3. The voyage

Sep 7, 2021 5:15 pm
Given the information, Takeshi coordinates with First Mate Turner to devise a route. The proposed course would venture through the Amonkhet, along the erratic flow if it appears or via Zendikar, and drive them straight to Realm and Waterdeep.

Sep 8, 2021 2:59 am
"Ah, not so far at all. What is an Amonkhet?"
Were we going to return the dwarf lord's remains and effects to the citadel before we left? Or keep them?
Sep 8, 2021 4:56 am
Turner nods her head in agreement the most direct path lies in reversing the most likely course that stranded them at their current position. However, retracing your steps rarely leads you on the same voyage so further studies of the markings left her questioning the viability of such a straight shot.

Adjusting her spectacles, Turner called everyone to the desk with the map rolled out on the surface. Please, all, look closely at the markings of this map. Do you see arrows that might represent currents allowing one to "flow" through space? Here, here and here. Every path is marked with only one direction. If that is the case it makes sense how we arrived at our current destination by following the dotted path and then the current from Amonkhet to Faerie. I am no sailor by trade, but what I suspect is true, then we will have to navigate a different path.

On most maps, the large circles would represent cities but after seeing the dwarf's original map showing a grouping of planets, I don't think the name refers to a singularity but a region.

But there is no reason to guess about the map if we decide the dwarves are trustworthy. We can simply ask for an explanation of the markings. Surely the return of the crab market will cause the tongue of the leader to loosen. Vanessa, you know them. Would inviting them for a celebratory dinner of crab with us asking for a few clarifications get us what we want?

And we need to decide if we are going to bring up the item in the hold. But maybe AFTER we ask about the markings on the map.
Last edited September 8, 2021 5:01 am
Sep 8, 2021 6:25 am
I'll just drop the map ledger for you to see. One arrow means the primary direction
Sep 8, 2021 5:08 pm
Yeah, if a single arrow meant you cannot reverse down that course, then Faerie has no exit point and we are in a sinkhole. However, zooming into the map reveals that sailing against the current changes the transit time. Amonhket to Faerie is 9 days; Faerie to Amonkhet is 15 days.
Takeshi redirected Turner's attention to the legend by pointing with a stylus. He then traced the sigils below and above the transit routes toward their home realm. "These flows with a single arrow point the current, but do not prohibit travel in the other direction. We shall have to spend nearly double the time reversing course. The Amonkhet trail was 9 days for our captors, but shall cost us 15 without conflict or impediment."

"I do not think these stole from the Citadel, given our ship's acceptance at the fortress without quarry or inspection. This dwarf likely is not their kin."
Last edited September 8, 2021 5:11 pm
Sep 8, 2021 6:38 pm
Takeshi can tell that Akio is clearly bothered by the number of dwarven warriors all over the keep. Warriors that only Akio can see.
Sep 8, 2021 11:31 pm
Vanessa is making an exceptional effort to comprehend the map. It's clearly marked, with a compass and key for easy understanding. Good thing there are other more intelligently inclined individuals in the crew, for all the assistance the map can offer Vanessa might as well be blindfolded. Wait, where are we going?

The talk of planning a celebration however? Vanessa's attention is drawn. "Unless you've begrudged them something awful it would be remiss for dwarves to turn down a reason for celebration. I can coordinate with the dwarvern brewmasters to ensure a delectable yet hefty selection of ales and wines -for those so inclined- are readily available." Already she is concocting the hypothetical arrangements for this party, her thoughts briefly stopped by that last bits of discussion to remind her she is completely unaware of their situation.

"Is there...something in the hold? Something which has the potential to escalate the situation?"
Sep 9, 2021 6:30 am
runekyndig sent a note to somebox
Sep 9, 2021 12:51 pm
"Just some relics we found stowed," Takeshi responded dispassionately. "It would be best to leave soon. We have our orientation from Castellan Pelk, and our business with the dwarves has concluded."
Sep 9, 2021 3:54 pm
The player is at odds with the character. Turner is suppose to want to go home as fast as possible but I want to see what's at some of these points.

