Y1106: Border Towns [KRAEGER]

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Oct 16, 2021 4:45 pm
Druuk, the refined barbarian diplomat, opened the door to the abandoned cabin. I do believe I have perfected the recipe to my tribe's signature dish. Please come in, with the tribes coming and now departing from these border towns, this cabin was abandoned. It is still quite comfortable. Adelaide nodded and entered the cabin. She sat at the table, and Druuk set a bowl in front of her. Be careful of those potatos. They will have a very different taste than you are expecting. But on to the business. The tribes of the north, the king of Harondale, and the emperor have come to an agreement. Hopefully, we can return to execute the plan before Trilobar falls. Adelaide bit into one of the potatos. It was incredibly spicy. She coughed and reached for her napkin. The barbarian grabbed the napkin before she could grab it. Adelaide smiled. I told you that you should be careful. They pack a quick punch but it does get better. Adelaide nodded. What exactly are you proposing, Druuk? By the way, the Gabineyre soup was indeed lovely. i can't exactly go back to the camp now. That snake would probably kill me if I tried. Her undead were patrolling the woods and my escort died getting me here. The barbarian grimaced. Perhaps it is already too late. As the note we got to you confirms, she is in fact related to the Grimwalks who are wreaking havok elsewhere. Their fiendish family is hiding everywhere. Any place they emerge, the undead start to multiply. I have been working with the vanguard of a renegade group of Blackwall supporters at the behest of Jarkonas himself. If that force arrives in time, we would like you to lead them into battle. With any luck, the Harondale volunteers in the Blackwall rebel army will break off, and join the barbarians and the vanguard we are loaning you. Occupy the enemy's attention just long enough for our armies to catch them, surround the army and end this.
[ +- ] TL;DR
Oct 16, 2021 4:46 pm
How's that for an epic showdown? As we did last time, we had a new threat rise, I will wait for your roll before making mine. My question really is: should we actually roll multiple dice or just the roll off between Baltasar and his enemies?
Last edited October 16, 2021 4:51 pm
Oct 19, 2021 8:37 am
I also think there is still a small 1d2 threat so here it goes... Since you roll just once, this means one threat will be unopposed. This will be an epic showdown for sure :D
Baltasar's army stops at the sign of the watch tower in the swamp. Collette, ridding next to him, is the first one to point out the approaching scouts. They bear the wear the colors of Adelaide and carry the flag of ... Helena of Blackwall. As soon as the flag is visible, the mood in the army changes. Some of the men become very agitated and tense. Even Baltasar can feel it in the air...
1) First the free form stuff: Adelaide sent men with a letter from Helena, asking her nephew to give away from the Grimwalk girl, and an imperial decree branding Baltasar as traitor. She is trying to get in to stop. Collette will oppose it obviously. How does this go?

2) One threat will be a 1d2 leftover's from Jarkona's undead army regrouped and lead by Druuk. They are going to ambush one of the split groups crossing the river elsewhere. Baltasar may get the news of this (or not) at any time.

3) The new threat is a 1d6 betrayal! Adelaide's message and the flag of Helena will turn the loyalists in Baltasar's army. She has taken a defensive position at the Watch Tower, which Baltasar needs to plan his advance on Tilobar.

You can a last minute call on the dragons to drive Adelaide away, keeping Collette alive (and Baltasar if you want). This means that even if you loose, you can take the tower


Drukk - (1d2)

(2) = 2

Adelaide - (1d6)

