Lord Ironfist slowly opening his eyes.

"He will bring reinforcements… personally." He adds raising his closed fan looking to his siblings knowingly. The others looked to each other realizing the impact for the vassals to be told such things being a twofold of the situation, there were separatists in the area and he would come personally to deal with them, the heads up for the Ishiyari was to inherently implied to find a location and prepare for what’s to come.

"Fourth send word to the Shadows in the Dark to start reporting on the situations among the local areas, we’ll need to send a team with find the best place for the forward operating base while we may have room in the Clan Manor to house the Lord and his retinue we do not have room for entire armies." He dictates before looking to his own successor and the others slowly regarding his nieces and nephews.

"We do not call for war, we desire peace, this does not mean we will not use violence but it is never the only path. I suggest out successors leave as a unit and start Genchi genbutsu training. They are all old enough and this is a good opportunity to see the world outside our borders, act together, in smaller groups, or solo but never misrepresent the clan. Avone, Village of the Primals, is the closest settlement to where the campaign will start the campaign, scout and manage the setup area close to there that can support what Lord Ironfist needs. The green goblins and lesser oni and wolves are in the area be mindful."

Kazui’s feet twitched, although he was used to sitting due to studying the arts and meditation this was it. Traveling the world, his cousins would come as well and it’d be an experience like nothing he had before. Those who hadn’t come down from the mountain had a saying, once one descends one’s childhood ends and they’d be a fully recognized adult. Granted it was known it changed people, some for the better, others for the worse, some didn’t come back for various reasons, some even died. The dancing and restlessness in his eyes were similar to his cousins.

Once all were dismissed Kazui almost leap to his feet when he heard his father speak his name. He froze and knelt back down again instinctively the son of a strict father.

Once along Ichigo reminded his son, "This is a training opportunity to broaden your perspective but ultimately you six will be the vanguard for the clan and support Lord Ironfist. Ahead of personal achievement for the rankings this must benefit the clan. Be efficient and be perceptive, hewn the world to be your weapon, do not fall victim and let it shape you."

CESN sent a note to CESN
Aug 16, 2021 11:57 am
Making Camp and the village of Avone
The six young members of the clan rode on horseback making little small talk as they rode to their destination. Eventually within their collective eyesight was Avone, Village of the Primals, with the village in site most of the group moved to where of the larger of the six pointed.

"Scout the area, if there are any trouble or disputes with locals send up a flare, if we send up three or more from our location go back to the clan and report the situation post haste." he instructed focusing on the area, between the Fourth’s intel and the Third spear’s knowledge of logistics and construction they had a general idea of where to make the temporary camp but it would likely need additional clearing and setup for everything from security to disease prevention and waste removal. Even as a temporary landing area for the army they’d still need to live and not scar the environment beyond repair.

Kazui looked to his older cousin although just two years older Tamahaganesported a body almost half again as tall as him and would likely pass more for his uncle than cousin due to his size and powerful mass. Like his father Tamahagane sported a larger frame of size and power. While Kazui still favored the versatility of the traditional Fang Stone Splitter Spear of their clan Tama’s family seemed to favor more dual great war maces large enough for an average soldier to use two hands to wield. To Kazui he mused it spoke of their personalities, While Tama was always brunt and flat with regards to most things him took them head on and with honesty and sincerity. Kazui was still thinking of what to do when they got to the village to explain things as they continued to traverse their way until dusk came calling for them to make camp.

The following morning they had taken to riding again due to safety reasons. The village has a perimeter of lumber and they could feel eyes at a certain point regarding them form in the village and around them in the area. They’d heard others call Avone a village of barbarians, savage nomadics, and beasts and monsters. The entourage looked at them as people of the land and possibly allies or foes so they were inclined to be respectful.
They came upon several lesser oni with staffs guarding the entrance moving to block free access, several eyes stared down from the wall above eyeing for weakness. The sound of clawed footsteeps let them know of rapid movements out of sigh
t to either send word or reinforce as needed considering depending on the clan’s intentions it seemed.

"We’d request an audience to talk to your leaders. Please." Kazui suddnely belted out in a voice to loud for his frame surprising the others by the level he spoke at.
Aug 16, 2021 12:00 pm
Price of Cooperation
The clan members waited in silence getting off their horses as three being made their way through the throng of inhabitants. A larger green lesser oni stood in front of the village masses possibly the militia and planted his great sword tip first into the ground in front of him. One of his cousins was about to speak when Kazui held a hand up. The oni raised an eyebrow and smiled slightly as a Goblin in a dark blue cloak moved deftly through the crowd to stand at one side of the Oni, a reddish furred large wolf stalked out of the outskirts of the forest by the village surprising those on that side of the entourage since they hadn't noticed a beast of it's size watching them for some time. As he sat next to the large Oni the three exchanged glances before eyeing the six youn clans members in the front of their group.

