OOC and Setup



Nov 11, 2021 11:45 pm
Nov 16, 2021 1:08 pm
Welcome to Gulf Haven, Weekenders!
Nov 16, 2021 1:19 pm
Yay, I'm in
[ +- ]
I have no problem with this being public
Nov 16, 2021 2:11 pm
Ha! you are the OW, Original Weekender.

Collating here the character ideas from you all:
bowlofspinach: Maybe the new girl in town. Pretty, adventurous and not always gifted with the best self-preservation instinct.

Squadfather44: the shy kid that loves the woods (ie..Boy Scouts..etc), and watching monster movies.

GMBen: I often gravitate towards the smart and tech centered characters. Someone who is very curious and tends to get in over his head, but uses his wits, and maybe a grappling gun, to get out of trouble.
My second choice would be the reluctant bully type. He gets drawn into the adventure not necessarily because he wants to, but there's no way these twerps will make it through this without his help. Plus, who else is going to carry the heavy bag of snacks?

Drakis2: I'd be interested in trying a member of the local school bully's gang who has been ostracised and is now trying to find his place among his peers.
Nov 16, 2021 6:57 pm
I still like the idea I proposed then and think I'll stick with it.

For skill coverage (assuming people stick with their ideas), we probably have smarts from Squad, maybe Tech from Ben and maybe Strength from Drakis. I assume bullies are strong.
I'll probably go in the direction of Face then.

Just throwing thoughts out for now. Correct me if you want
I only have the swade book, not the setting one. Are there CC options in the setting book that might be interesting to us?
Nov 16, 2021 7:16 pm
I'm definitely looking forward to this game, thanks for the invite!

I also agree with Bowl, those stats fit our ideas.

I'm also fine with this game going public.
Nov 16, 2021 7:26 pm
Are there CC options in the setting book that might be interesting to us?
oh yes - here is the ful list of Archetypes. The idea is to discuss what you are all inclined to play, then find the closest archetype together. I will share the details of the archetypes that interest us the most.

EDIT: there is also Wilderness Scout - for some reason it is not indexed in the pdf.

(I crossed out Psychokinetic as the adventure I have in mind is best for kids without powers)

All characters in MHC start with the new Kid (Major) hindrance
[ +- ] Kid (Major) Hindrance
For your concept, bowl, I think the New Kid is a good fit:
[ +- ] New Kid Archetype
But I will of course show you any other archetypes that might catch your eye.
Nov 16, 2021 7:27 pm
I'm excited for this game.

As for my character, I'm good with filling in whatever needs covered. I don't want it to sound like those are the only roles I'm willing to play, though if everyone goes with their original ideas, it looks like we will have muscle, the leader/ face, a survival/ skills, and me playing the smart one. So if anyone else decides what they want for sure, let me know so I can help fill in whatever we are missing.
Nov 16, 2021 7:29 pm
welcome folks, looking forward to exploring 1980s Gulf Haven with you all.

Take a look at the list of Archetypes I posted to see what catches your eye
Nov 16, 2021 7:40 pm
from your preliminary ideas the fitting archetypes might be:

bowlofspinach - New Kid
Squadfather - Wilderness Scout
GMBen - Gadgeteer or Geek, second option is closer to Delinquent
Drakis 2 - Delinquent

I can show you these for now, but also look at the ful list above for options.
Nov 16, 2021 7:44 pm
[ +- ] Wilderness Scout Archetype
Nov 16, 2021 7:53 pm
If gadgeteer fits into the theme of the game, I'm good with that.

Is the tone of the game more Goonies or It or something completely different. I don't want to make something that really throws off the tone you are working towards.
Nov 16, 2021 7:59 pm
New Kid looks pretty fun, especially the city kid one. Daydreamer also sounds potentially fitting. I'd be interested in seeing that as well.

And what's a Shrimp in this context?
I've never played a Savage Worlds game with "classes" like this. It's pretty interesting. I like the idea of that and the way it's set up is pretty cool
Nov 16, 2021 8:31 pm
The Wilderness Scout is perfect! Is there a way to work in his love for anything monster related? I see him as identical to the kids from Monster Squad.
Nov 16, 2021 8:37 pm
[ +- ] Gadgeteer Archetype
Nov 16, 2021 8:39 pm
[ +- ] Geek Archetype
Nov 16, 2021 8:43 pm
[ +- ] Delinquent Archetype
Nov 16, 2021 8:48 pm
[ +- ] Daydreamer Archetype
Nov 16, 2021 8:51 pm
Nah, Daydreamer doesn't fit after all. Thanks.

I think I'll stick with New Kid
Nov 16, 2021 8:51 pm
Hello Everyone. Apologies, a bit late in posting. Very happy to be taking part in this!

Delinquent is perfect for what I was thinking (more like Chris Chambers, from the film Stand By Me, than a true bully). The Delinquent should fill the "muscles" slot in the group I think. I will start putting together a character and submit him/her for review.
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