Y1106: Blackwall (annotated summary)

Aug 31, 2021 9:15 am

raven_179's House Blackwall
[ +- ] Note
Aug 31, 2021 9:15 am

"Several generations passed, and the kingdom which Jarkonas had established grew and prospered freely. But then, in the east, the kingdom of Harondale grew to power, and a bitter rivalry over the borders began."
Sep 14, 2021 12:44 pm
After receiving the message, Baltasar returned west to aid the Kingdom of Harondale against those same barbarians who have so recently taken Blackwall from him! They rode under the banner of Jarkonas, the human barbarian who managed to unite the tribes. If left unchecked, he is a danger not just to the Empire, but to Kraeger's rebellion as well.

Still, he would take months of marching before he could offer his help to his new allies. Luckily, Vodan is a half way stop, so he can take his men home to rest for a few days, before embarking on his new campaign....

Helena's plans were stopped as Lyonar warned her of her nephews return! To avoid suspicions, she would have to remain, receiving her nephew's messengers and preparing for his short stay. And, to her dismay, the wizard Guthbert is expecting an important cargo to be delivered with the next shipment from Anduran's Skerry, so he will stay around longer...
Sep 14, 2021 12:44 pm
Helena sighed with relief. The troops had just finished drills and had returned to the barracks just as the messengers rode up. Father Whitemane had kept them in the barracks while Helena took the message. Helena strode over to the barracks. As she approached, she heard uproariously loud laughter. The priest opened the door, speaking "Helena, I told them the joke about the candelabra. I told you it was pretty funny. Wha..." The priest trailed off seeing Helena's grimace and the note in her hand. The baroness spoke, "He's returning. He got lucky and now we have to surrender our fresh troops to him. He cannot be trusted, but we have no choice. We'll raise new troops and send out missives to Jarkonas. At least I don't have to wear that awful armor now, right, old man? The pair laughed.
The next day, the tired army of Baron Baltasar Blackwall returned home. He rode in on a white horse. The peasantry gave the expected gestures expected of them, but no more. Many of them didn't care for their lord's adventurism. He had cost too many of their sons, brothers, and fathers their lives. Collette shoved the sleeping seneschal awake, but he still didn't react to the solemn mood of the crowd. Collette scowled and reached for the alms box that the seneschal had prepared, and started throwing coins to the peasants. The seneschal realized what was happening through his hungover state, and seized the box. "We don't have a major-domo in this house so that's my job." He yawned loudly
The carriage came to a stop in front of the small keep that served as the home of the Baron(ess) of Blackwall's exiled nobility in Voden. Harold got out and followed his lord into the front entrance. Collette made to follow him, but when nobody was watching her, she slinked into the shadowy stables. She approximated the caw of a raven. Her trusted companion, Marie, flew down from the rafters and perched on Collette's arm. Collette tousled the bird's feathers and gently tied a note to her leg. "Fly this to your brothers house, mon ami. His master will help me bring you home to Blackwall."
Lyonar was having his own clandestine meeting at the same time as Collette. He couldn't let the master of the house know that he was alive, out of Elven prisons, and in the employ of his aunt. Luckily, his colleague couldn't risk discovery either. Lyonar stood with Druuk, an Orcish diplomat. "I'm really quite sorry that we couldn't be upstairs on the couches. Preferably with a nice mead and some fresh ahi, don't you think? Next week, we'll be free and clear to recruit the army I promised you that we could raise for your lord Jarkonas. Remember to take the first left and then go straight at the first intersection and then go right at the second. That will help you get out of these sewers." The orc then spoke in the human tongue. "You do me a great honor, Lyonar, for speaking in my ancestral tongue. When we win, I'd love to have a meal with you, although I'd prefer an aged Malbec with some venison. I might walk with my Barbarian brothers, but I am fully able to show you a proper meal. I hope to see you soon. Jarkonas will thank you for the advance warning.

CESN sent a note to CESN
Sep 14, 2021 2:17 pm
The unexpected reunion in Vodan created a number of difficulties and opportunities for everyone.

Helena has been training the few loyalist troops she had available. She hoped her nephew would make a mistake or, less likely for the young fool, finally come to his senses. She needed to be ready to move against him to save the family when the time come, but now she had to hand her men over to Baltasar. The boy was radiant with the new, fresh and very well trained troops that would boost his army in his campaign for the reconquest of Blackwall (and all the tribes! as he never forgot to add).

