Custom battle rules tailored for PBF

Oct 3, 2021 2:25 pm
This will be living rules thread as I may find more reasons to tailor DnD 5e rules to better fit pbf and this scenario in particular.
The rules so far:
1. Announce reaction triggers timely.
DM will decide whether a player use reaction. Players must announce reaction triggers in priority order as part of their battle turns or as part of initiative roll.
2. Player submit their battle encounter turns simultaneously:
After initiative roll DM waits for all players with initiative above enemy to submit their turns.
DM then resolve actions in initiative order followed by monster turn
For subsequent turns DM will only resolve player turns when all have submitted them
You don't need to wait for player with higher initiative to submit their turn.
It is recommended not to base your turn on what ther players are doing in that turn. I can not force you not to however but keep in mind monsters could interrupt with their reaction so other player actions may as well fail

I will provide sample later
Feb 2, 2022 7:27 am
Additional rule to run battle based on 1 post per day

DM will resolve all PC actions in initiative order and post monster action once per day 19:00-21:00 UTC (exceptions may apply). That means
1) if a player do not post by that time, his PC is doing dodge action
2) Should a PC target (directly or with area spell) a creature dead by his initiative order DM will delay further resolution by 24 hours to allow that player and any other players down in initiative order to post a different action

Additionally: to prevent your PC dodge in case you are not able to post you could choose a different default action and tell it DM.
Default behaviour could be as complex that that
a) move to closest enemy and do melee attack if possible
b) if enemy in 5 foot range - disengage, otherwise cast eldritch blast as closes enemy

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