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Nov 9, 2021 9:12 pm
Herein, it be recorded all the various acceptable hacks and supplements allowed for The Cobalt Isle. It is assumed that both Ironsworn Basic and Delve are to be used.

Arcanum: High Magic in Ironsworn
Ironsmith: Additions to the basic Ironsworn rules.

Mechanics and Sites:
Rsek's Amazing Ironsworn Generators of all sorts
Hex Flower Generator
Hextml for mapping though I am wondering if just drawing it would be ideal. How is that for lazy GM?

Misc sites that are just cool:
Iron Journal: an amazing way to play online.
Iron Companion: Like the above but oh so bigger.
Nov 9, 2021 10:16 pm
Oo. I like the hex engine.

Have you found a good way to do a shared map? I saw a suggestion on Reddit to put a blank hex map on a shared Google slide. Pro: fully collaborative. Con: no built-in terrain or icon support.

Another simple idea is just to task one person with bring the cartographer. We could put start with a blank hex grid that has a hex numbering scheme of some sort - maybe a set of axes you can use to ID a hex (i.e. Hex B15, etc). Whenever someone explores a hex, they provide the hex ID and what they found in a map post. The cartographer updates the map as people explore, using whatever tool they want. Pro: can use a more powerful map-making tool. Con: a lot of work for the cartographer.

Any better ideas?
Nov 9, 2021 10:31 pm
I was thinking of using that hexmapper I mentioned in the other thread and then post it regularly.

Nov 9, 2021 10:43 pm
Sounds good. Maybe we have a forum that is just people posting what new things they've found on the map, and where, so you can add them as well?
Nov 9, 2021 10:52 pm
That is a good idea, perhaps that is a resource in resources.
Nov 20, 2021 12:03 am
New Asset mis hermanos!

NOTE: every level gives you another +1. So you NEVER have to wait for a fellow player/poster.
Dec 2, 2021 5:17 pm
Through the haze of fried turkey and rum cream (I am pulled a Jimi Hendrix on that last one) I seem to remember trying to replicate the in and out nature of west marches- where anyone can come and go as you wish. To that end, I thought of an asset for to replace any poster that has not been posting as of late (and I utterly count myself in that guilty party). would be something useful to have.
Dec 2, 2021 5:25 pm
General question for the group. I generally don't like to narrate what another person's character is doing, because it's their character to control. How do we handle that if someone is dormant for a little bit in a group thread? Is there a wait time we should set of like 2 days w/o posting (or some other number), where after that you're allowed say what their character is doing (while attempting in good faith not to make important decisions for that character)? As it stands, I'm not sure how to proceed if someone doesn't post for a while.
Dec 2, 2021 8:40 pm
I think that is fair. I'm relatively new to PbP, but in the games I have been in that have had a GM there has always been an understanding that the PC's of absent players would be run as NPC's. Some GM's have even gone as far as asking players to include default actions on their character sheets. Admittedly, that is a little awkward since we didn't think to discuss it before we started, but I think that we agreed to posting daily in the group thread. Regardless, I think that 3 days without a post is ample to warrant moving the story ahead. I would be ok with allowing as much as a week if anyone feels like 3 days is not enough, but no more than that.

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