She would have to levy more men. Francis, eagle-eyed as ever, also advised her against such spending. It would drain the treasury and do nothing more than risk peasant rebellions. Father Whitemane agreed, as he knew far too well how people were already tired Baltasar's pointless wars. Forcing the farmers and the hunters to fight their own would destroy their moral and the barony. Above all, it would have to be done in secrecy as Baltasar was about to leave the wizard Guthbert behind a little longer (and as the temporary castellan of Voden!)

But all was not lost as now they were sure loyalist knights where amongst her nephew's army....
Lyonar was forced into hiding. He did not know how Baltasar would react to his presence in Vodan, but he was sure there would be many uncomfortable questions. Though moving in the shadows turned out to be an advantage... Druuk, an Orcish diplomat from the "Kingdom of Jarkonas", the confederation of the eastern tribes, was smuggled in and out of Voden. Lyonar, the silver tongued diplomat was oiling to wheels of fate and setting in motion the events that would see Helena as the Baroness. Maybe the tribes were the answers to Father Whitemane's prayers and the key to return to Blackwall
While Baltasar and Harold enjoyed their time at home, Collette was busy plotting her next move, informing her family of the new opportunities to come from this war...

But the time to rest was about to end as news from a large force close to the border reached Baltasar...

CESN sent a note to CESN
Sep 15, 2021 11:47 am
Guthbert's arrival forced a new challenge on the conspiracy. Even in her own house, Helena had to hide in the sewers below the keep to coordinate her resistance. As she climbed down the ladder, the sly diplomat stepped out of the shadows. "You just missed Druuk. He is quite the sophisticated... Helena silenced him with a look. The diplomat continued, "Anyway, Jarkonas reports through him that the situation in the new kingdom is quite dire. Either your nephew seizes the city and bankrupts it like he threatens to do to Voden, or we covertly aid the barbarians. I fear the March is mostly lost either way, but perhaps we can install you as marchioness. Once your dynasty legally reigns as the legitimate rulers of the Blackwall March, we can begin that long march to reassert control over it." Helena scowled at the stupid pun
As the rebels finally arrived at the Border Towns, the vanguard reported a small siege camp gathering resources to attack the town of Stronghold. Baron Baltasar Blackwall gave the order for the the cavalry to charge. With the enemy only preparing earthworks facing the town, the besieging forces felt themselves caught between a rock and a hard place. They fled leaving most of their supplies.
Sep 15, 2021 11:55 am
A person wearing the cloak of the governor of the Harondale garrison walked out. "Hello, I am Adelaide Lyfthyrde. I am the mayor of the city. I trust you're the new army that my superiors told me about." Baltasar only nodded. Harold Quickfoot stepped forward and said, Hello, my lady. Our army was sent by Viscount Kraeger to aid your kingdom. Now shall we celebrate that the city still stands?"
While the army dispersed to the town's depleted barracks, and Harold began his pub crawl, Adelaide escorted Collette and Baltasar to the temporary headquarters of what Adelaide called the 'Isenmearc.' It was a building set inside a cave at the center of the town. Adelaide walked past several armories, a torture chamber, and a small conference room before arriving at a room, which had its walls covered in maps. Adelaide closed the door, and with a frown forming on her face, spoke, "That was the fourth barbarian attack on our walls. Jarkonas was carved out of several realms and much continue to expand to survive. It's very unstable, and if we don't win here, the barbarians will break through and plunder the heartland. That kind of wealth in the hand of a barbarian king would allow him to stabilize his heartland and establish a dynasty of plundering warlords. Collette turned away fake looking at a map on the wall. Her avaricious smile was impossible to hide. Adelaide looked at the shady spymaster with a concerned look on her face before continuing. "We have to disrupt the relationship between the people of the Weed Patch and Jarkonas."

CESN sent a note to CESN
Sep 15, 2021 1:54 pm
Baltasar, Harold and Collete marched east to find Harondale already under Adelaide Lyfthyrde siege. Though the situation looked desperate at first, Stronghold has already held against 4 attempts of conquest and the besieging army they defeated turned out to be the demoralised and disorganised remains of the previous attack.

All in all, only the surrounding villages have been taken by the invading barbarians but they have lost their initial impetus. The reason for that was the unremarkable warlock Adelaide Lyfthyrde. With the few men at her disposal, she turned the Harondale’s garrison into a impenetrable fortress against everyone’s expectations.