"Honored Leaders of Avone we come to request a partnership as proxy for our clan, Ishiyari, vassal to Lord Ironfist, it is believed the region will soon come under disharmony and we wish to bring order to the choas before unwanted killing and pillaging starts to become rampant. We request your assistance and ask if an area can be used close to the village for Lord Ironfist's endeavors." Kazui states with a silence following.

A voice like wind comes from the wolf as he eyes the Ishiyari, "I've seen your people cutting trees and expanding the clearing long before you got here. I've seen them sleep and even smelt their sleeping breath." the wolf states sending a chill from the ramification of the statement through the young clansmen. "We do not take simple words of man as nothing more than air and trust requires more proof in the form of a challenge to admit sincerity." the goblin in the hooded blue robes adds from the shadowed recess of his cowl as he wags a long clawed finger at the visitors.

"Find the Djinn in the forest that has been taking all the Ruby Moon Flowers, come to an agreement or kill it as long as it stops taking most of the flowers we do not care what method you except if it causes the destruction of the woods or you pick a fight and bring it to our home. Come back when you've completed the task with proof." the green lesser Oni states before he turns moving through the ground his size ebbing the tide of people. The goblins seemed to vanish in a cloud of smoke and the wolf stood stating they'd be watching them all and moved back into the forest their eyes losing focus on him quickly.

In the silence the Young Fourth declared she like the dark blue robes of the Goblin master causing the rest to look at her. She smiled impishly as they moved to figure out how to accomplish this task given to them. In the silence someone piped up eating an apple quite loudly, "Second, Fifth and me should do something about the Djinn since the rest of you have done your part already a bit." The apple eater suggested, the Young Fifth adjusted glasses before explaining he was curious as to the mystery behind this flower as one would monopolize a resource and requested of his cousins to let him investigate.
CESN sent a note to CESN
Aug 16, 2021 12:02 pm
So, you made it to Avone and the locals are not openly aggressive. Maybe they are still loyal to the Empire? It seem like a large green Ogre, a dark blue cloaked goblin and reddish furred large wolf speak for the tribes. They are protective of the forest and disprove of the way you just came in, cut trees and expanded the clearing to make space for yourself disregarding the locals. However, they are willing to look the other way if you show proper respect now that you have been warned and deal with this Djinn that has been taking all the Ruby Moon Flowers.

While the Second, Fifth and the Sixth successors were searching for the djinn, the others at the camp receive word from the Shadows in the Dark. It seems like there are three lords in the area. The elves from Chandler took advantage of Krager's rebellion to set up a blockade, cutting off the humans of South Mill, hoping to quickly settle some old dispute. In the mean time, the barbarians tribes around Roc Haven, led by a deep black wolf, saw the opportunity to break free from Avone. From the south, you get news from Ironfist’s men moving closer. They will probably join you soon…
Aug 16, 2021 12:02 pm
"Things are not going as planned I take it." Tama states flatly and the six young clan members and retinue sprint down the hill embankment.

"Talk to Fifth he’s the madman who enraged the spirit." the former apple eater retorted too busy to chew on fruit hands free of such a luxury as they pumped rapidly as he sprinted not looking back.

"That why we should have just challenged him under martial code to resolve this." the shaven head woman in the lead stated casually not out of breath as she carried her clansman, his glasses missing a lens and one of her arms limp his eyes foggy.

"He was intangible! Fifth went limp as soon as he got his head bitten look at him." Sixth reminded her.

Things did not go as planned in the least. Tracking down the Djinn took the rest of the day into the following night before they found traces of the flower. Eventually they found a beast it’s fur light the dark void of the night sitting amidst hundreds of the flowers. They soon found out this was the Djinn they sought after. The Djinn seemed hospitable to the whimsical nature of the Sixth Young master telling him of the Red Moon flower’s importance and brokering a negotiation for not taking all seemed to go well. The Djinn had no physical body but would manifest themselves inside a creature it seemed. Due to the body being weak for the Djinn it would eventually die, that’s why he needed the flowers, when the body died if could be reborn and made stronger. The Fifth seemed very dead set on finding out the mysteries behind this process until when the Djinn was preoccupied recounting tales of battles to the Second. Even the Sixth thought it wasn’t a good idea after seeing it. The Fifth intense look at the flowers should have warned his cousin. Seeing him pull out vials with a silver liquid gave him pause but the Fifth assured him he was just testing a theory on the flower and possibly preserving them in mercury through alchemic practice.

