Setting Information


Sep 29, 2021 10:25 pm
Hey folks, I thought it might be useful for the purposes of crafting backstories to give a bit more details about the feywild in this adventure. Also, it might makes sense - especially for characters with the Feylost background - to have a bit of knowledge of that place. I've put this information in spoiler tags because some of your backstories indicate no direct contact with the Feywild. I don't mind if anyone reads this regardless, but some players like to remain unspoiled.

This story will be primarily concerned with one specific domain within the Feywild: Prismeer. Prismeer is to the Feywild as Ravenloft is to the Domains of Dread - just one of many, many sequestered realms within the plane. You may wish to tie your character's backstory to Prismeer and its denizens rather than the Feywild in general.
[ +- ] Prismeer


Sep 30, 2021 1:03 am
Our adventure will start on the edge of Silverymoon on a crisp autumn evening. For those looking to flesh out the details of their character's background in the material plane, I've copied the Silverymoon entry from the Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide here. This information should be considered known by any character that has spent time in the region.
[ +- ] Silverymoon


Jan 17, 2022 7:27 pm
We have now discovered (in this post) that Zybilna has been overthrown by the Hour Glass Coven and that Prismeer has been split into three kingdoms. This is what Jebbek, leader of a band of Harengon brigands, had to say about it:
"Yes, about that... it might be hard to find all three members of the Hourglass Coven together. Since Zybilna left a year ago - and nobody knows why, not that I've met anyway - rule has passed to the Hourglass Coven, Zybilna's sisters. They couldn't agree how to share power so they split Prismeer into four realms, separated by impenetrable mists:"

She goes on to describe the realms and who rules them:

Hither: A vast, moldering swamp, rules by Bavlorna Blightstraw, or Slack-Jawed Lorna, who lives in a cottage in the center of a shantytown called Downfall, up north past the Brigand's Tollway.
Thither: An immense, ancient forest rules by Skabatha Nightshade, also known as Granny Nightshade.
Yon: A treacherous realm of mountains and storms, ruled by Endelyn Moongrave, ?The Dame of Unhappy Endings .
The Palace of Heart's Desire: This used to be Zybilna's palace, but nobody's allowed to go there now.


Jan 17, 2022 8:03 pm
Jun 11, 2022 7:13 pm
The Story Thus Far...

Chapter 1: The Witchlight Carnival

Each character has lost something precious to the Feywild. Each were drawn to the Witchlight Carnival in search of what they had lost. Some of the party discovered that things were going missing such as Dirlagraun's cub (Star) and Burly's brother (Hurly) and braved custard damage. Others chased after a a kenku warlock named Kettlesteam who was sabotaging the carnival in a bid to force it's owners (Witch and Light) to divulge information about what had happened to his patron, the Archfey Zybilna, who seemed to have disappeared.

The party stopped the Kenku's sabotage, restoring the damage done to Palasha and Candlefoot's matrimony. However, they believed the disappearances (and perhaps a clue to their own lost things) were connected to the owners. When they confronted them, they revealed that indeed things had been going missing from the Carnival and they provided a portal to Prismeer for you to go searching the Feywild for your lost things as well as the others'. They seemed bound to secrecy by some pact with the Hourglass Coven, but they gave you a hint on your way through the portal.

Witch: "Mind the Rule of Three: future, present, past."
Light: "Find the alicorn and free the dormant queen at last."
Loose ends:

- Find the displacer beast cub, Star. You have her favourite toy, a mirrored ball.
- Find Burly's brother, Hurly.
- Find your lost thing.
Chapter 2: Hither

You arrived in Prismeer and discovered a vast swamp had invaded this part of the domain and it was falling into ruins. After dealing with Jebbek's band of harengon brigands (and met DeLorean), you learn that Prismeer has been divided into three realms.
[ +- ] The Realms
Next you came across Sir Talavar, a knight of Queen Titania's court. He had escaped Downfall in a hot air balloon and was trying to get back to the Queen's domain to warn her that Zybilna had been overthrown by the Hourglass Coven.

On the way, you came across Tsu Harabax and the Inn at the End of the Road, a walking Inn. She informed you of the horrible things that had happened in Prismeer - it's division into the three realms of Hither, Thither, and Yon. You learned more about the sisters of the Hourglass Coven: Bavlorna Blightstraw, Skabitha Nightshade, and Endylnn Moongrave. You also learned about the League of Malevolence and the fate of the Unicorns of Prismeer.
Loose ends:

- Kelek is the Shining Man from Sarynn's backstory.
- The Unicorns, including Eos, have been de-horned
- Zyblina has been frozen in time by the powers of her own cauldron. It can be shattered by a frostbrand or flame tongue weapon, and Warduke of the League of Malevolence carries a flame tongue sword.

As he was trapped in a silver cage, you journeyed to Telemy Hill to find Jingle Jangle, a goblin who collects keys. You rescued JJ from Meenlocks and he gave you a silver key for Sir Talavar's cage and an iron key that Bavlorna had dropped (perhaps for a treasure room in Bavlorna's hut, JJ speculated). Sir Talavar departed.
Lose Ends:
- Iron Key
Next you journeyed to Downfall and entered the Brigand's Tollway. You encountered Agdon Longscarf and defeated him in battle, undoing the tollway and setting back the Coven's subjugation of Prismeer.

Now you are in Downfall. So far you have patched up a balloon; became members of the Soggy Court; freed Wigglewog's partner, Morgort, from prison. Here are some dangling threads:
- Clapperclaw will take you to Thither if you return his head, which was taken by Bavlorna.
- King Gullup XIX wants you to return the Book of Bad Blood to Bavlorna.
- Baron Illig will tell you Bavlorna's secret weakness if you agree to kill King Gullop XIX.
- The Rain Cloud Balloon comes from Yon and can likely return there. The darklings xTrinket, Bauble, and Charm run a store from it but they are really spies of Endylnn Moongrave.
- The bard Octavian Meliamne's heart has been taken by Bavlorna, leaving him with no emotions.
- The Galeb Durr has lost all of his memories of his family.
- You now have opened up Bavlorna's cauldron and it contains a transmutation potion and an alicorn .

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