Oct 1, 2021 3:09 pm
Whilst Keleth works on version 2, we've been looking at making some changes to v1. The changes have been discussed and implemented by representatives of the Gamers' Plane community (Adam, Antiproduct, bowlofspinach, Harrigan, Qralloq, Skeptical_stun, vagueGM) under the supervision of Keleth.
Discussions are still ongoing, but it's probably time to open this up for community feedback. We hope to have a test site before these changes go live, but so the changes don't take you by surprise here's a list of the new stuff we're looking at.
* Community hints & tips section (different for those with/without a game)
* Browse public game posts
* Access all your games and the tavern from the homepage

GM's can add a link to their tavern thread in their game's details:

This will then encourage application through your thread in the tavern.

Other changes and fixes
* View a thread as a single page
* Upload images directly from the clipboard
* Use notes on character sheets
* Access public forums from game details
* Top menus show more entries
* Dice rolls available on creating a thread
* Frames removed from profile pictures
* More features can be performed by secondary GM
* GMs can turn off player character sheet integration
* "Unread" moved to the left, now reads "Mark as unread"
* Dice back on homepage in dark mode - now always clickable to last unread post
* Code blocks remove extra lines
* Top-level subforum headers now on the left
* Remind new users to post in introductions (for two weeks or until they have)
* Characters bottom menu redesign with selecting a name to posting box
* GMs can access the advanced posting page of locked threads
* Advanced Rules Definitions translates curly quotes
* Better support for not closing the post on a HTML angle bracket
Discussions are still ongoing, but it's probably time to open this up for community feedback. We hope to have a test site before these changes go live, but so the changes don't take you by surprise here's a list of the new stuff we're looking at.
[ +- ] Responsive design for mobile support

[ +- ] Homepage redesign
* Community hints & tips section (different for those with/without a game)
* Browse public game posts
* Access all your games and the tavern from the homepage

[ +- ] Games linked to their tavern posts
GM's can add a link to their tavern thread in their game's details:

This will then encourage application through your thread in the tavern.

[ +- ] Abilities section
Character sheets support an abilities section for prettier rendering of lists.

renders as

It should be useful on custom character sheets.

renders as

It should be useful on custom character sheets.
[ +- ] Abilities, snippets, spells and abilities character sheet integration
The new abilities sections (as well as spells and abilities from other sheets) integrate with the character sheet posting. Allowing fast posting of ability spoilers to help your DM.

There's also a new snippets tag for keeping commonly posted bits on your character sheet.

There's also a new snippets tag for keeping commonly posted bits on your character sheet.
[ +- ] GM character sheets with integration
GMs can now include their own character sheets in the dice roller. They can also be shared across games and between GMs. e.g. this might allow us to have a "DnD 5e DM" sheet with common snippets for conditions etc.
[ +- ] Post as NPC
To make it easier to post as an NPC (without needing to setup a character sheet), there's a new npc tag to specify the NPC's name and avatar.
Including this in a post will make it look as though the post was made using an NPC character sheet.

[npc="Trev the Tap"]https://i.imgur.com/s6xRmWR.jpg[/npc]
Including this in a post will make it look as though the post was made using an NPC character sheet.

* View a thread as a single page
* Upload images directly from the clipboard
* Use notes on character sheets
* Access public forums from game details
* Top menus show more entries
* Dice rolls available on creating a thread
* Frames removed from profile pictures
* More features can be performed by secondary GM
* GMs can turn off player character sheet integration
* "Unread" moved to the left, now reads "Mark as unread"
* Dice back on homepage in dark mode - now always clickable to last unread post
* Code blocks remove extra lines
* Top-level subforum headers now on the left
* Remind new users to post in introductions (for two weeks or until they have)
* Characters bottom menu redesign with selecting a name to posting box
* GMs can access the advanced posting page of locked threads
* Advanced Rules Definitions translates curly quotes
* Better support for not closing the post on a HTML angle bracket
Last edited October 7, 2021 5:50 am