Aug 18, 2021 7:39 pm
Y1105: Kohola'uhane (annotated summary)
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Aug 18, 2021 8:33 pm
"Tales have recently been told of a mist wreathed archipelago that has sprung up in the western seas where nothing but water lay before. They are the legendary Shrouded Isles, wherein lies the Fount of Wizardry. It is said that every thousand years they rise forth from the ocean, and that whomsoever claims this power will reign ascendant for the next thousand... Even now your rivals are surely aware of the archipelago's emergence, and are laying plans for its conquest."
Aug 18, 2021 8:33 pm
Lilinoe Kohola'uhane, the promising young Uhana. It seems like she was bound to return to the she whence she came from. The northern wizard Mandalis, her mentor as summoned her and her friend Solmyr and told them about the Shrouded Isles and magical archipelago where he, and many others, belied the fabled Fount of Wizardry was located. He wants you to join him on his quest to scout these strange islands.
Aug 18, 2021 8:34 pm
As the afternoon sky burned red with the sun going down, Lilinoe was sitting by the lake, a fishing rod by her side. Even after all those years spent at master's Mandalis secluded tower complex, she still liked simple joys like fishing or preparing a meal under the star lit skies.
The spirits haven't ever left her when she had gone north, as some have warned. If anything, they have gotten even more audible, more... present. Mandalis showed her some interesting ways of developing her ability - but he quickly focused on more orthodox ways of taming the magical powers. To be honest, she was still an Uhana, a dead-talker, friends with the dead, more than she was o powerful wizard her master wanted to have.
- I see you are contemplating this body of water rather often - said Solmyr, coming up to her without any warning. He was like that, always showing up out of nowhere, all serious and wizardish. Yes, he would make a good master one day.
- It is my element, after all - she said, standing up. She liked Solmyr even though master Mandalis did his best to prevent this friendship - he thought an ideal wizard should be a person that grew out of such petty things as companionship or having friends. When he tried to put some rivalry in their lives, they simply did their best and remained loyal to each other. Maybe that was because Lilinoe wasn't really interested in inheriting any of master's titles and she just assumed that Solmyr was better suited for them.
- Yes, yes, calm heart and clear mind and all that. What do you think about all these news? About Shrouded Isles? We never had a chance to talk after master informed us of everything - Solmyr was right. They spent the whole day packing and discussing which scrolls and tomes are most important for such a journey. For Mandalis it was a chance of finally achieving the status he deserved: the greatest wizard in the known world. To hell with that, if he got the hold of Founts of Wizardry, generations after generations would read his memoirs and talk about his glory. For Solmyr, it was a gift from heavens: once-in-a-lifetime chance he never deserved. For Lilinoe? She didn't really know.
- I'm curious if my grandmother is still alive - she said, as if that was the most important thing - or if I will meet her spirit. I'm happy that I will finally see my parents, my home and my island. It feels as if some part of me that was gone for a long time is finally returning. Does that make sense? - she asked, looking at her friend.
- Of course it does. You knew your parents and your home, I can't even imagine how happy you must feel - said Solmyr, who was taken as an apprentice after one of the battles. All his family slain, Mandalis became the closest he got to the family. He, and Lilinoe, that is, whom he viewed as his sister.
- Yes, happy - she said, looking at sun, now almost gone - Though I can't help but feeling that something is off - she shuttered imperceptibly - The spirits whisper about that place, about the archipelago we are going to visit. They say they feel some presence emanating from there. You know, like it was behind some veil.
Solmyr laughed with his booming laughter that would probably make some people on the battlefield shit their pants:
- Of course it is, didn't you hear? Only those who have gone in, know what lays inside - and those people died almost nine hundred years ago. You could talk to their spirits, but you would also have to go there, isn't that right?
- Yes, the dead are bound to the vicinity of the place of their burial... - she was silent for a moment - You know, the people at the southern edges of Children territory have some legends about this place. I tried to tell master today but he said it was all peasent's talk.
- Oh, I'm sorry. So, what do they say? - asked Solmyr. She could see the curiosity burning in his eyes. He was a sucker for all things legendary - Anything good?
- Well, supposedly, a long time, one village run out of food. The fishes just disappeared, the weather made them lose their crops. They gathered everything they had and headed for this lush and beatiful island that they could barely see on the horizon - said Lilinoe in hushed voice.
- Yeah, and then what? - asked Solmyr, his interest mounting.
- And that's it. They have never been seen again. The only thing that was left, were their houses. No one knows if they even made it to the island. But, some time after that, Uhanas started having weird dreams with people screaming and telling them something - but they couldn't understand the language. Soon, the dreams had stopped and people forgot about the island.
He looked at her for a few more seconds and summed up:
- You certainly can't tell a good story. I was hoping for some useful informations in the form of your ancestors tales - he couldn't hide his disappointment - But it's fine, in some time, we will see for ourselves, right, sister?
- That is correct my brother. Now, let us adhere to our masters needs, lest he eats his dinner alone - said Lilinoe, mocking the tone they sometimes heard from the visiting nobles.
The spirits haven't ever left her when she had gone north, as some have warned. If anything, they have gotten even more audible, more... present. Mandalis showed her some interesting ways of developing her ability - but he quickly focused on more orthodox ways of taming the magical powers. To be honest, she was still an Uhana, a dead-talker, friends with the dead, more than she was o powerful wizard her master wanted to have.
- I see you are contemplating this body of water rather often - said Solmyr, coming up to her without any warning. He was like that, always showing up out of nowhere, all serious and wizardish. Yes, he would make a good master one day.
- It is my element, after all - she said, standing up. She liked Solmyr even though master Mandalis did his best to prevent this friendship - he thought an ideal wizard should be a person that grew out of such petty things as companionship or having friends. When he tried to put some rivalry in their lives, they simply did their best and remained loyal to each other. Maybe that was because Lilinoe wasn't really interested in inheriting any of master's titles and she just assumed that Solmyr was better suited for them.
- Yes, yes, calm heart and clear mind and all that. What do you think about all these news? About Shrouded Isles? We never had a chance to talk after master informed us of everything - Solmyr was right. They spent the whole day packing and discussing which scrolls and tomes are most important for such a journey. For Mandalis it was a chance of finally achieving the status he deserved: the greatest wizard in the known world. To hell with that, if he got the hold of Founts of Wizardry, generations after generations would read his memoirs and talk about his glory. For Solmyr, it was a gift from heavens: once-in-a-lifetime chance he never deserved. For Lilinoe? She didn't really know.
- I'm curious if my grandmother is still alive - she said, as if that was the most important thing - or if I will meet her spirit. I'm happy that I will finally see my parents, my home and my island. It feels as if some part of me that was gone for a long time is finally returning. Does that make sense? - she asked, looking at her friend.
- Of course it does. You knew your parents and your home, I can't even imagine how happy you must feel - said Solmyr, who was taken as an apprentice after one of the battles. All his family slain, Mandalis became the closest he got to the family. He, and Lilinoe, that is, whom he viewed as his sister.
- Yes, happy - she said, looking at sun, now almost gone - Though I can't help but feeling that something is off - she shuttered imperceptibly - The spirits whisper about that place, about the archipelago we are going to visit. They say they feel some presence emanating from there. You know, like it was behind some veil.
Solmyr laughed with his booming laughter that would probably make some people on the battlefield shit their pants:
- Of course it is, didn't you hear? Only those who have gone in, know what lays inside - and those people died almost nine hundred years ago. You could talk to their spirits, but you would also have to go there, isn't that right?
- Yes, the dead are bound to the vicinity of the place of their burial... - she was silent for a moment - You know, the people at the southern edges of Children territory have some legends about this place. I tried to tell master today but he said it was all peasent's talk.
- Oh, I'm sorry. So, what do they say? - asked Solmyr. She could see the curiosity burning in his eyes. He was a sucker for all things legendary - Anything good?
- Well, supposedly, a long time, one village run out of food. The fishes just disappeared, the weather made them lose their crops. They gathered everything they had and headed for this lush and beatiful island that they could barely see on the horizon - said Lilinoe in hushed voice.
- Yeah, and then what? - asked Solmyr, his interest mounting.
- And that's it. They have never been seen again. The only thing that was left, were their houses. No one knows if they even made it to the island. But, some time after that, Uhanas started having weird dreams with people screaming and telling them something - but they couldn't understand the language. Soon, the dreams had stopped and people forgot about the island.
He looked at her for a few more seconds and summed up:
- You certainly can't tell a good story. I was hoping for some useful informations in the form of your ancestors tales - he couldn't hide his disappointment - But it's fine, in some time, we will see for ourselves, right, sister?
- That is correct my brother. Now, let us adhere to our masters needs, lest he eats his dinner alone - said Lilinoe, mocking the tone they sometimes heard from the visiting nobles.
CESN sent a note to CESN
Aug 18, 2021 8:37 pm
Despite Solmyr's disappointment in Lilinoe's story, her unease was justified. After the preparations they set sail from Mandalis tower. Everything went smoothly until they approached the region where the islands were supposed to be. There, they noticed a mysterious mist, an impenetrable wall of whiteness resting just above the water. However, it was the storm that was hidden within that took them by surprise, a storm they would came to believe was of magical nature.
They were unprepared to sail in such conditions, though Lilinoe’s knowledge of the sea proved crucial in bringing everyone to land, (mostly) safely. However, it was not enough not bring everyone to the same land! Neither to keep their ships from becoming shadows of their former self, left in desperate need of repairs, and with the group’s supplies mostly lost or spoiled. Lilinoe landed on the lstand of Wolcott, were a small settlement of wizards is to be found. Solmyr was lost in an island already claimed by a competing warlock...
Like Mandalis expected, you soon find you are not alone. Five other mages have already settled on the islands and open conflict is just a matter of time. You have no time to waste in this race for the Fount of Wizardry of you are to win it!
They were unprepared to sail in such conditions, though Lilinoe’s knowledge of the sea proved crucial in bringing everyone to land, (mostly) safely. However, it was not enough not bring everyone to the same land! Neither to keep their ships from becoming shadows of their former self, left in desperate need of repairs, and with the group’s supplies mostly lost or spoiled. Lilinoe landed on the lstand of Wolcott, were a small settlement of wizards is to be found. Solmyr was lost in an island already claimed by a competing warlock...
Like Mandalis expected, you soon find you are not alone. Five other mages have already settled on the islands and open conflict is just a matter of time. You have no time to waste in this race for the Fount of Wizardry of you are to win it!
Aug 18, 2021 8:38 pm
Lilinoe crawled out of the almost-wrecked ship and spat on the ground. This definitively was not the glorious adventure she had in mind. She looked around: some of the people from her crew were already assessing the damage, trying to save the most important supplies from becoming useless, wet sludge.
- Greyjell - she shouted. He was the ship's captain, most skilled of all the available man around her. Also, the oldest and highest in rank. She knew very well that to him, she was just a brat playing with magic - but, on the other hand, he saw Mandalis make his enemies' skin fall away from their bones. He would be loyal, to the extent, that was certain. And she needed someone to take charge here - I want you to split your men into two groups. One will stay here and organize a camp, salvaging whatever possible from the ship. Bury all the dead crewmembers that you can fin. The other group will go with me to scout the island and, if possible, obtain some help.
He obeyed her commands without a word of disapproval. At least for now.
While waiting for his return, she turned to the task at hand. She needed to find out if Solmyr was alive and if so, where was he.
First, she sat on the ground and closed her eyes. She listened intently and after some time, the spirits came. The mariners that she saw alive less than a few hours ago. They weren't angry, rather sad that they would be buried on this foreign land. Sad that a few of their comrades who fell overboard, were doomed with the fate of wandering the seas, never finding proper rest. The spirits told her, that short before everything went to hell, they saw the other ship loosing direction and going more to the east. They didn't know anything else. She thanked them, listened to their sorrows and excused herself. From experience, she knew that listening to the spirits made their pain subside a little - so she always tried to listen, if possible.
After a few more moments, the captain, who was standing at some distance and observing her, came closer.
- I have given the necessary orders. Waiting won't help us in anything - he said, unblinking as ever.
After a few hours of walking north, they came across something resembling a road, or maybe a path cutting through the woods and meadows. During all this time they haven't seen anyone, only some birds or rabbits running away from the sounds of people. There were ten of them, including Lilinoe and Greyjell and they were more and more hungry. Luckily, they found a stream on their way so at least they had some clean water to drink.
Half an hour more and they saw the smoke rising from between the trees. Greyjell put a finger on his lips and took the lead, slowly crawling through the forest. Everyone else followed him, trying to be as silent as possible. But, it quickly turned out, that the carefulness was too little - they were trained to move and fight on the ship, not on the ground where even the smallest leaf can give up your position.