She didn’t care much about politics and who sent he renforcements. With the new army, Harondale now has the resources to be on the offensive for once! Retaking the settlements would be the first step and Weed Patch’s tribal leaders are the first on the list!
Sep 15, 2021 1:56 pm
Adelaide strode into the Isenmearc planning hall. Collette and Baltasar were discussing how to seize Weed Patch. "...attack on the walls just like Timberhill."

Adelaide interrupted the planning session. "The key to seizing the town is in the nomads. Two hundred years ago, the town was a regular human city like in the interior. We had problems with barbarians then, so we paid them to settle down. The nomads patrol around the area between Roc Haven, Avalon, and Weed Patch. The nomads know all the weak spots in Weed Patch. We negotiate with them, and we can guarantee a nearly bloodless campaign. I'll reach out to my contact."
Adelaide met with her contact, Masinissa. "Greetings, I hear those horrid barbarians fenced in your horses and eliminated some of your grazing area toward Roc Haven. That's quite unfortunate." Masinissa responded, "Ugh, my cousins have been far too greedy as of yet. It's usually tolerable when they make these types of demands, but since Jarkonas took over, they are asking too much. Sometimes, I don't even think it's them anymore. Jarkonas intimidated them, calling them fake barbarians and generally humiliating our kin. Maybe my..." Adelaide interrupted the nomad with a hand on his shoulder. She smiled at him before speaking again. "If you marshal your nomads, I'll bring you a hundred head of sheep, and I'll personally rescue your steeds.
Adelaide stepped out of the tent, signalling to an aide. The man ran up to her, and she spoke softly to him, "Bring me my horse, and then head back to town, we need 120 sheep brought here to Masinissa's camp. I have to go horse shopping."
Adelaide and a dozen men sat on their steeds in the woods outside Weed Patch. She was watching a small camp of Orcish horse-rustlers. The partying barbarians feasted. Adelaide cursed as she smelled the impossible to mistake smell of roasting horses. She sent her shock cavalry to charge the disorganized camp of orcish barbarians. She galloped herself into the camp throwing a fireball at the fence holding what was left of Masinissa's herd. The battle was small but chaotic. 7 orcs died never having reached their wargs. Their raid complete, Adelaide whistled to her men. They had a siege to plan.

CESN sent a note to CESN
Sep 15, 2021 2:19 pm
Though Collette and Baltasar felt a direct assault on the small settlements would be the best course of action, Adelaide, being used to dealing with less men, proposed a different strategy. Having the Blackwall's army defending Stronghold would give Adelaide some space to prepare for their offensive . As leader of Stronghold, she knew the locals best and, if she played her cards well, she get the local nomads to turn over Weed Patch, cutting off Jarkanos from his "cousins", a demoralizing blow for the barbarian tribes. The men could rest from their long march for now. Soon, they would be needed to force the barbarian out of the region...

Meeting with Masinissa, her trusted contact, Adelaide managed to negotiate for him to rally his nomads to her cause. Appealing to their greed, she bought their cooperation with 120 sheep and promises to free them from "Jarkonas' tributes". But it wasn't to be that simple. Adelaide would have to rescue Masinissa steed from the orcish raiders in the area. However, the horse-rustlers had already killed the horses...
Sep 21, 2021 11:48 am
The 3 armies gathered in the woods outside of the Weed Patch. Stronghold's and Voden's army marched toward the town. Masinissa's men swarmed the animal pens, and Weed Patch's men surrendered en masse. Masinissa's men rode away with their loot. Weed Patch was properly subjugated under its two suzerains.
Masinissa, now styling himself as 'the Mace of the West,' rode away from his cousin's town, comfortable in the knowledge that his tribe's future was secure. His relationship with the people of Harondale was secure. He might even be able to assist in the wars of Harondale against other barbarians. After all, Masinissa was an opportunist...

Collette sat in her own war council across from Oscar and Olivia. Marie had brought a reply.
Sep 21, 2021 11:49 am
Collette pets Marie and feeds her a few seeds before checking for a message. She draws her notebook from her bag, placing it on the small table of her own little "war council". She looked at the two minotaurs, who looked back silently. By now, they were used to not asking any questions and, though curious, they remained silent as Collette started to cry. What happened? they wondered, running all the possibilities through their bovine heads.

As suddenly as it started, Collette's tears dried up and she started to draw, cross and write on the strange note. And then, she gasped! "This is not possible!"
After the success of Weed Patch, Baltasar set his eyes on Avalon. The blow dealt to the barbarian tribes would no doubt convince the dwarves to rise against the invader and join Harondale. Continuing until they found the alchemist tower at the rivers' crossing, the armies marched north, following the waters into the forested area just south of Avalon. But something was wrong.

