Pronoun Badges

Nov 4, 2021 3:20 pm
It's been brought up before and now mentioned again on my post. Should we have a way to attach your pronouns to your posts? (Maybe similarly to the "GM" badge?)

I personally don't find them important enough to add them to all of your posts but both LightofMidnight and SavageBob requested something like that now. I know there was the workaround of adding them to your profile picture and I actually did that for a bit to support LoM, but she didn't even do it so I reverted back to the previous version.

My thoughts would be that probably they don't need to be added to posts but if they were, that would not be bad either. I'm pretty much neutral towards this idea.
Other people's thoughts?
Nov 4, 2021 3:25 pm
I think it would be a great option at least. Check a box next to your pronouns in your settings and it will display them.
Nov 4, 2021 3:27 pm
I'd be interested to see the data before we start using it.

I also wonder whether it would create social pressure on people to disclose their gender (via pronoun choice) because everyone else is - and we don't want that.
Nov 4, 2021 3:38 pm
True. I probably know better than most that not everyone is comfortable disclosing their gender/pronouns 😅 Maybe if it was just a small thing, it wouldn't create that pressure.
Nov 4, 2021 6:31 pm
Bowlofspinach uses she/her which is entirely supported by her identifying publicly as female.

Those that identify as non-binary, however, have choices for pronouns outside of they/them. (Otherwise we could just have male/female/non-binary/undisclosed and be done with it.)

So maybe have pronouns be a visible choice only for undisclosed or non-binary?
Nov 4, 2021 10:52 pm
People can already add their pronouns after their names if they want, very few do.

We see that on Discord, but it is messy. An option to choose to have a badge --just like the GM one-- appear may be better than changing the name to 'vagueGM (they/don't care)' which then follows into all quotes and PM (which is good to enforce them?).

If we offer this we should allow another text field where people can choose what to put there, they may prefer a shorter version of what they have in the pronoun field. This does open up some realm for abuse as people can put anything there and splatter it all over every page and we can not ask them not to while saying they can use any pronouns they want...

Maybe we suggest that people who care add the tag to their name, if we see enough interest there, and no abuse, we can then look at at badge?
Adam says:
... wonder whether it would create social pressure on people to disclose their gender ...
It does a little, but so long as people don't reinforce that by telling others to add their pronouns (as I have encountered people doing on Discord) then there should not be a problem with allowing some to choose to do so.
Qralloq says:
So maybe have pronouns be a visible choice only for undisclosed or non-binary?
Why make that divisive choice for people? If we offer it, we should offer it for everyone.
Nov 5, 2021 4:18 am
Agreed that if we do it, it should be for everyone. Especially since some people might identify as female or male and still not use the 'expected' pronouns. Or they might not identify as either of those and still use she/her or he/him. Easiest to just make it the same for everyone. And it would look best somewhat uniform as well.
I dislike the idea of adding it to our names. That works on discord but here, it'd be very annoying because of things like Notes. Plus, it just doesn't look good.
And since Keleth is the only one who can change people's usernames, it'd be extra work for him.

I wouldn't be too concerned about trolls putting something bad in their tag. We dont have many trolls here and we could moderate it as soon as we spot it or get told about it.

Still, it doesn't seem like the most important thing and can probably be shelved. It was a random thought but it seems to bring up more issues than it's worth 😄

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