They crept no more than thirty meters, when suddenly on of the young mariners shouted. Everyone turned to him and they saw that he was laying on the ground with an arrow sticking from his back.
- Seven hells - grunted Greyjell, taking out his short sword, readying for a fight. But none came. Instead of an attacking horde, which they expected, lone figure appeared before them. Broad shoulders, green skin and tusks protruding from his face - they knew an orc when they saw one. This one wasn't trying to charge them, but simply raised his hand and spoke:
- Your chief with us. Your band wait or dead. Shaman Kraghmo says.
Captain turned to Lilinoe:
- Do you want me to go? They might take you seriously with you being a... you know, woman.
She thanked the man, he wasn't wrong. But she prefered to hear by herself what this shaman had to say, then to let old and rusty Greyjell try out a role of a diplomat.
She went in the direction of the messenger, raising hands to show that she had no weapons in them. He laughed and thrusted his hips a few times.
- Human chief girl. If shaman no happy, I take girl - then he turned back and started walking, clearly not fearing anything from Lilinoe.
She gritted her teeth and mumbled the words of the blessing. She would need all the help she could get.
- Lilinoe magical - said shaman. This was a statement, not a question. She had just showed him some tricks involving sparks and fire, nothing difficult. He wasn't very impressed but at least, he didn't order her killed.
They were talking for some time now and she learned that Kraghmo was a shaman and a leader of this village. A few dozen orcs lived here with some goblins and maybe some other creatures. Not like she was given the tour. One thing was clear: they were annoyed by humans. They wanted their island to be left alone. The only problem was that humans kept coming here. The name "Garunajja" was repeated particularly often and after some time, she realised that this was the name of a wizard who occupied the northern part of the island. Apparently, Garunajja landed here some time before and tried to make this island his little realm. The orcs didn't know anything more, just that he was taking their land and that they wanted him gone. Oh, and they wanted ALL humans gone.
- Orcs kill you - said Kraghmo, as if he was offering her a cup of tea.
- No, my humans kill you. We strong, we have sticks that do fire - she tried to reason with him. Meanwhile, spirits of the people who died near that place aided her with some insights.
- No, orcs kill you and orcs kill Garunajja.
- No, orcs don't kill us. We help orcs and we go, we don't kill orcs.
After that, he was silent. He kept rocking back and forth, throwing something into the fire from time to time. They were sitting in a small tent and the smell was becoming unbearable. He spoke some words in his own dialect and returned to her.
- Big brothers hungry. Big brothers eat three humans and we no kill you. You go.
- Three humans? - she showed him three fingers.
- Eat three and you help or kill all - said shaman, finally.
How was she supposed to come back to her people? And tell them what, that she agreed to sacrifice three of them?
She tried to talk some more with the orc mage, but after some time she was sure that it was leading nowhere. They wanted to eat some human flesh and that was it. Who were "big brothers" was not clear to her though, but she had some ideas.
As the sun was going down again, she came back to her people, waiting for her surrounded by the orc guards. She couldn't look them in the eyes. She hugged her left arm where she was cut - she needed to seal her word with her blood, which was probably a common custom in orc culture.
She took Greyjell by the arm and whispered with him a little. Contrary to what she expected, he wasn't furious. Being almost sixty, he saw a lot of stuff on this world so that didn't shake him either. He even patted Lilinoe's back and said quietly "you did good, little sea-girl". Than he stood up, turned to his crewmates and said sternly "You, you and you" - pointing a finger at another man with each word "will go to the shaman's hut now. You will remain there as hostages, until we are done here. Is that clear?". They weren't happy but didn't protest. They just nodded their heads and went in the direction shown them. They were to not be seen ever again. Their spirits would torment Lilinoe. But this was the only way to not die and to further their cause.
When the night begun, seven of them were allowed to return to their companions. The plan was to gather everyone and, once back in the village work out the plan of defeating wizard Garunajja together with the local tribe. Then, they would be allowed to use any type of ship or boat they found and leave the island.
Lilinoe knew that was stupid, to fight a wizard side by side with greenskins, but she just said what she needed to say to stay alive. She was sure though, that shaman Kraghmo had some ace in his sleeve and she wasn't eager to find out what it was. So, they would at least walk up to wizard's gates and talk to him. If necessary, kill him afterwards.
She was just wondering, what was Solmyr up to. If he hadn't contacted her yet by this way or another, it could only mean that any magical contact was impossible. She hoped that Garunajja's place would have some means of reaching her friend.
- Greyjell - she shouted. He was the ship's captain, most skilled of all the available man around her. Also, the oldest and highest in rank. She knew very well that to him, she was just a brat playing with magic - but, on the other hand, he saw Mandalis make his enemies' skin fall away from their bones. He would be loyal, to the extent, that was certain. And she needed someone to take charge here - I want you to split your men into two groups. One will stay here and organize a camp, salvaging whatever possible from the ship. Bury all the dead crewmembers that you can fin. The other group will go with me to scout the island and, if possible, obtain some help.
He obeyed her commands without a word of disapproval. At least for now.
While waiting for his return, she turned to the task at hand. She needed to find out if Solmyr was alive and if so, where was he.
First, she sat on the ground and closed her eyes. She listened intently and after some time, the spirits came. The mariners that she saw alive less than a few hours ago. They weren't angry, rather sad that they would be buried on this foreign land. Sad that a few of their comrades who fell overboard, were doomed with the fate of wandering the seas, never finding proper rest. The spirits told her, that short before everything went to hell, they saw the other ship loosing direction and going more to the east. They didn't know anything else. She thanked them, listened to their sorrows and excused herself. From experience, she knew that listening to the spirits made their pain subside a little - so she always tried to listen, if possible.
After a few more moments, the captain, who was standing at some distance and observing her, came closer.
- I have given the necessary orders. Waiting won't help us in anything - he said, unblinking as ever.
CESN sent a note to CESN
After a few hours of walking north, they came across something resembling a road, or maybe a path cutting through the woods and meadows. During all this time they haven't seen anyone, only some birds or rabbits running away from the sounds of people. There were ten of them, including Lilinoe and Greyjell and they were more and more hungry. Luckily, they found a stream on their way so at least they had some clean water to drink.
Half an hour more and they saw the smoke rising from between the trees. Greyjell put a finger on his lips and took the lead, slowly crawling through the forest. Everyone else followed him, trying to be as silent as possible. But, it quickly turned out, that the carefulness was too little - they were trained to move and fight on the ship, not on the ground where even the smallest leaf can give up your position.
They crept no more than thirty meters, when suddenly on of the young mariners shouted. Everyone turned to him and they saw that he was laying on the ground with an arrow sticking from his back.
- Seven hells - grunted Greyjell, taking out his short sword, readying for a fight. But none came. Instead of an attacking horde, which they expected, lone figure appeared before them. Broad shoulders, green skin and tusks protruding from his face - they knew an orc when they saw one. This one wasn't trying to charge them, but simply raised his hand and spoke:
- Your chief with us. Your band wait or dead. Shaman Kraghmo says.
Captain turned to Lilinoe:
- Do you want me to go? They might take you seriously with you being a... you know, woman.
She thanked the man, he wasn't wrong. But she prefered to hear by herself what this shaman had to say, then to let old and rusty Greyjell try out a role of a diplomat.
She went in the direction of the messenger, raising hands to show that she had no weapons in them. He laughed and thrusted his hips a few times.
- Human chief girl. If shaman no happy, I take girl - then he turned back and started walking, clearly not fearing anything from Lilinoe.
She gritted her teeth and mumbled the words of the blessing. She would need all the help she could get.
- Lilinoe magical - said shaman. This was a statement, not a question. She had just showed him some tricks involving sparks and fire, nothing difficult. He wasn't very impressed but at least, he didn't order her killed.
They were talking for some time now and she learned that Kraghmo was a shaman and a leader of this village. A few dozen orcs lived here with some goblins and maybe some other creatures. Not like she was given the tour. One thing was clear: they were annoyed by humans. They wanted their island to be left alone. The only problem was that humans kept coming here. The name "Garunajja" was repeated particularly often and after some time, she realised that this was the name of a wizard who occupied the northern part of the island. Apparently, Garunajja landed here some time before and tried to make this island his little realm. The orcs didn't know anything more, just that he was taking their land and that they wanted him gone. Oh, and they wanted ALL humans gone.
- Orcs kill you - said Kraghmo, as if he was offering her a cup of tea.
- No, my humans kill you. We strong, we have sticks that do fire - she tried to reason with him. Meanwhile, spirits of the people who died near that place aided her with some insights.
- No, orcs kill you and orcs kill Garunajja.
- No, orcs don't kill us. We help orcs and we go, we don't kill orcs.
After that, he was silent. He kept rocking back and forth, throwing something into the fire from time to time. They were sitting in a small tent and the smell was becoming unbearable. He spoke some words in his own dialect and returned to her.
- Big brothers hungry. Big brothers eat three humans and we no kill you. You go.
- Three humans? - she showed him three fingers.
- Eat three and you help or kill all - said shaman, finally.
How was she supposed to come back to her people? And tell them what, that she agreed to sacrifice three of them?
She tried to talk some more with the orc mage, but after some time she was sure that it was leading nowhere. They wanted to eat some human flesh and that was it. Who were "big brothers" was not clear to her though, but she had some ideas.
As the sun was going down again, she came back to her people, waiting for her surrounded by the orc guards. She couldn't look them in the eyes. She hugged her left arm where she was cut - she needed to seal her word with her blood, which was probably a common custom in orc culture.
She took Greyjell by the arm and whispered with him a little. Contrary to what she expected, he wasn't furious. Being almost sixty, he saw a lot of stuff on this world so that didn't shake him either. He even patted Lilinoe's back and said quietly "you did good, little sea-girl". Than he stood up, turned to his crewmates and said sternly "You, you and you" - pointing a finger at another man with each word "will go to the shaman's hut now. You will remain there as hostages, until we are done here. Is that clear?". They weren't happy but didn't protest. They just nodded their heads and went in the direction shown them. They were to not be seen ever again. Their spirits would torment Lilinoe. But this was the only way to not die and to further their cause.
When the night begun, seven of them were allowed to return to their companions. The plan was to gather everyone and, once back in the village work out the plan of defeating wizard Garunajja together with the local tribe. Then, they would be allowed to use any type of ship or boat they found and leave the island.
Lilinoe knew that was stupid, to fight a wizard side by side with greenskins, but she just said what she needed to say to stay alive. She was sure though, that shaman Kraghmo had some ace in his sleeve and she wasn't eager to find out what it was. So, they would at least walk up to wizard's gates and talk to him. If necessary, kill him afterwards.
She was just wondering, what was Solmyr up to. If he hadn't contacted her yet by this way or another, it could only mean that any magical contact was impossible. She hoped that Garunajja's place would have some means of reaching her friend.
CESN sent a note to CESN
Aug 18, 2021 8:39 pm
Lilinoe scouted the small island she washed ashore, looking for survivors, for food and for a place to rest. Though the spirits of the dead sailors told her of a ship lost to the east, there was no sign of Solmyr. But she knew he was alive, she simply felt it. Still alive, as she couldn’t stop thinking that he was in danger. And danger soon found her instead, as she ran into Kraghmo’s tribe, having no choice than to sacrifice three of her crew to meet a cruel end. A hard choice that would haunt her, but was the only way to guarantee her safety and that of her men.
In the meantime, she managed to impress the orc shaman will her magic tricks, persuading him to join forces against the wizard Garunajja, the human who took over Hilltown and tried to establish his little island kingdom at the expense of the natives. A blood pact was made, for her life and for their freedom. But who was really this wizard and, were the natives to be trusted?
In the meantime, she managed to impress the orc shaman will her magic tricks, persuading him to join forces against the wizard Garunajja, the human who took over Hilltown and tried to establish his little island kingdom at the expense of the natives. A blood pact was made, for her life and for their freedom. But who was really this wizard and, were the natives to be trusted?
Aug 18, 2021 8:41 pm
The walk back to the temporary camp was silent. Greyjell took Lilinoe by the arm and let others pass them: he wanted to have words without prying ears. "It never gets easier, you know" he started.
"What exactly?" she asked.
"Being responsible for others. Ordering them. Having them die for you."
Oh, that she fell silent for a few seconds "To be honest, I'm frightened by how easy it was for me to agree to that. I bartered with the lives of the three people who had their own lives, their families back home - and they were sold for our safe passage.
Now was his turn to think for some time before answering. He scratched his white head, looked at the sky spat on the ground and answered.
"Yes, you are right. You exchanged their lives for the lives of the others, for your own life. Believe me when I say that I'm not judging here. I myself have been in such a place many times."