Adelaide stopped, checking the surroundings. "This forest is too quiet. What are the dwarves up to?" she said worried. Harold shrugs his shoulders and simply mentions that Baltasar is afraid of no ghost. However, Collette knows that maybe there is something ghostly indeed to Adelaide's feeling...
Jarkonas' army of orc, goblin and human barbarians stands on the outskirts of Avalon. They rode day and night to reinforce the settlement. Harondale has been a thorn in their feet for too long and they could not afford to loose the rich mines of the dwarves to the newcomers. They were to meet with the turncoat who help the tribes raiding the region to finally conquer Stronghold. The scouts already found that pesky little Harondale girl moving with a large army through the forest so they had no time question the methods. The forest was a good place to ambush the large army...

But they were not expecting what they found... The dwarves were either dead, chained, or ... well "not dead"?

They were used to the cruelty of war, but the cruelty of magic was something they had trouble facing. And watching an army of putrefied corpses and skeletons walk away never fails to send a chill through their spine.
Sep 21, 2021 11:51 am
Olivia and Oscar sat nervously as Collette paced back and forth. Finally Collette took out her dagger and stabbed it into the table. Those animals killed Oudart. He was supposed to be supporting us on our way 'home.' I told him Melchor Einarson was shady even for one of 'us.' Oscar stifled a smirk, and got that dagger thrown at him for his trouble. The knife barely missed him and lodged in the wall.
The undead now bolstered by Dwarven zombies, skeletons, and ghosts shambled toward the town of Stronghold. Divided into two columns, they had enough force to sack the city. Melchor marched through the woods, while his lieutenant, Maccus Bloodthirst, a vicious killer turned vampire, marched through the plains. Melchor plugged his ears as a banshee's scream sounded the charge.
Collette pulled Olivia aside. I have to move stealthily. You stay here and tell anybody who asks that I had urgent business out in the woods. They should remember what I found in the woods last time. They should trust me. Collette saddled her horse and rode off with Oscar.
Collette rode into range of the siege camp. The frightened screams of the townsfolk couldn't mesh with the murmurs of tortured souls, but Collette smiled anyway. A small smile because this time, she wouldn't get to enjoy the fight but break it. Collette sent Oscar to cause a distraction. His axes killed a dozen sentries as he melted back into the woods. Collette and Oscar noticing the gap in the camp's defenses infiltrated the camp. Collette almost got sighted but they made it to Maccus's command tent. Maccus was sitting at the table and smirked at her. Are you lost, little girl? I've lived 7 centuries as a lord in this realm and 4 millennia before that as well. An assassin of your stature and a Minotaur Guard as well. This will be easy. He bared his teeth and drew two shortswords. Collette smiled as she stepped behind Oscar. Maccus started to laugh. I'm afraid you can't run. Collette stabbed into her guard's right femoral artery and his left carotid artery. He staggered, then fell to his knees. She slit his throat. Drawing her crystal, she murmured some foul incantations. Maccus just stood there watching this vicious display with visible pleasure in his eyes. His smile only widened as the minotaur rose to his feet. He continued, Uh, you must be Oudart's cousin. He bowed his head, and then realizing his mistake, fell to his knees. "I remember my oath as an undead cavalier" Maccus left the tent and ordered the banshees to give the call to charge. Melchor didn't even have time to order the defense as half his army plunged into the other half. Chaos reigned as his skeletons were reduced to bone meal, his zombies collapsed in pieces and the ghosts' ectoplasm fell to the ground in piles. The elite undead corps stood down or joined in on the defection
Collette and Maccus led their army into the woods. Collette ordered them to return to the city of Roc Haven. She had to return to Baltasar. But she would return for her army. Soon
Sep 27, 2021 2:01 pm
Having managed to turn the undead army on itself, Collette returned to Avalon with her new ally, the vampire Maccus Bloodthirst. And just in time to catch the barbarians retreating from Baltasar and Adelaide attack, who suddenly found themselves between Masinissa's horsemen and Collette's undead.

The region is now firmly under Blackwall's control and Jarkonas' invaders find themselves pushed back to Trilobar, their ally, Melchor, licking his wounds in the remote settlement of Roc Haven.

