Rules clarification

Oct 5, 2021 8:23 pm
I will post more clarifications here as we run into the need of them. I really want to be consistent. Some of the clarification for rules I've seen other DMs ruling not the way I see RAW:
- There is no "flanking", it is variant rule and I don't use variant rules
- Invisibility, darkness and other stuff only cause disadvantage for attacks un inability to use spells that require you to see target. If creature A do not see creature B it still knows the location of B, unless B does hide action and beat passive perception of A.
- Detect magic: "you learn its school of magic, if any". I will only tell you school if you detect the specific spell cast by NPC or PC. For any other "magic" there is no school.
- Detect magic does not point at source! When you cat it I will tell you either you feel or don't feel magic. There is not "stronger: feeling that way. Also "see a faint aura around any visible creature or object" means you have to see the object to see an aura around it.

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