She looked at him. He was an old man. An old man who spent most of his life on ships, serving under this and that banner but mainly, just himself. It must have been a hard and unforgiving kind of life. Next to him, Lilinoe felt like a little girl, seeing the world for what it is for the first time.
"Aeron, you are obviously more experienced than I am. Tell me, do we stand a chance here?" she needed some advice. She needed someone to tell her that they were going to be fine. She wasn't ready for this. She didn't want this.
"Of course we do, m'lady" he used the honorary form with a little chuckle "Unless the big bad wizard of Hilltown is sorrounded with some kind of barrier we can't figure out. I don't know how this magic of yours work - but if it's just the question of having more man, I'd say that orcs will do the job. They seem pissed off enough to storm any castle, even though they're not used to that. And hey, maybe this shaman guy is not useless after all, right?
That made her think of her own role: how useful was she? What could she do to help them win, if it came to fight? Sure, she was pretty good with a spear, with which she danced like an acrobat but that wouldn't help. How much did she learn in the past years after all? They were going to find out soon. And she really needed to work on remembering those combat spells that she rarely used.
That night, not one person of their crew slept well. Visions of people being teared apart, screaming, running and pleading for help tormented them all. Though most of them thought it was just a random nightmare or a magical trick, Lilinoe knew better. As an Uhana, she got the full show. She saw the last moments of the three sailors, like she was there in person. They sat, chained and hungry on the outskirts of the orc village. Then, the ogres would come. Big brothers as they called them. It wasn't like they just killed the humans at first sight. Oh, no, they really enjoyed human meat. Supposedly, it got even better if the human was frightened, his body secreting some hormones that changed the flavor. And frightened they were. Terrified.
The ogres were at least three meters each, maybe three and a half. They shared some blood ties with orcs and other greenskins but were considered a wild card, sometimes not welcome in the community. Their aggressiveness and lust for blood were sometimes hard to control. That was exactly why they had to live outside of the main village - even the orcs wanted some kind of decency in their settlement.
Lilinoe didn't sleep and didn't really wake up. For Uhanas, communicating with spirits was a kind of trance. So she sat there, by the fire, looking at the first of her former men (he was called Darko), being thrown into the boiling water. The screams lasted for a few minutes but Lilinoe didn't want to break that bond. It was her duty to be there. After the screams faded, the ogres shared the delicacies, grunting under their noses. She smelled the cooked meat. She saw the blood squirt all around and trickle down on the ground. Was she awake, she would vomit. This horrendous show lasted for almost an hour and she witnessed everything.
Their spirits were angry, of course. In the first place at the ogres, then, at Greyjell who specifically gave the order. But, they were lost and confused as all who suffered untimely and violent death. And on the other hand, she was the only person around who knew how to help them. That was what the Uhanas were for: to help the spirits leave the mortal world. And that couldn't be done unless some conditions were met. Usually it meant simply burying the body close to their home or their relatives. Some spirits couldn't go, until their life goal was accomplished - for example a spirit of a nobleman who will haunt his ancestral home waiting for someone to wash his past dishonorous deeds. Or a king who will not be able to rest, until his people reclaim the city that he died defending.
And for these three mariners... they just wanted someone to pay for their blood. They would probably be happy with just the old captain being given to ogres - but Lilinoe would never put another soul through this, especially soul as dark as Greyjell's. She deemed it easier to find a way of killing the ogres - and she hoped some way would present itself during the battle. It was that or being haunted by the visions of gruesome death and screams every night for the rest of her life (she now knew that that was probably why some Uhanas died younger than they should or lost their sanity - their minds and bodies couldn't cope with constant stress, fear and lack of sleep, if they failed some vengeful spirits).
After their whole group was reunited, they gathered everyone and discussed their position. Shortly after landing they formed an unexpected alliance with local tribe. This happened from time to time, humans weren't genetically built to fight with greenskins or other races. The weird thing was that they really didn't have much to offer. Should their new partners see them as weak and useless, they would slaughter them. On the other hand, a blood pact was to be honored. Nobleman often spoke of honor and keeping their word but everyone knew that if the stakes were high enough, even the emperor could break his promise. A blood-pact? It was rather fool-proof. If you turned your back on that, your blood spoke against you. Literally. Every creature still feeling a little connection to it's nature, would recognise you as an enemy. Without any reason, it would just see you as an enemy, as something broken, bad, which needs to be erased. And it just so happened, that out of all the races, only humans lost the ability to sense this. That's why they needed their treaties and long speeches and oaths - they were more advanced than lower races, but also, they lost something along the way. That Kraghmo decided to use blood pact so eagerly probably meant that he saw the advantage of having Lilinoe's people on his side. Maybe he was afraid of human magic (or, "real magic", as they would describe it), or maybe he was desperate for any ally. Whatever the reason, it was clear now, that he wouldn't betray them.
Maybe and hour after their return something stirred in the nearby bushes and a little head popped out of nowhere. A goblin ran towards them, not carrying any weapon and not trying to hide. Some people instantly took their swords and one of two crossbows, but Greyjell quickly ordered them to sit down.
The goblin slowed down before approaching, as if giving them time to think. Some of his body was covered with rags, some with parts of an armor, clearly robbed from someone else. He was smiling all the time with a big, toothy grin and raised his hands when he came closer.
"Don't need to fear, I come in peace. Kraghmo says I stay with you. Later, I show you where to go".
When the initial surprise faded, they asked him to sit down and talk. He agreed easily and, smiling all the time, answered all their questions. "My name is Sogmeath Dobskutt but call me Sogo. I know language better than other and I talk to people" he said when asked who he was "if we trade with people, I go with others to talk and help. Orcs sometimes stupid, don't like talk, just kill, take and go. I smart, I find another way".
He informed them, that Kraghmo planned on launching the attack in two days, to not rush things. They were supposed to go first to some local mines which were deserted and camp there on the next night: "It's more than half way to wizard place. We stay there, Kraghmo send food and goblins there. You get strong, you rest. He go with orcs from other side, more far. He send a message, then we attack on two sides".
The plan was simple and straight-forward. Probably, as good as any. Sogo said that from the mines, it was a full day march by the road to reach the Hilltown - and only four hours through the marshes. That was supposed to give them the element of surprise. He also said, that once other goblins joined them, he would be their leader - but if they wanted to go through the marshes alone, nobody would stop them. "Only goblins go there quiet and only goblins know the path" - he said, probably making a lot of sense.
Most of the people went to sleep, not knowing what to think about all that. Lilinoe, Greyjell and Sogo continued talking for a few more hours. He was really a curious one, asking them dozens of questions about other cities, kingdoms, lands, about the food and the animals there. Was it someone else, they would probably think that he was spying and gathering info, but it appeared that he was just a really clever person, interested in the big world.
When they ran out of wine and the fire died down, they agreed that it was time to go to sleep. Each of them took a few steps further and simply lay on the ground covered with leaves and some clothes.
Lilinoe was really tired and forgot about the imminent nightmares, she just wanted to rest her eyes. Insted of the spirits, something else came to her in the dream. She saw a white seagull sitting beside her: a way of communicating she and Solmyr worked out some years ago. It wasn't very reliable and it only worked during the night's sleep but it was something. They seagull looked at her with it's black eyes.
"I've been captured. I can't use my power right now, someone is blocking me. I will escape somehow. Go for the Fount, sea-girl" She saw the dove flying away towards the sun. East then. He was somewhere to the east. But he said to go for the Fount...
"What exactly?" she asked.
"Being responsible for others. Ordering them. Having them die for you."
Oh, that she fell silent for a few seconds "To be honest, I'm frightened by how easy it was for me to agree to that. I bartered with the lives of the three people who had their own lives, their families back home - and they were sold for our safe passage.
Now was his turn to think for some time before answering. He scratched his white head, looked at the sky spat on the ground and answered.
"Yes, you are right. You exchanged their lives for the lives of the others, for your own life. Believe me when I say that I'm not judging here. I myself have been in such a place many times."
She looked at him. He was an old man. An old man who spent most of his life on ships, serving under this and that banner but mainly, just himself. It must have been a hard and unforgiving kind of life. Next to him, Lilinoe felt like a little girl, seeing the world for what it is for the first time.
"Aeron, you are obviously more experienced than I am. Tell me, do we stand a chance here?" she needed some advice. She needed someone to tell her that they were going to be fine. She wasn't ready for this. She didn't want this.
"Of course we do, m'lady" he used the honorary form with a little chuckle "Unless the big bad wizard of Hilltown is sorrounded with some kind of barrier we can't figure out. I don't know how this magic of yours work - but if it's just the question of having more man, I'd say that orcs will do the job. They seem pissed off enough to storm any castle, even though they're not used to that. And hey, maybe this shaman guy is not useless after all, right?
That made her think of her own role: how useful was she? What could she do to help them win, if it came to fight? Sure, she was pretty good with a spear, with which she danced like an acrobat but that wouldn't help. How much did she learn in the past years after all? They were going to find out soon. And she really needed to work on remembering those combat spells that she rarely used.
CESN sent a note to CESN
That night, not one person of their crew slept well. Visions of people being teared apart, screaming, running and pleading for help tormented them all. Though most of them thought it was just a random nightmare or a magical trick, Lilinoe knew better. As an Uhana, she got the full show. She saw the last moments of the three sailors, like she was there in person. They sat, chained and hungry on the outskirts of the orc village. Then, the ogres would come. Big brothers as they called them. It wasn't like they just killed the humans at first sight. Oh, no, they really enjoyed human meat. Supposedly, it got even better if the human was frightened, his body secreting some hormones that changed the flavor. And frightened they were. Terrified.
The ogres were at least three meters each, maybe three and a half. They shared some blood ties with orcs and other greenskins but were considered a wild card, sometimes not welcome in the community. Their aggressiveness and lust for blood were sometimes hard to control. That was exactly why they had to live outside of the main village - even the orcs wanted some kind of decency in their settlement.
CESN sent a note to CESN
Their spirits were angry, of course. In the first place at the ogres, then, at Greyjell who specifically gave the order. But, they were lost and confused as all who suffered untimely and violent death. And on the other hand, she was the only person around who knew how to help them. That was what the Uhanas were for: to help the spirits leave the mortal world. And that couldn't be done unless some conditions were met. Usually it meant simply burying the body close to their home or their relatives. Some spirits couldn't go, until their life goal was accomplished - for example a spirit of a nobleman who will haunt his ancestral home waiting for someone to wash his past dishonorous deeds. Or a king who will not be able to rest, until his people reclaim the city that he died defending.
And for these three mariners... they just wanted someone to pay for their blood. They would probably be happy with just the old captain being given to ogres - but Lilinoe would never put another soul through this, especially soul as dark as Greyjell's. She deemed it easier to find a way of killing the ogres - and she hoped some way would present itself during the battle. It was that or being haunted by the visions of gruesome death and screams every night for the rest of her life (she now knew that that was probably why some Uhanas died younger than they should or lost their sanity - their minds and bodies couldn't cope with constant stress, fear and lack of sleep, if they failed some vengeful spirits).
CESN sent a note to CESN
After their whole group was reunited, they gathered everyone and discussed their position. Shortly after landing they formed an unexpected alliance with local tribe. This happened from time to time, humans weren't genetically built to fight with greenskins or other races. The weird thing was that they really didn't have much to offer. Should their new partners see them as weak and useless, they would slaughter them. On the other hand, a blood pact was to be honored. Nobleman often spoke of honor and keeping their word but everyone knew that if the stakes were high enough, even the emperor could break his promise. A blood-pact? It was rather fool-proof. If you turned your back on that, your blood spoke against you. Literally. Every creature still feeling a little connection to it's nature, would recognise you as an enemy. Without any reason, it would just see you as an enemy, as something broken, bad, which needs to be erased. And it just so happened, that out of all the races, only humans lost the ability to sense this. That's why they needed their treaties and long speeches and oaths - they were more advanced than lower races, but also, they lost something along the way. That Kraghmo decided to use blood pact so eagerly probably meant that he saw the advantage of having Lilinoe's people on his side. Maybe he was afraid of human magic (or, "real magic", as they would describe it), or maybe he was desperate for any ally. Whatever the reason, it was clear now, that he wouldn't betray them.
Maybe and hour after their return something stirred in the nearby bushes and a little head popped out of nowhere. A goblin ran towards them, not carrying any weapon and not trying to hide. Some people instantly took their swords and one of two crossbows, but Greyjell quickly ordered them to sit down.
The goblin slowed down before approaching, as if giving them time to think. Some of his body was covered with rags, some with parts of an armor, clearly robbed from someone else. He was smiling all the time with a big, toothy grin and raised his hands when he came closer.
"Don't need to fear, I come in peace. Kraghmo says I stay with you. Later, I show you where to go".
