💬 Out of character and chat

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Jan 27, 2023 9:12 am
Over the last six months, I think it's fair to say that there's been a change in people's... availability? engagement? enthusiasm? attention? Whatever we call it, that's understandable, as over the space of a year, lives and lifestyles change. 'Stalled' is the natural state of a PbP game.

We're about halfway through this game, and a chart of the posting rate would look like a glider slowly drifting down to zero. It's reasonable to say that this game won't be completed.

I think we'd be better off calling this game closed and parting as friends who embarked on an adventure together, but the foes of real-life commitments were too powerful for us to overcome.

I've enjoyed meeting your characters and exploring some of the Ten Towns with you. I like to think there's a special afterlife for PCs from abandoned games, an afterlife where they get to share their stories and fulfil their 'might have beens'.
Jan 27, 2023 1:23 pm
[ +- ] Mood Music
Bummer. I just want to say how awesome it was to get to journey with everyone on this adventure. I know I wasn’t in it from the beginning, but loved every second I was part of. You all are such talented writers, and I love each of your characters. A few of my favorite memories.

@aquafina The interaction with Zin about the term "Orcwit"

@Dsquid The smooching ancient prophetess

@cowleyc The agressive response to Psychic Whispers

@CherokeeWind The romance and the beautiful interactions from that arc.

@Adam The kobolds. So funny and such colorful NPCs. Also, holy cow, the solo Zin adventures that no one else knew about! So cool to find a character just between us.

I really loved playing Zin and if I ever created a character I could see writing a book about he would probably be the one.
Jan 27, 2023 1:54 pm
To be completely honest, I'm almost a little relieved. The game did definitely slow to a complete stop, and it felt like a decision needed to be made. That being said, I absolutely loved this game! I don't think I've ever roleplayed quite so much, or understood so thoroughly a character. And everyone seemed to be on the same page. I'm happy I got to see the rise and fall of Anders.

Adam, thank you so much for running this! I can't imagine how much time you had spend putting it all together. I enjoyed the whimsy that you included in such a bleak landscape, and will be going back and taking notes on areas to improve my own DM style.
Jan 27, 2023 5:28 pm
Damn, I'm sad to see this game end, but I am so glad to have been a part of it. I thoroughly enjoyed playing this game with all of you, wish you all the best, and hope to see you in future games!

\Bells and the Charms has been one of, if not my most, favorite adventuring party I've played in. I felt like we had a great dynamic between everyone's well-rounded and well-fleshed-out characters. Thank you everyone for being in this game, and thank you Adam for running it, it was a blast!
Jan 27, 2023 5:33 pm
When people ask about those games that stick with you then this one will be one that comes to mind. Every aspect was fulfilling but mostly the interaction between truly interesting characters. Bells' bells are now silenced but if you hear a jingle then know you and your characters live fondly in my memory.

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