One shared meal, Takeshi? I know we all long for home but the ritual involved in sharing hospitality tends to bind others as friends more than only trading partners. I for one would not mind leaving a trail of friendly faces behind but will bow to your wishes. We need to take heed to Master Pelk's warning to subsidize our diet with more than magically created fare but with a generous portion of crab currently in the hold and the coordinates of our destination, we are ready to set sail.
Sep 9, 2021 4:10 pm
Vanessa decides the best response to this non answer is silence. Her desire to party will live on, especially if it means more of the intrigue she's only gotten a taste for.

Her strategy changes: eyes looking over the others for any votes in agreement of one plan. She will make an attempt to entice them. "If you're after historical figures it should be of note they've a great mausoleum within their compound. Many important individuals now rest there."
I am fine either way between staying or leaving.
Sep 9, 2021 5:05 pm
The elf's brow furrowed as he studied Turner in the ship's map room. He held his tone even and replied. "Our Orders understand the depth of ritual and hospitality, as well as the necessities of alliances. You are the ones proffering the offer of a feast, so we are not denying the dwarves' invitation. Further, the dwarves operate a military station, with their troop strength cloaked in invisibility throughout the halls we traversed. I am uncertain their motives in concealing their host from their guests, but I would not wish to linger to sift their motives. Let's leave the dwarves to their secrets. Perhaps we shall come again to tour their mausoleum on another venture."
Sep 9, 2021 6:07 pm
Deception is always troubling. In of itself it is not an indictment but you are right to be cautious. If you think it necessary perhaps we could try our own hand at misleading the dwarves. A question or two regarding Morag could draw their eyes in a direction we do not intend to traverse if they do indeed come looking.

In addition, after we pull out of port, I shall take up my station near our... defenses until we have put some distance between us.
Sep 10, 2021 2:27 am
Khezzik makes a strangled squawk at the mention of invisible dwarven warriors, and does his best to hide behind Vanessa.

"This one does not want to feast with bloodthirsty dwarfs. Just leave quietly."
Sep 10, 2021 5:59 am
You depart the citadel?
Sep 10, 2021 1:38 pm
Sep 11, 2021 2:20 am
As much as I'd like to stay longer and learn more about the citadel, I have to admit I'm feeling a little bit home sick... I don't need reminding you that our... departure... wasn't very voluntary...
Sep 11, 2021 7:01 am
You have a good portion of crab meat in your cargo hold and you set course for the edge of the crystal sphere. Using the Portal Magic spell Takeshi found he can detect two portals in this massive sphere you are in. From the map, you know that there are two flows connecting to this sphere.
You travel for days to arrive at one of these portals.

The spell is cast and a portal opens in the crystal wall. You are struck by a fierce headwind of some gas-like substance that has a very sharp taste to it. Try as you might you can't get your ship through the portal fast enough and you abandon the attempt.

This portal was the one-way flow.

You set a course for the other portal.
And here I will give you a chance for some RP'ing. You have traveled 13 days to get to this point.


Is it the right portal? 1= yes - (1d2)

(2) = 2

traveled time - (2d10)

(49) = 13

Sep 11, 2021 2:59 pm
Now that I have an extra infusion, I want to say I'll be using it for my Spell-Refueling ring when we know we will be getting off the ship, otherwise I'll be using my Alchemy Jug each day to store different ingredients adding to our "fresh" food.
[ +- ] Alchemy Jug
Sep 16, 2021 5:31 am
There would be no feasting for Vanessa this day; she feels a tad miffed at the decision, but does not allow it to manifest in a bad mood. How can she when the mystery of the crew is only thickening? Vanessa is bordering between asking for more information, investigating herself, or simply allow whatever details she can obtain in passing conversation.

Coming to an internal stalemate, she'll set her sights on a more immediate issue: where will she sleep? In truth anywhere would no doubt be less comfortable compared to what she has expected in the past, but she isn't about to play some stuck up adolescent. She'll have to 'make do'. And so she'll casually scour the ship for a place to set her belongings and spring up a bedroll. Should I check the sleeping quarters? Perhaps after a little exploring, it would be foolish not to experience sleeping in a darkened corner like a stowaway at least once.
Sep 16, 2021 1:55 pm
If people and vehicles would stop breaking in my household, I would appreciate it. I've been backlogged due to consistent RL issues that ensured three weeks of irregular activity.
The elf blew out a sigh. He looked over the maps and frowned. Their first foray turned into a wasted delay. He turned toward the First Mate and said, "Well, now we know where we are more precisely. An expensive exercise in navigation. Adjust course for the second portal. We have lost enough time driving in the dark."
Sep 16, 2021 2:04 pm
Khezzik spends the time diligently practising his spellcraft, now that Takeshi and Turner have started him down the path.