When the initial surprise faded, they asked him to sit down and talk. He agreed easily and, smiling all the time, answered all their questions. "My name is Sogmeath Dobskutt but call me Sogo. I know language better than other and I talk to people" he said when asked who he was "if we trade with people, I go with others to talk and help. Orcs sometimes stupid, don't like talk, just kill, take and go. I smart, I find another way".
CESN sent a note to CESN
The plan was simple and straight-forward. Probably, as good as any. Sogo said that from the mines, it was a full day march by the road to reach the Hilltown - and only four hours through the marshes. That was supposed to give them the element of surprise. He also said, that once other goblins joined them, he would be their leader - but if they wanted to go through the marshes alone, nobody would stop them. "Only goblins go there quiet and only goblins know the path" - he said, probably making a lot of sense.
Most of the people went to sleep, not knowing what to think about all that. Lilinoe, Greyjell and Sogo continued talking for a few more hours. He was really a curious one, asking them dozens of questions about other cities, kingdoms, lands, about the food and the animals there. Was it someone else, they would probably think that he was spying and gathering info, but it appeared that he was just a really clever person, interested in the big world.
When they ran out of wine and the fire died down, they agreed that it was time to go to sleep. Each of them took a few steps further and simply lay on the ground covered with leaves and some clothes.
Lilinoe was really tired and forgot about the imminent nightmares, she just wanted to rest her eyes. Insted of the spirits, something else came to her in the dream. She saw a white seagull sitting beside her: a way of communicating she and Solmyr worked out some years ago. It wasn't very reliable and it only worked during the night's sleep but it was something. They seagull looked at her with it's black eyes.
"I've been captured. I can't use my power right now, someone is blocking me. I will escape somehow. Go for the Fount, sea-girl" She saw the dove flying away towards the sun. East then. He was somewhere to the east. But he said to go for the Fount...
CESN sent a note to CESN
Aug 18, 2021 8:43 pm
They came from the depths. Awoken from the dark waters, they rose, one at a time... slowly pulling themselves out, dragging their weight across the beaches. Their hunger could be felt, a strange heaviness in the air maybe, difficult to tell. But this driving force could not be satiated. They lumbered into the jungle, disappearing forever lost, three large statues standing as doors showing them their path. The brothers...
She watched as the never ending wave of drowned corpses continued to crawl back to the world of the living. Somewhere... nearby... She could tell. The breeze carried a familiar saltiness. A smell tainted with iron. One of them stops, briefly, its neck twisting to stare directly at her. They knew she was there. She... she saw that face before it was, no, it couldn't be!
She wakes up, sweating in the warm night. Another one without sleep, it would seem...
She watched as the never ending wave of drowned corpses continued to crawl back to the world of the living. Somewhere... nearby... She could tell. The breeze carried a familiar saltiness. A smell tainted with iron. One of them stops, briefly, its neck twisting to stare directly at her. They knew she was there. She... she saw that face before it was, no, it couldn't be!
She wakes up, sweating in the warm night. Another one without sleep, it would seem...
Aug 18, 2021 8:44 pm
Goblin's words have proven to be true - the abandoned mines were not that far and provided a good place to rest. When their group arrived, a goblin scouting pack was already there. People exchanged not-so-friendly looks but went by their business undisturbed. As it turned out, Sogmeath was well spoken with his goblin brethren as well - they obeyed his commands and seemed eager for the attack.
They found the food and some supplies delivered just as they were promised. None of the humans wanted to wield heavy orcish weapons (there were a few axes and rusty, great swords), but were happy to take goblin crossbows and knives. Soon after arriving and eating how stew, they were ready to go to sleep. Greyjell's crew went to the two old houses left by the miners and laid on the floor while Lilinoe and the old captain met with Sogmeath one last time before the attack.
"My scouts are back, friends" said Sogo without his usual smile "they say the town looks quiet. No fire, no guards. Maybe they wait, maybe they know, or maybe they afraid. Doesn't matter. We go to sleep and wait. Before the sun is up, we attack. I will tell you when. Five hours, six, maybe."
Lilinoe nodded and asked about the plan and the defenses from their side. They spent almost an hour talking, with Aeron adding some valuable tips. After the meeting, she asked the captain to post the guards for the night and he simply nodded his head. Then she excused herself and started her rituals in preparation for the battle.
She sat on the ground with her legs crossed. Just as she practised countless times before, she closed her eyes and focused her mind. After some time, her breathing slowed down and she was able to imagine everything that was going to happen. She envisioned her hands doing the right gestures, she mumbled the words. Every wizard, if he has the time, can make spellcasting easier by preparing for it beforehand. It's supposed to make him remember the spells and use them instantly later - especially if one was as inexperienced with battle as she.
Although she tried hard to maintain her focus, something was not right. It weren't the two guards looking at her, both curious and uneasy. It wasn't half a dozen goblins hiding in the bushes around them, snooping on the humans. It was somehow connected to the dead. Not normal spirit chatter, she was used to that and knew how to tune it down. Rather strange pull, as if someone was demanding her presence, her mind. She remembered the faces rising from the dark waters, some decomposed and some fresh, all looking up to her. Waiting, but for what? The more she tried to remember the dream, the more she was unable to focus on her current task. They were there, she felt that. And not only in the spiritual sense, as a weak force floating in the air. They were there, flesh and bones. Waiting. She fell asleep without realizing it and the guards were kind enough to cover her with some clothes.
It couldn't have been too long, maybe five hours. The moon was high in the sky, probably a little after midnight. They were walking through the marshes as silently as they could. Most of the goblins went ahead, not wanting to wait for slow and clumsy humans. Not one person uttered a word, the silence was almost complete. They could feel the danger growing near as they came closer and closer to Hilltown.
Another man lost his balance and stepped into the muddy water, immediately helped by his companions. Only the sound of the slushing water and the whispered "Thanks", could be heard.
After an hour, they had to stop. The saw all of the goblins spread across the long line off tall grass, laying low. Lilinoe crept up to them - the stench wasn't very nice - and one of them pointed his dirty finger ahead. She could see the outline of three guard towers and the small wall between them. What she couldn't see was the fire and that was confusing. Weren't there any guards? Or was it a trap? She knew goblins could see a little better than humans but not in the complete darkness. They waited and she hated that. Every step closer to the fortress, she felt more drawn to the people waiting for her. The faces spoke to her all night in her dream. They told her to come, they told her many things. And, what was new and strange - she wasn't that tired, as if communicating with them didn't drain her powers.
"What are we waiting for" she asked in a low tone but the goblins didn't answer. She wanted to turn back and join her party, when it began. Suddenly, from the other side of the town, a big blaze could be seen above the walls. That must have been the awaited sign, because the goblins all rose as one and run forward. First, they tried to be silent but when someone started shooting arrows from above, they didn't care any more. Screams, roars and grunts could be heard all around. Arrows cutting through the air with the sickening whistle. Saying the spell for stone skin which should protect her for some time, she rose up and outstretched her hands. Sparks of energy danced on her fingertips and she willed them to form a projectile. Some called it mana bolt, others, a magic arrow, but whatever you called it, it flew incredibly fast and basically burned the person it hit. She sent one shot after another at the tower and in the short bursts of light, she could see the archers. Elves. Damned elves, tall and slim in their fine armors. Wasn't it supposed to be a town occupied by a wizard with the help of some local creatures?
There wasn't much time to think. After a few more hits, she run forwards. Some goblins were using ropes to scale the wooden wall, but she saw a better, quicker option.
"Follow me" she shouted to her man, seeing Aeron one step behind her "Through the gates".
Then, while running, she formed a fireball and threw it at the gates. It would be rather useless against solid, metal gates and stone walls but in this case, it was almost enough. Just as the fire blast subsided, they saw that the hinges were bending inward, ready to break. A few solid strikes form her people and they were in. Then, to the walls, were the elves were fighting graciously with their spades...
When they entered the city, she couldn't help herself and left everyone to go in the direction of the faces awaiting her, calling her. She felt them. Waiting. She walked by the few houses, seeing halflings running here and there with the buckets of water, tending to the wounded. She saw a dozen corpses hanging on the quickly-built gallows. Someone tried to hit her with a club but she just walked past, like she was completely safe. She went north, were the walls met the sea. There wasn't much fighting there as everything was happening on the western and southern parts of town. The walls here were empty - they must have gone to defend the fortress itself. She reached a small but sturdy wooden door that would be lifted by three strong man pulling a thick rope. It lead to the small beach, were the fishing boats were kept. She disposed of the protective chain with a magic shot, but the doors were still to heavy for her to lift. Not being able to do anything else, she knocked on the door. Some shuffling could heard from the other side. Then, a sound of something cracking and scraping, like dragging something through the ground. Then, the door started moving upwards. Little by little, it lifted steadily until she could see. The faces. The drowned. The dead. They came to her as she came to them.
Never seeing dead before, she should probably be afraid, but she was calm. In her mind, she greeted them like children. Swollen, bleeding, sometimes skeletal children.
As some of the dead were pushing the doors up, the rest of them rushed in like a black tide.
"Go" she said "Bring the wizard. Kill the ogres". Silently, they obeyed and soon disappeared behind the closest houses.
The fight couldn't have been too long. Less than an hour, probably. The goblins and her people did their job and secured the southern, less defended part of the walls. The orcs also were able to get in but thanks to their simple tactics took pretty big casualties. When Lilinoe came to the city square and sat on the bench, she could hear the scream reverberating through the town. Soon enough, first orcs could be seen, all bloodied, insanity in their eyes. No doubt shaman Kraghmo had some spells to make them feel no pain through the fight. Later, the goblins came, sweeping the houses one by one in search for the valuables. Then, her people led by Aeron, also covered in blood, clearly not happy. He looked at her, came closer and pointing his finger, started shouting: "If you think that we are willing to die, while you sit here, doing nothing, you're wrong". He trailed off, raising his eyes, looking above her. One of the windows in the fortress's tower situated just behind her back, opened. Then, an elf jumped out. Then, second and third. Same thing happened few seconds later on the upper floor: the window opened. Nobody was able to jump out. And then, nothing. The shadows started moving between the houses, drifting toward them and suddenly, they were surrounded by the dead. Not as many as before, but still, an imposing view. One of them, a big fellow with white, unseeing eyes, was dragging someone behind him. He came closer and with forceful move, pushed the man. He stumbled and fell on the ground, spitting and bleeding. The cape embroidered with silver linings and his white beard made it clear - that was certainly a wizard. He stood up and looked around him, then spat on the ground.
"What is this unholy alliance? Do you know my name? My rescue will come soon enough, you better start planning on how to get out of that predicament."
When nobody answered, he spun around, looking from Aeron, to Kraghmo, who just came to the scene, then to the dead, then to Lilinoe, still sitting on the bench. He decided on speaking to her and took a step closer but then stopped, stumbled and fell on his face. There was an axe in his skull. Shaman Kraghmo pulled it back and handed back to one of the orcs.
"Wizard dead. We free. You go" - he said, looking at humans, at Lilinoe and her new allies. She nodded.
Before the sun came up, they discussed their further plans, standing in the fortress main hall. Shaman kept his word and agreed for them to take any ships they needed. It was clear that he wanted them out of the island, the sooner the better. Aeron quickly explored the small docks and said that there were to little of them to use the big ship that the elves used to come there.
"We would need at least forty people and right now, there's sixteen of us. It's better to take three smaller boats". He either forgot one crucial fact or didn't want to remember it. She would have to remind him: "Oh but we do have enough men" said Lilinoe, letting him think for himself. He narrowed his eyes, thought for a minute, sighed and said: "Damn it, I've seen a haunted ship once but have never sailed one". To this, Lilinoe said: "Aeron, you will not be merely travelling on a haunted ship. You will be commanding it. That is, if you don't want to stay here".
"Dead ship, dead island. I'm going too" - said Sogmeath, making his presence known for the first time "But where?"
Lilinoe turned to Aeron, who was drinking wine from a valuable, golden chalice: "Captain, will go to the island in the east, I've got a friend there. Load whatever we need and let's go. After the ogres have unexpectedly died in the heat of the battle, I feel we are no longer welcome here". The captain finished his drink, threw the chalice away and went out, chuckling to himself.
They found the food and some supplies delivered just as they were promised. None of the humans wanted to wield heavy orcish weapons (there were a few axes and rusty, great swords), but were happy to take goblin crossbows and knives. Soon after arriving and eating how stew, they were ready to go to sleep. Greyjell's crew went to the two old houses left by the miners and laid on the floor while Lilinoe and the old captain met with Sogmeath one last time before the attack.
"My scouts are back, friends" said Sogo without his usual smile "they say the town looks quiet. No fire, no guards. Maybe they wait, maybe they know, or maybe they afraid. Doesn't matter. We go to sleep and wait. Before the sun is up, we attack. I will tell you when. Five hours, six, maybe."