No one knew how it happened but as the quicksilver moved through the plucked flowers on the bed the Djinn was on it was very apparent something had gone wrong, for those still not sure the silver tendrils that arcs across the fur of the Djinn’s body and his sudden enraged howl that shook the cave they were in did. As they traversed rapidly down the hilly area they moved towards the encampment calling for reinforcements. Kazui the first to finally use his flare. The Fifth in his haze muttered about the aftermath as he deduced. The mercury didn’t apply the flowers when touched by mercury but stopped their transmittal of their magical properties rendering the hundreds of flowers innate. From what they were told each flower would last for at least two moon cycles before they started to wither. Now they lay frozen in time but useless to the Djinn.

A week has gone by and they’ve sent word to Avone that things did not go as planned but they’re mostly sure the Djinn is more focused on them now then Avone and their need for Red Moon Flowers. No communications have come back. Word has been sent back to Clan Ishiyari and relayed to Lord Ironfist for his forces to be mindful of an unseen adversary in the area. The Fifth’s successor although recovered has seemed dead to the word as the reply back from the clan came with an odd punishment, an elderly woman on the back of a donkey and an amount of books and scrolls to ‘learn the importance’ of reactions between materials in alchemic processes. While they others see to the camp he’s been in lecture, writing reports, and dictating processes by hand with little time to rest or sleep. The Elderly Woman slapping his hands any time they stop moving when he starts to drift off in a lull of exhaustion. The only reprieve from studying is when he’s doused in cold water thrice a day to reflect on his actions and the repercussion and dishonor he’s brought to the clan.

CESN sent a note to CESN
Aug 16, 2021 12:05 pm
The Second, the Fifth and the Sixth searched for the Ruby Moon flowers, hoping to find the djinn the ogre mentioned. And they did find it, though things did not go as planned. They found out that the djinn possessed creatures to gain a physical body and used the magic of the flowers to be reborn stronger in a new body. But the Fifth’s curiosity got the better of him and, in an accidental twist, he started a chain reaction that froze Ruby Moon Flowers in time, their magical properties lost. In its fury, the djinn managed to wound the Fifth, a wound deeper than flesh.

But the Ishiyari cousins to managed to escape with their lives, sure that they have made an enemy, a dangerous enemy. They sent word to Avone, but no response so far. A message was also sent to Ironfist, relating the situation of the local lords and the presence of a, now enraged, djinn in the area. But the scouts have not returned yet… They felt isolated, surrounded in a strange land, but that was about to change …
Aug 16, 2021 12:06 pm
The black wolf howls angrily. He moves around the settlement square, dry blood everywhere. He can still smell those impertinent mortals who dared destroy his, yes HIS ruby moon flowers. But they escaped, so he returned to Roc Haven, that irrelevant mining settlement full of stupid, incompetent goblins! He took over it easily, he just had to challenge the weak ogre in charge and the orcs dropped their useless axes in an instant.

Where are those stupid humans? he asks the frightful goblins. They know that one of them is about to be eaten. "They promised me a new body! I am tired of this bloody fur." He stop, his eyes staring at one goblin, who instinctively steps back. The orc guard stands next to the black wolf, tall, strong, armored. Though they should be safe from the wolf's wrath, they too fear it. But it had to be done. The rein of terror ends today.

Before the wolf can make his move, the small goblin grabs his spear. The wolf laughs, howling loudly. "Are you challenging ME?" The djinn jumps, blinded by the thrill of the hunt, one of the few things he enjoys from this body. All the goblins raise their spears to join the little one, forming a deadly wall. The wolf laughs again as he magically bounces back in the air, avoiding the puny trap of desperate goblins... only to ace the orcs' axes! In all his arrogance and power, he did not expect that!

CESN sent a note to CESN
Aug 16, 2021 4:02 pm
Chandler Ultimatum
With the Fifth relegated to camp researching adjunct the others plan out their next course of action without him. They all stop when a black bird comes into the tent while they look over a map. The fourth arm instinctive moves horizontal to the floor as she continues to discuss the matter before taking a step back and removes a capsule from the bird's leg putting it on her shoulder she reads the cipher message.

"There might be an issue." the fourth states cryptically explaining the report on the ciphered message sending the bird back.

"Then we take the fight to them." the second states moving to grab her armor and motions for an attendant who starts assisting her.

"Hagaku they're likely to use guerilla tactics and have an advantage, the forces from Chandler use magic and are one with nature and will have an advantage." Kazui warns knowing his cousins straightforward bluntness.

"Then we pay a mercenary to send a message, send us your ruby moon flowers or be destroyed." she states matter-of-factly.

"So we're going to pay off the Djinn so he doesn't try to eat our souls?" Kazui states since he wasn't following.