(2) = 2

Oct 19, 2021 1:17 pm
After reading the exciting post from snowcrash (that worked well!), I think you can deal with the threats until they are finished like he did. For example, Baltasar and Adelaide could roll until one of them looses their hero die completely and you narrate the progress of the battle for the watch tower based on the results. If you lose, you can still play the dragon's card (Trilobar must fall xD)
Oct 19, 2021 8:52 pm
Baltasar sat in the war camp. The army was resting for a short while on the march to Trilobar. The army was approaching the defensive position that Adelaide had marked on the map as Ofermodamearc before she disappeared. The army was just about to get moving again when the sentries reported the banners being replaced up on the crumbling fortification. The buglers sounded the call to arms. Baltasar groaned and lowered his helm's visor.
The army launched itself at the fortification. Charging up the hill, the enemy feigned a retreat. The first wave of rebels laid the ladders against the wall and started climbing up to 'battle' Adelaide's defenders. They got to the top of the walls. The defenders retreated to the keep. The second wave started to climb the ladders. That was when the defenders' drums rang out. Their archers stepped out from the keep. The first wave defected to the defenders issuing out a cry For the Baroness! The defenders' returned to the walls as Baltasar's army retreated to lick its wounds.
Last edited October 19, 2021 9:17 pm


The Battle of Ofermodamearc - (1d8)

(1) = 1

The Defense of Ofermodamearc - (1d6)

(6) = 6

The Battle of Ofermodamearc-Cont'd - (1d6)

(4) = 4

Oct 19, 2021 9:42 pm
Ugh, when will these dragons appear?
With the reinforcements Baltasar's army had picked up on his way to these Border Towns finally showing their true colors, Adelaide's army finally acquired the upper hand. With Baltasar's army retreating in a chaotic disorder, Adelaide's army launched a sortie against Baltasar's. A hundred arrows loosed from their bows as Helena's paladins charged forth
Broken, Baltasar's army's morale shattered and fled the field. 5 dragons flew over an empty Ofermodamearc an hour later
Quick wrap-up. Baltasar's army has been defeated and will eventually reform. Adelaide's army is now roughly the same size as Baltasar's. 5 dragons are now in the area. A new wave of barbarians is crossing the northern border as well as a new wave of Blackwall loyalists led by the Baroness herself.
The obvious next step is Baltasar needs to communicate to Adelaide that she has been deceived and get her to rejoin the rebellion- Harondale alliance. Of course, our spymaster make complicate matters as she seeks revenge and her own demesne...
Last edited October 19, 2021 10:01 pm


The Defense of the War Camp - (1d4)

(3) = 3

The Assault on the War Camp - (1d6)

(4) = 4

Oct 22, 2021 6:26 pm
Adelaide managed to keep Baltasar away from Trilobar, dealing the traitorous Blackwalls a heavy blow. However it did not take long for word of dragons flying over Ofermodamearc to reach her. Until she knew what made the dragons leave their isolated city, it was too dangerous to be out in the open. Drukk, who has now taken over Trilobar's after the chaos left by Masinissa's betrayal, heard the legends of such beasts. According to them, they were in trouble if the dragons turned against them!

In the meantime, Baltasar retreated to Stronghold. He knew that he was now officially a fugitive from the imperial law, which probably meant he would not be getting much help from anywhere. He hasn't heard from Viscount Kraeger for sometime now and that wizard Guthbert hasn't joined him yet. He wondered if something happened... Though for now, he would have to sent for Harondale's help if he wanted to defeat that conniving little girl. OR maybe he could get her to re-join his side?
Let's a a quick truce while Drukk and Adelaide discuss what happened and what to do. Same for Baltasar and Collette
[ +- ] [url=https://gamersplane.com/forums/thread/22004/?p=1037569#p1037569
Oct 26, 2021 11:46 pm
Druuk wandered through the streets of Trilobar as gremlins crafted weapons and sculpted gargoyles. Druuk frowned. All these thousands of gremlins and none could make a good stew, but he was stuck with them until the armies of Jarkonas liberated him from this babysitting. A wizard stepped out of the tower and said, The headquarters is across town, my lord. The streets are very confusing. These gremlins are very chaotic, but we are lucky to have this relationship. There are very few of us wizards here and we depend on golems to do manual labor. Since Harvey Silverbeard took our artificers east to form his own symposium, we are stuck with these... Druuk walked off at this moment.
Adelaide and Druuk met in a war council. Adelaide laid out a map. Our rocs here in Trilobar can help us fight off the dragons, but we don't want to meet them in the air and definitely not all at once. Luckily, our gremlins are not just master craftsman, but they are also master miners...
I don't have anything yet for Baltasar's side. We'll come back to it later.

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