Lilinoe nodded and asked about the plan and the defenses from their side. They spent almost an hour talking, with Aeron adding some valuable tips. After the meeting, she asked the captain to post the guards for the night and he simply nodded his head. Then she excused herself and started her rituals in preparation for the battle.
She sat on the ground with her legs crossed. Just as she practised countless times before, she closed her eyes and focused her mind. After some time, her breathing slowed down and she was able to imagine everything that was going to happen. She envisioned her hands doing the right gestures, she mumbled the words. Every wizard, if he has the time, can make spellcasting easier by preparing for it beforehand. It's supposed to make him remember the spells and use them instantly later - especially if one was as inexperienced with battle as she.
Although she tried hard to maintain her focus, something was not right. It weren't the two guards looking at her, both curious and uneasy. It wasn't half a dozen goblins hiding in the bushes around them, snooping on the humans. It was somehow connected to the dead. Not normal spirit chatter, she was used to that and knew how to tune it down. Rather strange pull, as if someone was demanding her presence, her mind. She remembered the faces rising from the dark waters, some decomposed and some fresh, all looking up to her. Waiting, but for what? The more she tried to remember the dream, the more she was unable to focus on her current task. They were there, she felt that. And not only in the spiritual sense, as a weak force floating in the air. They were there, flesh and bones. Waiting. She fell asleep without realizing it and the guards were kind enough to cover her with some clothes.
CESN sent a note to CESN
It couldn't have been too long, maybe five hours. The moon was high in the sky, probably a little after midnight. They were walking through the marshes as silently as they could. Most of the goblins went ahead, not wanting to wait for slow and clumsy humans. Not one person uttered a word, the silence was almost complete. They could feel the danger growing near as they came closer and closer to Hilltown.
Another man lost his balance and stepped into the muddy water, immediately helped by his companions. Only the sound of the slushing water and the whispered "Thanks", could be heard.
After an hour, they had to stop. The saw all of the goblins spread across the long line off tall grass, laying low. Lilinoe crept up to them - the stench wasn't very nice - and one of them pointed his dirty finger ahead. She could see the outline of three guard towers and the small wall between them. What she couldn't see was the fire and that was confusing. Weren't there any guards? Or was it a trap? She knew goblins could see a little better than humans but not in the complete darkness. They waited and she hated that. Every step closer to the fortress, she felt more drawn to the people waiting for her. The faces spoke to her all night in her dream. They told her to come, they told her many things. And, what was new and strange - she wasn't that tired, as if communicating with them didn't drain her powers.
"What are we waiting for" she asked in a low tone but the goblins didn't answer. She wanted to turn back and join her party, when it began. Suddenly, from the other side of the town, a big blaze could be seen above the walls. That must have been the awaited sign, because the goblins all rose as one and run forward. First, they tried to be silent but when someone started shooting arrows from above, they didn't care any more. Screams, roars and grunts could be heard all around. Arrows cutting through the air with the sickening whistle. Saying the spell for stone skin which should protect her for some time, she rose up and outstretched her hands. Sparks of energy danced on her fingertips and she willed them to form a projectile. Some called it mana bolt, others, a magic arrow, but whatever you called it, it flew incredibly fast and basically burned the person it hit. She sent one shot after another at the tower and in the short bursts of light, she could see the archers. Elves. Damned elves, tall and slim in their fine armors. Wasn't it supposed to be a town occupied by a wizard with the help of some local creatures?
There wasn't much time to think. After a few more hits, she run forwards. Some goblins were using ropes to scale the wooden wall, but she saw a better, quicker option.
"Follow me" she shouted to her man, seeing Aeron one step behind her "Through the gates".
Then, while running, she formed a fireball and threw it at the gates. It would be rather useless against solid, metal gates and stone walls but in this case, it was almost enough. Just as the fire blast subsided, they saw that the hinges were bending inward, ready to break. A few solid strikes form her people and they were in. Then, to the walls, were the elves were fighting graciously with their spades...
CESN sent a note to CESN
When they entered the city, she couldn't help herself and left everyone to go in the direction of the faces awaiting her, calling her. She felt them. Waiting. She walked by the few houses, seeing halflings running here and there with the buckets of water, tending to the wounded. She saw a dozen corpses hanging on the quickly-built gallows. Someone tried to hit her with a club but she just walked past, like she was completely safe. She went north, were the walls met the sea. There wasn't much fighting there as everything was happening on the western and southern parts of town. The walls here were empty - they must have gone to defend the fortress itself. She reached a small but sturdy wooden door that would be lifted by three strong man pulling a thick rope. It lead to the small beach, were the fishing boats were kept. She disposed of the protective chain with a magic shot, but the doors were still to heavy for her to lift. Not being able to do anything else, she knocked on the door. Some shuffling could heard from the other side. Then, a sound of something cracking and scraping, like dragging something through the ground. Then, the door started moving upwards. Little by little, it lifted steadily until she could see. The faces. The drowned. The dead. They came to her as she came to them.
Never seeing dead before, she should probably be afraid, but she was calm. In her mind, she greeted them like children. Swollen, bleeding, sometimes skeletal children.
As some of the dead were pushing the doors up, the rest of them rushed in like a black tide.
"Go" she said "Bring the wizard. Kill the ogres". Silently, they obeyed and soon disappeared behind the closest houses.
CESN sent a note to CESN
The fight couldn't have been too long. Less than an hour, probably. The goblins and her people did their job and secured the southern, less defended part of the walls. The orcs also were able to get in but thanks to their simple tactics took pretty big casualties. When Lilinoe came to the city square and sat on the bench, she could hear the scream reverberating through the town. Soon enough, first orcs could be seen, all bloodied, insanity in their eyes. No doubt shaman Kraghmo had some spells to make them feel no pain through the fight. Later, the goblins came, sweeping the houses one by one in search for the valuables. Then, her people led by Aeron, also covered in blood, clearly not happy. He looked at her, came closer and pointing his finger, started shouting: "If you think that we are willing to die, while you sit here, doing nothing, you're wrong". He trailed off, raising his eyes, looking above her. One of the windows in the fortress's tower situated just behind her back, opened. Then, an elf jumped out. Then, second and third. Same thing happened few seconds later on the upper floor: the window opened. Nobody was able to jump out. And then, nothing. The shadows started moving between the houses, drifting toward them and suddenly, they were surrounded by the dead. Not as many as before, but still, an imposing view. One of them, a big fellow with white, unseeing eyes, was dragging someone behind him. He came closer and with forceful move, pushed the man. He stumbled and fell on the ground, spitting and bleeding. The cape embroidered with silver linings and his white beard made it clear - that was certainly a wizard. He stood up and looked around him, then spat on the ground.
"What is this unholy alliance? Do you know my name? My rescue will come soon enough, you better start planning on how to get out of that predicament."
When nobody answered, he spun around, looking from Aeron, to Kraghmo, who just came to the scene, then to the dead, then to Lilinoe, still sitting on the bench. He decided on speaking to her and took a step closer but then stopped, stumbled and fell on his face. There was an axe in his skull. Shaman Kraghmo pulled it back and handed back to one of the orcs.
"Wizard dead. We free. You go" - he said, looking at humans, at Lilinoe and her new allies. She nodded.
Before the sun came up, they discussed their further plans, standing in the fortress main hall. Shaman kept his word and agreed for them to take any ships they needed. It was clear that he wanted them out of the island, the sooner the better. Aeron quickly explored the small docks and said that there were to little of them to use the big ship that the elves used to come there.
"We would need at least forty people and right now, there's sixteen of us. It's better to take three smaller boats". He either forgot one crucial fact or didn't want to remember it. She would have to remind him: "Oh but we do have enough men" said Lilinoe, letting him think for himself. He narrowed his eyes, thought for a minute, sighed and said: "Damn it, I've seen a haunted ship once but have never sailed one". To this, Lilinoe said: "Aeron, you will not be merely travelling on a haunted ship. You will be commanding it. That is, if you don't want to stay here".
"Dead ship, dead island. I'm going too" - said Sogmeath, making his presence known for the first time "But where?"
Lilinoe turned to Aeron, who was drinking wine from a valuable, golden chalice: "Captain, will go to the island in the east, I've got a friend there. Load whatever we need and let's go. After the ogres have unexpectedly died in the heat of the battle, I feel we are no longer welcome here". The captain finished his drink, threw the chalice away and went out, chuckling to himself.
CESN sent a note to CESN
Aug 26, 2021 9:25 am
The ship left the island with the break of the dawn. The sun was slowly rising up, the skies were clear and the air crisp, even chilly.
Not cold, as in winter when the snows would completely cover their burrows and huts - but still. Sogmeath was smiling from ear to ear. Once more on the ship, leaving the village, this time for good. Shaman Kraghmo wasn't very happy but wanted them to go as fast as possible, and so, didn't argue when goblin told him, he wanted to go. He could rightfully order him to stay - as was his prerogative as a village chief. But he didn't. And Sogo thought he knew why.
He went to captain Aeron standing on the helm of his newest vessel, looking at the sea still hidden in the morning mist.
"Good morning old man" he said, standing by Greyjell. He, in turn, spat on the ground and grunted, not happy to be disturbed. But Sogo was always hard to get rid of. "I like sea too" he added.
Aeron turned his head, looked at him for a few seconds and went back to scanning the waters. "Go look for friends somewhere else or you'll be getting to know the sea from within it" he dismissed the goblin.
"Can't. Other humans sleeping. Dead not friendly. Magic girl crazy. Only you left to talk"
Captain didn't say anything to that but he had registered the words. Magic girl crazy... Wasn't it true? Of course, all wizards were crazy to him but yesterday she behaved like she wasn't herself, acting like the queen of the damned herself. After the town was conquered and agreement reached, all the dead people left the fortress. While Greyjell with some of his crew were checking the ship, they were just standing there, looking at nothingness, not moving. Then, they just packed on the ship and took their positions, as if some unified mind commanded them. Being experienced and fearless as he was, he didn't even blink but got the hell out of there as soon as he could. When he came back to the fortress he saw Lilinoe not very far from the main door, sleeping on the floor, covered with some colorful elven capes.
"Ey, old man" goblin started again "You the second important here, true?" not waiting for the reply, he continued "Magical girl has problem. She cursed now"
Like that was new. If you saw someone running with the dead corpses and giving them orders without saying anything, you could assume there was a curse involved. When they came to the island, everything was almost normal. And now, three days later, she was possessed by something - or someone.
Greyjell left his post and turned to Sogo, giving him his attention. He brushed his white hair from his head and asked: "What curse?"
"Shaman did blood pact with her. But shaman had curse. Now, shaman free and she has curse. I don't know how works but something with the dead. Our dead return sometimes and we kill them. Shaman told it was wizard but I think not true."
Aeron, nodded. It was always the same. Get mixed up in some local shit and it will stick to you for a long time. And right know they had the ship manned by the undead crew, because some orc shaman passed Lilinoe the curse? He spat again.
"Dammit all"
They've been sailing for some time. Everything was going smoothly, soon enough a coast should become visible. But then, a single shriek could be heard. Sogmeath, who was alone on the upper deck - at least he was the only living person - jumped up and looked around. First, he couldn't see anything, but then, as lone shadow passed over him. A big bird, he thought. A little too big. And spiriling down towards him. He drew his knife in anticipation. "People!" he shouted with his hoarse voice "Problem!". Before anyone arrived, he heard the second shriek and the third. More birds coming from different sides. Only, not really birds. "It's a harpy!" - he heard Lilinoe's voice behind him. She invoked some simple spell and started throwing magical arrows. Then the creature was on him. He slashed once but couldn't see much as the feathers were flying everywhere. He felt his skin being torn with sharp talons and screamed furiously. He cut once, twice and thrice until the weight lifted and the monster flew away in search for an easier prey. There were now seven of them, attacking and retreating. Some were trying to destroy the ropes to immobilize the ship. Even the undead were not safe. Clumsy and slow as they were, they fell of the ship one by one, returning to the water that they came from.
Then something shook the ship, as if the hit a rock. He and three more people run to the side and looked down only to see something reaching for them, something long and wet. Sogmeath didn't know words to name that thing but it was giant.
It could easily destroy the ship but it looked as if it wanted to play. It smacked the ship's side, then grabbed a harpy straight from the air and took it underwater. Then, it swiped the deck, taking more undead crew and two more living people. It shook the ship a little more, clearly not impressed with any arrows or spears hitting it. Then, it just withdrew, diving deeper. Maybe it was bored or maybe it had it little snack. It just went away.