"Actually the messenger will state he's the envoy of the Djinn... we'll just start sapping their military assets to add pressure and have them focus on him." she states grabbing a sword staff and adjusts her swords on her hips.

"That's actually kinda devious which is surprising for you since you're very straight and to the point." the six states a little wide eyed.

"In combat there is not fair, I'm straight forward when it's the most efficient route. If a straight line isn't the fastest route... you adapt." she states gears up and moves to leave. Tossing the gnawed apple core to the side as he left the tent the sixth spear moved to join her in her endeavor.
Aug 17, 2021 9:59 am
Dance of the Black Lotus Petals
Wataru watched as Hangaku worked and in a way it was disturbing. So much so he realized he hadn't had the inclination to eat an apple lately, his appetite subsiding. He thought her to be a very intelligent andt deligent he didn't expect her to have a fanatically focused mindset with a plan so out of left field he made a note to ask his father about borrow some of the books of war she had studied with in the past. The mercenary accepted the role of the messenger from two cloaked individuals, the secondary task of finding axes made from the bone and claws of monsters was odd but completed as well. As they neared the forests he stopped his horse eyeing the dozen figures following Hangaku on horseback as well behind them, it had been several days but none of them had talked. Hangaku only spoke to give commands and seemed for lack of better words less human than she was around the rest usually. He watched the others as they quietly ate a cold meals their face masks hiding any facial expressions into what they were thinking. As another figure emerged from the shadows most moved a hand to their swords, Hangaku just continued what she was doing and raised an open hand, a message was delivered and they both nodded at each other wordless. Hangaku read the message before pouring water on it and mashed the slip of paper into a small ball of paper pulp.

They started by hiding for a few days not doing anything in a cave after traveling by night only he wondered if this was the big plan when they all stood one night after eating their meal. Asking if they were leaving Wataru seem flustered to follow only to be corrected by Hangaku that they were now starting.

Leaving some patrols of the Chandler forces and attacking others in ambush only to hide again in other area where forces patrolled leaving them unscathed seemed odd. Eventually he figured out the real plan as they hacked trees in the middle of the night with the bone and claw axes downing trees dragged into moving water damming places up while other places where water was dammed up they destroyed. For several nights this was the routine, killing some patrols in various areas, destroying the flow of the water ways, and sleeping in shallow graves in areas they never got close to patrols or locals. Wataru wasn't an elf but he could feel the animosity in the forest now, the tension of things gone horribly wrong and the confusion. Hangaku and the others moved this time someone had brought their horses back to them and everyone mounted.

"We're leaving?" Wataru stated still confused at what they had been doing.

"After we do one final thing..." she stated cryptically.

From an outcrop they waited and Hataru got nervous, most of the people with Hangaku had gone another way. As she watched in the darkness she extended a hand and someone gave her a long war bow. An rope was being tied off to a horse an odd mount was built and the rope threaded through it before the end tied arrow. In the moonless night Hangaku waited her arm slowly pulling back he could barely see now as the night grew cloudy. He heard someone pulling their sword as someone quietly got on the horse. He held his breath as time passed and he could eventually hear faint sounds of footsteps below them. He couldn't hear but a voice below complained and urged the others on around them the tone of irration in their voice. He was in middle of a sentence when he heard the hiss and look. The arrow in Hangaku's hand was gone. A grunt below had Hangaku slapping her side as she moved away from the side of the cliff outgroup the horse taking off in the darkness. A screaming male suddenly came up the side of the cliff slamming into the odd contraption the rope was thread through, as he struggled in pain it was short lived as people held him down someone quickly slashing down with their sword the protests falling silent.

"Dump it with the body..." Hangaku stated already on her horse the others packing up items and the headless body had a sachel tied to it before it was flung off the cliff the people below eventually finding it, the group of executioners already rapidly moving away.

Once back at the camp the silent warriors moved to clean up and leave the second to her own devices.

"What did you just do?" the sixth finally stated, it felt odd to talk since it had been a long two weeks.

"The leader of Chandler will not have time for guerilla tactics, they'll be too busy dealing with droughts and flood, wondering how someone or something got through their patrols and killed without being noticed and mourning the lose of his nephew." she explained.

"But what about the whole ultimatum from the Djinn, do they even have red moon flowers???" he asked confused.

"Does it matter if they do our not? We just have to have someone sneak this head to the front of his flower cave." she replied.

"Han-chan your husband will probably be very obedient..." Wataru joked nervously with the realization of Hangaku's personality.

"Of course if he's not stronger or more tired than me at the end of the day he'll never be able to hide from me." she admits laughing. Wataru said a small prayer in advance for her future husband hoping he didn't screw up badly.

CESN sent a note to CESN

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