The unexpected reunion in Vodan created a number of difficulties and opportunities for everyone.
Helena has been training the few loyalist troops she had available. She hoped her nephew would make a mistake or, less likely for the young fool, finally come to his senses. She needed to be ready to move against him to save the family when the time come, but now she had to hand her men over to Baltasar. The boy was radiant with the new, fresh and very well trained troops that would boost his army in his campaign for the reconquest of Blackwall (
and all the tribes! as he never forgot to add).
She would have to levy more men. Francis, eagle-eyed as ever, also advised her against such spending. It would drain the treasury and do nothing more than risk peasant rebellions. Father Whitemane agreed, as he knew far too well how people were already tired Baltasar's pointless wars. Forcing the farmers and the hunters to fight their own would destroy their moral and the barony. Above all, it would have to be done in secrecy as Baltasar was about to leave the wizard Guthbert behind a little longer (and as the temporary castellan of Voden!)
But all was not lost as now they were sure loyalist knights where amongst her nephew's army....
Lyonar was forced into hiding. He did not know how Baltasar would react to his presence in Vodan, but he was sure there would be many uncomfortable questions. Though moving in the shadows turned out to be an advantage... Druuk, an Orcish diplomat from the "Kingdom of Jarkonas", the confederation of the eastern tribes, was smuggled in and out of Voden. Lyonar, the silver tongued diplomat was oiling to wheels of fate and setting in motion the events that would see Helena as the Baroness. Maybe the tribes were the answers to Father Whitemane's prayers and the key to return to Blackwall
While Baltasar and Harold enjoyed their time at home, Collette was busy plotting her next move, informing her family of the new opportunities to come from this war...
But the time to rest was about to end as news from a large force close to the border reached Baltasar...