Nov 14, 2021 8:15 pm
If you have the GP browser extension installed then please turn it off. You might want to uninstall it as it'll be redundant unless you use DnDBeyond as I think the functionality is now included in the site.
[ +- ] Text search
Text searching is available from the forum root and from your games.
If you search from the forum root then it searches everything.
If you search from a game then it searches only that game.
[ +- ] Thread menu shows game threads
A Threads menu has been added to the red game bar in the thread view. This is to help you quickly change game threads.
[ +- ] Backfill
Backfill a thread in place. This is useful if you're looking at post 20n+1 and haven't memorised the previous page.
[ +- ] Toggle dark mode
Alt+Shift+N to toggle dark mode or it's on the avatar menu.
[ +- ] Create custom character from template
When creating new custom characters, the system offers templates from the community repository.
[ +- ] Image upload and paste
You can now upload and paste images into character sheets and public threads.
[ +- ] Avatars are now shown on character sheets
Like the extension.
[ +- ] Post and preview buttons moved
It was felt this arrangement made more sense.
[ +- ] Integrated character sheets show character name and a link
It's annoying when the character name doesn't match the sheet name - and sometimes you want to see all the sheet.
[ +- ] Post previews now show the avatar
It's nice to get a proper preview, but it's also helpful to make sense of the npc tag.
For GMs
[ +- ] Easier Advanced Rules Definitions editing
Advanced Rules Definitions are powerful, but are tricky to edit.
The new editor offers a UI for selecting GM sheets, dice rules, backgrounds, and other options.
[ +- ] Click to sort dice, and character sheet integrations on by default
NPCs shown by default might shock GMs when they see character sheets for ALL their NPCs appear by default in the rolls section!
At least it's easily turned off in the new Advanced Rules Definitions editor.
Other changes
Preview post hotkey (Alt+Shift+P)
Ctrl+K hotkey in the editor to add links
GMs can post as PCs from the quick reply as well as the advanced page
snippets, npcs and abilties now work on character sheets for 7th sea, CoC 7e, Numenera, ToR
Guidelines link shown on thread and post pages
A little more padding on characer sheets with background images
Fix for npc rendering
New/Edit game is now mobile-friendly
Fix for double escaping of < in code blocks
Last edited November 16, 2021 5:15 pm