Finally in the advantageous position she dreamed for, Adelaide pushed for a final strike to take out the barbarians from her lands. "Melchor is a pitiful coward and will stay in his place. He is no danger at all to us." she argues, though Baltasar is shaken by the trick the necromancer managed to play on them. Could he pull another one like that? If it hadn't been for Collette, once again... The girl is more useful than that idiot Harold
Oct 1, 2021 9:06 am
Olivia knew what happened to her distant cousin in the service of the Blackwalls. She was always suspicious of them, so when she didn't see her twin brother coming back with Collette, she was quite perturbed. Olivia went to Collette's house in the ruins of Avalon. Maccus was standing guard there. That's right, the mistress insists on keeping her home a barn he joked. Olivia didn't return to her tent that night
Harold went into battle hoping to rescue his standing in the family he served. In battle alongside Adelaide and Baltasar, he led the Harondale militia in the middle of the melee. He was fighting there when a banshee cry signalled the undead army's arrival. He looked on with burning rage in his eyes at the horizon where that upstart spymaster was showing him up again. His scowl became permanent when a greataxe was driven into his side
Adelaide and Baltasar sat in their field headquarters northeast of Avalon. They planned to march toward Trilobar. Baltasar yelled for a guard. Where is Harold and Collette? Adelaide reminded him that Harold had fallen in battle. Baltasar looked back at the guard. The guard almost whispered, Collette and her pale man-servant led their army toward Roc Haven. Baltasar cursed and then dismissed the guard with a look. I guess we will have to wait. She has earned a chance to exercise some autonomy, I guess. I admit I never got comfortable with her and those undead make it only worse. I hate that I'm placed in the situation again. I was once forced to work with a necromancer and it still isn't sitting right with me.
Collette and Maccus sat upon skeletal horses as they marched with their army toward Roc Haven. As they entered the hills, the foliage became sparser. Be careful, mistress. Occasionally, there are landslides here. I can't guarantee that the ground is stable. Collette then asked, Maccus, what ever did happen to my bodyguard? Maccus reached into his pocket and pulled out a flask. He took a swig. I haven't had a good sirloin in millennia, as you might expect. Did you know that minotaur blood doesn't taste any different that human? I am quite disappointed Collette cackled.
The army came to a halt outside Roc Haven. The necro- spymaster and her vampire cavalier was stunned at the state of the settlement. The garrison seemed to be almost the size of the besieging army. Melchor stood up on the battlements and yelled down, This is why I marched with dwarves. Never attack with your own men and when your enemy comes to attack you, make sure that they are all below 5 feet tall. As Melchor laughed, the armies prepared for battle.
Oct 1, 2021 11:12 am
Even though Baltasar decided to trust, or at least, not question, Collette's doings. Whatever she was up too, it saved him and his man various times. If she was gone, he just assumed she would return with another town or army flying Blackwall colors. Adelaide was not so sure about the young woman however. It was not so much the undead, she was practical and had no moral issues with the use corpses. But there was something in Collette's eyes. Something plotting, something dangerous. Her frequent escapes had to mean something...

Roc Haven was hidden in the vast plains behind the mountains. There was only one way to get there. Unless you knew the area like she did...
Oct 5, 2021 12:57 pm
Adelaide receives a visitor in the night. The window blew open and a leaf blew in. As that leaf landed on a stool in the room, the leaf started to transform into a short, elderly woman. The seer says, A snake is in the grass, but stumbling away. You must catch her or lose the bay. Those who wander are not foes. Trust they may solve your woes. The seer transformed into a raven and flew out the open window. Adelaide, fearing receiving more visitors, locked the window closed. Adelaide reached to the necklace she wore over her heart. The bay leaf there was still there. She sighed with relief. So maybe there's time.