The goblin run through the deck wet with water and blood, looking for any danger. Two harpies were still struggling: one looked broken and stunned but it still hissed at everyone and lashed out with its talons and teeth. The other tried to jump and fly but was too wet and heavy. After a few minutes they both were encircled and pushed overboard. They dropped down and hit the water, fighting to stay afloat.
After the deck was secure, Lilinoe came to the place where two men were laying and groaning in pain. One head a broken leg and the other lost his eye to the harpy. She spoke to other crew members and helped them however she could. Meanwhile, Sogo was looking down at the water, already calm as if nothing happened. Soon, Greyjell joined him, holding a piece of purple meat in his hand.
"That was a kraken" he said and threw the piece overboard "You can't kill them, just pray they leave you. Do you still like the sea?"
"Harpy bitch hurt me" answered Sogo "Many people died".
"Three people" Greyjell corrected him "And most of the undead. In fact, I don't think there's one of them left. It's as if they just wanted to go"
"I tell you, a curse. They come and go like the storm. They kill and go, don't stay. When we have time, we talk to girl. Tell her not be stupid" proposed the goblin.
Captain simply patted him on his back and told him that he'll be fine. Nothing helps break the ice like the shared fight.
Not cold, as in winter when the snows would completely cover their burrows and huts - but still. Sogmeath was smiling from ear to ear. Once more on the ship, leaving the village, this time for good. Shaman Kraghmo wasn't very happy but wanted them to go as fast as possible, and so, didn't argue when goblin told him, he wanted to go. He could rightfully order him to stay - as was his prerogative as a village chief. But he didn't. And Sogo thought he knew why.
He went to captain Aeron standing on the helm of his newest vessel, looking at the sea still hidden in the morning mist.
"Good morning old man" he said, standing by Greyjell. He, in turn, spat on the ground and grunted, not happy to be disturbed. But Sogo was always hard to get rid of. "I like sea too" he added.
Aeron turned his head, looked at him for a few seconds and went back to scanning the waters. "Go look for friends somewhere else or you'll be getting to know the sea from within it" he dismissed the goblin.
"Can't. Other humans sleeping. Dead not friendly. Magic girl crazy. Only you left to talk"
Captain didn't say anything to that but he had registered the words. Magic girl crazy... Wasn't it true? Of course, all wizards were crazy to him but yesterday she behaved like she wasn't herself, acting like the queen of the damned herself. After the town was conquered and agreement reached, all the dead people left the fortress. While Greyjell with some of his crew were checking the ship, they were just standing there, looking at nothingness, not moving. Then, they just packed on the ship and took their positions, as if some unified mind commanded them. Being experienced and fearless as he was, he didn't even blink but got the hell out of there as soon as he could. When he came back to the fortress he saw Lilinoe not very far from the main door, sleeping on the floor, covered with some colorful elven capes.
"Ey, old man" goblin started again "You the second important here, true?" not waiting for the reply, he continued "Magical girl has problem. She cursed now"
Like that was new. If you saw someone running with the dead corpses and giving them orders without saying anything, you could assume there was a curse involved. When they came to the island, everything was almost normal. And now, three days later, she was possessed by something - or someone.
Greyjell left his post and turned to Sogo, giving him his attention. He brushed his white hair from his head and asked: "What curse?"
"Shaman did blood pact with her. But shaman had curse. Now, shaman free and she has curse. I don't know how works but something with the dead. Our dead return sometimes and we kill them. Shaman told it was wizard but I think not true."
Aeron, nodded. It was always the same. Get mixed up in some local shit and it will stick to you for a long time. And right know they had the ship manned by the undead crew, because some orc shaman passed Lilinoe the curse? He spat again.
"Dammit all"
CESN sent a note to CESN
They've been sailing for some time. Everything was going smoothly, soon enough a coast should become visible. But then, a single shriek could be heard. Sogmeath, who was alone on the upper deck - at least he was the only living person - jumped up and looked around. First, he couldn't see anything, but then, as lone shadow passed over him. A big bird, he thought. A little too big. And spiriling down towards him. He drew his knife in anticipation. "People!" he shouted with his hoarse voice "Problem!". Before anyone arrived, he heard the second shriek and the third. More birds coming from different sides. Only, not really birds. "It's a harpy!" - he heard Lilinoe's voice behind him. She invoked some simple spell and started throwing magical arrows. Then the creature was on him. He slashed once but couldn't see much as the feathers were flying everywhere. He felt his skin being torn with sharp talons and screamed furiously. He cut once, twice and thrice until the weight lifted and the monster flew away in search for an easier prey. There were now seven of them, attacking and retreating. Some were trying to destroy the ropes to immobilize the ship. Even the undead were not safe. Clumsy and slow as they were, they fell of the ship one by one, returning to the water that they came from.
Then something shook the ship, as if the hit a rock. He and three more people run to the side and looked down only to see something reaching for them, something long and wet. Sogmeath didn't know words to name that thing but it was giant.
It could easily destroy the ship but it looked as if it wanted to play. It smacked the ship's side, then grabbed a harpy straight from the air and took it underwater. Then, it swiped the deck, taking more undead crew and two more living people. It shook the ship a little more, clearly not impressed with any arrows or spears hitting it. Then, it just withdrew, diving deeper. Maybe it was bored or maybe it had it little snack. It just went away.
The goblin run through the deck wet with water and blood, looking for any danger. Two harpies were still struggling: one looked broken and stunned but it still hissed at everyone and lashed out with its talons and teeth. The other tried to jump and fly but was too wet and heavy. After a few minutes they both were encircled and pushed overboard. They dropped down and hit the water, fighting to stay afloat.
After the deck was secure, Lilinoe came to the place where two men were laying and groaning in pain. One head a broken leg and the other lost his eye to the harpy. She spoke to other crew members and helped them however she could. Meanwhile, Sogo was looking down at the water, already calm as if nothing happened. Soon, Greyjell joined him, holding a piece of purple meat in his hand.
"That was a kraken" he said and threw the piece overboard "You can't kill them, just pray they leave you. Do you still like the sea?"
"Harpy bitch hurt me" answered Sogo "Many people died".
"Three people" Greyjell corrected him "And most of the undead. In fact, I don't think there's one of them left. It's as if they just wanted to go"
"I tell you, a curse. They come and go like the storm. They kill and go, don't stay. When we have time, we talk to girl. Tell her not be stupid" proposed the goblin.
Captain simply patted him on his back and told him that he'll be fine. Nothing helps break the ice like the shared fight.
CESN sent a note to CESN
Aug 29, 2021 2:22 pm
Lilinoe and had just managed to survive a sudden attack by one of the most dreadful sea beats, the Kraken. Though most sailors were facing to the skies and to the sea to give thanks to any gods or spirits that would listen for having the creature turn back into the depth, Linione felt an intention. She could not be sure what it was, but that beast was after something. It wasn't the gods that saved them, they were just not what it wanted...
But little time did she have to think about it as Aeron Greyjell shouts "Someone is coming for us!". She turns to see a mighty ship sailing their way and... bearing the flag of Novaro! "What are they doing here?" she asks herself as her vessel is shaken by a glowing metal bolt which barely missed them.
On the other ship, the holy light of the paladins shone through the ghostly mist that suddenly covered the waters. Their prayers grew louder as the grappling hooks it the empty ship. "Thanks the gods you found us!" Aeron shouts as he orders all sailors to stay put. They had lost most of their unliving crew, tand there was no way the living could maneuver such a large ship on their own.
But little time did she have to think about it as Aeron Greyjell shouts "Someone is coming for us!". She turns to see a mighty ship sailing their way and... bearing the flag of Novaro! "What are they doing here?" she asks herself as her vessel is shaken by a glowing metal bolt which barely missed them.
On the other ship, the holy light of the paladins shone through the ghostly mist that suddenly covered the waters. Their prayers grew louder as the grappling hooks it the empty ship. "Thanks the gods you found us!" Aeron shouts as he orders all sailors to stay put. They had lost most of their unliving crew, tand there was no way the living could maneuver such a large ship on their own.
Interacting with House NovaroAug 30, 2021 6:17 pm
[ +- ] [url=
Novaro[/url]"]Bartholomew observed the reaction of the Linione's ship crew and made sure that they were in the holy light. As the smaller ship was being pulled closer, Bartholomew nodded to his paladins and they stopped their prayer with exhale of relief. The light started to fade away.
Wooden planks were placed between two ships creating small bridges. Bartholmew and four still standing paladins were the first ones to cross. A tall man with blonde hair and a stubble, powerfully built and clad in almost glowing pristine heavy plate armor with a griffon adorned on the chest, Bartholomew, walked with a heavy step and stern look. "Who is the Captain of this vessel?", he asked loudly with commanding tone.
Wooden planks were placed between two ships creating small bridges. Bartholmew and four still standing paladins were the first ones to cross. A tall man with blonde hair and a stubble, powerfully built and clad in almost glowing pristine heavy plate armor with a griffon adorned on the chest, Bartholomew, walked with a heavy step and stern look. "Who is the Captain of this vessel?", he asked loudly with commanding tone.
After some maneuvers, Bartholomew stepped on their deck and demanded to speak with the captain. Lilinoe standing with the rest of the crew, looked at Aeron and nodded.
"That would be me, errr, sire" Greyjell tipped his head a little "I am commanding this ship and all it's..." he turned around, looked at his crew, counted them "And all it's ten crewmembers. Oh, sorry, there's a goblin. Eleven, then. And this young one leads our expedition on behalf of house Kohola'uhane"
Not wanting the captain to be the one talking, Lilinoe stepped forward. She looked at Bartholomew whose whole image screamed "imperial knighthood". She tried to remember the necessary steps in such a situation but couldn't recall any lessons from the past. She decided to improvise on spot.
"Sir, I can see the banners of House Novaro. I am Lilinoe Kohola'uhane, the youngest daughter of Wikolia" she bowed a little "Forgive me as I am not well educated in the whos and whats of our houses politics. I only know that we are united under one lord, Lord Gallavant. And I also suppose that we are here on these waters after the same goal."
Sep 1, 2021 10:41 am
[ +- ] [url=
Novaro[/url]"]Bartholomew looked Linione over head to toe, "Bartholomew Novaro," he nodded, "Pleasure to meet you, Lady Kohola'uhane." He glanced at Greyjell and cocked his head a little bit before returning his attention to Linione, "You are welcome aboard the Divine," he extended his hand inviting young lady over to his ship, "You can tell me all about your goal here and what happened to your ship in my quarters."
Margaret was leaning on the railing, observing the remainders of Linione's crew. A wide smile formed on her freckled face as she noticed Linione. After hearing the introduction, Margaret crossed over to the ship with much elegance, especially comparing to her brother. She put a stray strand of her red hair back under the hood, adjusted the straps of her leather armor and straightened up, "Please forgive my brother, he is a creature of focus. We've heard a lot about the Children of the Sea, our brother, Gareth, spoke very highly of your people," she said with a warm smile and a slight nod, "Oh, forgive my manners, I spent too much time at sea surrounded by brutes. My name is Margaret Novaro, please - " she stopped talking as her foot stepped into the smeared goo of unknown origin, "Oh my, what is that?"
Margaret was leaning on the railing, observing the remainders of Linione's crew. A wide smile formed on her freckled face as she noticed Linione. After hearing the introduction, Margaret crossed over to the ship with much elegance, especially comparing to her brother. She put a stray strand of her red hair back under the hood, adjusted the straps of her leather armor and straightened up, "Please forgive my brother, he is a creature of focus. We've heard a lot about the Children of the Sea, our brother, Gareth, spoke very highly of your people," she said with a warm smile and a slight nod, "Oh, forgive my manners, I spent too much time at sea surrounded by brutes. My name is Margaret Novaro, please - " she stopped talking as her foot stepped into the smeared goo of unknown origin, "Oh my, what is that?"
But, this was not their island and she was not eight.
"That is a mighty-looking ship, Divine. I'm sure captain Aeron would appreciate it most..." she looked around, not seeing Greyjell anywhere. Then, she saw him, discussing something terribly important with other crewmembers.
"As I was saying, thank you for your hospitality. As you can see, we've been through some trouble lately".
The second person from the family was Margaret, who appeared from somewhere, as if trying to save her from the awkward dialogue.
"Please forgive my brother, he is a creature of focus. We've heard a lot about the Children of the Sea, our brother, Gareth, spoke very highly of your people," said Margaret.
"Yes, I've heard of Gareth, though I'm not sure if I've met him. There was a talk of him marrying my older sister at one point" laughed Lilinoe, herself surprised by this sudden feat of honesty. She was still talking, when Margaret stepped in some grey goo and exclaimed loudly "Oh my, what is that?".
