Oct 16, 2021 4:45 pm
Druuk, the refined barbarian diplomat, opened the door to the abandoned cabin. I do believe I have perfected the recipe to my tribe's signature dish. Please come in, with the tribes coming and now departing from these border towns, this cabin was abandoned. It is still quite comfortable. Adelaide nodded and entered the cabin. She sat at the table, and Druuk set a bowl in front of her. Be careful of those potatos. They will have a very different taste than you are expecting. But on to the business. The tribes of the north, the king of Harondale, and the emperor have come to an agreement. Hopefully, we can return to execute the plan before Trilobar falls. Adelaide bit into one of the potatos. It was incredibly spicy. She coughed and reached for her napkin. The barbarian grabbed the napkin before she could grab it. Adelaide smiled. I told you that you should be careful. They pack a quick punch but it does get better. Adelaide nodded. What exactly are you proposing, Druuk? By the way, the Gabineyre soup was indeed lovely. i can't exactly go back to the camp now. That snake would probably kill me if I tried. Her undead were patrolling the woods and my escort died getting me here. The barbarian grimaced. Perhaps it is already too late. As the note we got to you confirms, she is in fact related to the Grimwalks who are wreaking havok elsewhere. Their fiendish family is hiding everywhere. Any place they emerge, the undead start to multiply. I have been working with the vanguard of a renegade group of Blackwall supporters at the behest of Jarkonas himself. If that force arrives in time, we would like you to lead them into battle. With any luck, the Harondale volunteers in the Blackwall rebel army will break off, and join the barbarians and the vanguard we are loaning you. Occupy the enemy's attention just long enough for our armies to catch them, surround the army and end this.
[ +- ] TL;DR
Baltasar's army contains volunteers from Harondale. Their king has pulled his support for the campaign and the volunteers don't know it yet. Druuk told Adelaide to take the vanguard of Helena's army and attack Baltasar's army from the southwest. If the battle is timed correctly, the volunteers will defect to Adelaide's banners. After that, the tide of the battle will hopefully change as sorties from Trilobar, a new barbarian force from the northwest, and the rest of Helena's army arrive from the southeast. Completely encircling Baltasar's army. None of these actors know about a number of red dragons coming in from the west to save the campaign...