When he's not doing that, he's scurrying all over the ship, double and triple-checking that there aren't any secret compartments that they don't already know about.
Sep 16, 2021 2:05 pm
It's been awhile but I think Turner offered Vanessa to stay in her room being the only other woman but maybe that was an internal crew conversation and needs to be vocalized to Vanessa.
Sep 16, 2021 5:59 pm
I do not recall at this moment, I agree vocalization would be for the best.
Sep 17, 2021 8:33 am
Once it was decided the risk outweighed the reward to delay at the Dwarven citadel then the No Place Like Home was quickly underway. Turner took up position by the gun mounted on deck as the party left port in case their departure proved problematic. From her place on deck, the wizard could see the tentative moves of their newest member. Waving the other woman over, Vanessa, there is not enough cabins on the ship for everyone onboard. I happen to have the First Mate's cabin at the top of the deck across from the Captain's. You are welcome to bunk in my room if you wish.
Sep 17, 2021 5:54 pm
You travel to the other portal and when you open a portal in the crystal spheres shell, your ship glides into a turbulent, unstable,
multicolored, fluorescent gas-like medium. This is the Phlogiston which fills the regions between Crystal Spheres. For lack of a better
definition, it is a river in which all Crystal Spheres bob, weave, and float. Its currents carry the spheres around a shifting stream, ever moving - and you move fast in this gas.
15 days in the Phlogiston
You all end up spending some time in the pilot chair, the helm - if you have spellslots, but other than that how do you spend your time?
runekyndig sent a note to The_Librarian,kadeton,Galdr,CherokeeWind,deadpool_qc
Sep 19, 2021 5:02 pm
CherokeeWind says:
Vanessa, there is not enough cabins on the ship for everyone onboard. I happen to have the First Mate's cabin at the top of the deck across from the Captain's. You are welcome to bunk in my room if you wish.
Vanessa is already briskly approaching Paige and her offer. "You mean it?" She wears an expression of contemplation for a few seconds despite already deciding her answer; force of habit - don't want to seem too eager to accept a deal.

"Very well. I would enjoy that." Now Vanessa just has to remember proper room-sharing etiquette.
As it turns out, there isn't a terrible deal of excitement contained in several weeks worth of travel. Fortunately Vanessa came prepared: Setting up her personal brewery station in the kitchen ("galley", a word she can't say with a straight face) to concoct an alcohol with a small distillation time, a reasonable flavor, and a smooth finish. Perhaps a brandy or sweet wine (but not too sweet). She hums softly as she works, looking totally engrossed in the process.

Of course it doesn't take all of her time, which leaves her with the excellent opportunity to get to know everyone. Her method of learning: combat. When she is able to gather most/all of the party together -perhaps during a light breakfast- she asks the big question. "Would anyone care to spar?"
Should I make any kind of rolls for making the alcohol?
Sep 19, 2021 8:15 pm
There is a fully stocked artificers lab, where you easily can produce some alcohol. Unless you are aiming to get the alcohol % above 40, then no roll is needed.
Sep 22, 2021 8:04 pm
[ +- ] your travel plan
You travel through the Phlogiston. Inside it is not bad, outside the "air" has a sharp tint, like alcohol fumes.

After two weeks you can see a crystal sphere up ahead. Takeshi opens a portal in the sphere and you are now in the Amonkhet system. You can see 5 planets.

In clear contrast above a lush planet, you see a sort of winged bird creature.

