Searchable System Tags for Custom Sheets

Sep 14, 2021 3:04 pm
If we want to make the public character library more usable, it might make sense to allow game tags on custom sheets like they now exist for games. And make those searchable
Sep 14, 2021 3:31 pm
Aye. For instance, I could just look for a Tales from the Loop public character and get my character sheet template that way instead of looking at the public sheet repository. (e.g. Qralloq's sheet sucks while mine has even the games logo. In color.
Sep 14, 2021 4:30 pm
Antiproduct says:
Aye. For instance, I could just look for a Tales from the Loop public character and get my character sheet template that way instead of looking at the public sheet repository. (e.g. Qralloq's sheet sucks while mine has even the games logo. In color.
A helpful person would submit their improved sheet to the Custom template library.
Sep 19, 2021 8:08 am
This public character library page has always felt like a solution seeking a problem.

Me? I'd rather spend time improving a useful page.
Sep 19, 2021 9:15 am
I don't use it either. I only found out it exists very recently. But tagging sheets can also be useful just to keep your own character page organized

Almost all my character sheets are Custom, and since that's what they're sorted by, they're basically unsorted. And if I'm looking for a non-Custom sheet, I never find it because I'm so used to just searching alphabetically and it's not in the right spot 😆

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