Adelaide dispatched Masinissa with a promise of rewards if he is successful. Masinissa arrayed his men around the forests' entryway. Take this opportunity to rest and sharpen your blades. When I am Khan and rule my own territory, I promise the ones who kill the most zombies a dozens horses. The nomads prepared for battle
The nomads went out to collect wood and set up a palisade to corral the undead into a killing field. The nomads didn't account for the host of skeletal horses that the undead army had acquired. They had left their horses tied up in the center of their makeshift camp as they walked out of the camp to collect wood. The undead cavalry led by Maccus and Collette stormed through the camp. The sentries at the entrance of the camp both received a shard of ice through their chests via the necromancer Collette. Maccus charged to the makeshift stables and slashed the ropes holding the horses. These horses ran among their undead forefathers out of the camp. Traveling a dozen yards past the camp, those horses were released. Maccus smiled. He was on good terms with a red dragon to the north. He would appreciate this gift. The smile vanished as determination returned. He whistled and the cavalry wheeled around to charge back into the camp. As they arrived, the massed undead infantry arrived. The nomads were caught in the middle, horseless and finally hopeless. Collette smiled realizing that she had finally received some unexpected reinforcements
Oct 5, 2021 1:00 pm
The army came to a halt outside Roc Haven. The necro- spymaster and her vampire cavalier was stunned at the state of the settlement. The garrison seemed to be almost the size of the besieging army. Melchor stood up on the battlements and yelled down, This is why I marched with dwarves. Never attack with your own men and when your enemy comes to attack you, make sure that they are all below 5 feet tall. As Melchor laughed, the armies prepared for battle.
Melchor was overconfident as usual. He never properly saw the ingenuity of his masters even after he usurped some of them. Collette's army stood at the bottom of the walls. Not only was there an army at his doorstep but Collette had planned for this. She had been the one to send the 'seer.' If Adelaide hadn't taken the bait, then she could be trusted. Adelaide had, so Collette pledged to ruin that sacred bay leaf over her heart. Adelaide had, so when Collette arrived at the gates, she already had the wood collected to build the siege engines.
Melchor went to bed. Any attempt wouldn't come until the morning. He believed his calculations were correct and there would be a battle then. He was wrong. As his undead army laid dormant waiting for action, ladders were already being placed along the walls
Dawn was still an hour off, when the banshee cried. Collette's army all stood perched atop the walls. They burst down the stairs in a mess of bone and rotting flesh. The last homely house in Roc Haven was set ablaze. Melchor barely escaped from the blaze with extensive burns on his legs. He struggled to sit as he cursed his ruined legs. He was only able to get a single lightning bolt off in the direction of the invading army off when a skeleton archer placed an arrow in his skull. The battle continued for another half hour until the defenders finally realized that their necromancer boss had already fallen.
Oct 5, 2021 1:20 pm
With one stone, three birds. Collette smiles as she looks the burning village. The dead village. With that pesky Harold accidentally dying in Avalon, she only had to discredit Adelaide. The petty wizard was supposed to be a nobody, but her skill had kept stronghold safe and turned the tide of the invasion in an heartbeat, forcing the barbarians on the defensive. But she took the bait and now she was a traitor to the great Blackwall family. OR so it would look like once Collette's words got to Baltazar's ears. Better yet, she dragged down the annoying 'Mace of the West' with her.

The idiot Melchor was even easier to trick. How stupid can you're be to think your are safe under the moonlight?

Maccus left north with a tribute to the great wyrm. Nothing stood in her way now.
Oct 8, 2021 9:37 am
Maccus rests under a tree. Cursed sun. Mistress Collette requires a little extra help. I haven't see Cyrranyx in 26 years. I hope he doesn't mind that I didn't bring camels. Dragons are weird. Maccus looks up, avoiding the sunlight, through the tree's removed roots, as a black dragon swoops down and grabs one of the horses. Xyabonyx always was the greediest here. I will have to work quickly to save the presents. Who knows? Maybe I'll find some camels on the way.
Collette lifts the tent flap and strides into the campaign tent. Adelaide and Baltasar are there. Collette sneered at Adelaide. Baltasar smiles naively at Collette, saying Good that you have made it back. My emissary reported back saying that you have completed the mission at Roc Haven. Baltasar signed his name on a paper and handed it to the replacement seneschal. The seneschal ran off. While Baltasar talked to his new aide, Adelaide strode over to Collette, hugged her and whispered in her ear, I know who you are . You might have bested the wanderers, but I will not allow your fiendish schemes to harm this kingdom. The seneschal returned and handed Baltasar a scabbard. Seeing the sword, Adelaide scowled and stormed off. Baltasar handed Collette the ceremonial sword, You've earned this. I'm pleased to offer you the status of Dame. When we seize the homeland, I will properly reward you.
Collette strolled back to her tent and found that Baltasar had removed several of the common camp items and replaced them with that of a noble. Collette smiled, A lovely tiptoe, but a tiptoe all the same. A bloody handprint grabbed her arm from behind. Collette turn on her heel to see her ambusher, Masinissa. He collapsed on the floor of the tent and a letter fell out of his pocket. Collette seized the letter, smiling wider as she read the letter. Finally, Collette bandaged the wounds. Masinissa would be an asset as the campaign ended
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