[ +- ] creature
Sep 23, 2021 1:42 am
Takeshi's Transit

The elf settled into the captain's quarters, poring over his notes and the maps. He made light use of the alchemist station, mainly to mix incense or cleaning agents. He kept his quarters clean and scented in the aromas that spoke of the shrines where he learned his art. The scrivener invoked his scroll's spirit, forming its pulsing characters this time.
[ +- ] The Ephemeral Mon
These drifted to the helm and hovered. The wizard drew forth diamond dust and drew the runes in his room, then poured his mana into them. At the opposite end of the vessel, the floating characters channeled the energy to infuse the ship's command center. Then the wizard communed with the astral cords that invisibly connected the realms as he reached out his conscious and conversed with the mind of his friend in Waterdeep.

"Abducted unexpectedly. Turner accompanies. Please watch my shop and send cadaver to city Watch. Victim of its own wild magic. Enroute from afar. Expect delays."
Galdr sent a note to runekyndig
Cast Sending to Waterdeep mage friend, likely Turner's master.
The Arrival

Takeshi stood upon the command deck. He stared at the great beast in front of him and marveled at its appearance, as well as the land before them. He announced, "It would be good to resupply, though let's keep our presence masked and path out of alignment with the beast."
Ask the helmsmen to cloak. Rolls to see if Takeshi knows this creature. Passive perception of 17 and Passive investigation of 22 for any other anomalies or abnormalities in view.

Edit: Arcana 19. The code for my browser extension wonked on the Arcana roll.
Last edited September 23, 2021 1:43 am


Arcana +10 - (1d20)

(9) = 9

Sep 23, 2021 6:30 am
You send a short message of twenty-five words or less to a creature with which you are familiar. The creature hears the message in its mind, recognizes you as the sender if it knows you, and can answer in a like manner immediately. The spell enables creatures with Intelligence scores of at least 1 to understand the meaning of your message.
You can send the message across any distance and even to other planes of existence, but if the target is on a different plane than you, there is a 5 percent chance that the message doesn’t arrive.
Your ship can't cloak. It has an illusion that can cover the cross and skull bones
Takeshi has never seen or heard about such creature before.


sending check - (1d100)

(66) = 66

Sep 23, 2021 1:51 pm
Yep, tracking the slight percentage for misfiring the spell. I figured you'd want to roll that.

Ok. I got my spelljammer ship wires crossed. The planer raider I gave my players has a cloaking function.
Sep 24, 2021 6:37 pm
Vanessa hurries above deck to get the best view possible, excitement in her eyes as she questions what mysteries lie on each spherical surface. "Which one shall we visit? That one straight ahead?" She points, as if it was not in plain view.
Sep 26, 2021 9:04 pm
The closest green planet is the one where you saw the creature. Are you going towards that one?
Sep 27, 2021 4:58 pm
Do the other planets look habitable?
Sep 27, 2021 6:25 pm
From the sun
1st planet
2nd planet
3rd planet
4th planet
5th planet

It looks like it is the 4th planet that has the most potential for life. While the 3rd planet does have a weather system, it doesn't really have any landmasses to speak of.
Sep 28, 2021 2:22 am
Looks like 4th rock from the sun !
Sep 28, 2021 4:57 am
Yeah, let's try the planet that looks like an RPG world map first. ;)
Sep 28, 2021 8:02 pm
Or waterskiing on the 3rd planet
Sep 28, 2021 8:02 pm
I don't know. The 3rd one looks like Mon Calamari. We could go fishing!

4th leads us toward the beast.
Takeshi listened to the crew and remarked, "If we sail for land, everyone to their battle stations. That great, terrible lizard may give us havoc if it turns about."
Sep 28, 2021 8:07 pm
Galdr says:
I don't know. The 3rd one looks like Mon Calamari. We could go fishing!

4th leads us toward the beast.
Takeshi listened to the crew and remarked, "If we sail for land, everyone to their battle stations. That great, terrible lizard may give us havoc if it turns about."
I would like to add that sizes are hard to determine without a reference point
Sep 28, 2021 10:58 pm
Turner had been young when she came to live at the Tower. Young enough the memory of her craning her dark head back to see the smokey blue tiles across the roof was fuzzy.

Less fuzzy was the critical scrutiny in Wizard Collins eyes as he scanned the small form with nobby knees, a serviceable navy dress with a dirty streak across the skirt, tangled hair and big blue eyes that awaited a decision on her future. Apparently, Paige Turner Busch was a distant relative so far removed could the wizard even consider her a relative? But the truth of her being an orphan with no where to go was not debatable.