Lilinoe didn't notice that fact before, but there were some places where the deck was covered in glueish, slimy residue. It was hard to decide the origins of the substance. Lilinoe thought it came from kraken's enormous tentacles but she wasn't sure. It might have been as well parts of the undead smeared on the wood. Looking at it now, she didn't feel anything - no talking from the dead, no whispers, like they were swept away with the kraken's attack. Or, like it just left. She was full aware though of the watchful and not-very-friendly staring eyes of the paladins. Actually, as she looked at them, she felt a little revolted and angered, as if they were a threat.
Sep 1, 2021 1:51 pm
Snowcrash's turn 4
Lilinoe accepts Bartholomew's invitation to join the Divine. And the rescue happens just in time, as they would be drifting aimless through these treacherous seas after the strange attack of that beast of the undersea. With the Novaro's help, both ships managed to make it to a nearby island, although the ghost ship would need some serious repairs before it could sail the waves once again.
As part of their training, the Divine's crew sets up camp and scouts the surrounding for resources, villages and threats...
Lilinoe set sail to the east following the original tip from the spirits of the dead. She couldn't be sure why, maybe it was the wind the wind blew, maybe the way salty and floral fragrances mixed in the air, but she was sure this is where Solmyr washed ashore. She tried to remember what Mandalis taught her about the sun, the moon and the starts. As she watched the sun, looking for something in the great fire that would confirm their position, Margaret approached with the news of a small settlement.
Lilinoe accepts Bartholomew's invitation to join the Divine. And the rescue happens just in time, as they would be drifting aimless through these treacherous seas after the strange attack of that beast of the undersea. With the Novaro's help, both ships managed to make it to a nearby island, although the ghost ship would need some serious repairs before it could sail the waves once again.
As part of their training, the Divine's crew sets up camp and scouts the surrounding for resources, villages and threats...
Lilinoe set sail to the east following the original tip from the spirits of the dead. She couldn't be sure why, maybe it was the wind the wind blew, maybe the way salty and floral fragrances mixed in the air, but she was sure this is where Solmyr washed ashore. She tried to remember what Mandalis taught her about the sun, the moon and the starts. As she watched the sun, looking for something in the great fire that would confirm their position, Margaret approached with the news of a small settlement.
Sep 3, 2021 10:02 am
The rest of the not very long journey was spent in rather pleasant if, somewhat reserved way. After the initial small-talk, Lilinoe found that she didn't have much to discuss neither with Bartholomew nor Margaret. Not that they weren't nice or hospitable - she just felt a little out of place in their company. That's probably what spending more than a few years in seclusion with your wizard master and one friend does with people.
Once on the solid ground again, the Novaro's scouts dispersed quickly while other soldiers set up a temporary camp. As Lilinoe was pondering the astronomy (she has always found it boring and right now wished she payed more attention), Margaret showed up and informed her of a small settlement a little to the north.
Not heeding to any rules of courtesy, Sogmeath materialised from nowhere and started talking "Lilinoe lady I think I was here and no town here before. Other town in the south, maybe, but not here, too far. This town new I think, I go and look, good?"
Lilinoe thanked him and smiled at his poor language. But, she had to admit, his eagerness was refreshing and the goblin have proven useful. "Sure, Sogo, take a few people and go take a look".
The goblin didn't seem very happy about that, probably thought that people would just slow him down (and he wasn't wrong about that) - but Lilinoe didn't want to sneak up on another city and start some useless conflict. And, if it came to that, there were always Novaro's troops...
Finally, Sogo rocking on his feet back and forth, balancing his knife on the palm of his hand, said "Yes, I go with people. I take the old man, he really want to go and I take three other. But just living, not dead. Dead make me feel vomit" he said and, seeing how Lilinoe's face turned red from anger, suddenly disappeared as suddenly as he had appeared before.
When they were left alone with Margaret, they spent a few moments in uncomfortable silence. Lilinoe wasn't stupid - she knew that paladins and all this holy-and-mighty warparty treated any notion of the undead or death magic as a heresy waiting to be purified. To be honest, she didn't know how these people might react to all the traditional Uhana lore, to the spirit guidance. She wanted to keep such things as a mystery, not seeing any sense in discussing that publicly. Well, that ship has sailed, thanks to Sogo.
"He is a good scout though" she joked, as if that made any sense on that point.
When their small party got close to Yorkford, they were greeted by the centaur guards. Two guards, a male and a female looked at them almost bored, without any visible intent of harm.
"So, you finally had enough?" asked the woman "Did the asshole promise you some money and then used his magical tricks to kick you out?"
Greyjell looked at Sogo, then at one of the younger sailors - they just shrugged their shoulders.
"Not really, comrades. We have just landed here, our ship is in no condition to sail. We are looking for a place for a few nights, some food and maybe some information. We can pay, of course" he added that last part, even though he wasn't sure of that. He himself had taken a few shiny things from Hilltown, but did Lilinoe had any funds? The girl wasn't a kind of person who would think of something so trivial. He added that to the mental list of the things to discuss with her.
"Sure, come on in and ask around. There may be some folks who can help you with the repairs. Just keep in mind that we live here by very easy and strict rules: you touch a thing that is not yours, you die. You behave, we behave." centaur invited them in, to their surprise.
"Very well, that is fair" said Aeron "Good thing we don't steal" he added that looking directly at Sogmeath, who was grinning in response.
The settlement - because it was to small to deserve the name of a town - consisted of some fifty huts in the middle of the forest, not far from the coast. Walking on the path leading to the center, their group saw a few centaurs of different ages and sizes, most of them working on cutting trees or tending farms. From time to time, they could hear a minotaur's roar somewhere (it could be interpreted as laughter) and once, they even caught a glimpse of a tail belonging to some big creature, maybe even a hydra. Nobody attacked them but nobody welcomed them either. Only when they stood in the middle of the settlement and looked around, were they able to talk to someone. A gargoyle sat below the roof of the highest building, keeping an eye on everything. He hissed at them and started talking. When they related everything, he flew away and came back with some folks, minotaurs and centaurs. They offered various services for some gold and showed them a place where the forest was recently cleared, telling that they could stay there if necessary. After thanks were exchanged, everyone agreed that Sogmeath would take someone from the village back with him to take a look at the ship. Aeron wasn't very eager to go back as he did his best to avoid Novaros altogether. He prepared the campfire and asked around about the food and wine, promising the locals finest golden cups they have ever seen. In return, they shared their settlement's story with him. Their settlement called Yorkford which was rather new, just as the goblin had said...
Once on the solid ground again, the Novaro's scouts dispersed quickly while other soldiers set up a temporary camp. As Lilinoe was pondering the astronomy (she has always found it boring and right now wished she payed more attention), Margaret showed up and informed her of a small settlement a little to the north.
Not heeding to any rules of courtesy, Sogmeath materialised from nowhere and started talking "Lilinoe lady I think I was here and no town here before. Other town in the south, maybe, but not here, too far. This town new I think, I go and look, good?"
Lilinoe thanked him and smiled at his poor language. But, she had to admit, his eagerness was refreshing and the goblin have proven useful. "Sure, Sogo, take a few people and go take a look".
The goblin didn't seem very happy about that, probably thought that people would just slow him down (and he wasn't wrong about that) - but Lilinoe didn't want to sneak up on another city and start some useless conflict. And, if it came to that, there were always Novaro's troops...
Finally, Sogo rocking on his feet back and forth, balancing his knife on the palm of his hand, said "Yes, I go with people. I take the old man, he really want to go and I take three other. But just living, not dead. Dead make me feel vomit" he said and, seeing how Lilinoe's face turned red from anger, suddenly disappeared as suddenly as he had appeared before.
When they were left alone with Margaret, they spent a few moments in uncomfortable silence. Lilinoe wasn't stupid - she knew that paladins and all this holy-and-mighty warparty treated any notion of the undead or death magic as a heresy waiting to be purified. To be honest, she didn't know how these people might react to all the traditional Uhana lore, to the spirit guidance. She wanted to keep such things as a mystery, not seeing any sense in discussing that publicly. Well, that ship has sailed, thanks to Sogo.
"He is a good scout though" she joked, as if that made any sense on that point.
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When their small party got close to Yorkford, they were greeted by the centaur guards. Two guards, a male and a female looked at them almost bored, without any visible intent of harm.
"So, you finally had enough?" asked the woman "Did the asshole promise you some money and then used his magical tricks to kick you out?"
Greyjell looked at Sogo, then at one of the younger sailors - they just shrugged their shoulders.
"Not really, comrades. We have just landed here, our ship is in no condition to sail. We are looking for a place for a few nights, some food and maybe some information. We can pay, of course" he added that last part, even though he wasn't sure of that. He himself had taken a few shiny things from Hilltown, but did Lilinoe had any funds? The girl wasn't a kind of person who would think of something so trivial. He added that to the mental list of the things to discuss with her.
"Sure, come on in and ask around. There may be some folks who can help you with the repairs. Just keep in mind that we live here by very easy and strict rules: you touch a thing that is not yours, you die. You behave, we behave." centaur invited them in, to their surprise.
"Very well, that is fair" said Aeron "Good thing we don't steal" he added that looking directly at Sogmeath, who was grinning in response.
The settlement - because it was to small to deserve the name of a town - consisted of some fifty huts in the middle of the forest, not far from the coast. Walking on the path leading to the center, their group saw a few centaurs of different ages and sizes, most of them working on cutting trees or tending farms. From time to time, they could hear a minotaur's roar somewhere (it could be interpreted as laughter) and once, they even caught a glimpse of a tail belonging to some big creature, maybe even a hydra. Nobody attacked them but nobody welcomed them either. Only when they stood in the middle of the settlement and looked around, were they able to talk to someone. A gargoyle sat below the roof of the highest building, keeping an eye on everything. He hissed at them and started talking. When they related everything, he flew away and came back with some folks, minotaurs and centaurs. They offered various services for some gold and showed them a place where the forest was recently cleared, telling that they could stay there if necessary. After thanks were exchanged, everyone agreed that Sogmeath would take someone from the village back with him to take a look at the ship. Aeron wasn't very eager to go back as he did his best to avoid Novaros altogether. He prepared the campfire and asked around about the food and wine, promising the locals finest golden cups they have ever seen. In return, they shared their settlement's story with him. Their settlement called Yorkford which was rather new, just as the goblin had said...
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Sep 3, 2021 10:40 am
A sudden chill run down her spine as she notices something in the shadows.
After the awkward meeting with Margaret, Lilinoe decides it was best to "check the surroundings" for food and... stuff. Truly, she just needed to get out of there. Most of the nobility's norms and customs were something foreigner to her people. Though she could be called a high born herself, and maybe she could have learned some of these rules... Unless she is looking for an ascetic life, wizards do have to deal with all nobles and their courts. Maybe she is really just looking for somewhere peaceful. Definitely, that's just what she needs right now. Space, silence, meditative contemplation.
She wandered around, lot looking for anything in particular. Not looking for food (or stuff) and definitely not looking for whatever is hiding in the shadows.
She can feel its coldness, smell its anger, sense its essence. The dead... again. From the shadows a white mist slithers suddenly, circling around a tree, scattering a strange blinding light. Lilinoe instinctively looks against, blocking the light with her hand. It takes a few seconds, but the spirit is already upon her. A giant shape curving above her. A blade. A reflection. A sudden pain....
She feels the warmth of her own blood spreading through her chest. She feels her heart stop. The shade screams loudly. A cursed sound. Unbearable. Lilinoe feels her skin melt, her muscles break. Slowly she becomes a skeleton standing with only her heart, pierced by the creature's blade. It looks at her and she can sense it hesitates for a moment.
"Tiiimeee iiis theee keeeyyy"
A spectral voice says as the spirit raises its hands. Only now you notice the shackles in its hands, extending everywhere around you, into the tree tops, the rocks, disappearing into the mist. She looks at the spirit's dark eyes and in their void she realizes that it looks just like herself!
"Are you feeling well?" a voice wakes her up "What happened? You were gone so long we were worried". The voice seems relieved as Lilione's opens her eyes.
After the awkward meeting with Margaret, Lilinoe decides it was best to "check the surroundings" for food and... stuff. Truly, she just needed to get out of there. Most of the nobility's norms and customs were something foreigner to her people. Though she could be called a high born herself, and maybe she could have learned some of these rules... Unless she is looking for an ascetic life, wizards do have to deal with all nobles and their courts. Maybe she is really just looking for somewhere peaceful. Definitely, that's just what she needs right now. Space, silence, meditative contemplation.
She wandered around, lot looking for anything in particular. Not looking for food (or stuff) and definitely not looking for whatever is hiding in the shadows.
She can feel its coldness, smell its anger, sense its essence. The dead... again. From the shadows a white mist slithers suddenly, circling around a tree, scattering a strange blinding light. Lilinoe instinctively looks against, blocking the light with her hand. It takes a few seconds, but the spirit is already upon her. A giant shape curving above her. A blade. A reflection. A sudden pain....
