[CLOSED] Shards of Darkness - Star Wars 5E Hack

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Sep 1, 2021 11:35 am
3/5 Places filled

Good afternoon everyone! I am looking to put together a homebrew campaign for Star Wars, using either the SAGA edition or the 5E hack system (players dependant). In this campaign you will playing a group of bad guys who want to re-establish the Sith Empire in response to the last two failures in the Empire and the First Order. I already have two friends who will be joining the website in order to play, who I have played RPGs with for years as 2 PCs, so will be looking for at least another 2 players, maybe a 5th depending on how good the character sounds.


The Story:
The Galaxy is once again at peace with the Modern Galactic Republic establishing democratic control. The Empire and the First Order are becoming memories, as the powerful Jedi once more return to bring a peaceful, ever watchful group to monitor the goings on across the planets.

You remain aggrieved however. The Empire should have stood for millennia, if it hadn't been for that damned farm boy and a bunch of terrorists. And the First Order was simply a joke, headed by incompetents and whiny children. You wish to see the old days return. The OLD OLD days. The days you have only heard about in legends, and stories passed down within your ancient lineages and families. The Sith Empire wasn't founded on a rule of two (granted that changed), with an untrained mob administering its justice. It was strong. Powerful. Its soldiers were the best the Empire could offer. You would see that regime return. And you will be the ones to return it.

A mysterious contact has woven you stories and rumours of 5 holocrons, imbued with the dark side of the force. Holocrons dating back centuries. Some that were found recently but then lost again, others that have been lost or hidden since the time of the Great Sith Lords. Your contact has an offer for you. Join up with several others that he has located, and find these holocrons. He too wishes to see the return of a Galactic presence for the Sith, but he is all too old to do it himself.

The Setting:
This story will begin 5 years after the end of Episode 9. The First Order has been eradicated in all its forms and the majority of planets have returned to the democratic ideals of utilising the senate and the Republic Navy to safeguard itself. The Jedi have returned, and have built up numbers quickly in the years following the events of the films, headed by Rey Skywalker. Much of the content that I will use will be anything historical from the canon films, tv shows etc, but I may stray into some of the old EU stuff for acquiring Jedi. Once the story starts, I will not be using any major events from the EU so as to keep our story distractions to a minimum.

The Meta:
The players will take on the roles of a group of conspirators who wish to see the Sith Empire re-born. Tired of the attempts of the Empire and the First Order, you have been bought together to be the founding members of a new Sith Order who will look to take over the galaxy. You are playing bad guys, but sensible people, who understand the complexities of what they are doing in a galaxy with a republic peacekeeping force and an ever growing number of Jedi Knights.

About Me: My name is Kubby (or Kub). I have played a few games on here previously which unfortunately ended short as they were getting awesome! (Thanks Elrondell). I have also attempted to start a few games as DM but haven't been able to give them any time at all. I will openly admit I may have "ghosted" a few of the players due to the nature of my employment. I am unable on occasion to access the internet or may disappear very short notice without being able to inform my players. I am looking into ways of ensuring some contact with anyone who plays now (Discord, Whats App), in order to keep the game alive for when I return.

Character Creation Rules:

Depending on the choice of the players, we will either go for SAGA edition or the 5E hack (using https://sw5e.com/). I am open to both, however have played much less of the 5E hack, but having played plenty of regular 5E, I am pretty happy with it.

Characters are open to absolutely any class and race, including any expansion, depending on which system we use. I would prefer if we didn't have a party of 4/5 Force users all chucking lightsabers around, so if you have another character idea, I would be interested.

Any force users we do have, will not begin with a lightsaber but can build one/find one/buy one during play.

Play Style:
1. The game will be an semi-sandbox style, in that you will have a starship available and can go anywhere in the galaxy you wish, however the story arcs will tie you down to certain planets and regions.

2. I haven't used maps before in a PBP game, but will try and use them for combat and any interesting locations during the game.

4. I am looking for players who can commit to 1 post per week. I am more than happy with one post per week, as sometimes I also don't have time to reply to stuff. However, sometimes I do. So any extra posts on top of the 1/week will be appreciated and I will definitely try and get back to you ASAP.

4. As discussed above, I am not always able to contact you to update you on any issues I may be having. To try and alleviate this, I will boot up a Discord channel for the game, which we won't regularly use for anything else, and also a Whats App, but only if the players are comfortable with that.

How to Apply:
Reply to this thread with:
1. A brief overview of your character. Name, race, class, background, and a short overview of their appearance and what they've been doing. If you have a picture, I'd love to see it.
2. Should we decide on the SW5E, I may need the list of characteristics from your background: Personality Trait, Flaw, Ideal, and Bonds.
3. Finally, I want a bit of their background as to why they are choosing to be the bad guy in the story. Why do they want the Sith Empire to return. Feel free to post that in a spoiler box.
4. I will close the thread after I've given all those currently asleep a chance to read.

Disclaimer: Before you decide to apply, please note that in this game, you will be playing the bad guys. This means there may be points in the story where either yourselves or myself as DM allude or describe subjects that may be uncomfortable or just simply unpleasant or painful for them to discuss, and we may not wish to skirt round them due to the nature of the story. This is not to say that the entire story will be adult in nature at every turn. You are a group of intelligent bad guys avoiding detection by Republic and Jedi forces, not homicidal criminals. If you are looking for a game where you can indulge a (clinically questionable) need to slaughter everything you see, please look elsewhere.

If you have any questions, either stick them in a reply on this thread or PM me. After a couple of days I will open up the forums and Discord and let character creation begin and you can meet up with the other players. I will look to start the game properly next Monday 6th.

I apologise in advance if you don't get a place, as I know the SW games fill up pretty quickly, but I will let you know over the weekend.
Last edited Sep 6, 2021 2:31 pm
Sep 1, 2021 2:58 pm
Hello Kubby!

I would love to play a SW5E game. SAGA unfortunately is not my cup of tea, I tried it and didn't like it. So should this game go SW5E, please consider my application! I have drawn some inspiration from Admiral Thrawn, Darth Vader and General Grievous for this individual and, as requested, he is a non-Force user.
[ +- ] Picture
Name: Director Tyrvon Kadar
Race: Human
Class: Engineer (Cybertech Engineering)
Background: Scientist
Personality Trait: I believe scientific results always comes first.
Flaw: I believe only other scientists deserve my respect.
Ideal: Logic. Emotions must not cloud our sense of what is right and true, or our logical thinking. (Lawful)
Bonds: I will get revenge on the criminals that destroyed my research.
[ +- ] History
Sep 1, 2021 5:44 pm
Very interested! Consider this my application placeholder. I'll come up with something and get right back at you. (I also prefer the 5e hack over SAGA if it isn't an inconvenience.)
Sep 2, 2021 9:24 am
[ +- ] Vorenus Knight of Ren
Name: Vorenus of the Knights of Ren
Race: Human
Class: Guardian aka Telekinetic Battering Ram
Background: Athlete Shockboxer
Personality Trait: My will is iron.
Flaw: I don't wait for plans.
Ideal: In the pursuit of power, the ends always justify the means.
Bonds: Violence is not the aberration it's the rule.
[ +- ] Background

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