Before a decision was delivered, Mrs. Watson made it clear that the poor dear was not going anywhere on that night. Clucking the whole while the plump woman guided her to a curved wall room filled with oddities and pieces of lab equipment. Getting settled included clean sheets, a basin of warm water (one of the marvels the Tower offered) with her chemise laid out, her hair brushed with gentle hands like her mama and a cup of milk with a gingersnap. To this day gingersnaps made her think of home.

Because not immediately but in time that turret did become home. Turner never knew what the two elders discussed that night but she could theorize. Surely, the fact that both were past their prime was an issue. Questions of ability might have been explored as neither had raised a child. But in the end, Wizard Collins determined guidance and an education could be his contribution as Mrs. Watson taught Turner to be a young lady. Yes, it had been an unconventional household but the trio had been forged into a true family.

Living as an only child, it was odd for Turner to enter her room and find her book not laying on the desk where she left it. It was even more odd to see many different outfits filling up the drawers. Lace inserts and finely embroideried silk robes seemed like the greatest of mysteries in the wizard's limited experience.

Spells kept Turner's raiment clean and orderly even though she had only the one garment the wizard wore when she had been abducted. But Vanessa was so much more than tidy, she was flamboyant and stylish. Always a sleeve dipping to show a shoulder or a scarf rustling in the breeze. The woman didn't spend her time studying the different books left from the previous owner but would spend hours on finding the perfect updo to emphasize her cheekbones. Sometimes, Turner would find herself staring before quickly lowering her eyes back to her book.
Oct 2, 2021 8:43 am
A lovely insight into Turners personality. Love it! Note an Inspiration if you don't already have it
As you move closer to the planet, you see the creature starts to descend towards the southern hemosphere. A firey aura starts to appear as it enters the atmosphere, you see how it opens its wings and slows its descent. This creature is huge!
[ +- ] planet
[ +- ] creature
Oct 2, 2021 7:13 pm
I definitely was way too tired when I first read Cherokee's post.
In some respects Vanessa had a similar upbringing: Being an only child with a clear future set by caretakers in hopes of elevating them into a respectable position. That's....about where they end however; While Turner had no reason to rebel, Vanessa was always looking for an opportunity to establish independence of self.

It should be made clear Vanessa is not a slob, and will refute any claims without hesitation. She's just a little...messy: an article or two of clothing she left hanging, an overturned book she abandoned for containing words with far too many syllables; nothing Vanessa would consider problematic, although she'd seldom admit her concept for personal space isn't the best due to the lack of expectations set forth in that regard besides "don't touch that".

Does this make room sharing inherently interesting? Yes it does. Vanessa decided not to pester Turner during sleeping hours or unnecessarily get her involved with any personal activities (exercising, concocting fermented beverages, meditating to keep the aspect of the beast manifesting, etc.) choosing to soak in the ambience.

Vanessa wasn't making every effort to check, but she's pretty sure Turner has been sneaking looks, and Vanessa isn't sure if it's out of suspicion, curiosity, or something else.
Oct 6, 2021 6:03 am
As you aproach the planet, you can see, through a powerfull looking glass, that the creature has slain and now eating some other kind of creature. Finally you have something to scale it with. Like a wolf heating a hare, the creature is eating a tarrasque. The creature's size is boggling the mind.
[ +- ] I wanted to used this meme for so long
The creature, who now is covered in the tarrasque's blood, looks to the sky, seeing your ship, but currently, it seems that it does not consider you a threat to its meal.
Oct 6, 2021 1:14 pm
Still in shock from the sight...
I think it would be safer to explore another part of this planet, one very far from this creature...
Oct 7, 2021 1:33 am
The elf retained a mask of resolve, though his brow furrows deeply. He ponders this inscrutable beast. The elf advises, "If we land on this planet, we enter its hunting grounds. Let's divert to the sea world and reconsider...though a neighbor to this winged foe may yield krakens for its feast as well."
[ +- ] Apex Predator to the Tarrasque
The captain then pivoted the celestial rudder and drew the sails to draw away, sailing for anywhere the colossus slayer would disappear in the curvature of the sphere where it feasted.
Oct 7, 2021 1:46 am
"Planets have native giant-monster population large enough to support flying mega-predator from space. Might be safer to leave entirely."
Last edited October 7, 2021 1:47 am
Oct 9, 2021 8:48 am
At the end of the day (according to the ship's clock) you reach the crystal sphere wall, where Takeshi's spell tells him there is a conduit.