She feels the warmth of her own blood spreading through her chest. She feels her heart stop. The shade screams loudly. A cursed sound. Unbearable. Lilinoe feels her skin melt, her muscles break. Slowly she becomes a skeleton standing with only her heart, pierced by the creature's blade. It looks at her and she can sense it hesitates for a moment.
"Tiiimeee iiis theee keeeyyy"
A spectral voice says as the spirit raises its hands. Only now you notice the shackles in its hands, extending everywhere around you, into the tree tops, the rocks, disappearing into the mist. She looks at the spirit's dark eyes and in their void she realizes that it looks just like herself!
"Are you feeling well?" a voice wakes her up "What happened? You were gone so long we were worried". The voice seems relieved as Lilione's opens her eyes.
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Sep 6, 2021 2:21 pm
During the voyage Bartholomew didn't spend much time in a conversation, just enough to maintain etiquette standards. He was mostly preoccupied with managing two ships and ensuring that there were no more ghosts. His inspection revealed some bits of rotting flesh and parts of clothing that was too soggy and worn out to belong to anyone on the ship. However, harpies are known to tear people apart and sometimes have pieces of their victims stuck in their claws and who knows what Kraken might've brought on board with its tentacles. He was suspicious but didn't have enough solid evidence to make any accusations, after all, these people were engulfed in holy light and none of them burned, so they are all alive. He did, however, order couple of his soldiers to keep an eye on Greyjell, there was obvious animosity between two men.
Margaret, on the other hand, tried to speak more with Lilinoe, though, that proved to be rather difficult. Wizard's apprentice was not big for chatting. When Bart shared his suspicions with her, Margaret told him that he is too paranoid but agreed to stay close to Lilinoe just in case.
After the scouting party returned and reported on their discoveries, Margaret shared these foundings with Lililnoe, young Kohola'uhane had prior dealings with the locals, so it would be best to consult with her before taking any further actions.
Hearing Sogo's comment about his preference for the living companions, Margaret cocked her head a little bit, contemplating. "I'm sure he is..." Margaret replied to Lilinoe's joke but her tone was very serious. She looked around, making sure that neither Bart nor his paladins were around, and put her hands on Lilnoe's shoulders, "Please tell me it is not how it seems, yes?That orc shaman you've met, he is the necromancer, right? He summoned the dead for the siege, correct? They just stuck around longer." There was a bit of panic and disbelief in her voice.
Bartholomew was in his tent with one of the scouts, drawing an approximate map of the island, when he got news that Greyjell was leaving with the goblin to investigate the settlement. "I don't want this scoundrel walk around unobserved, send a team to shadow him but make sure he doesn't know that he is being followed," he ordered his scouts.
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After the scouting party returned and reported on their discoveries, Margaret shared these foundings with Lililnoe, young Kohola'uhane had prior dealings with the locals, so it would be best to consult with her before taking any further actions.
Hearing Sogo's comment about his preference for the living companions, Margaret cocked her head a little bit, contemplating. "I'm sure he is..." Margaret replied to Lilinoe's joke but her tone was very serious. She looked around, making sure that neither Bart nor his paladins were around, and put her hands on Lilnoe's shoulders, "Please tell me it is not how it seems, yes?That orc shaman you've met, he is the necromancer, right? He summoned the dead for the siege, correct? They just stuck around longer." There was a bit of panic and disbelief in her voice.
CESN sent a note to CESN
Sep 15, 2021 5:00 pm
[ +- ] reviewing
You have to give her that, Margaret tried to be delicate when she finally confronted Lilinoe about her observations. On one hand, the apprentice understood her concerns, but on the other – she didn´t really feel the gravity of the situation. Talking to the dead was part of her heritage as an Uhane and as one of the Children of the Sea and she wouldn´t let any princess from the mainland tell her otherwise. That´s why she only told her that she didn´t have anything to worry about. Lilinoe didn´t think the Novaro´s could do anything to her or to her people as they were, at least legally, on the same level. And they didn´t strike her as a kind of people who would break the law in pursuit of their own vision of justice.
She couldn´t contact the being that have attacked her a few nights before. She tried to, meditating before the dusk or early in the morning - but nothing would happen. The feeling of being torn apart by the spirit and violated by it in the deepest part of her mind and soul still lingered. Since then she felt strange, as if she was being watched all the time by some entity. All of this wasn´t completely new to her because of her Uhana status, but she had not encountered spirits that were able to take control over Uhana, who themselves were able to avoid her. The other thing was the maleficient characeter of this spirit. It was exactly in the middle of this terryfying and physically painful dream. She felt as if a molten lead was being poured into the deepest parts of her being, like thousands small silver knives piercing her heart. The spirit was ominously talking to her about the time flowing or being the key, it sounded like a threat of something to come.
"Something wicked this way comes", she recounted an old saying and before she could answer the spirit, it showed her it's face - her own face. In that same moment everything started disappearing, someone was shaking her awake. She opened her eyes and saw a familiar face standing above her.
- Solmyr – she whispered, and fainted.
She couldn´t contact the being that have attacked her a few nights before. She tried to, meditating before the dusk or early in the morning - but nothing would happen. The feeling of being torn apart by the spirit and violated by it in the deepest part of her mind and soul still lingered. Since then she felt strange, as if she was being watched all the time by some entity. All of this wasn´t completely new to her because of her Uhana status, but she had not encountered spirits that were able to take control over Uhana, who themselves were able to avoid her. The other thing was the maleficient characeter of this spirit. It was exactly in the middle of this terryfying and physically painful dream. She felt as if a molten lead was being poured into the deepest parts of her being, like thousands small silver knives piercing her heart. The spirit was ominously talking to her about the time flowing or being the key, it sounded like a threat of something to come.
"Something wicked this way comes", she recounted an old saying and before she could answer the spirit, it showed her it's face - her own face. In that same moment everything started disappearing, someone was shaking her awake. She opened her eyes and saw a familiar face standing above her.
- Solmyr – she whispered, and fainted.

Sogmeath came back from the settlement with the other sailors and a centaur. The centaur galloped towards the ship and after reviewing it's state came back to tell them that he would be able to repair it with his men. He needed four days, maybe a week if something went wrong. Lilinoe accepted the terms and spoke to Sogo. Standing on the side, he showed her a small bag full of golden trinkets.
"It's for pay. For the ship and food". She fist-bumped him (goblin taught them that gesture) and asked about the settlement. Goblin informed her that Aeron stayed there to start preparing the place.
"What do you think about that village?" Lilinoe asked Sogmeath.
"Village small. People big, scary. Horseman and bullman strong but honest. They help. We stay in forest, build huts, warm days now. New man, who are you?" he asked, looking directly at Solmyr.
The young wizard laughed and as he did little blue sparks danced on his shoulders and hair. He was always dabbing with air magic, playing with the electricity. At least he knew his type of magic, unlike Lilinoe who have never had any sign of particular affinity.
"I am Solmyr The Blue, Rider of the storm and conjurer of lightning" he said with a broad smile and everyone fell silent.
Lilinoe didn't want to laugh out loud because she knew that her friend was prone to displays of childish pride. He certainly could be Solmyr the Blue one day but it would be weird calling him that now.
"Aha. You funny and magical. Maybe you better magical than she?" said Sogo, blunt as ever.
"I don't know, friend, we'll have to see. But she always was better at that boring spells, falling asleep, giving rage and messing with your head in general".
Sogo didn't even listen to his words because he was playing with his chalices and other toys hidden in the bag.
In the meantime Lilinoe gathered the rest of her crew - there were so little of them that she could call everyone by name - and went up to Margaret and Bartholomew. She thanked once again for the help and informed them that their group wouldn't take up any more of their resources and would stay for a few days at Yorkford.
"We will take care of ourselves for a few days and later, it would be good to continue on our mission".
She thought that was everything but Sogmeath had other plans again. He showed up next to her and before anyone could go anywhere, said:
"They spy us" he said loudly, looking at Bartholomew "I saw people from they ship. They want to hide but they not scouts, I found them. They looking. Don't know why. You want to kill the centaur village?" - he asked directly "Bad idea".
Sep 21, 2021 8:27 am
During their little reunion, Solmyr insisted on finally going north, to Yorkfork. His impatience was visible especially to Lilinoe - after all she had known the man for a long time - so when they were through with talking to Bartholomew, they headed in direction of the village. They deliberately slowed down to let the crew out of the earshot.
"Now, tell me once more, everything that had happened. Your ship had crashed and then you just woke up in a cave" asked him Lilinoe, feeling that there was more to the story.
"Not really" said Solmyr and looked around, as if he was being watched "You know, I saw him, this wizard, this Gwydion. He must have felt my magic in some way, because he came there with his henchmen. There were harpies, as I´ve said before, but not only. He had some a few centaurs with him, a really big minotaur, some gnolls. They were his bodyguards or something like that. I was woken up by someone and they dragged me in front of him. He asked questions."
"What kind of questions?" Lilinoe wanted to know "About your mission, about the Fount?".
Solmyr laughed a little and shook his head.
"He kept asking about who sent me. At first, we spoke normally, then he started shouting, getting furious. This man is not right in the head. When I wouldn´t tell him, he ordered the gnolls to beat me up a little. They dragged through some woods, it was night. I´m sorry I can´t be of much use - I kept waking up and blacking out all the time. They didn´t give me anything to eat or drink. But that wasn´t the worst" he fell silent and Lilinoe didn´t want to push him further.
Finally, he managed to put his thoughts into words "He was doing something to my head, using magic on me, trying to control me. I fought him but he is more powerful than me. He searched the answers in my head, blocked me from using my powers. I think that´s why I was kept in the cave, I think - it somehow disables the use of magic."
"But you said you were later fed and kept there and just dragged out" Lilinoe pointed out "why would he just let you go? Was it even him?"
He nodded and started playing with a little blue pendant that hung from his neck. "That is what I was wondering and I came to two conclusions: either these harpies get tired of working with him and just wanted me gone - or he ordered them to let me go".
They walked in silence for a few moments while the news sunk in. If Solmyr was intentionally freed, there was only one good reason to do so.
"Do you think he is watching you, following you?" asked Lilinoe.
"That´s what I think. I´ve been trying to notice anyone suspicious but I think we would see a stray gnoll or a minotaur. To be honest, I don´t know. As I´ve said, it´s all a blur to me, all the questioning and the magical poking around in my head. The only thing I know for sure is that I was left outside the cave later and someone whispered go north. Then I could feel your presence and you already know the rest"
"Now, tell me once more, everything that had happened. Your ship had crashed and then you just woke up in a cave" asked him Lilinoe, feeling that there was more to the story.
"Not really" said Solmyr and looked around, as if he was being watched "You know, I saw him, this wizard, this Gwydion. He must have felt my magic in some way, because he came there with his henchmen. There were harpies, as I´ve said before, but not only. He had some a few centaurs with him, a really big minotaur, some gnolls. They were his bodyguards or something like that. I was woken up by someone and they dragged me in front of him. He asked questions."
"What kind of questions?" Lilinoe wanted to know "About your mission, about the Fount?".
Solmyr laughed a little and shook his head.
"He kept asking about who sent me. At first, we spoke normally, then he started shouting, getting furious. This man is not right in the head. When I wouldn´t tell him, he ordered the gnolls to beat me up a little. They dragged through some woods, it was night. I´m sorry I can´t be of much use - I kept waking up and blacking out all the time. They didn´t give me anything to eat or drink. But that wasn´t the worst" he fell silent and Lilinoe didn´t want to push him further.
Finally, he managed to put his thoughts into words "He was doing something to my head, using magic on me, trying to control me. I fought him but he is more powerful than me. He searched the answers in my head, blocked me from using my powers. I think that´s why I was kept in the cave, I think - it somehow disables the use of magic."
"But you said you were later fed and kept there and just dragged out" Lilinoe pointed out "why would he just let you go? Was it even him?"
He nodded and started playing with a little blue pendant that hung from his neck. "That is what I was wondering and I came to two conclusions: either these harpies get tired of working with him and just wanted me gone - or he ordered them to let me go".
They walked in silence for a few moments while the news sunk in. If Solmyr was intentionally freed, there was only one good reason to do so.
"Do you think he is watching you, following you?" asked Lilinoe.
"That´s what I think. I´ve been trying to notice anyone suspicious but I think we would see a stray gnoll or a minotaur. To be honest, I don´t know. As I´ve said, it´s all a blur to me, all the questioning and the magical poking around in my head. The only thing I know for sure is that I was left outside the cave later and someone whispered go north. Then I could feel your presence and you already know the rest"
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