World of Darkness

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Aug 4, 2014 4:19 am
I'm wondering if anyone knows much about World of Darkness. I've only encountered it in passing due to some poor scheduling happening in the past. But I liked the system and I've been itching to play the character that I built for a past campaign.
Aug 4, 2014 9:54 am
I've never played World of Darkness, but I've heard it can be fun.

Could you give the 90 second pitch?
Aug 4, 2014 9:07 pm
I've seen it run in a modern day setting. It boils down to everything that has ever gone bump in the night really does go bump in the night (daemons, werewolves, vampires to name a few) and the world has started to become aware that the myths are true. It's a D6 setting (though the exact details I'm iffy on at this point without buying a book).
Aug 4, 2014 11:06 pm
It tends to be a lot of investigative type of game more than anything, though not always.
Aug 5, 2014 3:08 am
not really at all, that's just a GM storyline preference
Oct 25, 2014 11:53 pm
I used to play a lot of WoD (Vampire in particular) back in the day. Unless things have changed dramatically its a D10 based system that is actually a blast to play and very intuitive. The game was designed to be run and played as a more social/political/horror game. Of course this was ten+ years ago before they started to really mess the game world up with their End Times nonsense. So I have no idea if what you almost played has any resemblance to what I used to sit down with. : )
Oct 26, 2014 12:01 am
Upon a little bit of digging I see that much has changed in WW's games. So much so in fact that they are almost unrecognizable to me lol geez stop playing a game for 12 years or so and see what happens. So I guess disregard everything I said above as I have not played this current incarnation of the game.
Oct 26, 2014 12:13 am
I've never played New World of Darkness (Vampire: the Requiem, etc) but have played a LOT of Old World of Darkness, mostly Vampire: the Masquerade and Hunter: the Reckoning. It's a very story-heavy game the way my Storytellers always ran it (the game master in WoD is called the Storyteller). Combats were few and far between, and most were planned at least one or two game nights before hand. Vampire was the game of choice for my IRL game group before they disbanded.

Fun fact: I live about twenty minutes from the home of Rod Ferrell.
Jan 16, 2015 5:49 am
At the risk of being stoned for thread necromancy, I'm going to chime in here.

The World of Darkness comes in three rule flavors, Classic, New and God Machine. My first exposure was New World. Its a good game. God Machine improved some stuff over New World.

The games support monster hunters, in-over-their-head investigators and the in between. There are many different game lines that let you play different monsters. Its a blast.
Jan 16, 2015 2:59 pm
(side note, with the site a bit over a year old, and activity only getting going in the last 6 months, I will suspend all punishments for thread necromancy for now, if its useful :D)

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