The portal opens and you can sail into a conduit, with eddies and swirls, but no real current. Not a problem as there is no help or hindrance in this conduit.
Do you enter this one?
Oct 14, 2021 2:59 pm
Your ship glides into the conduit and with the crew's combined magical energy, you travel through the rough phlogiston. It's a long and tedious voyage where everyone except Venessa contributes with their magic

You enter a new crystal sphere, and each of you can "taste" that the magic here, is the one you used to wield. In each of the other spheres you have been in, the magic has been there, heading your call, but it has always been just a little off. But there the magic is right.

You recognise some of the major landmarks on the planet below you. This is it: You are home!

~The End~
Oct 15, 2021 8:15 am
Epilogue: Khezzik

Having found acceptance and even companionship amongst his inadvertent crewmates, Khezzik's perspective on life was forever changed by his voyage through the crystal spheres. His world had been so small, before - scurrying from one Waterdhavian hidey-hole to the next, focused entirely on finding or acquiring his next magical prize, and living day to day.

Now, the enormity of the cosmos had been unfolded before him. The entirety of Faerun had been just a single insignificant dot on the vast map of the spheres, and the image would not leave him. Finally, his boundless curiosity had found a worthy opponent!

At first, he threw himself into his studies of mage-craft. No longer having to piece together his knowledge from stolen fragments and observation from the shadows, but instead with actual dedicated teachers to guide him, he flourished as a student of the arcane. But the siren call of the spheres, with all their hidden secrets, rang loudly in his mind. It would not be long before he found a way to explore them further...
Last edited October 15, 2021 8:16 am
Oct 15, 2021 9:05 am
kadeton says:
Epilogue: Khezzik
Oct 16, 2021 12:22 pm
Epilogue: Takeshi

The return to Waterdeep brought a surge in Takeshi's fortunes and frustrations. The journey he underwent drew the fascination of his peers, and the vessel he now commanded drew unwanted interest. The mage eventually moved much of his study to the vessel due to the need to host honored guests and preserve his studies. The mage conversed with the other Orders of Scribes, but eventually the elderly elf began feel like butter stretched over too much bread. The wizard trained his newfound friends who desired the paths to mastery of mana, joyfully watching their rise from fragmentary spellslingers to arcanists in true.

Then, on a foggy morning, the wizard, his tressym, and the ship vanished from the mists of Waterdeep. Some say he sailed the coasts of Faerun in pursuit of passage to Kara-tur. Some rumor the wild mage that accompanied the elf on his return trip accidentally destroyed the ship in a feat of arcane wonder. But those who sailed with Takeshi knew where to find him: Looking up through the mists, one would have seen a faint, ethereal flare of light as if a star winked out of existence. This, these special celestial-bound souls would recognize as phlogiston sparks. The servant of the Ascendant Dragon had a multiverse to see and scribe. Perhaps one day his journeys would come to rest in the Royal Book of Waterdeep. For now, Takeshi the sage slips from the records, sailing where only the memory of his friends could tell.
Last edited October 16, 2021 12:25 pm
Oct 16, 2021 12:23 pm
kadeton says:
Epilogue: Khezzik
Great stuff. I really appreciated Khezzik as a character!
Oct 18, 2021 8:09 am
Galdr says:
Great stuff. I really appreciated Khezzik as a character!
Thank you! I liked his role as a childish foil for Takeshi's stern paternal demeanour, I thought their interactions were a lot of fun. Good job leading the team!
Nov 15, 2023 6:25 pm


test - (max(15, 1d20+5))

max(15 : () + 15 = 15

1d20+5) : (14) + 5 = 19

test - (1d11+1+5)

(1) + 6 = 7

testd - (1d11+5-1)

(2) + 4 = 6

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